27 July 2019

Without Prayer you cannot survive on your own

During my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus said, “Today, My Sacred Heart is so sad, so full of sorrow. The world is getting worse and worse each day. There is no peace anywhere, but instead, there is the killing of innocent people. I tell you, without your prayer, My children, and My help, you cannot survive on your own. There is nothing but crime, corruption, and sinful pleasure, greed, and pride. The more people have, the more they want. Money is their god, but they do not see the poor and needy.”

“Tell everyone that I see everything and that nothing escapes Me. I shall judge severely. It will be like the time of Lazarus when he lived on earth. Nobody had compassion for him, but when he died, he was raised to the most high in Heaven, and the reward came to him in abundance.”

“Today is no different. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are suffering. My children, the way you measure and help here on earth, you will be measured the same way when you come to My Judgement.”

“I tell you, you have been placed on the planet earth to do good for one another. Instead, you are very selfish and greedy. Valentina, My child, console My Sacred Heart for all the wrongdoing people do.”

“Tell My children to pray and to never give up but to trust in their God.”

“I love you My faithful children and be at peace.

26 July 2019

Feast of St. Anne

(This message was originally received on the 26 July 1993 and was not previously published.)


I was kneeling this morning while I was praying.


I had a vision of our Lord Jesus and Holy Virgin Mary. They were talking amongst themselves, but it was not meant for me to hear what they were saying.


Blessed Mother Mary then turned towards me and smiled. Her gentle look always makes me happy and joyful. She extended her right hand and pointed to a beautiful, saintly lady standing near her. Dressed in a beautiful, long soft pale pink dress, the lady smiled at me too and then said to me, “I am St Ann. I am the mother of Blessed Mary.”


St Ann said, “You know how you see my daughter and my Grandson talking to one another, they had a meeting, the way you people on earth call it a meeting.”


She said, “You see, my daughter has to beg and intercede to her Son for everything. Nothing is done without His permission. Even today, she has to ask permission for me to meet you.”


I said, “Oh, St Ann, how grateful I am to meet you, and how happy that I am worthy of this grace from our Lord Jesus. St Ann, this is such a privilege because the Church in my home village in Slovenia is dedicated to you. You are the Patron Saint of my village, the refuge, and protector of the people there.”


St Ann smiled and then said, “That is why you are worthy to meet me and to know me.”


She smiled and then she left.


A moment later, a vision appeared, and I could see St Joseph and little Jesus walking along the road together, close to each other. Little Jesus was about five years old.


I said, “Oh, may You be praised, Jesus. St Joseph pray for us. Thank you, my beloved and Holy Mary, that you pray and intercede for us all to your Son.”


“Thank you, St Ann. Please pray for us.”

14 July 2019

Be like the Good Samaritan

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus came and said, “These days, not many people honour My Precious Blood. I Am not even mentioned in the Churches. They do not realise how valuable and how powerful is My Precious Blood. During this month of July, they should honour My Precious Blood.”


“If I permit, in an instant I could save the whole of humanity, if only they would acknowledge Me. Do you notice how these days everything is controlled by evil.”


“Evil! Evil! Evil!”


“Behind all of this evil are the powerful people. They want to control the little people, who are afraid, so they obey everything they are told to do by the powerful people. My children learn to discern what is right and what is not right. Ask Me and pray about any decision before you make it; discern and think about it. Do not say yes to everything.”


Jesus said, “Right now the whole world is controlled by the society of evil and their plans. The devil thinks that I Am sleeping through all of this. It will become so bad in the world: many natural disasters will continue to happen, and there will be very severe ones to come.”


Jesus asked, “Valentina, you believe in My Power, do you?”


I answered, “Yes, Lord.”


“Do you believe that I Am the King?” Jesus asked.


I said, “Oh yes, My Lord, You are the King of Kings.”


Jesus said, “I will come with My Holy Power. The lightness of the Light of My Presence, I will show My Power and all the evil will be crushed and sent to the abyss. Unless these people repent, they will otherwise perish forever.”



Do not lose your faith even though you are living in very bad times. Even the good people are confused; they are uncharitable to one another and are jealous of one another.”


“You must convert and repent, to receive Grace from Me, so that you are protected by Me; so go often to Confession, so that you won’t be attacked by the devil.”


Jesus taught me that when we go to Confession, the devil flees from us.


During Holy Communion, Valentina, so many people approach My Banquet Table unrepentant. Speak to the priests and tell them that I wish that they talk to people and tell them to often go to Confession and to be repentant before they receive Me. I Am very offended for being sacrileged so much in every Church.”


Jesus then talked to me about the people I meet and those who sit near me in the church pews during every mass.


“Valentina, did you notice how you approach different people and how different people sit next to you in Church? Do you know what that means?”


Jesus continued, “Each time you sit in a different place, and there are people around you, I sanctify them.”


I asked, “Lord, what does that mean?”


Jesus answered, “Each time you are next to these people, and you offer them during the Mass, I sanctify them, and one day you will meet them in Heaven. You offer them to Me, and I sanctify them, and I purify them, and in that way, their soul will be saved while passing from this world to the other, without them knowing what you have done for them. They will be very grateful and happy.”


“Even the Holy Gospel today, (Luke 10:25-37), about the good Samaritan traveller, teaches you to be like the Samarian, who helped the man on the roadside. What is more powerful than offering to Me, at the celebration of the High Mass, your neighbours; those people sitting around you, thinking of their salvation, the salvation of their souls.”


Our Lord is saying that we can all become like the good Samaritan, especially through our offerings at the High Mass. By praying for the salvation of the people around us, and offering them to our Lord, there is nothing greater.


Today there was such a beautiful brightness of Golden Light in the Church. Our Lord showed me His power. The Light that emanates from our Lord is brighter and more brilliant than a million suns. Evil cannot stand the brightness of the Light of Christ.


Today, during the Holy Mass, our Lord said to me that He is not happy with the ladies that assist at the distribution of Holy Communion. He said, “Pray for the ladies who run to My Sacred Table to help with the distribution of Holy Communion. That is not the place for any lady in any Church. I will judge them when they pass to the other world, and they will be very sorry, for they will know the Truth. It is their pride here on earth that does not allow them to admit to the Truth.”


Previously our Lord showed me how the Saints in Heaven tremble when they approach Jesus, as they know that He is so Holy.

5 July 2019

Urgent Message from Blessed Mother


During my morning prayers, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Our Blessed Mother has something to tell you.”

Blessed Mother then appeared with an angel standing beside her. She was holding, a most beautiful, bunch of fresh roses. The bunch was so large that she had to use both hands to hold them; she embraced the roses. They were pink and yellow coloured, with a few white ones scattered throughout. The colours of the roses reminded me of the Rosa Mystica.

I said, “What beautiful flowers!”

Blessed Mother was dressed in a red tunic, signifying the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus, and a white mantle covered her head.

She said, “With the Rosary that my children pray, I will win the world. Encourage people to pray the Rosary.”

The roses represent the Rosary prayers that we pray.

There was a sense of urgency in her message. She made me feel that it is very urgent for the world to be saved, and for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart, through the Holy Rosary.

5 July 2019

Earthquake in California


Yesterday California experienced a strong earthquake.

Our Lord Jesus said, “This is only a warning. It is a sign, but it will become bigger.”

In a previous message, our Lord said, “After the big earthquake, is when everything will start to unfold, one event after another.”

Our Lord said there would be volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes in places that have never experienced this before, in countries such as China.

Jesus also said, “Tell people to pray and convert while there is still a little time.”

3 July 2019

St Thomas the Apostle

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


During the Holy Mass, I had a most beautiful vision of St Thomas the Apostle. He appeared as a tall gentleman, dressed in a dark olive-coloured tunic, with a white stole around his neck, the same as what a priest would wear. His eyes were a deep brown, and his olive skin beautifully complemented his brunette hair.

He said, “Today you receive a Grace from our Lord Jesus so that I can talk to you. Valentina, do not doubt the Word that you receive from our Lord Jesus. Don’t be like me when I lived on earth and I doubted when they told me that our Lord resurrected and I didn’t believe them. I told the Apostles, ‘Unless I see and touch His Holy Wounds I will not believe.’

“Then our Lord appeared to me, and He said, ‘Thomas, Thomas, why do you doubt Me. Touch My Holy Wounds. They are real’.”

“Valentina, don’t you know how hurtful it was and how painful it was for our Lord that I doubted Him. I cried, and I cried that I offended our Lord. He is such a good God that He forgave me when I asked Him.”

“Valentina, proclaim His Holy Word to people so they can convert and come to know God. He is so offended and so sad for humanity, for being so deaf and blind to His holy call.”

“He wants to save everyone and give them life Eternal. He loves everyone, but people are not interested. Pray, Pray, and encourage people to come to know God and to love Him. Our Lord has so much to offer them.”

I said, “Oh St Thomas, what a privilege.”

St Thomas pray for us.

30 June 2019

St Mary MacKillop


After Holy Mass, I went to say a little prayer to Saint Mary of the Cross. As I was praying to her, the Saint immediately appeared and said to me, “Valentina, we in Heaven, are all very sad for our Lord Jesus. You have no idea how offended He is by the world.”

“People continuously offend Him, and they commit many sins and, most of all, they do not acknowledge Him nor believe in Him. Valentina, speak out the Truth and do as our Lord wants you to do. Tell people to convert and to change and to stop offending God.”

She had a sad expression on her face as she gave me this message.

29 June 2019



This morning during my morning prayers our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, tell the people of Britain to place the Cross in their country before the new government comes to power so that I can protect them.”

He said, “They build towers, mansions, and wealth, but without Me, it will all crumble.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus, Saviour of Humanity

28 June 2019

28 June 2019

The Cenacle Rosary Prayer

After the Holy Mass


After the Holy Mass, we have the Cenacle Rosary prayers in the Church Chapel. For many, many years now, at least twenty years, every Friday after the noon Mass, we pray the Cenacle Rosary.

As usual, a white linen cloth covers the Chapel Altar. In preparation for the Cenacle, one of the ladies from our prayer group will bring out the Crucifix, a candle, and a vase of flowers to place on the edge of the altar, on the side facing the people. Firstly she would put a white linen napkin over the linen altar cloth, and only then set the silver Crucifix together with a lit candle and a small vase of fresh flowers. Just in front of the Altar on a small stand, is placed a blue cloth and then a white lace-trim cloth over the top. The Statue of the Blessed Mother is placed, on top of this together with a lit candle with some fresh flowers.

Today, after we finished praying the Rosary, something remarkable happened which has never happened before. The ladies went to remove the silver Crucifix, the flowers, the candles and the Statue of our Blessed Mother to place them back in the Sacristy. As they were doing so, one of the ladies, Eileen, lifted the spotless white napkin, and to her complete surprise, she could see what looked like a reddish mark on the main Altar cloth. When she looked at it, it looked like a dry wine stain. She called another lady and asked her what does she see? The lady also said that it looks like a wine stain.

Eileen then requested Jan, a member of the prayer group, if she could address this properly. She thought that if it’s a wine stain, whether consecrated or not, they must take care of it in the correct manner. They were startled because something like this had never happened before. The Altar cloth was spotless before they started preparing for the Cenacle Rosary.

Eileen then asked me to take a look. We checked the bottom of the vase, thinking the mark may have been left behind from the flowers, but these were completely clean as was the napkin on which it sat.

Jan brought a purifier from the Sacristy, a napkin-like cloth with an embroidered cross which is usually placed on the Altar cloth if any Precious Blood is spilled during the Mass. She went to cover the mark, and as soon as she did this, I heard our Lord speak from the Tabernacle. He was firm when He said, “No! Tell Jan not to cover Me up. Uncover Me!”

Jesus said, “Being the Feast of My Sacred Heart, I give you a Gift and a Sign that I Am truly present with you and your whole prayer group.”

I said, “Lord, we are not worthy of all of that.”

He responded, “Yes, you are.”

Jesus said, “Today, you receive a special blessing for being faithful to Me, and remain faithful to Me, My children.”

I said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being truly present with us, while we were praying.”

Later that evening, at home, I was questioning what had happened earlier in the day in the Church and thought to myself, ‘It could be from some kind of red-coloured flower.’

Immediately I heard our Lord say, “Why do you doubt Me? It is truly My gift that I give you that I Am really and truly present with you, My children.”

When I first saw the image on the cloth, it looked like a little Cross, but then it changed into a Heart, a pierced Heart. Above the Heart is the image of a flame. The Flame of Love coming out of His Sacred Heart. At the base of the Heart, to the left, there is the image of blood gushing from His pierced Sacred Heart.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for this beautiful Gift of Your Sacred Heart.

28 June 2019

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


During the Holy Mass celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Lord Jesus lamented, “Today, you celebrate the Feast of My Sacred Heart. My Sacred Heart should be joyful, but instead, it is full of thorns and pain. It saddens Me to see humanity sink into the deepest of deepest sin, which causes Me to be so offended and for which I endure so much pain. My faithful remnant that I see in front of Me, they are My consolation.”

“My child, everything passes quickly. Things are happening in the world, and they will continue to happen. The hot weather that is hitting some countries, and here, in this country, you can experience milder weather during winter, and then you can experience colder weather. These are all signs given to humanity to repent and convert. I guide everything; these weather changes have nothing to do with climate change. It is the sin that causes all the changes in the weather. Humanity must realise that they really need to come before Me and humble themselves, repent and ask Me for My Mercy.

“This cycle of changes in the world – in the climate, the world economy, will continue until humanity realises the Truth, and fall on their knees and ask Me for forgiveness and mercy. The cycle will continue until humanity comes to the point where they realise there is no other way except to come to Me.”

When people realise that they are to repent of their sins, only then will the world change for the better. I will renew the earth, and there will be a new era of happiness and holiness. My Heart is not happy and it is not content for the world. My Heart is very offended.”

Our Lord finds consolation in little groups – prayer groups, people that love Him and make small sacrifices for Him. We can offer our Lord many daily sacrifices to console Him, to console His Sacred Heart. These can include our domestic chores such as cleaning and washing dishes. He is present with us and watches and waits for us to offer these sacrifices. He waits for sacrifices that we do with love and without complaining.

23 June 2019

The Feast of Corpus Christi


During my early morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me, the Lord has asked me to reveal something to you.”


We came to this remote place where there was an ancient Church. It was beautiful and very peaceful. We entered the Church.


The angel said, “Wait here, and soon, you will meet Blessed Mother.”


As I waited, I looked around and noticed what looked like timber walls. I turned to my right and saw three sets of white Rosary Beads hanging from the wall. I stretched out my hand and touched them and said, “Oh, this is Blessed Mother’s place. She wants me to pray the Rosary.” I was so joyful to be in this heavenly place.


The next moment, Blessed Mother walked through the door and came and stood close to me. She was dressed all in white. I could see she was holding in her hands a transparent bag which appeared to be quite full.


Blessed Mother said, “I brought you a gift, my daughter. This is for you.”


I took the gift from Blessed Mother’s hands and opened up the bag to look inside. There I saw many, many blue and black pens and between them many sheets of blank white paper.


I said, “Oh, there is going to be a lot of writing!”


Blessed Mother smiled at me and gently said, “That is for you, and that is your duty.”


That minute I felt torn in two parts — one part suffering for Holy Souls and the other part a duty to write messages from Heaven.


Blessed Mother and I then walked out of this ancient Church and into the beautiful gardens outside.


I sensed it was time for me to leave. I asked Blessed Mother, “Are you leaving as well?”


She answered, “I am not leaving. I have to stay until Friday. I am visiting a person in prison to help them. You know, sometimes jurors make a decision, and the verdict they give is wrong. They do not judge properly. They condemn a person unjustly.”


While our Blessed Mother was telling me this, I knew in my heart that she was referring to Cardinal Pell. Today is such a special day because he should be celebrating Holy Mass. As a Mother, she is very concerned for him, and she wants to help him. She wants us to pray the Rosary for him; that is why there were three sets of rosary beads shown.


Later in the morning, I attended the High Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. During the sermon, Father Chris was so beautifully explaining the meaning of Corpus Christi, how the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus is given to us in the Holy Eucharist.


In my heart, I said to our Lord, “Father, how beautifully Father Chris explained the Eucharist to the people.”


Immediately our Lord replied, “But he forgot the most important things. He forgot to tell people about the importance of Repentance and Confession.”


During the Elevation, our Lord Jesus said, “All over the world I Am so sacrileged and abused in the Holy Eucharist. So many people receive Me so casually, unworthily and unrepentant, this is all because the Church no longer teaches Repentance.


Jesus said, “My child, how I suffered when I died on the Cross, how My Body was tortured, full of blood, full of sores and I did all that to redeem you, to save you from your sins.”


When the soldier pierced My Side with the lance, it was the most agonising pain that I endured. My Heart opened up like a river, first came the Water and then the Blood to purify all humanity from their sins.”


I gave you everything, My Body, My Blood; I consume Myself for you. What do I get in return? Ungratefulness, no appreciation, no reverence, nothing! That is so painful that My Sacred Heart suffers from all this abuse.


“Valentina, speak the Truth. Explain to people what I went through. Do not be afraid.”


Suddenly, a big bag of bread rolls appeared, and Jesus handed them to me. He said, “Here Valentina, My child, take them. Feed My sheep. Don’t be afraid; I Am always with you. We work together to save souls.”


The bread rolls represent the Word of Jesus.

22 June 2019

Do not Hide Me


One day I was travelling on a bus. The bus was full of people. I noticed that some of the people were staring at the gold Crucifix attached to the gold chain that I was wearing around my neck. I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I hid the Crucifix in my blouse.


As soon as I did this, Jesus said, “Don’t you hide Me! Let people see you wearing My Cross. You should be very proud and privileged that you wear My Holy Cross and that you belong to Me. Keep Me always visible so that people can see Me, and maybe they will learn something from you.”

20 June 2019

The Keyring


During Holy Mass, I was kneeling, and in front of me, I noticed a young lady with a set of keys placed next to her on the pew. On the keyring was a St Benedict Cross. While admiring the St Benedict Cross, I said to our Lord, “Oh my Crucified Jesus, I love You.”


Our Lord responded immediately, “Tell the girl that I Am not a doormat, nor Am I an object to be used to open a door. That offends Me very much. Tell her to wear Me around her neck and give Me honour and respect, and then I will protect her and bless her. I suffered enough for all of you!”

16 June 2019

What is Foretold must be Fulfilled


During the Holy Mass, while Father elevated the Holy Eucharist, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My loving child, appreciate and be grateful for still receiving Me freely in the Holy Communion. I tell you it won’t always be like this. The times are coming and advancing very quickly for all the prophecies to come to fulfilment.”


“The evil is planning to attack the Sanctuary and destroy everything inside the Church. The first thing they want to remove is the Tabernacle. They are planning to get rid of Me. By doing that they want people to not believe in Me, their God, anymore.”


“When these times come, stay very close to Me, have strong faith in Me, and know that after that, things will change for the better.”


As Jesus was telling me this, I became very anxious and upset. I was in tears. Blessed Mother was nearby, I asked her, “Blessed Mother, why would our Lord Jesus Christ permit evil to destroy the Sanctuary in the Church?”


She answered, “Have hope and trust in my Son because these things must come, what is foretold must be fulfilled. What is prophesied must come to fruition. Trust in my Son and do not get upset.”

13 June 2019

Christians persecuted for their Faith


During my early morning prayers, an angel appeared and said, “Come, and I will show you how people suffer; how they are persecuted for their faith, especially Catholics.”


We suddenly found ourselves in an unfamiliar place. I said to the angel, “This is a strange place, I’ve never been here before.”


“Would you like to know the name of this country?” the angel asked me, and then he continued not waiting for my response, “It is China! Now I will reveal to you and take you to the place where they have Mass in secret. It is underground.”


We then went into one of the places which were located underground, beneath a house. There were very narrow passages where people would gather for Holy Mass. I could see a small table set against a wall that is used as an Altar by the priest when he comes to celebrate Holy Mass. All of this is all done in secret.”


While we were in the tunnel, we met another angel who said to us, “I am the Angel of this country, China. I protect the religious people here. I try to warn them, and  I watch them constantly.”


My angel then said, “These people are always in danger because if they are found out, then they are taken to jail and persecuted. Some of them are tortured to force them to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. Others are even killed for their Faith. Now compare this country to your country where you are still free to celebrate Holy Mass. You should be very appreciative and grateful. People in the world have no idea what is going on here in this country. But this will change; it won’t last forever.”


Then I was shown a vision of our Blessed Mother holding Baby Jesus. She was wearing a shiny, green satin mantle.


The angel said, “As you can see the Blessed Mother, with her Son Jesus, is working very hard to renew and to change China because her children here are persecuted for their faith and they suffer much.”


While we were in this place, I could see dirt on the ground, and I sensed that people lived in fear, knowing that at any time they could be arrested. I felt an uneasiness being here, but as I turned to my left, I saw an image sitting on the dirt ground. It was the Image of the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus. I moved as close as possible to the Image as I thought, ‘Here I am near to the Lord, and I feel safe.’ The uneasiness then left me, and I felt much better.


I prayed, “Lord Jesus, please help these people, see how much they suffer.”


The angel said, “China will be renewed, and will flourish in the faith. People here have suffered for too long. In the meantime, pray for the country of China and the surrounding countries.