15 July 2018

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Many receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist Unworthily


During the distribution of Holy Communion, after I came back to my pew, I went down on my knees to pray and to thank the Lord.


Suddenly, a most brilliant golden glowing light appeared before me. It was so bright, more brilliant than the sun. As this was happening I was in the second row from the front, so that I had a clear vision of the people coming to receive Holy Communion.


Then our Lord spoke to me. He said, “Now you will see and experience how I see all these people, when they come to receive Me in Holy Communion. You will experience what I see.”


I was kneeling down and as the people were passing by in front of me, I could see the golden light around some of the people rising from their feet upward along their sides. As others passed by, the light around them was very dim and even non-existent and then completely disappeared. Then others would pass by and the light would re-appear. The degree of strength and brilliance of the golden light was related to the state of the person’s soul.


When the children would walk by, I could see a very strong glow of light around them. This represented their innocence and our Lord was pleased with them. For some people I could see the light rise from their feet and come around them on both their left and right sides.


Today Father John Rizzo celebrated Holy Mass. During the homily I could see a beautiful golden glowing light in the space between his mouth and the microphone. Two angels were present on either side of him. The light means that the priest was speaking the True Word of God.


Our Lord then said, “See, how much I Am offended by people receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist unworthily. They think that if they receive Me in Holy Communion they will receive healing. I cannot do that, unless they repent of their sins and go to confession.”


Very few priests teach about the importance of confession. Today Father Rizzo was talking about confession. Our Lord would like for the priests to speak more about the importance of repentance and confession during each Mass.


Those for whom the light disappeared they were not worthy to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.


Most of the people that received Holy Communion did not have a light because they were not worthy. Please do not be offended if you read this message because our Lord gives an opportunity for everyone to repent. He would like that everyone would come and receive Him pure and holy.

12 July 2018

Return to God


During the morning while I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared and she looked very sad.


She said, “Try to encourage people to turn to God. There are many disasters that will befall mankind. You see the disasters that happened in Japan very suddenly. These disasters are on an enormous scale, they are not normal. Many people are dying in each disaster. They die without God, without repentance. That makes me very sad my children.”


“These disasters will persist in the world, but people don’t take much notice of things that are happening. Unless they are in a State of Grace, they will not comprehend what is coming to the world.”


“They must come to know God and repent to Him. Only He can give you strength and protection for what is to come. Encourage people to return to God. It is plain and simple,” she said.


Our Blessed Mother tries to lead us to her Son but not many respond. They make themselves blind and deaf to the messages.

29 June 2018

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul


This morning whilst on my knees praying, I was privileged to receive a special visit from Heaven. St Peter and St Paul came to visit me.


They both looked quite young, maybe in their late thirties. St Peter had dark coloured wavy hair, olive skin complexion and a longish face. St Paul was of a much fairer complexion with a rounded face and greyish brown hair. They were wearing very unusual tunics of a light brown colour with golden trimming coming down from the shoulders and joining at the front centre. Each saint was accompanied by two angels standing on either side of them.


They said, “Valentina, we are Apostles of our Lord Jesus. He sends us to come to talk to you. Do not be sad, our Lord Jesus loves you very much.”


“He wishes that you speak to people His Holy Word. Tell people to convert and to turn to God. He is very offended by the world. He is very offended by all the sin in the world.”


“Also tell people that many calamities will happen. Tell them to wake up. So far they do not listen to any of the prophecies. Be courageous and spread His Word. He is always with you to protect you.”


Smiling, they said, “We also come to tell you that you receive a very special gift and graces from the Lord.”


“Would you like to know what that is?” I did not respond but just listened to them speak.


They continued, “The gift is so that you can see through the Eyes of Jesus and that you can discern if people are truthful or not, when you are among them.”


They said, “You are very privileged to receive this gift. Be very grateful to the Lord. Love Him and thank Him always.”


“Do you know Valentina that while we were living on earth, we too received a special gift of grace from our Lord, to discern between good and evil around us. We only lived for our Lord and we love Him so much. But now that we are with Him we cannot describe the joy and happiness being constantly with our Lord.”


“You should be very, very happy and proud.”


I said, “I don’t like to be proud.”


They said, “But this is different, this is a Heavenly gift from God.”


“We all pray for you Valentina so that you will not be discouraged by any negativity that is around you.”


They then departed.


The whole time that they were with me, they were so joyful and cheerful. They were smiling the whole time.


Thank you my Lord Jesus for all the graces that You have given me. Thank you St Peter and thank you St Paul, pray for all of us here on earth.

22 June 2018

Jesus nourishes and heals each soul


After the vicious verbal attack I had suffered yesterday, I was not at peace and I felt like going to Reconciliation. Even though I did not commence the argument which led to the verbal attack I felt guilty for participating in it.


While I was praying my morning prayers the angel came to me and said, “Our Lord has sent me to take you with me.”


I momentarily thought that I would be taken to visit Purgatory. I did not question the angel as to where we were going when suddenly, we found ourselves in a Heavenly building. I was in a room full of people. I could see a beautiful Altar, which was fixed to the wall. I could see our Lord Jesus standing at the Altar with His back to all the people. He was wearing a white tunic.


The angel said, “Kneel down! Now you are in the presence of the Lord and you must kneel down.”


Then our Lord turned around and walked towards the people and sat in a chair facing the people.


The angel said, “Now, He is going to serve Holy Communion.”


I could see many souls go ahead of me and kneel before our Lord to receive Holy Communion. The Communion was placed straight into their mouth, onto their tongue.


“He is nourishing the people,” the angel said.


He said, “Now it is your turn. You have to move next to the Lord.”


I came up really close to our Lord, and, quietly to myself, I was praying the ’Act of Contrition’. I was hoping that our Lord would know what suffering and attacks I had been through the day before.


I knelt beside our Lord and waited for Him to give me Holy Communion. Our Lord, however was ignoring me, then, smiling He said, “Just wait a minute.”


I then noticed a young girl, who looked about twenty years old, come right up to Him. She was assisted by an angel. Our Lord then said to me, “Stand up My child and listen to this!”


Jesus said, “You see this girl, while she was alive on earth she was a quadriplegic. She desired very much to receive Me in the Holy Eucharist, but she could never swallow. Now that she has come here, she was brought to Me so that I could nourish her and heal her, because she went through a lot of trauma while on earth. I make for her a special type of Holy Communion so that she can swallow Me. Slowly she will come to perfection. ”


I was watching all of this so closely and I was praising our Lord for being so good and so merciful.


I could see our Lord place the Host on her tongue, but it was specially shaped for her. It was oval in shape.


Our Lord then said, “You see now she can swallow Me and it is easier for her.”


She was a tall, attractive girl with brown hair. I noticed that she was still a little weak and wobbly as she walked towards our Lord. During this whole time an angel was beside her, assisting her to stand. After receiving Holy Communion from our Lord, the angel walked her away.


After the girl left I knelt down beside our Lord and asked Him, “Lord, what about me? When are you going to give me Holy Communion?”


Jesus answered, “Just wait a little bit longer.”


I then noticed two saintly men, dressed all in white, coming from a side room towards our Lord. They genuflected before our Lord before proceeding to another side room. They kept repeating this action of walking from one room, genuflecting before our Lord and then walking to the other room.


I was still kneeling for quite a long time and waiting to receive Holy Communion. Then I noticed how our Lord kept looking around waiting for the two saintly persons to return. Thinking that He had forgotten me, to get our Lord’s attention I grabbed onto a part of His garment and gently shook it, just like a child would grab his mother. To my surprise I could feel His Flesh between my fingers.


Our Lord jumped and exclaimed, “Oh, you just pinched Me!”


I said, “I am so sorry Lord. Look at all the people waiting for You to serve them. When am I going to receive Holy Communion?”


Jesus said smiling, “Let them wait! They have all the time to wait.”


The people that I could see, were mainly women and young girls, all dressed in white, sitting in pews as you would find in a church. These souls were all in Heaven, waiting for our Lord to nourish them. Only He knows what each of them needs.


All of a sudden the two saintly persons approached us. They were carrying a manger which they brought to our Lord.


The manger was very beautiful, about half a metre long. It was white and lined with golden- yellow straw. On top of the straw was a porcelain little Baby Jesus.


The little Baby Jesus was ever so beautiful, almost alive. He had large eyes and was smiling. His index finger and middle finger of His right Hand were raised to bless and give peace to people.


The two saintly persons, who were holding the Manger and looking at Baby Jesus, were trembling so much. They said to Jesus, “We are not worthy to hold You.”


I was admiring Baby Jesus and praising Him saying, “How beautiful You are. May You be praised and blessed forever by Heaven and Earth.”


I made the Sign of the Cross over the little Baby Jesus.


Our Lord Jesus then said, “There you are! That is your Holy Communion. I know how much you love Me as a Baby. So now you receive peace and blessings from Heaven.”


After the ceremony the two saintly persons took Baby Jesus in the Manger away.  The angel that accompanied me was now waiting for me to leave.


Jesus said, “Now, all the stress and evil that was around you, it is all gone. I had to bring you here to give you assurance and peace.”


A few days later our Blessed Mother appeared to me in the Chapel at St Patrick’s Cathedral during Mass. I asked Blessed Mother, “Where were you? I was looking for you but you were not there.”


She said, “I know all about what happened. But I want to tell you that my Son has many different quarters in Heaven. When the many different souls come, He knows what each one needs. He heals them, He nourishes them, He talks to them. Only He knows what each one needs.


I thank the Lord for His kindness and goodness and graces to share with others.

21 June 2018

Mass for the Late Father Valerijan Jenko


In the morning, while I was praying I suddenly had a vision of our Crucified Lord on the Cross. He was alive and He was in complete agony. He asked me to console Him.


He asked, “Could you place a little bouquet of flowers under My Feet. This will console Me greatly.”


The vision then disappeared. Then I understood and I said to myself, ‘Oh, oh, I am going to have some kind of suffering today.’


That same day I suffered a very vicious verbal attack by a very evil person. While I was being attacked I momentarily forgot about the vision of the Crucified Jesus that I had in the morning.


Later on I realised our Lord tried to warn me of the dangers that I would face. When you get attacked by somebody then our Lord also suffers.

17 June 2018

Events that will soon happen in the World


While I was praying my morning prayers, the angel appeared to me and greeted me by saying, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He sent me to reveal to you the events that will happen in the world very soon.”


He continued, “I have to tell you there will be a very big earthquake. It will be the biggest ever earthquake and it will happen in China. This will happen very, very soon and from now on, until September this year there will be many calamities in the world.”


“God is offended too much by humanity in the world. Pray, that God will be merciful to the many souls that will die in these calamities and disasters.”


I said to the angel, “Oh the poor people. I feel so sorry for them.”


The angel replied, “Do not lament for the people. Always say, ‘let God’s Will be done’.  God is already offended too much. He has to wake up humanity.”


Later that morning I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta.


After receiving Holy Communion I knelt down in my pew, when suddenly our Lord Jesus appeared and stood right in front of me.


He said, “My child, be at peace. What you have heard from the angel this morning is bound to happen. Let nothing disturb you, no matter what happens. You are united to Me. That is the most important thing, that you are united to Me. Keep spreading My messages and be courageous.”


This message is for all of us to read and not to have fear of any kind but to have faith in our Lord Jesus and to be united to Him. He will take care of all of us.


We love You and we thank You Lord Jesus, please protect Your people.

12 June 2018

Blessed Mother cries tears of Blood for her Children


This morning, while I was still sleeping, Blessed Mother came to me. Ever so gently, I could feel someone nudge my right shoulder, to wake me up. I immediately woke up and was surprised to see our Blessed Mother standing there beside my bed. With a sense of urgency in her voice, she said, “Wake up my child! We are waiting for your prayers.”


I looked at the time on the clock on my bedside table. I remember it was 4.02am. Blessed Mother was looking at me with a very sad expression on her face. Then I noticed blood exuding from one of her eyes. She was crying tears of blood. I was so sad to see this.


I asked, “Blessed Mother, why are you crying? Why is there blood coming from your eye? Why are you crying tears of blood?”


Very sadly, she answered, “See how I suffer for my children all over the world. I have no more tears left to cry for them. All that I have left now is the blood that comes from my eyes. These are the most painful tears. My children offend my Son so much, with the sins they commit.”


She continued, “See my daughter, it is like when you have a little pimple on your face and you constantly touch it, the pimple becomes painful. Then you lament about the pimple and it starts to annoy you. What about Me? You see how I suffer for my children every day, because they are falling into the deep abyss of Hell, for which there is no more help. For this reason My children, please, I beg of you to pray for non-believers, so that my Beloved Son will have compassion and mercy for them, through your pleading and your prayers. Pray, pray the Holy Rosary!”


With deep sadness, Blessed Mother then departed.


Many times before, Blessed Mother explained to me that at midnight, Heaven opens up. This is the time for each of us here on earth, to offer our prayers and petitions to Heaven. They are waiting to receive our little prayers. During the night when we cannot sleep, or when we receive a nudge and are woken up, we can use this time to offer our little prayers and sacrifices to Heaven. We can offer them up for the sick and the dying, and especially for those who die suddenly and unprepared. These people all need our prayers. Heaven is anxiously waiting for us to offer a little prayer to save a soul.


As reparation for the tears of blood cried by our Blessed Mother, we can offer a decade of the Holy Rosary, and in this way we console our Blessed Mother.

8 June 2018

The Killing of Innocent Babies


This morning, while I was praying, the most holy mother Mary appeared to me. She said, “My daughter, look how sad I am for this country of Australia for making abortion legal.”


She said, “Now the Government permits everything that people ask of it. The members of the Government will do anything, and give people what they ask, just to keep their seats in Parliament. They agree to the killing of innocent babies. The little innocent babies cannot defend themselves, and they have no chance for life. I want to tell you, how sad my Son Jesus is for all the evil that He sees and that He hears, and that is happening in the world.”


She said, “The killing of innocent children is a terrible mortal sin. The cries of the little children rise all the way to Heaven. How long can God continue to watch all of this evil that is happening in the world?”


“My children, I lament to you as a Mother. My Immaculate Heart grieves as the Mother of all my children. I suffer so deeply and I cry.”


Again Mary repeated, “I cry and my tears become red as blood. Tell humanity how God is offended. Humanity should stop carrying on so sinfully. God will punish and judge the world severely.”


Then our Blessed Mother cheered up a little and said, “My daughter, bring me a little bouquet of flowers and place them in the church in front of my statue. In that way you will console me and my Son, Jesus, for the many offences we receive. Tell my children to do the same in reparation. This will console our Hearts. When people come to pray near my statue in the church, tell them to pray three Hail Marys, and I will offer them to the most Holy Trinity for pardon and mercy in reparation.”


Looking very sad Blessed Mother then departed. I could see that she was crying tears of blood. She explained to me that the tears of blood are the most painful tears. She really feels the pain.


People who commit such horrible sins should repent and confess otherwise there will be no forgiveness.

21st May 2018

Dangerous Times in which We Live


This morning, while I was saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared to me and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He sent me to reveal to you and to show you what was supposed to happen to you all, and to the whole world. Recently, a very evil man was going to push the button of a very dangerous and most deadly bomb, to destroy the world and the people of the world, but Lord Jesus stopped him. This bomb is the hydrogen bomb, the most powerful of all atomic bombs.”


The angel showed me a vision in which I could see our Lord Jesus. He was dressed in a beautiful tunic, completely red in colour, and I could see Him holding His holy Hand over the evil hand of this most evil man, so as to not let him push the button to blow us all up. I could not recognise the man, as all I was shown were his arms from the elbow down, but I could see he was wearing a black suit. This vision lasted for quite a long time, for about ten minutes, so that I could witness what our Lord Jesus did to stop this wicked man.


As I was being shown this vision the angel kept his gaze on me. He said, “Would you like to know why Lord Jesus stopped all of that, for it not to happen?  I will tell you why. Lord Jesus looked down upon the earth, and there He saw little children, from two different families from two different parts of the world, praying the Holy Rosary. These little children were praying the Holy Rosary so sincerely, that Lord Jesus used the children’s innocent prayers to stop this terrible catastrophe.”


Then, smiling, the angel said, “There were seven of them in each of the two families.”


In a vision I could see these children praying, both boys and girls, between the ages of three to about twelve years old. They were kneeling by their bedside while they were praying. I could also see the mothers of these children praying with them.


The angel said, “Tell mothers to teach their little children to pray and to love God. Tell people to thank the Lord for what He has done and to be very grateful to Him.”


Later that day I attended Holy Mass. Just before Holy Mass was to commence, I knelt down to make my offerings, as I usually do. Our Lord Jesus then suddenly appeared, interrupting my offerings. Smiling, He said, “My child, today I want you to only offer Me, and to thank Me, on behalf of yourself and the whole world, that I spared you all. Offer Me just that, and I will accept in gratitude, that it has come from you.”


After Holy Communion, our Blessed Mother appeared to me and said, “My daughter, write this message that we tell you and let people know how dangerous are the present times in which you live. Tell them to wake up and change their way of life and to pray.”


After mass had finished, the angel said, “You people of the world, you go to sleep and you do not pray, you are so relaxed and you take life so easy, but look, all of you could have been blown up in just a few minutes.”


Lord Jesus, thank you, on behalf of myself and the whole world that you spared us all.

5 May 2018

The World will be Entirely Mine


While I was saying my morning prayers our Lord Jesus appeared to me. He was dressed in a red tunic. I was told the red symbolises victory. He said, “Peace be with you, My child. Try to concentrate and pray for peace always. Peace can only come from Heaven that is given by God, but the peace that the world offers does not last.”


Jesus continued, “Valentina, My child, come with Me, I want to reveal to you and show you what will happen soon in the world.”


Suddenly, our Lord Jesus, and I, in His presence, were both standing in outer space. We stood parallel to the earth watching it in orbit. I could see countries, their greenery, deserts and the oceans of the world. Everything was very clear as there was no cloud cover.


Our Lord Jesus said, “I can no longer watch this world continue to be so sinful and so corrupt. I have had enough of watching all this evil.”


With His right Hand, He pointed towards earth and said, “So much misery for My poor children, they are suffering in wars, they are being persecuted and they are crying to Heaven, pleading to Me to help them.”


“Valentina, when you go to church and you see poor people begging on the footpath on your way to Mass, it is not only where you are that there are poor people but it is all over the world. It should not be like that. This all happened because people are too proud and too greedy. It is just ‘me, me, me and I, I, I!’ Greed, the more they see, the more they want. So many rich people not helping the poor.”


Then He said, “But do not lose hope as I am already working on this, to place My Justice on earth.”


At that moment, a large roll of ribbon appeared at our Lord’s Feet. The ribbon was a dusty blue colour and the roll was about half a metre in diameter.


Our Lord then bent down and picked up the roll of ribbon. He tossed it towards the earth. As He tossed the ribbon it unrolled and covered part of the earth. Our Lord then turned towards me and smiled. He was very happy. Speaking with a firm tone, He said, “The world belongs to Me, only to Me. I will put a ribbon all around the world and I will tie it together like a gift packet and I will get rid of all the evil that is now in the world. I really mean it! The world will belong entirely to Me, and only to Me and no evil will ever get in again.”


I watched our Lord bring together all the ribbons from each part of the world and then in the centre, He tied them together ever so tightly. He said, “See, no evil can ever enter again.”   The ribbons completely covered the earth, not even a pin could enter. There was not even a little crevice that would allow evil to enter.”


I noticed that as our Lord was tightening the ribbons, the earth became smaller. He said, “I will make the earth pure and holy. People will live in My Will. There will be no hunger and no thirst. People will be living in harmony and peace. One will not have more than the other. Instead, they will be sharing with others. If someone has less, they will be helped by others who have a little bit more. Love will be flowing on earth. Finally, the world will be entirely Mine, living in peace and justice, the way it should be.”


Our Lord kept repeating, “The world will be entirely Mine, and will only belong to Me.” As Jesus kept repeating these words I could hear them echoing throughout the universe.


I said to our Lord, “But the world is Yours. You created it.”


Jesus responded, “But there is also evil in the world, that corrupts the world.”


I cannot express how beautiful it was being in the presence of our Lord while He was explaining all this to me. I can only tell you that He is so unique, no words can describe His holiness, His love. He wants to make the world beautiful again for all His children.

1 May 2018

Three Powerful Angels


During the early morning, about five o’clock, I was praying the rosary as I could not sleep. All of a sudden our Blessed Mother appeared and she brought with her the three powerful angels. I was very happy and radiant when I saw them.


Our Blessed Mother said, “As you can see my daughter, I have three powerful angels with me today, which you have met before, St Gabriel, St Michael and St Raphael. These are the three powerful angels who will announce the Second Coming of my Son Jesus, which is ever so near. Whatever our Lord commands them to do, they obey Him.”


I was told that these three powerful angels will lead us through the Chastisement. St Michael will fight and defeat the devil. St Gabriel will announce the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. St Raphael will heal humanity from the sickness due to sin. He will heal the body, mind and spirit of humanity.


Our Blessed Mother said, “It is essential that in this time in which you live that you pray a lot, especially the Holy Rosary.” This message was given to me on the 30 April 2018.


1 May 2018

Heavenly Visitation in my Home


In the morning, while I was in my kitchen, I was saying my prayers, when all of a sudden my house was filled with a Heavenly presence of many, many angels. There was a lot of loud chatter going on amongst these heavenly beings. They were all very happy and very joyous.


I thought to myself, ‘What a privilege that I received this Heavenly visitation’, when, suddenly, I could see God the Father among the angels. Our Blessed Mother was also present in this Heavenly group. I immediately said, “Glory to You, my Father.”


God the Father went and sat on one of my kitchen chairs, which was closest to the window. He was wearing a white tunic with a light brown mantle. I was made to understand from previous visions that the brown mantle represents the priesthood. God the Father was of a younger appearance, with blue eyes and the most beautiful skin. He had no beard. His hair was short and of a greyish colour.


He said to me, “Today, you are very blessed and privileged that we all came to see you and console you because we know that you still grieve after your son. Come close to Me, My daughter, so that we can talk.”


I moved closer to God the Father and said, “My Father, this is such a privilege and a great joy for me that you come to visit my house, but Father this is just an ordinary little house and You are God Almighty.”


He said, “My daughter, don’t think like that. We are very united. Your house belongs to us, so we come to visit you. I have many good friends on earth that I visit, and you are one of them. When you open your heart and you tell us you love us, and are obedient to My Will then we become connected.”


“Tell Me My daughter, what can I do for you today?”


I said, “My Father there are so many sick people in the world, I would like that You help them and heal them.”


He responded, “Here we go again, always thinking of others and not yourself. That pleases Me very much.”


While God the Father and I were conversing, the many angels and our Blessed Mother were all joyously chatting amongst each other. The whole experience was like a happy family gathering, it was so beautiful and uplifting.


God the Father continued, “I will tell you a good remedy for sick people. Tell them to walk a lot. People don’t walk enough these days. Nearly everyone has some kind of sickness in their body. By walking every day that sickness slowly disappears. Just like when you are mincing meat, that is how the sickness in the body is minced when you walk and then it completely disappears and your health is restored. Walking is the number one remedy to cure any sickness in your body.”


I said, “Thank you Father, I do walk but I also catch the bus, but I will appreciate my walking from now on and I will not complain.”


God the Father said, “My daughter, be courageous always, and share our heavenly messages with all our children.”


I said, “Thank You Father for the beautiful Grace you give us here on earth.” This message was given to me on the 11 April 2018 which is also the anniversary of my father’s death.

9th April 2018

Seven Little Angels


While I was praying my morning prayers, all of a sudden, I had seven heavenly souls surrounding me. They looked like little children, about seven to eight years old, both boys and girls. They were dressed in different coloured tunics, some pink, some white and some very pale blue.


I asked them, “Who are you?”


They all answered at the same time, “We are your guardian angels. Our Lord sent us to you. We were with you yesterday in church. Wherever you went we followed you to protect you.”


In a vision they showed me how they protected me the day before, during the Divine Mercy Sunday devotions and Holy Mass. They showed me the church hall in which we gathered after the Mass for coffee and refreshments.


They said, “You see, when you went to get a cup of coffee we were with you.” I could see in the vision how they watched my every movement.


I said, “But you are only little, how can you protect me?”


They all answered, “Try us! We have the power of God.”


Two of the seven angels were identical twins. They stood on either side of me, one to my left and one to my right. They had the most beautiful crystal blue eyes.


They all said, “There were some people there that did not like you and were envious of you. You were in danger. That is why our Lord sent us to protect you.”


I said, “How can they go to church and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and be like that?”


They said, “These people do not realise that God sees everything and knows everything. We will remain with you all day today.”


The angel said, “We are the angels for the day. Today you merit seven of us.”


The more you merit through good works then God sends you more angels to protect you. That is why I had seven guardian angels to protect me on that day.


How important it is to invite your guardian angels to protect you everywhere you go. If you invite them our Lord sends them to you. Thank the Lord and thank the angels for coming.

8th April 2018

Divine Mercy Sunday


While I was saying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Treasure this moment in this time in which you live, that is given to you abundantly, but that will not last forever. The world is in a terrible state of sin. It needs to repent and to turn away from the slavery of the devil, and come back to the Truth and the Light to be saved with God.”


Jesus said, “My child, tell this to people and to the whole world. These are very decisive times. People must repent before it is too late. Many things will come your way and many things will happen to you all. You will be suppressed even by your government. It will be very hard for people, if not in a state of grace, to comprehend all of this, and worse is still ahead of you. This also tells you, and gives you a sign and an indication of My Coming. My Coming is very near to liberate my children from all evil slavery. Encourage people to repentance and to a good Confession, so that the enemy will not harm them and will not have power over them. Be courageous and trust in Me to protect you daily.”


Jesus then smiled and, pointing towards me, He said, “As for you, My child, tell the world My Holy Words. Do not be afraid. I Am always with you to protect you and so is My Mother Mary and the angels. Be at peace, I the Lord have spoken the True and Holy Words.”


Thank you my Lord Jesus. Have mercy on the whole world.


In the afternoon I attended the Divine Mercy Sunday procession, prayers and Holy Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Kellyville.


During the Holy Mass our Lord Jesus showed me a vision. I could see a very small train station. Jesus said, “To better understand what Divine Mercy means, I will show you the train. The people on the platform are waiting to enter the train once it arrives. Upon arrival of the train, all the people on the platform enter the train. The train is full and the doors close. It is ready to depart. Many people arrive late and try to get on the train but the doors have closed and the train is starting to move. That train only goes one way and there are no other trains to follow. This is the same as Divine Mercy which I now give to people abundantly. Whoever repents and confesses, they receive My Forgiveness and My Mercy and they are safe and on board for the journey to Heaven. Those who are late, the Mercy will end, and they will call and try but it is too late. That is why I give them the opportunity now to receive My Divine Mercy and My Forgiveness. It is better to act now while it is given to you freely.”


We better listen and repent while we still can and tell others and encourage them to do the same.

7th April 2018

Hot Weather in Autumn


While I was praying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, did you notice that people are wondering why there is such hot weather in autumn. What all this points to is, that the world is in terrible sin. It has never been so sinful and so corrupt like it is now. Nature, the weather and everything is out of season. Nature is fighting against you all. People are blind. They do not see the reality. God permits all of this to happen so that people will turn away from evil, instead of denying the True God.”



Jesus said, “Tell people to change before the Mercy of God ends. You will call but He will not hear you. Now there is still a little time to repent and return to God. Tell people that I the Lord love them and that I desire that everyone comes to God.”


While Jesus our Lord was dictating this message to me, I was suffering such intense pain that I could not lay still. In that moment of suffering I asked our Lord if my suffering could heal a very sick friend of mine.


Our Lord answered me in a very firm and very serious tone, “No! The world is so sinful, more than ever before. People have to have sicknesses and crosses in order to console Me. I will only give sick people the strength to better endure the pain.”


Jesus said, “Everything points to the same thing. Sin is the cause of all pain.”