23 June 2019

The Feast of Corpus Christi


During my early morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me, the Lord has asked me to reveal something to you.”


We came to this remote place where there was an ancient Church. It was beautiful and very peaceful. We entered the Church.


The angel said, “Wait here, and soon, you will meet Blessed Mother.”


As I waited, I looked around and noticed what looked like timber walls. I turned to my right and saw three sets of white Rosary Beads hanging from the wall. I stretched out my hand and touched them and said, “Oh, this is Blessed Mother’s place. She wants me to pray the Rosary.” I was so joyful to be in this heavenly place.


The next moment, Blessed Mother walked through the door and came and stood close to me. She was dressed all in white. I could see she was holding in her hands a transparent bag which appeared to be quite full.


Blessed Mother said, “I brought you a gift, my daughter. This is for you.”


I took the gift from Blessed Mother’s hands and opened up the bag to look inside. There I saw many, many blue and black pens and between them many sheets of blank white paper.


I said, “Oh, there is going to be a lot of writing!”


Blessed Mother smiled at me and gently said, “That is for you, and that is your duty.”


That minute I felt torn in two parts — one part suffering for Holy Souls and the other part a duty to write messages from Heaven.


Blessed Mother and I then walked out of this ancient Church and into the beautiful gardens outside.


I sensed it was time for me to leave. I asked Blessed Mother, “Are you leaving as well?”


She answered, “I am not leaving. I have to stay until Friday. I am visiting a person in prison to help them. You know, sometimes jurors make a decision, and the verdict they give is wrong. They do not judge properly. They condemn a person unjustly.”


While our Blessed Mother was telling me this, I knew in my heart that she was referring to Cardinal Pell. Today is such a special day because he should be celebrating Holy Mass. As a Mother, she is very concerned for him, and she wants to help him. She wants us to pray the Rosary for him; that is why there were three sets of rosary beads shown.


Later in the morning, I attended the High Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. During the sermon, Father Chris was so beautifully explaining the meaning of Corpus Christi, how the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus is given to us in the Holy Eucharist.


In my heart, I said to our Lord, “Father, how beautifully Father Chris explained the Eucharist to the people.”


Immediately our Lord replied, “But he forgot the most important things. He forgot to tell people about the importance of Repentance and Confession.”


During the Elevation, our Lord Jesus said, “All over the world I Am so sacrileged and abused in the Holy Eucharist. So many people receive Me so casually, unworthily and unrepentant, this is all because the Church no longer teaches Repentance.


Jesus said, “My child, how I suffered when I died on the Cross, how My Body was tortured, full of blood, full of sores and I did all that to redeem you, to save you from your sins.”


When the soldier pierced My Side with the lance, it was the most agonising pain that I endured. My Heart opened up like a river, first came the Water and then the Blood to purify all humanity from their sins.”


I gave you everything, My Body, My Blood; I consume Myself for you. What do I get in return? Ungratefulness, no appreciation, no reverence, nothing! That is so painful that My Sacred Heart suffers from all this abuse.


“Valentina, speak the Truth. Explain to people what I went through. Do not be afraid.”


Suddenly, a big bag of bread rolls appeared, and Jesus handed them to me. He said, “Here Valentina, My child, take them. Feed My sheep. Don’t be afraid; I Am always with you. We work together to save souls.”


The bread rolls represent the Word of Jesus.

22 June 2019

Do not Hide Me


One day I was travelling on a bus. The bus was full of people. I noticed that some of the people were staring at the gold Crucifix attached to the gold chain that I was wearing around my neck. I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I hid the Crucifix in my blouse.


As soon as I did this, Jesus said, “Don’t you hide Me! Let people see you wearing My Cross. You should be very proud and privileged that you wear My Holy Cross and that you belong to Me. Keep Me always visible so that people can see Me, and maybe they will learn something from you.”

20 June 2019

The Keyring


During Holy Mass, I was kneeling, and in front of me, I noticed a young lady with a set of keys placed next to her on the pew. On the keyring was a St Benedict Cross. While admiring the St Benedict Cross, I said to our Lord, “Oh my Crucified Jesus, I love You.”


Our Lord responded immediately, “Tell the girl that I Am not a doormat, nor Am I an object to be used to open a door. That offends Me very much. Tell her to wear Me around her neck and give Me honour and respect, and then I will protect her and bless her. I suffered enough for all of you!”

16 June 2019

What is Foretold must be Fulfilled


During the Holy Mass, while Father elevated the Holy Eucharist, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My loving child, appreciate and be grateful for still receiving Me freely in the Holy Communion. I tell you it won’t always be like this. The times are coming and advancing very quickly for all the prophecies to come to fulfilment.”


“The evil is planning to attack the Sanctuary and destroy everything inside the Church. The first thing they want to remove is the Tabernacle. They are planning to get rid of Me. By doing that they want people to not believe in Me, their God, anymore.”


“When these times come, stay very close to Me, have strong faith in Me, and know that after that, things will change for the better.”


As Jesus was telling me this, I became very anxious and upset. I was in tears. Blessed Mother was nearby, I asked her, “Blessed Mother, why would our Lord Jesus Christ permit evil to destroy the Sanctuary in the Church?”


She answered, “Have hope and trust in my Son because these things must come, what is foretold must be fulfilled. What is prophesied must come to fruition. Trust in my Son and do not get upset.”

13 June 2019

Christians persecuted for their Faith


During my early morning prayers, an angel appeared and said, “Come, and I will show you how people suffer; how they are persecuted for their faith, especially Catholics.”


We suddenly found ourselves in an unfamiliar place. I said to the angel, “This is a strange place, I’ve never been here before.”


“Would you like to know the name of this country?” the angel asked me, and then he continued not waiting for my response, “It is China! Now I will reveal to you and take you to the place where they have Mass in secret. It is underground.”


We then went into one of the places which were located underground, beneath a house. There were very narrow passages where people would gather for Holy Mass. I could see a small table set against a wall that is used as an Altar by the priest when he comes to celebrate Holy Mass. All of this is all done in secret.”


While we were in the tunnel, we met another angel who said to us, “I am the Angel of this country, China. I protect the religious people here. I try to warn them, and  I watch them constantly.”


My angel then said, “These people are always in danger because if they are found out, then they are taken to jail and persecuted. Some of them are tortured to force them to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. Others are even killed for their Faith. Now compare this country to your country where you are still free to celebrate Holy Mass. You should be very appreciative and grateful. People in the world have no idea what is going on here in this country. But this will change; it won’t last forever.”


Then I was shown a vision of our Blessed Mother holding Baby Jesus. She was wearing a shiny, green satin mantle.


The angel said, “As you can see the Blessed Mother, with her Son Jesus, is working very hard to renew and to change China because her children here are persecuted for their faith and they suffer much.”


While we were in this place, I could see dirt on the ground, and I sensed that people lived in fear, knowing that at any time they could be arrested. I felt an uneasiness being here, but as I turned to my left, I saw an image sitting on the dirt ground. It was the Image of the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus. I moved as close as possible to the Image as I thought, ‘Here I am near to the Lord, and I feel safe.’ The uneasiness then left me, and I felt much better.


I prayed, “Lord Jesus, please help these people, see how much they suffer.”


The angel said, “China will be renewed, and will flourish in the faith. People here have suffered for too long. In the meantime, pray for the country of China and the surrounding countries.

9 June 2019

Holy Souls begging for Help


During the night, I suffered much for the Holy Souls, much more than I usually suffer. I experienced a deep pain throughout my whole body but mainly in my left leg.


My room was packed with Holy Souls, more than usual. They were repeatedly begging me, “Lady, we want to go to Heaven.”


I responded, “Oh, yes, you want to go to Heaven too quickly.”


“How long since you passed away? I asked.


“We don’t know. We don’t remember how long. We only know that you can get us to Heaven,” they answered.


I said, “Just a minute, there is Someone higher than me, and He is the One who permits you to go to Heaven.”


“Yes, but you can ask for us and lead us to Him,” they responded.


I said, “All in good time.”


The Holy Souls were extremely close to me begging me for help when, suddenly, I heard a very loud voice, louder than that of the souls surrounding me. This voice was coming from the deep ground, but I could not see the soul that was speaking. He said, “My name is Bob! Don’t forget, Bob. Bob, Bob is my name. Please help me and get me out of here.”


Hearing this voice shook me and left me unsettled, as I knew the soul was very deep in the ground. I immediately recognised the voice as that of Mr. Robert (Bob) Hawke, the former prime minister of Australia who had recently died. I could hear much desperation in his voice. I felt such a coldness overcome me at the sound of his voice. I immediately switched on my bedside lamp and prayed, “Lord Jesus, I know I am suffering, but please can You help Mr. Bob Hawke. I know he did some good deeds for the public. I know he did not offer you anything because he was never taught. Be merciful to him, please. I know you cannot say no if I ask You.”


During my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus said, “Go to Mass and offer Me all these people that tormented you all night, and I will accept them.”


The next day, more souls came to my room. Due to exhaustion from lack of sleep I lamented to the Lord, “Lord Jesus, people do not even know me nor know that I even exist when they are alive but when they die they come to me for help!”


The following morning, the angel appeared and said, “Come, I will take you to Blessed Mother. She has something to reveal to you.”


We suddenly found ourselves in Heaven. There was a beautiful small garden surrounded by a white fence. In the centre of the garden was our Blessed Mother with saintly ladies gathered around her. The ladies were so joyful to be in the presence of our Blessed Mother and to be chatting with her and Blessed Mother was also joyful talking to them.


The angel and I were standing outside the fence. The angel said, “You know when you were tired and complaining about all the souls in your room, it is as if you took your pillow and threw it right into the garden.” I was shown a vision of me throwing my pillow into the garden. When I saw this, I was so embarrassed.


The angel continued, “You hurt our Blessed Mother and Jesus very much because you rejected the suffering that they gave you.”


That moment, Blessed Mother beckoned for us to come over. The gate opened, and I entered while the angel remained at the gate. The saintly ladies moved and made room for me to approach Blessed Mother. She held out both her hands for me to come to her.


She embraced me and held me tight for a long time. She said, “You know, when you reject the suffering and complain about it, you throw back your suffering at us and that hurts us very deeply. I know you went through a lot, but you are very privileged. The grace was given to you, and my Son always gives you strength and grace to go through all. He never abandons you.”


Feeling a deep remorse in my heart, I said, “O Blessed Mother, I am so sorry to do that to you and our Lord. I will never do that again.”


Our Blessed Mother was happy to accept my apology. I then asked her, “Where is my pillow?”


She smiled and said, “It is all gone and dissolved.”


This message is a teaching for all of us. When we complain about things, we offend our Lord very much. Our Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus depend on us to pray and offer up sacrifices for the holy souls and for those living on earth for their conversion.

3 June 2019

Honour My Sacred Heart


After Holy Mass, I prayed the Divine Praises in front of the Tabernacle.


Lord Jesus said, “Tell people to honour My Sacred Heart that is so gravely offended by just about every sin that is committed in the world. Pray and offer Me sacrifice to console Me and to atone for the sins.”


Lord Jesus have mercy on humanity.

26 May 2019

Jesus Purifies the Holy Souls with Incense


During my morning prayers, especially when I prayed the words, ‘I believe in God, the Father Almighty,’ Jesus appeared accompanied by an angel.


Our Lord said, “I come to incense your home. I come to incense your room so that the Holy Souls will leave.”


During the night, I suffered immense pain in my left leg for the many souls waiting in my room. It is never-ending, as soon as I take souls to Holy Mass and leave them at the foot of the Holy Altar, I come home and my room is full again with new souls.


Our Lord then took the thurible that was being held by the angel and proceeded to incense my room by swinging the thurible three times.


Jesus then said, “Now, go and open the door so that they can go out. These souls were all black, very polluted with sin. That is why I came to rescue you.”


As I opened the door, I directed these souls to leave my room saying, “Out you go! Out you go!” As they approached the door, I could smell the stench of tobacco smoke and other putrid smells coming from then. I noticed however that as they were leaving my room, through the incensing by our Lord, they changed from a black colour to a misty grey colour, they were already better.


Our Lord then smiled and said, “But still you have to go to High Mass and offer them up to Me so that I can purify them.”


The incensing by our Lord purified these souls.

26 May 2019

Homily inspired by the Holy Spirit


As Father Rizzo was giving his homily today at Holy Mass, I could clearly see a bright golden light on his forehead.

 I knew that the Holy Spirit was present and was inspiring him, as he was preaching to us.

He was preaching about the importance of the Sacrament of Confession, the need to pray for those committing crimes and he also emphasised that Hell is forever, and that repentance is vital for our salvation and for everlasting life.

May the Holy Spirit inspire all our priests to preach the True Word of God.

25 May 2019

Make the Sign of the Cross to release stress and worry


The angel said, “When you have a lot of stress and worry, and you have knots in your throat and chest, make a Sign of the Cross over each knot and keep repeating this until our Lord will take it away from you.”


“It is like a surrender prayer, but you make the Sign of the Cross. Slowly, slowly, our Lord lifts the stress, and you feel peaceful again.”

23 May 2019

Priests in Purgatory


During Holy Mass, before the Elevation of the Holy Eucharist, all of a sudden I felt like my spirit was elevated and I was in an enormous space, and it was full of priests as far as the eye can see.  They were all wearing brown coloured garments, similar in colour to brown-paper bags. They were all huddled together.


As I was looking at them, they were all looking back at me and begging me, “Valentina, please help us and do not forget us. Look how many of us are here just waiting to be helped, to be released.”


During the Elevation of the Holy Eucharist, as I was kneeling, I offered all these priests to our Lord Jesus.


Please pray for our priests in Purgatory, they desperately need our help.

22 May 2019

My Patience is Exhausted


During my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Today, My child I would like to teach you and to tell you about Myself.”


“In the old times, people loved Me, and everything they did, in their simple lives, they put their trust in God and they thanked Him. They lived a simple and humble life. They entrusted everything to Him, and they were very appreciative. They were very near to Me; it was like we were walking hand in hand, so united. Prayer was a priority in their lives, and they were very sincere and prayed from their heart. They were happy, and I was happy and joyful too.”


Jesus smiled as He was telling this.


“Then times changed and a new generation came. A new generation came in a new era with modern inventions which offered a better standard of life. So people went for it! They dropped everything. They neglected prayers, abandoned churches, all for material goods which were offered to them.”


Sadly, people started to distance themselves away from the True God and True Faith.  The more I tried to come closer to them, the more they rejected Me.  Today, they don’t want Me their God!  I tried very hard to come near every person and tell them how much I love them.

How much I love everyone on earth, but I Am pushed away. They build their own civilisation without God, and that is a danger.”


“Valentina, speak the Truth to people and tell them how much I care and love them. Console Me, for My Heart is offended by what I see in the world.”


Jesus then looked at me and said, “I Am patient, but My patience is exhausted.”


Our Lord Jesus was very sad. He showed me what looked like a square blanket of fresh green leaves, raked together. In the centre of these leaves, our Lord Jesus was standing. Then the wind came, scattered all the leaves everywhere, and our Lord remained by Himself.


Jesus said, “The leaves represent people when they were united together with One God and One Love.”


Jesus loves everyone. He wants to save everyone.







19 May 2019

Thank our Lord for this country of Australia


During Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Offer Me today and thank Me for this land of Australia that held government elections yesterday.”


Jesus said, “If the outcome of the election had fallen into the wrong hands, you would all be very much controlled, and it would be bad for your economy.”


“Pray for this country always, and for the leader who will lead Australia.”


Our Lord asks us to trust in Him and to pray to Him.


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for protecting us.

19 May 2019

Our Lady Help of Christians


During Holy Mass, our Blessed Mother said, “I am standing on top of Australia, which the Church has consecrated to me.”


“This country was so Christian and Catholic and very devoted in faith, but sadly with all these migrants, that have brought their own beliefs and worship, they have made this a secular country, and that makes me and my Son very sad. There is only a minority who are true Christians, and this number is shrinking.”


“Pray my children, that people will not completely lose their faith.”


18 May 2019

The Australian Election


During the evening, I was following the progress of the Federal Election results on television. I was listening to a Labor Party politician speaking as a commentator. I did not like what he was saying with regards to his party’s views on religion. I immediately felt uneasiness.  All of a sudden Blessed Mother appeared. She came down dressed in a most beautiful flowing garment, all in white.


Blessed Mother knew how unsettled I was feeling. She said, “Turn it off! Don’t follow and listen to all these promises and lies they tell you and what they are going to do. Trust in my Son and pray the Holy Rosary. Don’t waste your precious time, but pray.”


Our Blessed Mother then left. She was very serious.


I prayed, “Blessed Mother, please bless this country of Australia and its people and give us a good leader for this country.”