24 February 2023

Our Lord Jesus will be Visiting the City of Sydney

This morning while saying my Morning Prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared as a little Boy, about three years old, accompanied by angels.

He said, “I come to you so that you can console Me, and I know how much you love Me. The world rejects Me more and more. Humanity does not want Me. Look at Me; I Am like a poor Beggar.”

Holding a little blue knitted jacket in His Hand, the little Lord Jesus asked me, “Valentina, can you help Me put this jacket on because I Am very cold?”

The cold represents the coldness He receives from humanity.

When I started to dress Him, I noticed that the little jacket was full of holes. I said, “I will buy You a nice new Jacket.”

He answered, “If you buy Me a new jacket, buy Me a brown coloured one.” In a vision, I could see a beige colour.

He said, “I Am now going to the city of Sydney.”

I said to the Little Jesus, “Be careful. There are so many people; somebody can take You.”

He said, “No one will take Me.”

In a vision, I could see many people and our Little Lord Jesus letting go of the hand of the angel and wandering off amongst the people.

I said to the angel, “Hold Little Jesus by His Hand and don’t let Him go.”

Then our Lord Jesus came close to Me and said, “Valentina, you are part of us, so you have to know what we are planning.”

“Remember to write the date that I tell you so that you will remember when I visit Sydney.”

After our Lord and the angels departed, I suddenly panicked, realising that our Lord will be visiting Sydney, meaning He will be bringing His Justice to this sinful city.

Our Lord Jesus was very sad, begging people to convert, but they take no notice. We should pray for non-believers and for the city of Sydney.

Have mercy on us, my Little Lord Jesus.

23 February 2023

Baby Jesus Cries for the Many Injustices in the World

Little Jesus was screaming and crying for so many of the injustices that are happening in the world.

He kept repeating, “They never ask My Consent, but they kill My people.”

I asked, “Lord, why are You crying so much? Who are these people.”

He said, “They are killing My Faithful people.”

In a vision, I saw darkness. They are killing people under cover of darkness.

Lord Jesus, protect Your faithful people.

21 February 2023

Our Lord Jesus Shows Me His Creation

After a night of intense pain and suffering, in the early morning, I made my prayer offerings, and consecrated myself, my family and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Suddenly the Angel of the Lord came and said, “Valentina, our Lord Jesus sent me for you to come with me.”

Suddenly, we found ourselves among many angels and saints in a building that looked like a church. They were all kneeling and facing in the same direction.

One of the angels came up close to me and said, “Valentina, make the Sign of the Cross in a loud voice so that everybody can hear you and follow you.”

I did as the Angel asked of me, making the Sign of the Cross, saying, “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” I then expected that we would all join in prayer.

Instead, our Lord Jesus suddenly appeared amongst all these saintly souls. He came directly to me and said, “Today, I shall raise you high up.”

He said, “Valentina, My child, come with Me. I will take you on a tour to see My Creation.”

I obeyed our Lord and started to follow Him. I felt such immense joy and happiness, but at the same time, I wondered why He didn’t ask all the people present.

Our Lord smiled and said, “Valentina, I know you suffered very much for Me. Today I will take you on a special tour of My Creation. That is your little reward.”

Suddenly, we were going high up over the beautiful mountains and nature, covered in the whitest snow with green patches here and there. Our Lord was very happy and joyful. He wore a white tunic and red mantle. He had shoulder-length hair.

He looked and me and asked me, “Valentina, are you happy to see these beautiful glaciers of the high mountains? This is all My Creation. Do you believe this is all My Creation? Do you believe that I created everything that exists?”

I answered, “Oh yes, my Lord, I believe always that You created everything, and I praise You for it, for all that You have done. I love You so deeply.”

Then pointing towards the mountains in front of us, our Lord said, “These are My favourite high mountains. They point to Me in the highest Heavens. Many times I like to be alone, and I stand on the High Mountain, so peaceful in My adoration, and I question Myself, ‘How can humanity deny all that I created?’ They never thank Me for it.”

While our Lord lamented, a deep sadness came to my heart, and I became very emotional for the Lord. He does not deserve so much rejection from humanity. After all, He created everything. I feel so low that humanity rejects the Creator of the Universe. Shame on the world! It needs to wake up.

Our Lord continued, “You know, My child, I like to reveal wonders to you and show them to you. You are always so deeply touched in your heart, and you love Me and console Me, and I love you so much, you have no idea.”

Our Lord asked me again, “Do you like My Creation that I show you?”

I answered, “Oh yes, my Lord, it is so beautiful.”

He asked, “Would you like to know where we are?”

I answered, “Oh yes, Lord, what is the name of this place?”

Smiling, He answered, “Kathmandu!”

I said, “This is far away. Thank You, my Lord Jesus, for this beautiful scenery and, most of all, for being with You.”

Then our Lord smiled and said, “Now I have to go back to the Highest of Heaven.”

I felt so nostalgic, wanting to go with Him. Our Lord read my thoughts and said, “But you have to stay longer here to spread My Holy Word to people and to speak to them about My Love and to tell them to repent.”

At that moment, I wanted to go with My Lord because I missed Him. I became very emotional, but He made me understand that I have to remain here on earth to do His Holy Will.

Thank You, my beautiful Lord and Creator.

19 February 2023

The City of Sydney Suffers Severe Weather After Cardinal Pell Funeral

Yesterday afternoon we experienced severe weather. Due to the strong winds, many homes suffered from power outages and fallen trees. Today in the Church during the Holy Mass, our Lord revealed to me, why He sent the terrible storm over Sydney.

As I thanked the Lord for being able to attend Holy Mass after the severe storm from the night before, Lord Jesus suddenly came. He said, “Valentina, My child, I will tell you how much Cardinal Pell suffered, and He was abused shamefully for the false accusation. They treated him like a criminal. They pushed him around, and they spoke so evil of him.”

He said, “People tried to convince everyone how horrible a person he was till the end of his earthly life. Even at his funeral, they should give respect, but instead, evil persists to damage his reputation. I, the Lord of Justice and Truth, could no longer keep silent. Because of My Truth, I cannot permit unjustified lies.

As He raised His right Hand, our Lord said, “I let the first week pass by…”

Then again, gesturing with His right Hand, He said, “Then the second week passed by…”

“But on the third week, I came over this nation with the fury of severe storms to let everyone know I exist! And I defend the great Saint that ever existed (from Australia), faithful and truthful to Me. I, the Lord, know how much he suffered. Everyone should love him and respect him.”

“I want you to write what I tell you so that the faithful people will read it and have respect towards Cardinal Pell.”

I cried while our Lord gave me this message about Cardinal Pell.

Our Lord said, “Valentina, I can see how much My Holy Word has deeply touched you; you are very emotional.”

“Pray for Cardinal Pell and be happy for him. He now rejoices in Eternal Peace. No one can harm him, but woe to those who put false accusations on him.”

Comment: People are wrong in thinking they can falsely accuse this innocent man and bear no consequences. Our Lord may not act immediately, but His Truth and Justice will prevail.

10 February 2023

Blessed Mother asks for Prayers for Earthquake Victims

In the church during the Holy Mass, before the start of the Cenacle Rosary, the Blessed Mother came. She said, “Today, as you come to join me in this prayer, permit me to offer to my Son Jesus for the victims of the earthquake.”

Our Blessed Mother refers to the recent massive earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, killing thousands of people and leaving many more homeless.

She said, “Valentina, my daughter, explain to the group of my children here not to put any petitions of their own before the Rosary. God knows each of you and what you desire, but today we need this Rosary for the victims of the earthquake, who endure much devastation and hardships and broken-heartedness.”

I did not have a chance to tell the prayer group what Blessed Mother requested because people had already started putting in their own petitions.

As we prayed, suddenly, Blessed Mother came beside me.

She was with Lord Jesus. Very seriously, she said, “Valentina, why are you keeping silent? Speak up about what we asked of you to do. Why are you afraid to speak up? No one can harm you. We are always with you.”

I did offer the Holy Rosary for the intention of Blessed Mother, but she wanted that the whole group would meditate on and pray for the poor people in the earthquake region. I felt terrible not telling the entire group. I hope Blessed Mother will forgive me.

Thank you, my Mother, for your love and help for the poor, suffering children. Do not abandon them.

7 February 202

Dwell on the Suffering and Misery of the people in the Earthquake

It was about one thirty in the morning when suddenly I started to feel very sick. I could not understand why I was feeling like that.

Suddenly the Blessed Mother Mary came. She said, “Valentina, My daughter, the horrific disaster that happened in Syria and Turkey is a deadly earthquake that has killed thousands and thousands of my children. They are crying to us in Heaven for help. They are buried alive under the heavy concrete. Many died instantly and unprepared without repentance.”

The Blessed Mother showed me how she was kneeling on their graves. She was dressed all in white, mourning and weeping for her children. She said, “Valentina, my daughter, you are part of our team. Help us to save these souls.”

“Accept the suffering that my Son, Jesus, gives you. I, as the Mother of all children, am there present to bring consolation to these children because they endure so much pain and misery. I never abandon them. Tell people to pray. They need so much prayer.”

From the moment Blessed Mary Most Holy showed me the horrific devastation caused by the earthquake, I experienced intense pain in my leg. It was burning like fire. This pain was offered for these souls to be saved. These souls were all buzzing like bees and crying in my room. They were begging for help. The sound they were making was so loud. They were desperate for help, not knowing where to go after dying. They needed direction.

In a vision, I could see Blessed Mother kneeling on the graves (the rubble), crying and weeping for her children. Everything was in complete darkness except for where our Lady was. She was in a circle of light.

The next day I went to Holy Mass. Our Lord Jesus asked me to offer Him all the Holy Souls during the Mass.

He said, “Offer Me all the Holy Souls that have died in this earthquake. It was an Act of My Mercy that I permit this to happen. Let the whole world view this, and remember that this can happen anywhere. Speak to people and tell the people to repent.”

Our Lord was very serious when He talked to me about this. He is constantly warning us, and He wants us to prepare and to repent, for this can happen anywhere in the world and at any time. But we are ignoring His warnings. In this earthquake, people were not ready. It came very suddenly.

Lord, have mercy on these people.

5 February 2023

They are Secretly Planning a War

Today during Holy Mass, during the Offertory, our Lord said, “I want you to offer Me, Russia and Ukraine. It is for a very good reason that I ask you to do this for Me. I don’t want to put fear into you, My children, but between Russia, China and Ukraine, and other nations are also involved in this, they are secretly planning to start a war, and it is on the brink to start. They are planning this war secretly from all directions.”

“The other nations are not supporting this war, but they are aware of it, that it will start sooner or later, and they are preparing to defend themselves, but they are not telling the people the truth because people would panic.”

Our Lord said, “I try to warn you, My children, of the danger that is upon you. The only solution is that you have to pray. Prayer is the only solution. If enough people pray, this war may be stopped or mitigated, at least for the time being.”

We better listen to our Lord’s warning and pray that our Lord will place His Holy Hand over this world and protect us.


3 February 2023

Cardinal Pell received Great Strength from God through Prayer

During the Cenacle prayers, our Blessed Mother appeared and said, “Pray for Cardinal Pell. It was very disturbing the way people behaved at his funeral. For such a respectable person, there should not be demonstrations. I feel sorry for my wicked children for the way they behaved.”

“Permit me to use your prayers so God will have mercy over these evil people. I tell you the faith Cardinal Pell had; not one day would he be without pain or suffering, but he never complained. He accepted everything with love. He loved to pray and understood that he had to pray, as he knew it was the only solution. He received great strength from God through his prayers. Now his reward in Heaven is great. He resisted all the evil that was around him.”

“My children, prayer is the solution to everything.”



How the Cenacle Prayer Group at St Patrick’s Parramatta Started

How the Cenacle Prayer Group at St Patrick’s Parramatta Started

My name is Valentina Papagna, and I have been attending the Cenacle Prayer Group since its inception in the early 1990s, and I would like to share with everyone how it all started.

Each Friday after the 12.30pm mass, a small group of the faithful gather in the Chapel for the Cenacle Rosary prayers, and this has been going on for just over thirty years. The prayer group has been growing stronger, with new people coming all the time.

The Cenacle Rosary and Father Gobbi

For those unfamiliar with the Cenacle Rosary, it was originally founded by Italian priest Father Stefano Gobbi, who, after receiving a private revelation at the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in 1972, founded the worldwide Catholic movement, the Marian Movement of Priests.

He received an inner locution from the Blessed Virgin Mary, who urged him to gather other priests who would be willing to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and be strongly united with the Pope and the Catholic Church. Fr. Gobbi started to hold prayer cenacles in Italy for priests and laity and later held prayer cenacles all over the world.

The Cenacle is the room where Jesus and the twelve Disciples met for the Last Supper.

During the Cenacle, Catholics are called to pray to Jesus through Mary since it was through her that the Church, the Body of Christ, was born.

This Rosary is said specifically for our Priests to honour our Blessed Mother’s request, which is to pray for our Shepherds continually and to pray the Rosary faithfully for them, as this is the greatest weapon to man, especially for the times we are living in.

My visit to Medjugorje, where our Lady appears as the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

It all began in September 1990 when I visited a little village called Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where a group of young children claimed to see the Blessed Virgin Mary.

While I was there, I had a vision of our Blessed Mother. She said, “I come to introduce Myself as the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. It has been a long time since you have seen Me in this way, yet you don’t understand why.”

Again, she repeated, “I am the Queen of the most Holy Rosary. I wish everyone to pray the most Holy Rosary. That is why I want you to help me, in my name, to spread this message to the whole world, which has fallen so much into sin, offends constantly my Son. Every day, more and more He is offended, tell them to beg Him for forgiveness, His Mercy.”

Holy Mother Mary’s face changed. She began to cry, begging us to convert our lives and to stop offending her Son. On her right side, I saw a Heart, pierced and surrounded with thorns and bleeding; there was also a Crucifix and a Host.

Our Lady explained, “The Lord Jesus sacrifices Himself every day in every Holy Mass, His Blessed Sacrament. He wishes that we receive Him pure and clean and that we ask Him for His forgiveness. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pierced and bleeding with the thorns of many offences every day.”

She also talked about the Crucifix, “My Son freely accepted death on the Cross for our Salvation. Still, people think little of His Sacrifice and do not honour Him. Daily they crucify Him.”

Blessed Mother was standing in a huge Rosary.

Holy Mother blessed me in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Our Lady wore a royal Blue dress covered with pearls that shone so brightly. On her head was a spectacular crown with a diamond star in the middle and a large M on each side of the crown. It was made with a shining silver material with brilliant diamonds all over it. She was also framed by a large Rosary under which was the word … IMMACULATA.

After Mass at Parramatta, for the first time, meeting parishioner Yvonne Malouf

Getting back to our prayer group here in Parramatta, it was started by our parishioner Yvonne Malouf, and it was the Blessed Virgin Mary who called her in a very unusual but most beautiful way. She was chosen for this mission.

After I came back to Australia, around October 1990, I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Parramatta. After Mass, I was outside the church chatting with some ladies I knew. We sat on a little wall, and they asked me about my trip overseas and whether I had been to Medjugorje. I said that I visited my mother in Slovenia for three months and during that time visited Medjugorje twice, on the 4 August 1990 and 14 September 1990, on the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.

As I was telling the ladies about my beautiful experience overseas, two ladies walked by Joan and Yvonne. I did not know them personally, but I knew who they were. The two ladies passed us by and then came back, and Yvonne Malouf said to me, “Excuse me, did you call my name?”

I replied, “No, I didn’t.” The two ladies then continued on their way. Yvonne came back a second time as well.

After a few minutes, Yvonne came back again and said, “Yes, you did call my name. I heard you clearly.”

“It came from you,” she said.

At that moment, I realised that it was Blessed Mother who called her. I said, “It wasn’t me; it was Blessed Mother who called you.”

As this was happening, I stood up and right above us, I could see Blessed Mother smiling, dressed in blue, with her hands held in prayer. I said to the ladies, “Look here, the Blessed Mother is here.” They all looked up but could not see anything.

The ladies I was chatting with, about three of four of us, stood up, and as we did so, Blessed Mother was still above us. She was smiling and said, “I want you to tell Yvonne that I choose her to start the Rosary here in this church.”

Now I understood why our Blessed Mother appeared to Me in Medjugorje surrounded by the Rosary. She wanted us to spread the Rosary in this Church.

I was telling the ladies how I saw our Blessed Mother in Medjugorje, and now she is asking that we start a Rosary Prayer Group here in this Church in Parramatta.

I said to Yvonne, “Blessed Mother would like that you start the Rosary Prayer Group.”

Yvonne said, “Oh, I don’t know how I am going to start the Rosary Group. I am involved in many things in the church. I am too busy.”

I said, “That is what Blessed Mother is requesting from you, to form a group and start the Rosary.”

Yvonne then asked if I could share with them a little of what I experienced in Medjugorje. I did so, and we ended up speaking for a few hours. Instead of leaving at one o’clock, we left at four o’clock. Anyway, Yvonne said she was involved in many other things and sadly had no time to start a Rosary Prayer Group.

The ‘Blue Book’ appears in Yvonne’s Letterbox

Weeks passed when one day, Yvonne came to me and asked, “Valentina, I can’t believe it, but did you put the Blue Book [by Father Gobbi] in my letterbox?”

I replied, “No, I don’t even know where you live.”

Yvonne then explained to me how she had been to Melbourne, and when she returned, she found the Blue Book in her letterbox. There was no name as to who it was from, nothing, so she just ignored the book since she had no time to look at it.

A few weeks later, more books came into her letterbox. These were thinner than the first book she received. They were the Cenacle Prayer Books, including the Prayer of Consecration. She then realised that she could no longer ignore them. She could not say no to Blessed Mother.

I said to her, “That is Blessed Mother calling you.”

The Rosary Prayer group Begins in 1991

Between 1991 and 1992, we started the Rosary Prayer Group based on the Blue Book by Father Gobbi. We had little books printed with the prayers for the Cenacle Rosary. Quite a few people came, and afterwards, we decided we would have the Cenacle Rosary every Friday. We used to go to the Church Hall to have a cup of coffee or tea later, and everybody would bring some sandwiches, and we would all join in and have an enjoyable time. Many people would come, not from the beginning, but slowly they would find out and come.

Leading the Prayer Group

Yvonne Malouf guided us in the prayers. Later on, Yvonne could not always lead due to other obligations, so Jan took over. Then a few years ago, Jan handed it to Paul Mousley, who currently leads the prayer group. Many graces have been received through the Cenacle prayers.

We kept going and going with the prayers every year to this day. Sometimes there were a lot of people, at other times much less.

The Prayer Group Now

And now it has grown bigger and bigger, with new people always coming. We have now added the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to our prayers. It is always the Blessed Mother who leads us. This is her prayer group.

I would often say, “Lord, we are not many; there are only a few people here praying.”

Our Lord would reply, “Don’t worry, if there are only two of you, I Am among you. If there are three of you, I Am among you. Keep praying, and the people will follow.”

Why We Gather to Pray the Cenacle Rosary

Blessed Mother would like that we pray for Bishops and Priests, for all religious, for Churches, for the conversion of sinners, for the dying, the sick, the oppressed, for the hungry. She wants to bring all souls to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. She is the leader, and we thank her for leading us.

We thank you, Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus, for guiding us and for teaching us.

Below are some of the messages I received from Heaven regarding our Cenacle Prayer Group:

Blessed Mother said, “My child, the group prayer you attend in Parramatta is very precious to me and My Son. You are part of the world prayer.”

In the vision, she showed me the globe of the world, holding her arms up wide, she indicated a line on the globe and said, “This is your section.” (In explanation, there are lines all around the world, and they all connect in the Prayer of Her Marian Movement of Priests)

Blessed Mother Mary said, “My child, don’t forget, I am the one who leads you. I am the leader of all the prayer groups, I organise you, and I am among you.” (5 February 2010)

Blessed Mother said, “Be courageous, my children. Nobody can remove you from here. If this Cenacle prayer group is stopped, this Church will be in trouble. My Son chose this place in which you pray. Many graces are given to this Church through the Cenacle Prayers.” (11 April 2014)

“My children pray, pray! I want to tell you to keep the Cenacle Rosary alive. Do not give up, and do not relax. You do not know how essential this Cenacle Rosary is and how powerful it is in this crucial time in which you live. The devil would like you to give up and would like to discourage you so that you will not pray. Be strong and participate in this prayer of the Cenacle Rosary. Pray from your heart. I am among you, and I guide you. Things can change, and you will receive graces. Encourage one another to join in this powerful Rosary, the Cenacle and Consecration to my Immaculate Heart.” (28 November 2017)

Lord Jesus appeared and said, “This Cenacle Rosary is very powerful, and it produces many good fruits that come out of your prayers.” (12 August 2022)

The angel said, “Our Lord has sent me to tell you that you must unite yourself with a group prayer. Do you know that the prayer group in Parramatta, our Lord has consecrated that prayer group to Himself.” (21 August 2022)

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary of the Cenacle Rosary, please pray for us and protect us.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, and thank you, Blessed Mother that the Prayer Group keeps going and for all the beautiful graces that come from the prayers.


2 February 2023

All of Australia Should Mourn Cardinal Pell

This morning when I said my prayers, the angel appeared and said, “Valentina, everyone in this nation (Australia) should mourn Cardinal Pell. He was the greatest man of faith and integrity, and people should not criticise him and condemn him, which is very evil of them.”

Lord, have mercy on them and let love always prevail.

1 February 2023

The Late Cardinal George Pell Appears

This afternoon I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, which I offered for the Late Cardinal Pell. Suddenly, during my prayers, Cardinal Pell appeared in front of me. He was wearing black priestly vestments and he looked very happy.

Smiling, he said, “Thank you, Valentina, for thinking of me and praying for me.”

“Valentina, you are hated the same way they hated me. Do not be sad when people of this world reject you. Rejoice and be glad because your reward will be great in Heaven. Be courageous, spread to people the Holy Word of our Lord Jesus that He teaches you.”

“Our Lord Jesus will soon change the wicked world and punish all evil.”

Again, he said, “Be courageous and speak the truth and love our Lord Jesus.”

Thank you, Cardinal Pell, for warning us. Pray for us.

29 January 2023

Prayer Gathering at Friends’ House

Today we gathered at the home of Veronique and Eileen for prayers.

While we were praying the Cenacle Rosary, our Blessed Mother said, “My children, there is a reason why you were all gathered here in prayer at Veronique’s place. Allow me to use this prayer for the intention of the Late Cardinal Pell in anticipation of his funeral that will take place. This prayer will help against all evil that is planned for his funeral.”

Our Blessed Mother was very sad when she gave me this message.

Note: The Pontifical Funeral Mass for Cardinal George Pell was held in Sydney on 2 February 2023.

27 January 2023

You are still in My Training School says Blessed Mother

When we started to pray the Cenacle Rosary, Blessed Mother appeared. She was dressed in a beautiful white tunic with a blue mantle covering her.

Smiling, she said, “I wait with joy when you gather together at this moment. When you come here, it is like I guide you. You are still in my training school, in which I train you, and I guide you and tell you that there is so much to be prayed for in the world; there is war, there is misery, there is hunger.”

“But since you, my children, remain faithful to this group, today you receive special recognition from Me. My children, you will not be recognised by the world, it will not be in the newspapers, and you will not be rewarded by the world.”

“This special recognition will be entirely from Heaven, which is the most important, because the world does not understand. You should all be very happy. Remain faithful to the Rosary group and encourage one another, and encourage other children to come and join you, and explain to them how powerful the Rosary is against the evil, of which there is so much now in the world.

She smiled, and she blessed us.

In a vision, Blessed Mother showed me a certificate on white paper with writing on it.

I said, “Thank you, Blessed Mother, for loving us and being present with us and for guiding us, for we are like children in your school.”

26 January 2023

Australia Day

Why Am I always pushed away and rejected?

During the day, I saw on television, as part of the Australia Day Celebrations, the awards that the Australian Government was giving to various people for their contributions to Australia. I said to myself, “Lord, be merciful to this land Australia, and bless this land, because the people don’t understand that they should recognise You as their Lord and God.”

In the afternoon, while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, while the Australian people praise themselves in everything, including material goods, but not in the spiritual, they do not realise that I bless this country abundantly compared to the rest of the world where there is so much poverty and hunger in many places, which hits the people very hard. People are dying, especially the little children. Do you know that breaks My Heart?”

“I call this selfishness and lack of charity,” He said.

Our Lord, with deep compassion and sadness, said, “There are so many rich people in the world, but they turn their backs on the poor children. I will judge them severely. Pray for the world and pray for the poor people. Pray for people to change because Australia offends Me very much. I have blessed Australia abundantly, but it will not always remain like that.”

He said, “Why Am I always pushed away and rejected? That is the saddest part. They don’t want Me.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on Australia.

18 January 2023

Prayers Needed to Melt the Frozen Hearts of Humanity Before they Perish

This morning when I was praying my Morning Prayers and making my offerings to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus, suddenly, the Angel of the Lord appeared.

He said, “The Lord Jesus has sent me to reveal to you what our Lord God compares people of today – they are frozen like blocks of ice. There is no life in those icy blocks, instead dead bodies living and walking on this planet earth, without God.”

In a vision, I could see the blocks of ice. They were huge, square in shape, and frozen within each block were what looked like wooden panels. Each block represented a person. There were thousands and thousands of blocks, all being tossed and turned. The body is like an icy wooden box and completely without God. Spiritually, this is how God sees these people.

I was shocked to see what was revealed to me by the Angel.

Later in the day, during the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, offer Me and pray for what was revealed to you by My Angel about the frozen blocks of humanity. Pray for this humanity, living and walking on this planet earth, so that I can still melt them, melt their icy hearts and bring them back to life before they perish for good.”

“Now you know why I Am so offended, why I suffered so much for this humanity. How they offend Me! Tell them to repent before it is too late.”

Our Lord was very sad while telling me this message.

Our Lord then showed me one of the blocks of ice in a vision. At the bottom of the block, on one corner, the ice was starting to melt. I felt so happy seeing this, as this is a sign of hope.

I said, “Lord, how beautiful You are and how merciful, You melt the hardest ice and bring them back to life.”

He smiled and said, “All through your prayers, My children.”

Through our prayers, the ice is melting. I could see the warmness of the prayers and the healing grace of our Lord penetrate to the core of the block.

Lord, have mercy on the whole world.