29 May 2020

America to Experience a Great Hurricane

It was about seven o’clock in the morning while I was praying, when the angel of the Lord came to me.

The angel said, “I am the angel of the Lord. He has sent me to give you a message. Soon in America, they will experience the biggest hurricane, bigger than has ever happened before. The Coronavirus did not change the American people very much. Our Lord Jesus is very, sad about the way they behave. They do not realise that through prayer, they could achieve a lot of good things and peace. They do not realise that only through prayer and turning to God, this would help the American people.”

“Tell the people of America to pray,” he said.

Lord, Jesus be merciful to America and let us hope and pray for the American people.

* * *

The angel remained present. Soon after, our Lord Jesus came as well, and explained the prophesy given to me by the angel.

Lord Jesus was smiling when He said, “You see, I send you an angel to bring you My message. Angels are My Messengers, and I send them to earth. They are coming to earth all the time. They come to you, My child, and they are with you all the time, and they guide you everywhere you go, and they protect you.”

Lord Jesus continued, “I wish that people would recognise and thank the angels for their protection, that I send them because now there are more of them on earth than ever before. Now they are coming to earth all the time to protect you all because you are now living in times where it is very dark in the world.”

He said, “Sin is number one, that makes all the darkness. The world is corrupted. All the events prophesied to come to the world, the signs in the weather, the hurricanes, are to awaken people to let them know that they must change. The prophecies now, they are being fulfilled. It will only get worse but do not be afraid because I Am ever so close to my faithful people, and I send a lot of My angels to protect you. Tell people to pray.”

Lord Jesus said, “No matter what you see happening in the world now, the bad times you are going through, love everyone, and don’t hate anyone. You see many things that are not right and are not just. Still, forgive and love everyone.”

* * *

Our Lord is teaching us that as much as all these things, the injustice in the world and people not doing the right thing, bring us frustration and anger and even fear. Many people don’t do the right thing because they don’t understand.

When a person has anger, then the devil can enter that person. If you hate, you hold it in your chest, you build resentment, and then you spread negativity. In a group, someone will be angry, and in no time, everyone will become angry and unsettled. Anger makes you sick. It is amazing how our spirit gets down very quickly and how a person’s negative attitude can do a lot of damage. Lord Jesus does not want this for us.

In situations where there is frustration and anger with people, I say to our Lord, “I surrender to you, My Lord,” and I pray for the situation. When we come across people that are like this, we must be gentle with them, and encourage them, and say to them that things will get better. In this way, the person’s spirit then absorbs this goodness, which then uplifts their spirit. They start to feel better, and when there is love and peace, our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother come. When the love and peace go round and round, they bring healing to the body, soul and spirit of the person.

Blessed Mother previously said that we must help one another through prayer. It is our duty to pray for one another and to be charitable to one another.

* * *

Today, Lord Jesus talked about the angels, His messengers, who come to protect us and to guide us. Lately, I can really feel the strong presence of a lot of angels around me. At times, their presence is so overwhelming. I would say, “It is just angels, angels, angels!” Even though they are invisible, I can feel them. They are around all the time. They wait for you and they respect your will. They do not push you. They are spirit beings.

If I am walking, I can see their shadows beside me, as they walk along with me, and they will usually say to me, “It is two of us with you.” Sometimes the angels will tell me that there are more than two of them. They say to me, “We protect you always; don’t be afraid.” They walk with you. They can walk beside you, behind you or in front of you. Sometimes, I see their light glowing around me or I can see their light in the sky. I know they are present.

The number of angels around a person depends on the State of Grace of that person. The more you are in a State of Grace, then you will feel a much stronger presence of angels around you. The more you are thinking of our Lord, His Passion, and Blessed Mother, or you are meditating on them, or praying, the more you will have that experience and joy that comes, when you know there is someone around you. However, where are person is committing sin then the angels move away from that person.

At night, when I turn off the kitchen lights and walk towards my bedroom, suddenly, there is light all around me. I can see where I am going as if the angels are holding a torch. The angels are all glowing in light, and their light illuminates everything around them.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I would wake up, and I would know they are present as I would see their light illuminate my bedroom. The other night I was in my bed, when I felt the feathers on the wings of one of the angels touch me, and brush against me. He must have been so close, that I could feel the feathers on his large wings pressing against me. Not expecting this and in that moment, not knowing what it was, I quickly reacted by brushing them off. Then I suddenly I realised I had touched the wings of the angel!

Contritely I said to the angel, “Oh sorry! I don’t want to send you away. You better stay.”

The angels have very, large wings. However, if you meet them personally like I have, in the shops on the street, they can appear as a normal person.

The Lord said, “They are always with you, and they never leave you. Even if you don’t see them, they are always there with you.”

The angels are not only with me; our Lord sends them to everybody. The angels are always with us. They do not leave us.

More angels are sent to earth now because of the persistence of evil. There are literally billions of angels that guide and protect us. Not many people think of them, to thank them, to ask them for something, or to invite them. Whatever you do, even when you sit in your car, invite them with you. Ask them to find you a parking spot, to go with you on the road, to protect you, so that you don’t harm someone, and so that no-one harms you. Even if you don’t call upon them, they are still present. The angels offer a lot of protection at this time and I can really feel it.

Our Lord wants us to acknowledge them by thanking them for guiding and protecting us, and in this way, we stay close to our Lord.

Lord Jesus, we thank You and we praise You for sending us Your Holy Angels to protect and guide us, especially during these difficult times that we are living in right now.

24 May 2020

Feast of the Ascension

During the Holy Mass, our Lord appeared while I was making all my offerings up to Him.

I said, “Lord, I am sorry that we are not in your Holy Presence in Church. We have to stay outside.”

Our Lord immediately appeared. I could see from the sky a bright light coming towards me at great speed. In the middle of this brilliant light, I could see the glowing Sacred Heart of Jesus. He was offering us His Sacred Heart. It was like He was giving It to us.

Our Lord said, “You are not alone. Do not be upset because you are not inside the Church. I Am among you, and I blame the officials of the Church for this because they keep silent. They do not speak up to defend My Church and My people. They obey the law of the world but not My law. If they would only trust in Me, I would protect them.”

“I know My people are suffering a lot because they cannot go freely to church, but things will improve slowly. Continue to pray and to trust Me for the churches to open. Always speak the Truth, and do not be afraid. Offer to Me all your sufferings that you are going through during this Coronavirus. I bless you all and be at peace,” He said.

The more that we pray, and the more that we trust, the sooner things will improve. We have such beautiful priests in our Cathedral in Parramatta. We must pray for them and thank God for giving them to us.

22 May 2020

Prayer Breaks the Barrier of Evil

In the morning, while I was praying, with tears in my eyes, I said to our Lord, “Lord, I am so upset and confused about the churches being closed. Will it ever get better? It is like we are imprisoned spiritually.”

Our Lord immediately responded, “You, of little faith!” He smiled. Our Lord was dressed in a white tunic with a red cloak and was quite cheerful.

Jesus said, “Lack of trust. You do not have enough trust in Me. You know I Am capable of doing everything and anything. It will get better only through prayer. Prayer breaks the barrier of evil.”

“Have faith and trust in Me, and things will change for the better,” He continued.

The Lord is teaching us, the more we pray, the quicker He will open the doors for us.

In the evening, I was praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. As I was meditating on the Mysteries, our Lord Jesus appeared once again. I could see the image of His Holy Face. Blood was streaming down covering His whole Face. Hardly any flesh was left undamaged or without bruising. All I could see was a little bit of flesh on each cheek. Our Lord was looking at me with deep sadness.

I said, “Oh my poor Lord Jesus, this is so horrible.”

He said, “See how I suffer for the sinners of the world. My agony constantly increases because they do not change, but they rather live in the darkness of their soul, than come to the Light. Offer Me all your suffering and prayers for the conversion of sinners so that I can save them.”

The way I saw our Lord, in agony and His Holy Face covered in Blood, was at the time that He was on Calvary, just before the Crucifixion. This vision lasted for about ten minutes.

Lord have mercy on us and on the whole world. We pray that people will convert and will come to know your Love, how much You love them. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

21 May 2020

Heavenly Visit to Priests and Bishops

In the early morning, while I was praying, two angels appeared. They said, “Our Lord wants you to come with us.”

I was thinking they were going to take me to Purgatory when suddenly we found ourselves in a Heavenly Garden.

The angels said, “Today, you are privileged to meet many souls that you helped while they were in Purgatory. They are ever so grateful to you, and so you will meet them.”

However, what the angels didn’t tell me was that I was about to meet priests and bishops.

We approached a building, and the angels went before me as the doors opened. They beckoned me and said, “Come to meet these people, and you will be very happy and joyful.”

I entered the building, and to my surprise, the interior looked like a church. I could see inside a whole group of men.

One of the men approached us. He was a nice, tall gentleman with blonde hair.

He said, “Valentina, you are welcome among us. We are all priests and bishops. You have the privilege to be among us today because you prayed for us. Our Lord Jesus wishes that you be among us since you cannot go to church. He wants to console you, so He has organised this for you.”

I said, “I am so grateful and thankful for being among you since you are all priests and bishops.”

Suddenly, while I was talking to this priest, accompanied by both angels, we began to move further amongst the group. To my pleasant surprise, Father Valerijan was amongst this group of priests and bishops. He came up close to me. I was so happy and overjoyed to see him, and I felt very comfortable in his company as He was familiar to me. While he was alive, he was both my parish priest and spiritual guide. He looked so beautiful and so joyful and young. He appeared to be in his thirties.

I lamented to him, “Father Valerijan, never have I experienced this in my life, where for Easter we were not able to go to church. Everything was closed because of the virus, and we are still not able to go to church. It makes me sad and depressed, and I know this has also happened to all the faithful people. Above all this, I miss my son, as I approach the fourth anniversary of his death, and that makes me even more sad and depressed.”

Father Valerijan responded, “I know all of this, but you have to have faith and trust in God. Things will change; only God knows when.”

The blonde priest who greeted us when we entered the building was also present with Father Valerijan. He said, “Valentina, now it is time; you have to leave us.”

As the priest spoke these words, the two angels that accompanied me, immediately obeyed, and went back towards the doors, through which we entered the building, and stepped outside to wait for me.

The blonde priest said, “We have our own office work to do now. That means we have our own spiritual gathering where we offer up prayers, and we continue to pray.”

I understood that they have their duty to help other souls.

The room, although very ordinary in appearance, looked like it was part of a church. It felt so peaceful and serene being there.

The blonde priest accompanied me to the main doors while Father Valerijan remained with the other priests.

Standing at the door, I thought to myself, ‘I have to thank them.’ I turned back to the blonde priest, holding out my hand for a handshake, I said, “I am so grateful that you invited me to be among you, and I am so privileged.”

As I offered my hand for a handshake, he raised his hands in a stop gesture, and said, “Oh no, no shaking of hands. I don’t want to touch you because of what is happening in the world. Do you know that the whole world is poisonous due to the virus? That is why we priests continue to pray for the world. Be careful! Pray, and trust in Jesus Christ to protect you all.”

I felt really, uncomfortable after he said that the whole world is poisonous due to this virus. The angels then took me home.

11 May 2020

Pray to be protected from the Virus

In the morning, while I was praying, an angel appeared to me.

He said, “I was sent to you to explain how many cells there are in the human body. Millions of cells are in each body, and most of the cells are exposed to the sun. There are some in the body that are never exposed to the sun. Do you know about the cells? Some are dying, but they keep regrowing again.”

“What I want to explain to you is that the deadly viruses that are happening now are so powerful. They attack the human body from the inside, especially the lungs, so one cannot breathe. The viruses burn the inside of the cells of the lungs, they burn everything so one cannot breathe and cannot survive, and one dies within three to four days. It is very painful. A stronger person can still survive with the help of doctors, but a weaker person cannot survive.”

“It is a bio-chemical germ, so powerful. It destroys all the cells in the body. It burns and chokes them inside, not only the lungs, but also interior organs, and it even goes to the brain.”

“I want to tell you how serious these germs are. Pray for protection from Heaven, from our Lord and Blessed Mother and the angels.”

I replied, “Oh, thank you a million times for the protection of Australia Lord, and please be merciful to the rest of the world.”

10 May 2020

Bread from Heaven

In the early morning, before 5 am, while I was saying my prayers, our Lord Jesus came with an angel. The angel was holding a loaf of Bread in his hand.

Looking at me, the angel said, “Take It! Take It into your hands!”

The Bread was so white, even whiter than snow. I had never seen Bread look so white.

The angel said, “This is for you. Eat some of It. This will nourish you while you cannot go to church to receive It, because of this virus.”

Being obedient to the angel, I took the loaf and only broke off one small piece.

I asked the Lord, “What will I do with the rest of this Bread?”

Lord Jesus said, “Share It! Share It with others spiritually, for those who cannot go to church also. Think of the Holy Souls as well, for they hunger for My Bread and My Mercy. Offer them to Me spiritually.”

I said, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to nourish us spiritually.”

Then our Lord departed with the angel.

I strongly believe that when we cannot receive our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist, as we usually do when we go to church, that He comes to us when we truly ask Him to do so from our hearts. He comes when we deeply desire for Him to come, to nourish us spiritually and to give us strength.

Not long after, about 7 am while I was praying The Angelus, Blessed Mary Most Holy came. Smiling, she said, “Peace be with you, my daughter.” She looked so cheerful.

She said, “Praised be my Son Jesus!”

I responded, “May He be praised forever!”

Blessed Mother continued, “Tell people to be very grateful that my Son Jesus protects you from this horrible virus, and protects Australia from not having so many deaths like most other countries in the world. This is because here, in this country, people were praying, and God had mercy on them. I tell you these viruses are very deadly and horrible. They are still hanging over the world. I also come to tell you, my children, don’t be curious about what is coming to the world. Some people constantly look on the internet for some new events to happen. God is not pleased with that.”

Blessed Mother became quite serious. She said, “Tell people not to predict what is coming soon or in the future. I want you to live only in this present time and not to worry ahead of time. Pray and let God take care of everything. Let His Holy Will be done. Not yours! Isn’t this deadly virus enough for you, my children? This is so serious you have no idea. Pray that the virus in the world will end soon and completely.”

At that moment, Most Holy Mother held a card in her holy hand. It was similar to a postcard.

She said, “This is for you. Take it!”

She placed the card in my hands. I was so happy, and I said, “Thank you, my Mother. It is so beautiful.”

The card was of quite hard material, with a beautiful pink background, upon which there were many beautiful golden stars, and the edges of the card were all trimmed in gold. However, in the centre, I could see handwriting in blue pen. I understood that the golden stars represent Graces given by God.

Blessed Mother smiled and said, “I wrote a Prayer for you, my children, for my protection during these times, that are dangerous. Say this Prayer every day.”

I prayed to the Holy Spirit, and then I asked Blessed Mother, “Please help me so that I will know the Prayer that you wrote on the card.”

She then placed on my heart this Prayer:

‘Blessed Mother we come to your Patronage
To seek your aid and protection
In these dangerous times
That are threatening us.
Cover us with your Virginal and Holy Mantle
And keep us in your safe refuge. Amen.’

Pray for us, Holy Mother of the world.

She is Mother of the world because it is a worldly sickness from which we seek her protection.

Since it was Mother’s Day today, I said, “Blessed Mother, Happy Mother’s Day. You are the Mother of all mothers all over the world.”

She was very happy and joyful when I said this to her. She was dressed all in white, with gold trimming, ever so lovable and smiling.

“God created all the mothers in the world, and He blessed them today,” She said.

5 May 2020

I Create Everything for Everyone

This morning when I was praying and dwelling on the sadness of our Lord, the angel appeared and said, “Because you are sad, I have some surprise for you. Come with me.”

Suddenly we came to this huge, beautiful building. We entered a room which looked like a large assembly hall. I noticed there were many people present, about two hundred or so, all sitting around a table. They were all very happy and joyfully chatting to each other.

Through a door entered three ladies, and they were each carrying flowers. The bunches of flowers were a mixture of all different colours and oh so beautiful.

I went to them and said, “What beautiful flowers! May I have some, it is my birthday.”

Immediately, all three answered in unison, “No, it’s not!”

I laughed but they were quite serious and of course it was not my birthday.

As the angel and I proceeded into the room he handed me an open packet of pink drinking straws. I think I was supposed to take one, but I left the whole packet on a nearby stand. I thought to myself, ‘I will take them on the way out.’

In the middle of the room I noticed a group of about four or five men, all very joyful and very happy, standing and talking to our Lord. (At the time I did not know that the Man they were speaking to was our Lord, it was only later when our Lord spoke to me that I knew who He was.)

Our Lord Jesus was wearing light cream pants and a brilliant white shirt. He appeared to be about thirty years of age with short hair. Very smart looking. The other men were wearing grey pants and white shirts.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of the ding of a bell. Immediately our Lord left the men and went towards what looked like a commercial sized, silver fridge. He opened the door of the fridge and took out a very tall glass of what looked like chocolate brimming to the top.

Our Lord then moved in another direction towards a huge microwave. He left the tall glass he was carrying in the microwave. He then went back to the men and continued conversing with them. I did not know what they were talking about but they appeared to be in a very deep, but friendly conversation.

Suddenly, I again heard the sound of a ding of a bell. Our Lord again left the men and quickly went to the microwave to remove the chocolate that was now melting. He took the chocolate and served it to one of the seated people. As He did this He would turn to me to see if I was watching Him, to ensure that I was observing what He is doing. He then returned to the group of men.

Our Lord did this repeatedly, back and forth, carrying melted chocolate to each of the seated people. This went on for quite a while, with our Lord looking at me each time to see that I was watching.

I thought to myself, ‘Are these people chocoholics? No wonder the angel gave me the straws.’

As I watched this repetitive action, our Lord all of a sudden said to me, “See, I Am the one who creates everything for the people, and I Am the one that serves everyone. You are sad because you cannot go church like you used to, that is why I take you into My Holy Presence. What more do you want, you are in my Holy Presence, that is the fulfillment of everything. I want you to see that I Am always the One who serves everyone and creates everything for everyone.”

The angel and I started walking towards the door to leave. I noticed the packet of straws were still on the little stand where I left them.

I thought to myself, ‘What do I want with those straws?’ I left them there and walked out the door. At the door were the three ladies I had met earlier with the bunches of flowers. They were arranging the flowers into vases.

Lord Jesus, Creator of all goodness and love, I thank you and I praise you for taking me into your Holy Presence.

29 April 2020

I am a Beggar

This morning when I was praying, the angel appeared and said, “I am the angel of the Lord. He sent me to tell you to come with Me. He wants to see you and to talk to you, and you must obey me.”

Suddenly, we found ourselves in a Heavenly Garden. The angel said, “The Blessed Mother is waiting for you.” As he said this he pointed in the direction of our Blessed Mother.

I practically ran to Holy Mary. She was sitting on a beautiful bench and smiling. I was so happy to see Her. We embraced, and Blessed Mother said, “It has been a while since we
last met here.” She was dressed all in white and wearing no mantle. She was all glowing in an intense light that reflected onto her hair displaying a beautiful shine and brilliance, as Mary is so holy and so pure.

She said, “I was waiting for you. Let us go and see my Son Jesus. He wants to talk to you.”

We both walked to this beautiful building not far from where we met. We entered, and inside a room I could see a group of people, young saintly looking ladies. The Blessed Mother introduced me to this group and we said hello to each other.

Not long after, the door that we had just come through opened, and our Lord entered. We were all very happy in His holy presence. At first, He talked a little to the group of saintly women. At that time our Blessed Mother departed.

Lord Jesus said, “I have some writing to do.”

In this place, I could see a very long wooden table with chairs all around it. Then I noticed on a wall, opposite the table, a little wooden cabinet with pointed double doors. It was rather longish looking. I watched our Lord as he opened the cabinet doors. It was all very unusual. Inside the cabinet it was all glowing in golden light. Our Lord held quite a few pages of loose paper in His Holy hands. I was watching Him shuffle the paper, and on each of the pages, I could see quite a few designs, some very colourful.

He was sorting them, and as He was doing this, I noticed on each page different images. On one, I saw a cross, while some had pictures of nature. I didn’t want to be too curious as it was not good manners.

I watched as He placed the papers standing them upright, into the cabinet. With a blue pen held in His right Hand, He began writing wherever there was empty space on the pages. Our Lord has beautiful handwriting. I was looking, but again, I didn’t want to be curious about what He was writing. There were quite a lot of pages. I didn’t want to let our Lord know that I was watching Him because I didn’t know for whom He was writing it. I felt His writing was private and therefore I didn’t want to look like I was curious.

After He finished writing, He sat down, but the paper remained in the cabinet with the doors wide open.

He sat down on a chair and stretched out His legs as though He was relaxing but I could see that He was very, very, sad.

He started to talk and to lament to this group and to myself (we were all standing together). Our Lord said, “I Am a poor beggar, a very poor beggar that people reject, and not many want Me. I thought that this virus, which is now happening in the world, will change humanity, but their hearts remain icy cold towards Me.”

Then, with sadness, our Lord said, “I don’t come much to visit earth anymore.”

I thought, maybe because of this virus, He no longer comes to earth.

He continued, “Only sometimes I come to see My special friends that love Me.”

I was so sad to hear all of this, that my heart was broken that the Lord is so sad. The sadness on His face touched my heart so deeply.

In me, I was thinking, ‘How can I make our Lord feel better for all of this. I know what I will do. I will buy Him some socks for His Holy Feet to keep Him warm. The best quality there is in the world, and I will give Him fifty dollars, a little gift, because I love Him so much.’

Deep in my heart, I felt that I want to console Him.

Then our Lord stood up from where He was sitting and relaxing. He placed His arm around my shoulders and said, “Let’s go to another room.”

As we were walking together, the ladies also followed, I was thinking, ‘How am I going to ask Him what size are His Feet?’

And then this courage came to me.

I asked, “Lord, what size shoes do You wear?”

Without any change of expression on His Face, He immediately responded, “Three to six!”

But I was thinking to myself, ‘His feet are much longer than that. He is at least a size eleven to twelve.’

We then all came back to the Heavenly Garden with our Lord. He left us there and He turned and went back to the room from which we came. The ladies proceeded in another direction while I walked towards my angel who was waiting for me outside.

I thought, ‘This is the time for me to go, to depart Heaven.’

Suddenly a saintly lady called out my name. She was not one of the ladies I had just met. She was more mature looking than the others.

She said, “Valentina! Valentina, wait! This is the writing that He was handwriting. It is for you. Our Lord Jesus was writing it for you. Take it!”

I took the paper, which was like a scroll, quite a lot of it. I took it and pressed it against my chest and said, “Lord, I will cherish this as long as I live and beyond, and I will always thank You for all the teachings and the writing that You give me. I love You so much.”

I suddenly found myself back home where I was praying.

My spirit was still highly present with my experiences in Heaven, and it is such a reality. I dwelt on the Lord and how sad He is. I was thinking, ‘Oh My Lord, I was even asking Him for the size of His shoes. What was He thinking of me? I was imagining.’

As my thoughts were deeply still in Heaven, suddenly Blessed Mother Most Holy appeared. She was smiling.

She said, “I come to explain to you what My Son Jesus said to you when He gave you some writing, when you asked Him for the size of His shoes, and He responded to you ‘three to six.’
That means that from three to six years, many things will occur and happen in the world. Tell my children to pray and to repent of their many sins that offend my Son Jesus so much.”

She smiled and said, “I must tell you, and when we challenge you, how innocent you are. You are really something, how childlike is your heart, so deeply you take all you see and hear from us, and you would love to console my Son and make Him feel better. No wonder He loves you so immensely.”

“You are like a little child that wants to do anything for the Father to make Him feel better. I wish all my children on earth would be like this and console My Son Jesus because He is so gravely offended.”

As she said this, her face suddenly changed to one of sadness. Then She departed.

If you want to console our Lord, be like a child. Talk to Him and love Him, and in that way, you will console Him.

25 April 2020

Soon everything will turn to Joy

During the night, I was in a lot of agony and suffering caused by the pain in my leg. At times it became so unbearable, lasting the whole night.

About seven o’clock in the morning, while I was praying the Angelus, the angel of the Lord appeared to me.

He came smiling and said, “Our Lord has asked me to come to you to take you with me so that you can see why you had to suffer.”

Suddenly we found ourselves standing in the most beautiful garden. Immediately I knew I was in Heaven. In front of me, I could see a mountain, and at the base of this mountain, I could see a beautiful Church, all in white.

The white church in this vision is the pure bride of God all in white.

The angel then directed me to look towards the mountain and said, “Just have a look!”

As I turned my gaze towards the mountain, I watched as it was expanding and stretching out before my very eyes, so that I could see it even more clearly. It was stretching and expanding as though it was being created at that very moment.

In amazement, I thought, “Wow!”

I understood the expanding, and the stretching of the mountain represents Grace and Holiness extending throughout the world.

The angel said, “Wait! There are more things to come.”

My gaze then turned to the beautiful white church at the edge of the mountain. Suddenly, I could hear coming from the inside of the church, the most beautiful singing from a choir of only men. They were singing ‘Jingle Bells.’

I turned to the angel a little confused and asked, “What is this? Shouldn’t it be more of a heavenly song they should be singing?”

The angel answered, “This is a national song. Do you like it?”

I answered, “Yes. They are an American group?” I could hear the American accent coming through their singing.

The angel smiled, “These are the people for whom you suffered so much, and now they are in Heaven. They want to sing to you to thank you. They appreciate what you have done for them so that they can come to Heaven. That is why they sing to you!”

I exclaimed, “No! No, they should sing to our Lord Jesus because they have come to Heaven to our Lord.”

Suddenly our Lord appeared and approached us. He was very cheerful and smiling. It has been a long time since I last saw our Lord looking so happy.

He greeted us, and then He asked me, “Why are you so sad and depressed? This is why I have brought you here, to this place, so that they can cheer you up with their singing. When people first arrive in Heaven, they are so grateful to the ones who suffered for them and helped them. In gratitude, they want to thank you by singing to you so you will feel better.”

Jesus continued, “Don’t be upset about all that is going on in the world at the moment. These things were bound to happen. They are part of Prophecy. They must come true, to fulfilment. As you are linked with all the prophecies, and you are united with Me, we are together in all of this.”

“Be courageous and be happy, as very soon things will change for the better. Soon I will lift all the darkness which is now upon the world. Things will slowly come back to normal. Churches will re-open and will be restored. There will be nothing but Joy! Joy! Joy!”

“People will appreciate each other much more. They will appreciate everything they were doing, and they will value their life much better.”

“Be courageous!” He said.

“Soon, everything will turn to Joy! Joy! Joy!” our Lord repeated.

Our Lord then departed.

The angel then brought me back. I felt so uplifted by this experience.

People continue to pray so that our Lord will re-open everything again, and lift this darkness and let the bells ring with joy everywhere.

23 April 2020

Holy Souls detained in Purgatory

I was saying my evening prayers for the Holy Souls, especially for those who had died throughout the world, from the coronavirus.

Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Come with me and see for yourself!”

He took me to a place in Purgatory where souls are detained to do penance for the sins they committed during their life on earth, especially at this time when they are dying without repentance, as the disease comes so quickly and they have no time to repent.

The angel and I found ourselves in a large open space like somewhere in the countryside, a barren landscape with no trees and no vegetation, where the sky was cloudy and overcast. It was a very depressing place.

At the sight of so many souls detained here, I exclaimed to the angel, “Oh, how many people! I have never seen so many people.”

The angel responded, “You see, you have had a lot of suffering lately, but all this suffering produces good fruit and goodness. These people are waiting for you to offer them to God, to the Light. You should be very grateful that part of your suffering helped them because by dying suddenly, they did not repent of their sins, and it is God’s goodness that has saved them.”

The angel continued, “There are many priests who have died from this by trying to help people. Even though they sacrificed their lives for these people to help them, they still need to be detained in Purgatory for the time being.”

The angel showed me many priests. Some of them came up to me and started speaking to me in Italian. They were all dressed in brown. They contracted the sickness from the virus by helping people.

They said, “We didn’t want to die yet, but through this sickness, we sacrificed our lives for people. Valentina, please ask our Lord to help us and to be merciful to us.”

They were all together in one group at least fifty of them. I saw mainly young faces with some older in their fifties. They all looked very sad. They sacrificed their lives, saving others, and they couldn’t understand why they had to be detained in Purgatory.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on these souls who sacrificed their lives for others.

19 April 2020

Divine Mercy Sunday

While I was praying my morning prayers, I offered my sadness to the Lord, for not being able to go to Holy Mass.

Our Lord Jesus came soon after this accompanied by an angel. Our Lord was clothed in a white tunic with a red sash draped over the shoulder.

He said, “I come to console you and I hear your prayer. I know all my faithful are very sad not being able to venerate which is My Divine Mercy, united with My Passion.”

He was looking at me and smiling as He asked, “Would you like to receive My Living Water that gushed from My Sacred Heart to purify and to forgive all your sins and give you a free gift of life.”

“Oh yes,” I answered our Lord.

At that moment, the angel that was present gave me a round white dish, which was filled with water. As I took the dish and held it in my hands, nearby I could see a stand.

The angel instructed, “Place the dish on the stand and with the water wash your face three times.”

I understood that to wash my face three times represented the Holy Trinity. I scooped up some water and splashed it over my face three times, just as the angel had asked me to do. The water was so crystal clear, that as I was splashing it over my face, I was looking at my hands all covered in the shimmering crystal water. I could see real sparkling crystals, but still liquid, dripping from them.

I continued splashing the water onto my face as it was so refreshing. As I was doing this, I noticed a miracle happen. The water kept flowing over the rim of the dish and spilling onto the ground all around me.

I said to the angel, “This water is so precious. Why is it flowing onto the ground?”

The angel smiled and said, “Let it pour down onto the ground as much as it can, for everyone on earth, to receive it, for whoever wishes it.”

Our Lord Jesus standing present said, “This is a special moment of My Grace and My Mercy for all humanity. I want you Valentina My child to tell people that My Mercy is exhausted. They need to repent while there is still a little time left.”

Then our Lord blessed me and both He and the angel departed. Our Lord really wants to encourage us, because today we could not celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy the way we usually do, due to all the restrictions. That is why today our Lord poured out His abundant Graces and Mercy to the whole world. It was a miracle to see how from a little dish, water kept gushing forth and pouring abundantly, covering the ground everywhere around me. It was so beautiful and so crystal clear.
Lord have mercy on us and on the whole world.

15 April 2020

God permits this Virus due the Sins of the World

While I was praying the Divine Mercy prayers, our Lord Jesus came and said, “I come to tell you to be more precautious about this deadly virus. It is better to stay home and not to go out too much. Stay indoors so that you can be more protected. This virus is very dangerous, and it can kill anyone, not only the elderly people.”
Lord Jesus continued, “Remember My child that the plague that God sent to Egypt, that swept right through the land and killed many people because they offended God in terrible sin and in the presence of God. Today, however, in this present time, humanity offends God much more greatly. God permits this virus to happen, and it is for a very good reason. This virus will sweep through the entire world before it gets better.”
“Lose no hope,” He said.
“Tell everyone to pray, and the strength will come to you all, and My Grace will sustain you all.”
“My child, did you notice that your pain is increasing. I use your suffering for the people that die from this virus, to save their souls.”
Our Lord was referring to the suffering caused by the severe pain in my leg.
Lord Jesus said, “Pray for them. They had no chance to repent of their sins and to reconcile with God.”
Lord have mercy on everyone and on the entire world.

10 April 2020

Pope Francis

The angel of the Lord appeared to me at 3 am, he practically woke me up.

He said, “Let me show you what Pope Francis should do for the world.”

In a vision, I saw Pope Francis standing by himself in a very remote place, like a large open field. In the place where he was standing, the grass was not green, but a wintery brown. He was dressed in a long, white, Papal gown, with both his arms lifted very high up to Heaven, pleading to our Lord to have mercy on the entire world.

The Pope also consecrated the world to the Almighty Father and asked Him to help stop this terrible virus of deadly diseases.

The angel said, “Pray for Pope Francis. You must have hope that he will do all that you see and experience here, so that this will be fulfilled. He is the only Vicar of Jesus Christ and has the authority to do this, to consecrate the whole world. These are very serious crises that you are going through, and you all need help from Heaven.”

He said, “Pray, very much for Pope Francis.”

Let’s hope and pray that Pope Francis will plead to Almighty God to have mercy on us all and on the world.

10 April 2020

Good Friday

This morning while I was saying my prayers, the Blessed Mother, Mary most Holy, came to me, dressed in a beautiful white tunic, with a blue mantle covering her head.

She said, “My child, I come to console you. I know all my children in the world are suffering through this plague that is upon humanity, that is spreading and not ending quickly. It is a very slow process.”

“You are all very restricted and controlled by the evil, especially now at the time of my Son’s Passion and His Suffering. Your churches all over the world are closed to you all for a time. All freedom seems to be lost, and spirituality has been taken from you all.”

“Right now, evil is in power, and he thinks he is going to be the one to win, but my children lose no hope for we of Heaven all pray for you. Pray and keep offering to my Son Jesus, your suffering so that you can be in His Holy Presence. In this present time, also you are restricted, and you cannot be in His Holy Presence in the True Church.”

“Pray and trust in my Son Jesus. Pray the way your parents and your ancestors taught you when you were little children. Remember, you are going through a difficult period of the end times, but you are not alone.”

“Keep your faith growing by praying and reading Holy Scriptures. In this way, you will unite yourselves with my Son Jesus. He is always present, and He listens, and He gives you strength and courage daily. He loves you all so much.”

“You cannot imagine how He feels for all of you, His children. He loves you immensely, and He also blesses you this Holy Easter, in a very special way.”

“Don’t lose hope but trust in my Son and myself as the Mother of Sorrows.”

When Blessed Mother Mary was telling me all of this, I became so emotional, I could not stop crying, thinking of how we are restricted of all things, especially of not being able to attend Holy Mass. Then she left.

About an hour and a half later, Blessed Mother reappeared once again.

She said, “I wonder if our daughter will respond to our call, that we ask of her. Jesus and I wish that you spread this message as soon as you can. Be courageous.”

I responded by saying, “Thank you, Lord Jesus and my Mother. Have mercy on us and protect us.”

When Blessed Mother came this morning, I was praying the Angelus.

She said, “I was watching you while you were praying the Hail Mary and the Our Father, really fast. Remember that when you are praying to us, you are talking to us, so you must pray slowly, because we are present, and we listen.”

8 April 2020

Wednesday of Holy Week
Cardinal George Pell

Today I was offering up a prayer for Cardinal Pell, so that our Lord Jesus would protect him from all evil.

After I finished my prayer, our Lord Jesus came. He said, “Many evil people would like to condemn Cardinal Pell back to jail. However, justice was served, and he is now a free man. They can never condemn him again. After all, he was never guilty of any accusation. It was always false.”

Our Lord continued, “He was innocent from the very beginning. My just hand reached and liberated him through the prayers for him. Many people offered many prayers so I can always protect him. My blessing rests upon him always, I your Lord Jesus.”

I said, “Thank you Lord Jesus for all the protection and blessings that you give to Cardinal Pell.”

Lord Jesus said, “Continue to always pray for Cardinal Pell.”