19 September 2021

Don’t Ask Me for Australia Anymore

During my prayers, I placed a petition to our Lord Jesus and Holy Mother Mary, asking for Australia to be healed of the Coronavirus and for the restrictions to be lifted, especially on our churches.

Our Lord Jesus then came and said to me, “I come to tell you how disappointed I Am in Australia. Why do you always ask Me and beg Me to protect Australia and heal the people from the Coronavirus?”

“I will tell you how I despise Australia!”

Our Lord Jesus was really, really sad and angry.

He said, “I will tell you why. They turn their back on Me. You see how sad I Am, to the point that I can no longer look. It is so sinful a country, and nobody defends My Church nor stands for the Truth. I Am disappointed in my Bishops and My Priests. They all obey the evil law, and they keep silent.”

He said, “Valentina, My child, don’t ask Me for Australia anymore!”

Then our Lord closed His Eyes, and I could see His sadness and sense the anger in Him. Holy Lord Jesus put His Head down, and I could feel so much pain and agony in Him. I felt immensely sad and embarrassed standing in front of Him, and I had a deep pain in my heart for the Lord. I felt a very big pain.”

Later on, Blessed Mother came to me and said, “Did you see my Son, how sad He is, so sad to the point that He can no longer look at this sinful Australia?”

Blessed Mother talks about Australia because I pray for Australia, but I know this is for other countries as well. Lord Jesus is sad for all the countries that have turned away from Him.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

16 September 2021

Through prayer I can stop and change the Plans of the Evildoers

This morning when I prayed, as I do every morning, I consecrated my family and all the people to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary and to all the angels and saints in Heaven to protect us.

Blessed Mother taught me, that during these times when evil is strong, each day we must consecrate and ourselves, our families and friends, to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is our protection.

While praying the consecration, the angel came and took me to Heaven to meet God the Father. God the Father was seated and wearing a long white robe. He greeted me, saying, “Greetings, My daughter! I have been longing to converse with you. I also want to tell you that many evil people are planning a lot of evil on earth. They are planning horrible things on earth.”

God the Father continued, “Also, I want to tell you that the Government of Australia is controlling you. The Government is trying to scare you with the Coronavirus, but I tell you that will pass. What I want to tell you that is more important right now is that China is planning many evil things for Australia and the United States. Australia is very much on their mind. They want to invade many countries, but Australia is on their mind because it has many resources and minerals.”

“But that is only if I permit it to happen. If they were to come, they would inflict harm and take charge of the Australian people. You would be controlled severely.”

I asked, “Father, which is worse? Being controlled under the Australian Government now, or under the Chinese?”

God the Father smiled and politely answered, “My daughter, to tell you the truth, none of the governments that rule now in the world are good. They are all corrupt, and they are under the influence of an evil society which tells them what to do. See, My daughter, I place governments in every country to do good for their people and to help them and to stand for the Truth. Instead, they turn away from Me, the Creator and disobey My Commandments. They obey the evil, and they want to be powerful because they have much ego and pride.”

“Another thing I want to tell you is about the leader of North Korea. It is constantly playing on his mind to push the button of his rocket. My children, there are many threats to you, and I tell you, the evil never sleeps; it constantly plans to destroy. These are My warnings to you and to tell you to pray because through prayer, I can stop and change the plans of the evildoers.”

“Be courageous. I let you know, My children, I tell you and remind you to pray very much. It depends very much all on your prayers to stop all this evil.”

“I, your Father love you all very much.”

14 September 2021

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy came and said, “Tell my children to be courageous in this time that you live. I see my poor children are agitated, nervous and unsettled in their daily lives, full of fear because you are all now so strongly controlled by many evils, and you also lose hope to live. The governments are constantly threatening you because of the Coronavirus.”

Tell my children that I, your Mother wants you to be in peace. Don’t worry about the Coronavirus so much. The way it came, that is the way it will disappear, and it will be in the past. Nothing lasts forever. Remember that,” she said.

“The most important thing now is for you to pray. I am among you, and I never leave you. The most important thing is to find Jesus in your life and return to Him, for He is the Saviour. He is the Way, and the Truth and the Life.”

“I also want to tell you, many events will come, and you will all experience them, but they will pass quickly, however God remains forever. For this, I ask you, and to remind you to remain faithful to my Son Jesus and me.”

“We love you so much.”

In a vision, I saw the Holy Cross. Blessed Mother said, “Make an Altar and arrange it with flowers for my Son. He suffers so much for being so rejected by humanity. Tell everyone to repent of their sins. If you arrange all that I showed you, you will console my Son greatly.  Tell Him that you love Him.”

I said, “Thank you, my Mother Mary Most Holy.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

Set against a wall I could a little square table. I placed a white tablecloth on the table. Lying on the side was a wooden Cross about half a metre in length. Blessed Mother instructed me to place the Holy Cross on the table. I did so, leaning it against the wall. I then placed some beautiful greenery and flowers all around the Cross. Blessed Mother was standing there watching me as I put fresh flowers of different colours, white, purple and blue and lots of fresh greenery around the Holy Cross.

Thank you, Blessed Mother for giving us hope and leading us to your Son Lord Jesus.

9 September 2021

I Am Omnipotent and Almighty God, and I can Change Things

This morning when I prayed, I consecrated myself, my family and all the people to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary.

Our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “I come to tell you and to give you hope and to remind you not to fear the constant threats from the government and all the false things they try to put into people’s heads to make them believe.”

“I tell you, you are now very much controlled and threatened by the government, and they try to force people to obey the ‘law’. Oh, how I wait for My people to see and to understand how society forces you to believe and tells you, that you are not safe unless you take the injection.”

“I tell you they are all lying to you,” said the Lord.

“This is just an excuse so that they can know everything about you. You are not free anymore but controlled by evil people; how I beg you to change and to repent to come to Me, to the safe Refuge.”

“I also remind you, fear not, I Am always protecting you.”

“You must remember that I Am Omnipotent and Almighty God, and I can change things. Have faith in Me, pray and trust Me.”


8 September 2021

The Little Boy that Went Missing

A few days ago, it was reported in the news that a little three-year-old boy went missing from his home in bushland in outer Sydney. When I heard the little boy was lost, I offered my prayers for him and his family.

I asked Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, “Please Blessed Mother protect the child, and I consecrate him to your Immaculate Heart.”

Three days after he went missing, the boy was found, with only a few scratches. Many people were praying for this little boy.

This morning, after my prayers, Blessed Mother Mary came smiling and said, “The little boy is fine. My angels took good care of him and protected him. They talked to him and played with him. At night they put him in a safe place under a rock away from the cold weather, and they blessed him so he could have a peaceful sleep. The angels stayed with him and guarded him. They then lead him to a pond to have a drink of water and to a visible spot so that people could find him.”

Blessed Mother said, “Thank you to all the people who prayed for him. Now the family is more united in prayer.”

I said, “Thank you, my beautiful Mother, for the little boy you protected.”

She said, “He is a very special miracle child. If he could talk, he would tell of his beautiful experiences with the angels.”

I said, “Thank you, Blessed Mother and holy angels, for protecting the little boy.”

2 September 2021

Luminous Cross in the Sky

While saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “I know you fear what is coming, what is happening now in the world, and you have been fretting a lot about this coronavirus and the injections. The government has put a lot of fear in the people.”

He continued, “Have faith, do not fear and continue to pray because our Lord has a plan. He made the plans all Himself. He will not allow the evil to win. Our Lord has many things in store for the world that He has prepared for the world to experience.”

“For instance, there will be signs given to the world that God does exist. One sign will be a luminous Cross that will shine high up in the sky, where everyone will be able to see it. The Cross will be of golden luminosity, and it will be so high that the evil will not be able to wipe it away. It will be so visible, all the evil will try to wipe it away, but they will not be able to. It will be there standing, shining, and the evil will fear it. The evil will shrink underneath this Cross.”

“Do not be afraid; keep trusting in our Lord. Our Lord will not abandon anybody,” he said.

30 August 2021

Blessed Mother repairs ruined houses

While I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared and said, “How I beg my children on earth to repent and to change their lives, to repent of their sins.”

Blessed Mother was showing me a house that needed to be fixed and repaired.

“It took me twenty years to repair this house,” she said.

“For some of my children listened and changed and came back to God. Others are still in ruin and living in danger. They are blind and deaf to my call. And then my children ask ‘why is this all upon us, this Coronavirus that doesn’t move away?’. God permits for this to happen because you, my children do not listen.”

29 August 2021

Self-Service Holy Communion

When I prayed this morning, around five o’clock, I started with the I believe in praying the rosary when suddenly the angel appeared and said, “Our Lord Jesus sent me to take you with me.”

The angel and I walked when suddenly we found ourselves in what looked like a little village. We continued walking until we came upon a little church.

The angel said, “Let’s enter the church.”

I said, “Oh, this is so nice. I am so happy since I can now go to church, to Holy Mass.”

We stepped inside, and I saw some people including some young children; they were all standing in a queue to receive Holy Communion.

I said, “At least I am going to receive Holy Communion.”

I kneeled and made an Act of Contrition. I noticed the queue moved very quickly, and when my turn came, the priest said, “I cannot give you the Holy Eucharist; you have to take it yourself from the paten.”

The paten was on the Altar, on the side, while the priest stood a fair distance away.

I said, “Oh no! I don’t want to touch It. You give me Holy Communion.”

Then the priest said, “Well, if you can’t take It, then you won’t have It. I cannot touch the Host and serve you. From now on, it will only be self-service. We don’t touch people because of the Coronavirus. They can transmit the virus to us.”

Saddened and shocked by his response, I asked the priest, “Don’t you trust in our Lord Jesus Christ to protect you?”

He just smiled falsely and did not reply.

Then the angel said, “Come, we will go to another church.”

I was happy, hoping that in the next church, it will be normal. In this other church, there were two priests, one on either side of the Altar.

Again, I kneeled, hoping to receive Holy Communion in the usual manner and to receive It on the tongue. Instead, it was the same; the priests said to the people, “We don’t want to give Holy Communion because even the hands are full of germs. Each person has to take their own Holy Communion.”

Still kneeling, I thought to myself, ‘I have had enough!’ I was so upset, so I stood up with the angel and went really close to the priest and told him off.

I said, “How can you do this? Do you know how much you offend our Lord Jesus? Do you know our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother and the angels told me many times in Heaven never to touch the Holy Eucharist? You have no idea how sacred is the Holy Host.”

Both priests were listening to me and then said, “We live here on earth, and we have to do what they tell us to do.”

I was so upset by what I just saw and experienced. I then came home, and I started to offer all that I experienced to our Lord Jesus.

After a while, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I permit you to experience what will happen in the churches. I want you to write this message down so that people will know what is coming. After the Coronavirus, it will be stable and better. My priests will still fear touching people in the Holy Communion and decide to let people serve themselves. It is already in some churches in the world like that. I cannot tell you how much I Am sacrileged, and it will only get worse. They [the priests] are the ones who are ruining My churches because they have very little faith and trust in Me. Pray for all that I show you and console Me.”

Lord have mercy and help your people.



25 August 2021

Tell My faithful children to pray more than ever before

This morning when I prayed and glorified the Lord and offered all my prayers for the protection of people from the Coronavirus, I asked our Lord, “When will this get better, Lord? You promised that it would soon happen through people’s prayers.”

Suddenly our Lord Jesus appeared smiling and said, “I know you are all sad and depressed, the way you are controlled, and there is no more freedom, but I come to bring happy news. In two months, I shall make all things beautiful again. All will be anew. Tell My faithful children to pray more than ever before. I need more prayers to come to Me to break this evil.”

Our Lord smiled and then departed.

This message is very promising but what our Lord really means is that it is Heavenly time and not our time. In my heart, I understood that could mean in two year’s time, and not in two month’s time. We have to continue to have faith in Him and to trust in Him and pray. He needs a lot of prayers. He comes to give us hope.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us hope.

22 August 2021

Queenship of Blessed Mother

Blessed Mother appeared as our Lady of Pontmain, France

After excruciating suffering all night for Holy Souls, I started to pray in the morning. Suddenly, the roof of my house disappeared, and a breathtaking vision appeared—a very beautiful vision of Blessed Mother Mary most Holy. Blessed Mother was dressed all in white, with a very pale blue mantle and white veil.

I stopped to watch Blessed Mother; she was very high up on the horizon. She was standing above the roof of a house. Then she was moving, quite frequently, from one part to another and pointing to the places to me that she was standing and walking over.

A moment later, I could see two white doves appear, one on either side of her. I said, “Oh, My Holy Mother, I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me. I wish I had a camera; I would take a photo of you. Oh, how beautiful you look.”

She was so alive, moving from one part to another.

Suddenly our Lord Jesus appeared very close to me and whispered in my right ear, “This is a vision of My Holy Mother. She is telling you and showing you when she appeared in Pontmain in France. At that time, she came to warn the people of trouble starting and the need to pray the Holy Rosary to her.”

She is the Mother of Hope,” said our Lord.

“Like you are now, you are all controlled and restricted by the Government. You are in trouble, all of you! Place all your hope in My Holy Mother’s hands, and she will help you and intercede for you. Pray to her and say, “Mother of Hope, help us!”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your Holy Mother.

I tell you nothing will ever help us in these serious times unless we turn to God and we pray. This is the only way, the only solution.

21 August 2021

More Prayer is needed before Holy Mother can cover Australia with her Mantle

Blessed Mother said, “Tell my children, do not be upset. Be courageous. I want to cover the whole of Australia and especially the state of New South Wales with my Holy Mantle, to protect you from all this evil; the diseases and the evil that is threatening you.”

With urgency, she said, “But I need much more prayer to come to Heaven.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your holy protection.

20 August 2021

They Tell You Lies

Today my grandson came out of his room, looking really worried. He was listening to the latest news from our Premier and said, “Gladys said not to go out of the house. She said to stay home!”

At that moment, my sister called me, also just as worried and said the same thing, “You have to stay home! Stay indoors!”

Instantly our Lord said to me, “Not today. We are going out today!” Our Lord laughed when He said this. Immediately I felt at peace.

He said, “There is no Coronavirus in M. There is no virus around you. They keep counting the same numbers. They keep going over and over the same people to instill fear in people. Now you can see how many lies they tell you.”

16 August 2021

Honouring the Holy Trinity in the Sign of the Cross

Lately, our Lord has been giving me so much suffering. I did not sleep all night, until about six o’clock in the morning when the pain subsided. There were many, many suffering souls in my room.

This morning our Lord said to me, “Remember when Father Valerian was still alive, and one year you went with him to the Chrism Mass, and he told you to pick up the Chrism Oil.”

I said, “Lord, You know everything. That was a long time ago.”

He said, “Well, I will tell you something. When you received the Chrism Oil, a lady came to you and asked you to bless her with the Anointing of the Sick Oil. You opened up the oil, and you dipped your thumb in it and put a little Sign of the Cross on her forehead, and you asked Me to heal her. All of a sudden, all these other people also wanted a blessing, and you kept giving them the blessing.”

I remember when this happened in the 1990s, and at that time, another lady came up to me and said, “Valentina, you can’t do that! You’re not supposed to do that. They are Chrism Oils. They have to go to the Church.”

Anyway, I think I blessed about thirty people and then stopped after this lady told me that I was not supposed to do this. Afterwards, I felt a little afraid and guilty.

Father Valerian gave me a lift home because I came with him. I said to him in the car, “Father Valerian, I have to tell you and confess to you; all of a sudden, this lady came to me and said she was not feeling well and asked if I could bless her with the holy oil. I did so, but maybe I shouldn’t have done that. All of a sudden other people wanted a blessing as well. More and more people came, I think at least thirty.”

Smiling, Father Valerian said, “You did the right thing.”

This morning our Lord reminded me of this event with the Chrism Oil. I stood in front of Him. He was seated and held a little bottle of oil and said, “Dip your thumb in this oil, and place the Sign of the Cross on My Forehead.”

I said, “Lord, on You! You are supposed to bless me, not I bless you.” I really hesitated to put the Sign of the Cross on our Lord.

He said, “Yes, but this is a teaching about something you don’t know yet, about why you have to bless Me.”

I then proceeded to place the Sign of the Cross with my thumb on our Lord’s Forehead. As I did so, I said, “In the Name of the Father.”

Our Lord then interrupted me and said, “Now, bow down, right down, then rise up.”

I did as our Lord instructed, and then I continued and placed another Sign of the Cross on our Lord’s Forehead while saying, “And of the Son.”

Again, our Lord interrupted me and said, “Bow down again, right down and rise up.” I again went right down, genuflecting and bowing my head.

I then blessed our Lord a third time with the Sign of the Cross while saying, “And of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lord said, “Bow right down again.” I did so.

This is a teaching that I Am showing you. By allowing you to place the Sign of the Cross on Me, I Am teaching you how powerful it is when you do this, when a priest does this, or anyone can do this. Because, in this way, you give such a great honour to the Holy Trinity,” He said.

“And would you like to know some other good news?”

I listened intently to what our Lord was about to reveal to me.

He said, “Those people you blessed that time long ago and anointed them with the Holy Oil from the Chrism Mass, I healed them all. They all carried some kind of sickness in them, and I healed them all.”

So overjoyed with our Lord’s goodness, I said, “Oh, that is so beautiful, Lord.”

He said, “See how present I Am. This will teach you that when you go around to people and bless them in this way, you honour the Holy Trinity. There is such a power in this, and so much healing comes from this.”

Our Lord said, “Even when priests bless people, they just make a quick Sign of the Cross, rush, rush. They don’t know the meaning of how powerful is the Holy Cross.”

Thank You, Lord, for teaching us.


15 August 2021

The Assumption of our Lady

During the night, I suffered severe pain that I hardly slept. About six o’clock in the morning, after the pain started to ease, I fell asleep. Not long after, the angel appeared. He came with a big bunch of white flowers. As spring is coming, the bunch looked like cut branches with beautiful white blossom flowers on each branch.

The angel said, “Jesus sent them to you to thank you for offering your suffering you had all night.”

I said, “Oh, thank you very much, but I am supposed to give flowers to Him, not Him give to me.”

“No, He really appreciated that you accepted the suffering,” the angel said.

Many souls went to Heaven today because it is the Feast of Assumption of our Lady.

The pain I suffered was like a dog tearing your flesh off the bone. The pain is constant, and you don’t know what to do with it, tossing and turning. I get up and put holy water on it, but nothing helps. All night long till six o’clock in the morning, and then after that, I fell asleep a little bit. It is horrible, especially since I cannot go to Church for Holy Mass and offer all the souls to our Lord.

Since I cannot go to church, what I do now, I say, “Lord, wherever there is a Holy Mass and Church, maybe in Australia or maybe overseas, may the holy angels guide all the Holy Souls there and place them under the Altar while the Mass is being celebrated.”

Lord have mercy on the Holy Souls.


12 August 2021

No Virus in Shopping Centre

I went shopping at my local shopping centre. I said my rosaries and prayed, “Lord, please protect me and bless all the people.”

While walking to a few of the stores, our Lord said to me, “Look, I guarantee you there is no Coronavirus in the shopping centre, none of them [the people] is a carrier. There is none in the whole suburb either. Be at peace. I Am with you. I will protect you.”

I bought a few items and went out quickly. I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and I was so happy I thanked the Lord. I said, “I thank You Lord for the beautiful day, and I know You look after people and all that, and I am so happy.”

When I came home and turned on the news, they said that the suburb I visited is a hotspot for the Coronavirus.

I thought to myself, ‘Wow, I know one hundred percent that they are lying.’

I said to our Lord, “Lord, did You hear that?”

We have to trust in our Lord.