7 November 2021

This Church is in Shambles

During the Holy Mass today, I had a vision of our Lord Jesus and two Saints. Saint Pope John Paul II was on His right side, and Saint Mary MacKillop was standing close by. Our Lord then spoke to me and said, “Pray for the Church. This Church is in a big shamble.”

“There are many in the world today they are like that, and they offend Me greatly, and they are disobedient to Me.”

Our Lord recommends very much to pray for this Church and others. He brought two important Saints to intercede for this Church. Lord Jesus was sitting on a chair with a brilliant light emanating from Him.

Saint Pope John Paul II was dressed as a Pope in beautiful gold-embroidered vestments, and Saint Mary MacKillop was dressed as a nun.

6 November 2021

There will be No More Petrol on Earth

This morning while I was praying, two angels came and took me to Purgatory. There I was given the task of washing a bundle of clothing, mainly blouses, but there were also some sheets. The washing I do in Purgatory helps the suffering souls.

When I finished the washing, one of the angels said to me, “Come with me; you have to witness something.”

I accompanied the two angels to a building. We entered, and inside there were more angels. I could see they were very busy writing up notes on a paper board, and I understood the written notes were being dictated to them by our Lord. Once they finished writing, they departed.

The angels and I were standing there, and I thought to myself, ‘I wonder what they are writing.’

The angel next to me said, “They are writing a very important message.”

The two angels writing on the board returned a second time to write the same message again. The angel next to me explained, “That confirms the message being written.”

“What is the message about?” I asked.

The angel answered, “Soon, on earth, there will be no more petrol.”

“What! How could that happen? People live long distances; they need cars to travel.” I said.

The angel repeated, “There will be no more petrol on earth, so people will not be able to travel by car.”

“But when will this happen?” I asked.

The angel replied, “It is coming, not right away, but it is coming.”

The angels did not explain to me how this would come about.

The two angels and I then left this place and entered a garden. As we went through this garden, I could see another angel seated there. I had a little piece of rolled-up paper in my hand, which I light-heartedly threw at this angel. He jumped up as I did so. I knew this angel from before. He was very tall and beautiful.

I said to this angel, “Did you hear what is going to happen on earth? They wrote down that there will be no more petrol on earth.”

He answered, “Well, what can I tell you? Tell people on earth to pray and to go to church. That is the only solution for everything. Tell people to return to church.”

The angel then walked away. The angel spoke in a serious tone.

I then conversed with the two angels I came with, and they confirmed, “Yes, yes, it is severe. This will envelop the whole earth. Go to church and pray and spread the Holy Word of our Lord.”



5 November 2021

Holy Souls Need our Prayers and Offerings

Today is the second week that we gathered for the weekly Cenacle Rosary in St Patrick’s Cathedral after three months of lockdown. During the Holy Rosary, people were mentioning their prayer petitions when suddenly Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy appeared.

She said, “How happy and pleased we are, Me and my Son, Jesus, that you gather together in a group once again. Today my dear children, I would like to ask you, if you will permit, to offer the Cenacle Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, since it is the month of November, so many souls would like to go to Heaven.”

“One day, you will be rewarded in Heaven with so much gratitude the souls have for those who contributed and helped them.”

“Thank you, my dear children, for helping the needy souls. Please always remember the Holy Souls in your prayers.”

Thank you, my Mother, Mary Most Holy.

2 November 2021

All Souls’ Day

This morning when I was praying my morning prayers, Blessed Mother came, and she was smiling.

She said, “Write down the good news; how many souls went to Heaven today, and they joined all the Saints, and together they praise and thank God for His mercy and His goodness.”

“After all the suffering they endured for a long time, and now having been cleansed and purified of all their sins, which they committed during their life on earth, today came their liberation.”

“They are the most happy to have entered their Heavenly home. However, not all of them went to Heaven today; those who remained behind are not yet ready to go to Heaven. Many have to stay longer in a place to be purified.”

Blessed Mother was then looking at me, and she said, “My daughter Valentina, at times it seems very difficult and hard for you when my Son permits you to endure very severe pain, but if you only knew and could see how many souls benefit from your suffering you would be more than happy.”

“My Son gives you strength every day,” she said.

I said, “My Mother, I couldn’t do it without our Lord Jesus.”

She said, “That is why you must trust Him always.”

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy was very joyful and smiling for so many souls entered Heaven on the 1st and 2nd of November.

Thank You and praise You, Lord Jesus, for Your mercy and goodness.

1 November 2021

Solemnity of All Saints

Today I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. We all needed to wear a face mask when inside the church, and I found it most uncomfortable wearing the mask.

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared surrounded by a multitude of Saints. He looked so beautiful, in a satiny white garment, all aglow and with beams of the most brilliant light radiating from Him. The Saints surrounding Him were all in white garments, and they were praising and glorifying our Lord. Such a beautiful vision.

Suddenly our Lord became quite annoyed and even angry. He pointed to the mask on my face and, in a firm tone, said to me, “Take off that ugly thing from your face.”

I quickly obeyed our Lord and took off the mask, and threw it into my bag. The Saints were watching us present in the church, and they could see how in the Holy Presence of our Lord we were obeying the law of the world and not God’s Law.

Lord Jesus said, “Today all the Holy Saints are present with Me, and they feel very embarrassed for Me, seeing all the people in the church wearing the masks.”

“How are you all going to join the Saints in Heaven one day if you continue to do all the wrong things here on earth?”

“I tell you, there is no Coronavirus here in this church. How little trust My priests and bishops have in Me.”

Our Lord was very serious when telling me this message.

I said, “Lord, we have no say in this. They tell us that we must wear the mask.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. Holy Saints in Heaven pray for us.

31 October 2021

We should think of our Lord’s Nativity

This morning while I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms. He looked to be about one and a half years old and ever so beautiful. Blessed Mother gently placed Him close to me.

Baby Jesus looked at me and said, “Yesterday, you forgot to mention My Nativity to the people there.”

You should think of My Nativity as it is very close. People should prepare now, and they should praise Me and sing to Me!”

Yesterday we were invited to a friend’s home for a prayer gathering, where a small group of people came together to pray and listen to the Messages I receive from Heaven. I had every intention to mention our Lord’s Nativity, but as we were all conversing, it slipped my mind.

I felt deeply sad for not mentioning His holy Nativity. I said, “Oh, I am so sorry, my little Baby.”

Suddenly, to my pleasant surprise, our Lord began to sing with such a beautiful and exquisite voice.

As He was singing, He was looking up; His gaze turned towards Heaven.

Baby Jesus sang the most beautiful Christmas melody, “Glory, Glory to the newborn King….”

He said, “I sing to Myself to let you know and remind you that My Nativity is near at hand. Remember, it is the most important of all.”

I was adoring our little Lord Jesus singing when suddenly, to the left of our Lord, a wicked woman appeared. She had a hideous face and was all in black. Blessed Mother quickly lifted Baby Jesus into her arms to protect Him. The wicked woman then angrily muttered something.

I quickly made the + Sign of the Cross and made an Act of Reparation.

The evil woman disappeared.

Blessed Mother said, “Me and My Son have come to warn you and to protect you. You have no idea how many witches are hovering around now.”

Looking at me with sadness, she said, “See, how many abuses I receive. There are so many evil spirits everywhere on the horizon in the world,”

I felt so sad for Her. We should make reparation to her Immaculate Heart for all the pain and suffering she endures.

To console her, I said, “Blessed Mother, but you know how much you are loved by your children on earth.”

Later on, after I made an Act of Reparation, Blessed Mother once again appeared in my bedroom; this time, she was happy. She came to thank me for making reparation to her Immaculate Heart.

Thank You, Baby Jesus and Blessed Mother, for your protection.

30 October 2021

Offer Up Prayers and Suffering for the Holy Souls

During the prayer gathering at a friend’s home, our Lord Jesus said, “Now that November is here and you are coming closer to Christmas, you should prepare for Christmas, as you know many of My children want to go to Heaven.”

Our Lord was reminding me that the time from November and leading up to Christmas is another time of suffering that I must endure for the Holy Souls, as they are so eager to get to Heaven. Many souls go to Heaven not only during the month of November but also for Christmas.

During the night I had a lot of suffering for the Holy Souls and slept very little. I said, “Lord, my eyes are a little sore as I didn’t sleep very much. With my leg in so much pain, I could not have the strength to be here today to talk to these people and be among them; it is only the power which comes from You which helps me and gives me strength.”

Our Lord is asking us to offer our prayers and suffering for the Holy Souls during this time.

Lord have mercy on the Holy Souls.

30 October 2021

Our Lord’s Response to Those Wanting to Leave Australia

Recently, there have been stories about people wanting to leave Australia because of the government’s stricter control over the people, the loss of freedom, and the fear that it may worsen.

Our Lord responded to this and said, “You cannot run away from problems. From now on, each country in the world will experience problems because they are trying to bring in a One World Government. The Governments of each country will persecute their people, and they will tell them what to do, whether they want to do it or not.”

“Remain very close to Me and My beloved Mother, and offer Me everything and stand fast in your faith,” said our Lord.

30 October 2021

I Am Planning a Big Surprise Soon

Our Lord has been giving me a lot of suffering lately, especially as we are getting closer to All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

At about five o’clock this morning, Lord Jesus came. He explained why He gave me so much suffering. He said, “In November, a lot of souls would like to go to Heaven, to their Heavenly Home. I Am sorry to allow you to have such pain and suffering, but it is the only way that I can redeem them. Don’t despair with all that is going on in the world. Trust Me.”

Our Lord was beside me and smiling when He said, “I know how much you like surprises!”

He was trying to cheer me up. He said, “I Am planning a big surprise. I cannot tell you when it will happen, but I Am working on it, and you are going to say, ‘Lord, You are full of surprises!’ So, be at peace and be happy because it is something beautiful, and you will love it, and it will happen very soon.”

Our Lord loves it when I say to Him, ‘Lord, You are full of surprises!’

No matter what happens around us and how upsetting it can be, we should always have trust in our Lord. He knows all that we are going through, but He is also full of surprises.

We thank You, and we praise You, Lord Jesus.

29 October 2021

My Churches are Climbing a Bleeding Calvary

Cenacle Prayer Group – St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Today after Holy Mass, during the prayers of the Cenacle Prayer Group, our Lord Jesus spoke and said, “Valentina, My child, thank Me that you are in My Holy Presence again. I want to tell you right now My Churches are climbing a bleeding Calvary, where I carry My heavy Cross. They are crucifying My Churches the same way I was crucified. Sadly, I want to tell you that there will be more closure of the Churches because they will find any excuse.”

“The devil hates My Churches! Pray for this Church and all the Churches of the world. My people, you are all controlled by evil, and you are no longer free.”

“Nothing is certain in the world anymore, only God, Whom you should trust. My Anger is so great that it shows in the fury of the weather, severe storms and hurricanes. They never happened before in many countries in the world like they do now, and they will continue to unfold, and many people will say, ‘God is angry with us. We have to change and repent of evil deeds and sin.’ They have to ask Me to be merciful to all. How can people be so blind and so deaf? Tell them to change and repent and not to wait the last minute.”

This is our Lord Jesus speaking. Lord Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world.

24 October 2021

My Churches Should Never Have Been Closed

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, at the Elevation, our Lord appeared and said, “Now the churches are open, they should never have been closed. I want My Churches to be open. But, because My Priests and Bishops were very afraid of the government and their policies, they obeyed them. They are disobedient to Me, but they obey the law of the devil.”

“Pray that you will not come to the time where you will be locked down again because you never know what they are planning. The churches are the ones they cannot stand. The first to be attacked by the devil is the Church.”

“My Churches should always be open. Pray that the Churches will remain open, and be open more and more to the people, that more people will come and worship Me.”

“Today, I Am still sacrileged in the Eucharist because people did not attend the Sacrament of Confession for a long time. I hope people will realise this and repent of their sins when they come to receive Me.”

“Pray for My Priests, pray for My Bishops so that they will have the courage to stand up for the Truth.”

23 October 2021

Humanity Abuses God’s Grace and Mercy

When I was saying my prayers in the morning, the Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus; He was about five to six months old. She turned Him towards me and said, “I come to bring my Son, as a little Baby, to come and visit you because I know how much you love Him as a little Baby. But today, I brought Him so that you can console Him.”

Baby Jesus was weeping profusely. Tears were running down His little Cheeks and his Eyes watering. He was sobbing so much.

Blessed Mother said, “That is why He likes to come to you as a little Baby so that you can console Him. When a baby cries, they cry for some reason, and that is how my Son cries in Heaven for humanity, for so many do not obey Him, and they are lost when they die.”

Blessed Mother held Baby Jesus, and as I was looking at Him, I said consolingly, “What is the matter, my beautiful Baby? What happened to You?” I kissed Him on both His Cheeks to make Him feel better.

Blessed Mother said, “Console My Son, for He is so gravely offended. Humanity abuses the Grace that He gives them in the world. They totally reject Him now. Most people in the world do not want God anymore. Lately, they abuse His Grace and His Mercy, and He does not know what to do anymore. Even the Churches are against Him.”

“See His Sacred Heart; It is full of Thorns.”

Blessed Mother showed me our Lord’s Heart full of thorns. I could see the thorns constantly pressing deeply on our Lord’s Sacred Heart, causing Him indescribable pain.

“So sinful is the world,” she said.

“So deep are they in the abyss of sin and sinking deeper and deeper. If humanity does not change, I have to let go of my Son to judge the world. Constantly I am begging. Oh, how much I beg and ask humanity to change and not offend God. He is so gravely offended. Humanity does not change. Their hearts are harder than a rock.”

Baby Jesus was inconsolable; He just kept crying and crying.

She said, “Ever since the churches have been closed, many people now that the churches have reopened have not returned to church the way they used to; they would rather stay home. But it is not the same, watching Holy Mass on the internet. You have to come into the Presence of the Lord.”

“He is abused in everything. Humanity abuses Him horribly, and the world goes on without God. The world is godless, and the children are growing up godless too. It is only a minority of people that teach their children about God.”

17 October 2021

The Importance of The Holy Nativity

This morning while praying the Angelus, our Lord suddenly appeared. He said, “I come to remind you that from now on, I want you to meditate on My Nativity, and how I came down to earth to be with My people and to save you all, to bring you hope and faith. I left Heaven to come to you.”

“It is a joyous time of the year, the time of My Nativity. You know, people in the world make all kinds of images of my Nativity on cards.”

Then our Lord showed me some cards made of beautiful brownish paper. On one of the cards, there was an image of the Nativity, but next to it was a ladder. Below this card, I could see other images covered with a layer of beautiful transparent brown paper.”

Our Lord Jesus said, “I Am not happy with how people design all different kinds of images of My Nativity on cards. You see how they deny My Nativity and how they change things in the world. It is not good for the little children, as they do not learn about My Life and My Nativity.”

Showing me the cards, He said, “Look! In some of them, right next to My cradle is a ladder. Whose idea was that? I never had a ladder next to Me when I was born, and what has that got to do with My Nativity. They put all kinds of animals and things which have nothing to do with My Nativity.”

“The Nativity should include My cradle with Me lying in it, with My Mother kneeling and St Joseph next to her. I Am so offended.”

Then our Lord said, “I want you to remind people that I Am very much sacrileged with the Nativity images and in the church. People are trying to change things to a more modern way, that they sacrilege Me terribly. All this modernism causes many problems, and atheists try to change things that they don’t understand.”

Lord have mercy on the people, and may they understand the true meaning of the Holy Nativity, that it is the most joyful time, the birth of our Lord Jesus. Our Lord has come to remind us that now we should prepare for Christmas.

17 October 2021

Attending Holy Mass

Today I had a lot of experiences with the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and I had a lot of suffering that our Lord permitted. But I also had a beautiful vision, twice this morning.

Suddenly, our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “Today, you are going to be very happy. Today, I have arranged something very special for you.”

“You will go to Church and receive My Body and Blood, and you will receive the Sacrament of Confession. Go to Father and ask him to bless you because you too offended Me during the Coronavirus; you were angry whilst you were in lockdown.”

In receiving the Holy Eucharist, I knew I would receive something very powerful that would sustain me and give me the courage and strength to go on.

Our Lord said, “See, I keep telling you to trust Me because after the long narrow tunnel, finally you came out, and you are free. Today, you are in My Holy Presence. Don’t dwell on the past, and don’t dwell on the world.”

While I was in the church, our Lord said, “Now you are in My Sanctuary, you are in My Holy Presence, and that tells you that you belong to Me, and so do the rest of the people here. You all belong to Me, you don’t belong to the world, but you belong to your Heavenly Home. So, rejoice and be happy and thank Me for the grace you have received today.”

During the Consecration, and before the Elevation of the Body and Blood of our Lord, He said, “I want you to offer Me all the sick, all the depressed people, and all that they endured during this time of the Coronavirus, all the pressures people had placed upon them, all the dying and, all the ones who died unrepentant. Offer Me the Priests and Bishops, and pray for them so that they will have courage and they will stand for the Truth and defend My Church and My people, My Holy Remnant.”

“Be happy in My Holy Presence because this is the most important. All passes by very quickly, life is very short, but My Holy Presence lasts forever.”

“Thank Me for the special grace you received today.”

After the Holy Mass, I went before the Statue of Our Blessed Mother and thanked her for the grace I received to come to church. As I was about to walk away, Blessed Mother appeared to me as our Lady of Fatima, dressed all in white.

I said, “Blessed Mother, oh how beautiful you look.” Blessed Mother started talking to me and telling me things. From the statue, she came alive.

She said to me, “My daughter Valentina, tell my children they need to pray many Rosaries for the world to break through the evil. The world is in a terrible state right now, so sinful. In many countries, churches have been closed; they don’t want people in the churches. Also, in many countries, people are protesting and demonstrating, fighting for their rights and against being controlled, but they will not achieve anything unless they pray. Only through prayer can the chain of evil in the world be broken.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus.


11 October 2021

Tempted by the Devil

Today the Government ended the lockdown after quite a long time, and people were rejoicing and happy. Those fully vaccinated would, however, have more freedoms than the unvaccinated.

I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet when suddenly, the devil appeared. He was very tall, with beady eyes, dark clothing and wearing a dark, men’s hat. He said, “See, if you accept the injections, you can have the same freedom as other people have, and I promise you if you accept the injections, you can have anything you wish. I will give it to you.”

I said, “No thanks! In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, get behind me Satan, and get out of here!” I repeated this several times and sprinkled him with Holy Water.

I made the Sign of the Cross three times and sprayed Holy Water all around my room. The devil disappeared instantly.

I thought, ‘How cunning is he!’ He was teasing me and trying to be friendly towards me. This particular demon I have seen several times now, all during the lockdown, due to the virus. He would torment me. He paralysed me quite a few times, but I would call on our Lord and St Michael to send him away.

I called, “Lord Jesus, please come. Lord Jesus, please come.”

He never gives up, especially when I am writing the messages I receive from Heaven. The devil attacks me as he knows I will bring a lot of souls to our Lord.

He knows that he can’t get to me, but he keeps trying. Today the devil confessed that this is all his work, the vaccines and the ‘freedom’ from the Lockdown.