26 January 2022

Pray with a Humble and Sincere Heart

This morning when I was praying, the angel appeared, and he said, “The Holy Family invites you to come to Heaven with me.”

We suddenly found ourselves in Heaven, and St Joseph and Blessed Mother were waiting for us, surrounded by many saints. Blessed Mother went to a side room and brought Baby Jesus in her arms. He looked so beautiful with slightly long curly blonde hair and dressed in a pale blue nightie. Blessed Mother came to me and said, “I know how much you love my Son Jesus as a little Infant; that is why He likes to come to you as a Baby so that you can love Him tenderly and console Him, for the world offends Him so much.”

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy then sat little Baby Jesus down on the floor; He had not started to walk yet. I watched as He grasped His Mother’s dress with His little Hands and pulled Himself up to stand on His Feet. He was smiling.

I kneeled and called Baby Jesus to come to me. He suddenly stood on His own Feet without holding onto His Mother’s gown. He then raised His right Hand and placed it on His Sacred Heart and said to me, almost in a whisper, “Ask Me to come to you from your heart.” As He said this to me, with His right Hand, He made the Sign of the Cross on His Sacred Heart.

I was so surprised how our Lord spoke so clearly with a mature voice. With open arms, I said, “Come, my beautiful Holy Baby. Come to me.”

All of a sudden, He just ran to me, into my arms, and I hugged Him. I was so happy. When Blessed Mother saw Baby Jesus run to me, into my arms, she was overwhelmed with joy. Seeing Baby Jesus walk, she said and kept repeating, “This is a miracle! This is a miracle! He is not even one year old yet.”

All the saintly people present were watching with immense joy.

Although still a little shaky, Baby Jesus started walking amongst the saintly people. Everyone present was so happy, adoring Him and giving Him praise and glory.

At that moment, I understood that everything we ask of our Lord must come from our heart because God speaks to a sincere heart, united to His Heart.

Later that day, when I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Holy Mother came and said to me, “More and more you discover who God really is.”

That touched my heart so profoundly. People take our Lord for granted and have no idea who God really is. He is capable of doing everything. He is beyond our understanding.

I said, “Thank you, my Lord and my Mother, for your holiness and the graces that you reveal to us. Thank you for this teaching.”

We should love and respect our Lord more deeply and remind ourselves that we are nothing in His Holy Presence but a tiny granule of sand. God is pleased when we humble ourselves. Our Lord Jesus told me many times that He suffered in His Passion for our pride and vanity.

He said, “I hate pride! I suffer so much for pride and vanity! If you do not humble yourselves on earth, then after you die and in the next life, you will have to suffer in Purgatory for a long time.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother and St Joseph, for the beautiful grace of being in Your holy presence.

24 January 2022

While I was praying for what had happened in Tonga our Lord came and said, “perhaps you would like to bring this messages forward again so people can contemplate and remind them and pray as this is very serious.”


Ancient Plugs at the bottom of the Sea


During my morning prayers, I was visited by five angels, one of which was Holy Michael.


They said, “We have been sent by our Lord to reveal something to you that you do not know about. You saw our Lord, and how sad He is for the world and all humanity, with their hearts so cold and unwilling to change.”


Today, we come to show you the deepest part of the world, in the deepest sea. Come closer, and we will show you.”


I moved closer and in front of me appeared a large glass screen, through which I could see the bottom of the sea. It was so real. The vision was crystal clear. Then one of the angels held a smaller transparent screen over the large one and instructed me to look through it. As I did so, I could see that it magnified every detail that was at the bottom of the sea. I could see how the wave motion of the water stirred the sediment on the seabed to create an underwater dust cloud.


The angel said, “No human eye has ever seen what I am about to show you.”


As the dust cloud settled, on the sea floor, I could clearly see what looked like a round cement slab, less than half a metre in diameter. The more I observed, I could see there were many of these round slabs on the sea floor. They were all identical.


The angel said, “See, these plugs that we are showing you, they are very ancient. They have been here since the beginning of Creation. There are many of them throughout the world. Soon, we will have permission to unplug them, because God will give us the commandment to do so. When we open them, the world will experience many volcanic eruptions, fires, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Soon there will be severe suffering in the world if people do not repent and convert.”


The angel was very stern with me and said, “You have to speak the Truth to people, do not feel sorry for them. If it is the will of God, it will happen. God has been warning people, and they do not listen.”


The angel’s manner was severe as he said, “Come and have a look at this again! This is serious, and this is real!”


I looked again, and it upset me very much because I knew what was beneath these plugs. I felt very uneasy in the presence of the angels as they admonished me and said, “You need to speak the Truth to people, and not just speak to them of beautiful things and cover up reality.”


Dear Lord, may the world listen to your Holy Word, and may they listen to your warnings and repent of their sins, may they stop offending You.


23 January 2022

Not enough prayer comes to Heaven

Today, during Holy Mass, at the Elevation of the Bread and Wine, our Lord Jesus said, “I Am sorry to tell you they are preparing a war, a full-on escalation. They are determined to do evil.”

He said, “This year alone, My children, I Am very sorry to tell you and warn you, it won’t be a good year. There will be many conflicts and much suffering in the world, but I want you to remain faithful to Me, and with all your strength, to hang onto Me; otherwise, you will be very upset and depressed.”

“They now lie to you about many things. You are living in terrible lying times. They tell you they have no drivers to deliver your food to the supermarkets; they are lying to you. There is still plenty of food, but they want to distribute less and less. They want to control you with all kinds of things, and they want to make sure they shrink supplies so that you won’t have everything.”

“You must remain faithful to Me, I want you to pray very hard so that you will still obtain My Mercy, but at the same time, humanity will be degraded, right down to the ground. For that reason, I want you to remain strong, repent of your sins and come back to Me. I Am the only Saviour.”

I was so sad when our Lord was telling me all of this. I pleaded with our Lord and said, “Lord Jesus, why do You permit this? Can’t You stop this? The world will be in the worst state.”

Our Lord answered, “Not enough prayer comes to Heaven, and it is like this all the time. Only a very few people pray to Me devotedly. There is not enough prayer, and people are too proud of themselves and blind to the danger. But the times are coming where they will control you more and more and suppress you more.”

“So, I want you to remain faithful to Me and very, very close to Me. Pray, My children and trust Me because there will be changes everywhere, even in the churches.”

Lord Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world.

21 January 2022

Cenacle Prayer Group

After Holy Mass today, we gathered together in the Chapel to start the Cenacle Rosary. This is our first gathering in the New Year.

As soon as I kneeled, our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother appeared. They both smiled and were very cheerful and happy. With open outstretched arms, our Lord Jesus said, “Welcome My children to our presence. We are waiting for you. It is such a delight to see you all and to have you here in our presence. For you have been absent for a period of time, but now that you are here, I bless you, and I would like to ask you to pray for the world.

“The world is in terrible chaos. There is so much confusion with these Corona injections they offer to people, and people are not in peace. They live in fear because they, the government, constantly suppress you and tell you to obey them, but My children, I tell you they are lying to you. Have strong faith in Me. Prayer is the only solution, and trust in Me. I Am always present, and I will never abandon you,” said our Lord.

Whenever people gather in prayer to pray the Holy Rosary, it is for everyone that our Lord speaks to me. We are all united in prayer to our Lord Jesus, our Saviour. Do not despair. All the Sin and negativity surrounding us are a heavy burden and bring on depression and sadness. Have strong faith and trust in our Lord. He will bless you and protect you.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your blessings.


17 January 2022

The Blessed Sacrament brought from Rome

When I was at home saying my early morning prayers, after a night of much suffering for the holy souls, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me, come and witness something I am going to show you.”

Suddenly, the angel and I found ourselves in what looked like a small chapel, and I could see quite a few people inside. I do not know whether this was on earth or in Heaven.

The angel said, “Kneel down.”

Suddenly, a beautiful credence table appeared. A nun appeared to the right of the table, accompanied by another saintly lady. The nun brought with her the Blessed Sacrament, all aglow and luminous in a most beautiful Monstrance. She placed the Monstrance on the table.

The angel said to me, “Adore Jesus and tell people to adore Him and to pray now! It is now most important of all to be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.”

As we were all adoring and praying to our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist, our Lord suddenly appeared as a young lad, all aglow, standing next to the Blessed Sacrament. He wanted to show us that He is truly present in the Holy Eucharist.

The nun was from Heaven, and she was dressed all in white. I have never seen her before.

As we were all kneeling and praying, I could see the nun and the saintly lady companion to my right.

I said to the angel, “I feel so happy in my heart. It would not be very nice if I did not go to her and thank her personally.”

I stood up, and I went to the nun, shook hands with her and said, “Sister, I really appreciate this, and I thank you.”

The nun answered, “I thought this would help you. Tell people to go before the Blessed Sacrament, as it will also help with the Coronavirus. People must go and adore Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, which I brought all the way from Rome, from the Holy City to you people. This is especially for you people in Australia. There is always hope.”

14 January 2022

Evil Pride in Government Leaders

I was praying for the tennis player Novak Djokovic as he was having visa problems with the Australian Government. I prayed, “Lord, please help him.”

Instantly, our Lord answered, “My child, now you know why I Am so upset with the Australian Government, why Australia doesn’t please me.”

Our Lord then asked me, “What kind of crime did he commit?”

I answered, “I don’t think he committed any crime.”

Our Lord continued, “He didn’t accept the needle, is that a crime? Where is the compassion and mercy in the hearts of the leaders? Again, I will put a question and ask, are they without sin, those who condemn a person so unjustly?

“I tell you these people, the way they condemn and unjustly judge him, there is a lot of evil pride in them. These people in the government are not suitable, they are the wrong people to lead this country. Pray for them.”

14 January 2022

The Spinning Sword

When I was praying, two angels came and visited me. They said, “Our Lord Jesus has sent us to reveal to you things that you do not yet know.”

One of the angels held a very long sword in his right hand. It was gleaming silver with a darker handle, very sharp with a pointy edge. The angels said, “We come to tell you that our Lord will soon come to judge the world. Would you like to see why we brought the sword?”

“Now we are going to show you. Watch!” they said.

Suddenly, the angel holding the long sword raised it, and as he did so, he started spinning it, very, very fast. He then threw it high in the air with all his power, with such might. The sword was spinning so fast, spinning around the world, that I was so afraid even to watch it. I have never seen anything like it, and it did this for quite a long time and then suddenly it stopped and plunged into the ground of an area of a particular country unknown to me.

The sword was then pushed out of the ground by an invisible force and rested against a rock with the sharp end pointed upwards. Looking closely, I could see quite a lot of blood on the end of the blade. The two angels then said to me, “This will happen soon because our Lord Jesus can no longer watch so sinful a world. He is much too much offended. His Sacred Heart is constantly wounded by so many ungrateful people.”

In my spirit, I understood there would be bloodshed in that part of the world where the sword plunged into the ground.

“Valentina, tell people to repent because all the prophecies are now coming to fulfilment. Repent and come back to God, for God is your only salvation,” they said.

Lord have mercy on us.

9 January 2022

Light a Candle for a Forgotten Soul

After Holy Mass today, I went into the Chapel to say a prayer and to light some candles. When I came to the statue of Blessed Mother Mary, Help of Christians, I picked up two candles from the storage box and proceeded to light them. As I did so, a third candle rolled out of the box, falling onto the floor and rolling under the candle stand. I thought I would leave it there and someone would pick it up later.

Immediately, Blessed Mother said, “Do not be afraid, my daughter, pick up the candle and light it. That will be for a forgotten soul that nobody even thinks of anymore. So, when you light the candle, a light will come to him as now he is in total darkness. That will bring him hope. Place him in your prayers.”

“Many people who die suddenly, whether on the roads, in accidents and in hospitals, die without the sacraments. They too are in darkness, and they wait for someone to show them charity and to help them.”

I said, “Blessed Mother, now that you have told me, I now know, I will pray even harder for the holy souls for whom nobody prays.”

I felt deeply touched and emotional when Blessed Mother revealed this to me.

In my spirit, I could see the soul for whom our Lady asked for the candle to be lit. It was for a man, who I could see him sitting in complete darkness huddled in the corner of this very small quarter, looking very sad.

As I lit the candle for him, I could see how the flame from this candle suddenly descended to where this man was sitting and became huge, lighting up his whole quarter. When the man saw the flame of light, his facial expression immediately changed to one of happiness.

As the light reflected on this quarter, I could see even more souls in the darkness around him. They were all younger men in their thirties and forties. Who knows how long they have been there?

May they all rest in peace.

Blessed Mother showed me that when we light a candle, the light from the candle reaches all the way to Heaven. Even when we are praying at home, it is good to light a candle because around us is darkness, the darkness of this world, and the light shines all the way to Heaven. God is light. He wants us to remain in a state of grace in the light and not in the darkness.

When we are praying and light a candle, all our prayers, even our Rosary prayers, go into this light. This light goes direct to Heaven to our Lord because He is the Light, the Light of the Soul and the Light of the World.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for this beautiful teaching and that you care so much for all your children on earth and for all the forgotten souls in Purgatory.

Then our Lord said, “My Mother is very concerned for the world, especially now during this pandemic state that the world is in. Pray and console My Mother and pray for the world to repent.”

4 January 2022

The Wedding Celebration in Heaven

Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, came today when I was praying. Dressed all in beautiful pure white, she invited me to come with her.

She said, “I invite you to come with me to witness a Wedding Celebration. It is to be a big celebration. Come and help me prepare to welcome the guests to this big Wedding Feast.”

Suddenly, a very nice saintly lady joined Blessed Mother and me, and she too helped us arrange the table with the beautiful white cover in this Heavenly place.

The saintly lady and I took the white table cloth and covered the very long table. Blessed Mother then placed what looked like little desserts in the centre of this table, similar to mini white meringues with swirls, very light and delicate. There were many of these desserts for the wedding guests.

She said, “See, my daughter, everything is ready. They should be here already.”

I was sitting on a chair on the side, and I was praying an Our Father and three Hail Marys for Blessed Mother’s intentions because I could see she was worried, for whatever she was waiting.

I stood up, and I went to Blessed Mother, and I said, “I can no longer wait. I have to go.”

Blessed Mother said, “I was hoping you would meet these souls; after all, you suffered for them.”

I said to Blessed Mother, “While we were waiting, I prayed for them.”

Blessed Mother then said to me, “I am still concerned for them. They should be here already.”

I cheered her up and said, “Maybe they are delayed a little bit for some reason.”

Blessed Mother answered, “Yes, yes, Valentina, but since you have to go, at least taste this wedding food.”

She offered me the food, so I took one and put it in my mouth. It was delicious. It melted in my mouth. I asked Blessed Mother, “What is this?”

She smiled and said, “Manna from Heaven.”

I said, “Oh, I thank you, Blessed Mother.”

The Manna at the wedding feast is for the nourishment of the new arrivals into Heaven.

Then we embraced each other and kissed, and my guardian angel took me back home. When I returned home, I thought to myself, ‘I could have stayed with Holy Mother and consoled her.’

She did not look too happy but was very concerned for the world and her children. That really worried me.

My Guardian angel instructed me, “Always ask Blessed Mother, ‘My Mother, is there anything I can do for you?’ That will console her and give her great help because usually, people only ask her to help them and intercede for them, not what they can do for her. Nobody thinks of that.”

I said, “Oh gee, I never thought of that either.”

We should always offer to help our Blessed Mother, to ask her, ‘What can I do for you?’ That will please her very much. She may need prayer, a little charity, a little offering, and to bring souls to her and to our Lord, and in that way, we console her.

3 January 2022

Our Lord Explains Why He said No to St Padre Pio

While I was praying, our Lord appeared and said, “Valentina, remember when Padre Pio and I discussed the world? I want to explain why I said no to his plea. I can change the world, and I can stop the virus instantly. But do you know people would not be grateful to Me nor would they say ‘Oh, this is a miracle.’ They would believe the needle helped them because they believe in injections; they would believe the injections took away the sickness. So they would never acknowledge Me as their God, and that is why I permit the sickness to continue until people wake up and turn to Me.”

“It is not that I do not want to heal humanity from all this terrible disease, but the people would not recognise Me, that I healed the world. They would continue to believe in the needle and continue to live in sin. They have to acknowledge that it is a miracle and the only way is to turn to Me; then I will heal the world.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

2 January 2022

Pray always for My Priests and Bishops

During the Holy Mass, I offer everyone to our Lord Jesus, even the Holy Souls.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, I want you to always remain humble and simple to Me. That way, you console Me, and your reward will be great in Heaven. Pray always for My Priests and Bishops and offer them to Me.”

Looking at Father Robert as he was giving his homily, suddenly I could see our Lord Jesus standing right behind him.

“Wow!” I exclaimed. I was very pleased to see our Lord standing behind the priest.

Referring to the priests, our Lord said, “What I show you and teach you, and what you see and hear, they wish they could see and hear. But I only reveal to some but not to everyone. They must trust Me blindly and serve Me at My Holy Altar, knowing that I Am fully present with them. That is why I ask you for your help. They need a lot of support and prayer from the people.”

Our Lord was looking at me and said, “I also want to remind you that this year alone does not look too promising for the world. Many events will unfold as prophesied; they have yet to come and be fulfilled. Since humanity ignores My warnings and remains sinful and unrepentant, that offends Me so much.”

“But do not lose hope. Have faith in Me.”

“I also want to tell you that I will soon send to the world the Holy Spirit. It will descend like a gentle dew upon the earth and touch every human heart, and that will transform everyone. What is now dirty, it will make it all pure and white and clean.”

“This is coming soon because I Am working on it. Valentina, proclaim My Holy Word and tell people to repent and be ready for when this will come and happen.”

Again, pointing with His index Finger and in a very firm voice, our Lord repeated, “And don’t listen to anyone, only Me!”

Thank You, Lord Jesus. Have mercy on us.

31 December 2021

Saint Padre Pio pleads to our Lord for the World

I prayed the rosary, and then I pleaded to our Lord for the world. I asked if He could heal the world from this terrible virus that is upon us all so that in the new year, the world would be healed from this horrible disease, and the people would be freed from the controls by the governments, constantly telling us what to do.

When I pleaded to our Lord, I thought, ‘I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask all the Heavenly Saints to intercede for us. I’m going to ask each one that I know of by name!’

I thought, ‘Wow, we have so many Saints in Heaven, why not ask them to intercede for us.’

I then prayed, “All of you Saints, Apostles and Martyrs, please intercede for the world for the poor people on earth. You are so close to our Lord. I am sure He won’t say no to you.”

I called upon everyone I could think of; I called each of them by name.

When I finished making my prayer offerings to all the Saints, St Padre Pio suddenly appeared to me about an hour later. He looked so radiant and beautiful. He was holding Baby Jesus in His Arms. Baby Jesus appeared as a little toddler.

St Padre Pio then sat Baby Jesus on a small side cabinet and turned to talk to me. He raised his arms to Heaven and started speaking to me in Italian. He said, “Valentina, I have come to tell you that for what you asked, you put the whole of Heaven in ecstasy. Our Lord specially chose me to come to you, and I also come to tell you that I interceded for what you asked for humanity, to free them from this Coronavirus because people are suffering.”

“I really pleaded with our Lord and asked Him to have mercy, but I could not convince Him for what I asked. With all my pleading, our Lord’s answer is No.”

“But do you know why? I will tell you. Our Lord is very offended by humanity in the world; they ignore Him, and they live in terrible sin, worse than ever before, worse than in previous generations. People do not realise that they are committing horrible sins, and they continue to live in this way, against God’s law, against His Commandments.”

“Valentina, don’t be discouraged. Proclaim our Lord’s Word that He gives you. Tell people to come to our Lord, to know Him. He is such a loving God. He waits for everyone to come to Him. But repentance is the key word. He wants everyone to repent and to come to Him.”

“Many events will unfold, especially in the new year, but if people repent and change their way of life, our Lord can change many things and not allow them to happen.”

After our conversation, I looked towards the small cabinet and noticed that little Jesus as a toddler was gone, then suddenly Lord Jesus appeared as an adult. I was so pleased that our Lord was present. I felt so secure in His holy presence. He was now standing raised high above the floor while St Padre Pio was standing on the floor. I watched as Lord Jesus and Saint Padre Pio talked to each other, discussing the present situation in the world. From what I could understand, I believe they were speaking in Latin.

St Padre Pio was pleading with our Lord for the world. He kept talking and talking, pleading for mercy for the world; he was pleading so hard. I was observing our Lord Jesus’s expression; He was so serious. The more they talked, the more our Lord raised His voice higher and above that of St Padre Pio.

Then in a stern voice, our Lord said, “No! I will not permit this.”

“Why should I grant them this and take away their suffering. They don’t plead to Me; they ignore Me, they go above Me, they disobey all My Commandments. They don’t humble themselves to come to Me,” said Lord Jesus.

But St Padre Pio raised his voice higher as he pleaded to our Lord. Again, our Lord raised His Voice even higher above St Padre Pio, and in a firm tone, said, No!”

Lord Jesus said, “If I let them go, they will continue to live in the mud and continue to offend Me, the way they do now. Nothing will change. Humanity has to change.”

I cried for our Lord because I know how hurt He is and how much He suffers. He is a good and gentle God. I could see that whatever St Padre Pio asked of our Lord, our Lord would refuse.

Our Lord then departed, and St Padre Pio remained.

I was so grateful to St Padre Pio. He showed me how he pleaded to our Lord for us, and he wasn’t afraid. Our Lord chose St Padre Pio to come of all the Saints in Heaven. He is very close to our Lord.

I said to St Padre Pio, “I really love you, and I thank you. You are so privileged with our Lord.”

St Padre Pio came again on the 2nd January 2022 while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and he said, “Valentina, I tried so hard to intercede for the world. Did you see how we debated, our Lord and I? I am very close to our Lord. That’s how I intercede in Heaven for people.”

“You had to witness our conversation. I pleaded for the world, but I could not convince our Lord no matter what. Tell people not to give up and to keep praying.”

“There are many events that are supposed to happen this year alone. They are not good things. You must talk to people so that they will repent and humble themselves and change the way they live their lives.”

Thank you, St Padre Pio, for interceding for the world.

30 December 2021

Baby Jesus came dressed as children of today

When I was praying this morning, Blessed Mother came to me with Baby Jesus as a toddler. She was holding Him by His little Hand. To my surprise, He was dressed in a white top and little brown pants, similar to the way children dress today.

I said to Blessed Mother, “Oh, how cute is your Son, little Jesus in the little short pants. He now really looks like a little Boy.”

Blessed Mother, Most Holy, smiled and said, “I know you would like to see my Son dressed this way.”

“Oh, how adorable and cute He is. I love Him so much,” I said.

Blessed Mother said, “I thought that I would dress Him the way children are dressed on earth these days. My Son likes to come to you as a little Baby to give you courage and peace because you suffer so much for the Holy Souls.”

I said, “My Mother, oh how I appreciate and I love Jesus very much.”

She smiled and said, “We love you too and bless you.”

They then departed.

Thank you, Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus.

25 December 2021

Christmas Day

Tell Baby Jesus You Love Him

This morning while I was at home saying my prayers, and giving glory to the Infant Jesus, Blessed Mother appeared in a radiant aura of light with the Baby Jesus. She was dressed all in brilliant white.

She said, “Today, adore my Son Jesus, for He is born, and

He has come into this dark world as a Saviour and Redeemer to free you from your sins.”

Holding Baby Jesus, Blessed Mother said, “My daughter Valentina, to understand this mystery of His Coming to you all, it is like He gives birth to everyone Himself. This mystery, which happened the first time,

repeats every year. As Creator and Redeemer of all His children, it will

repeat till the end of times, until the end of the world. For this reason, you

should glorify Him and adore Him and tell Him how much you love Him and give Him thanks for what He has done for all of you, my children.”

Blessed Mother said, “To better explain this and so that people will understand, it is a spiritual birth, not a real birth, because He is

our Creator, He is our God, and we all belong to Him, all humanity belongs to Him.”

Blessed Mother and I were both looking at Baby Jesus, adoring Him, and telling Him how beautiful He is. He was glowing in holiness and smiling.

Baby Jesus loves to hear the words when we say to Him, “We love You very much, Baby Jesus.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus. We love you all very much.


24 December 2021

Christmas Eve

Australia gives our Lord the most Pain

During my evening prayers the day before, I was lamenting to our Lord, “Lord, now there are so many restrictions placed upon us, and there is so much pain and sickness in the world. A few years ago, You told me how a beautiful peace descends upon Christmas Eve in every nation of the world.”

“Maybe a miracle will happen this year?” I said, “Because You will permit it. Maybe everything will be alright, and there will be no more Coronavirus?”

This morning while I was praying, our Lord Jesus came, and He said, “I heard your plea last night.”

“But I tell you, Australia gives Me the most pain of all the nations! I will tell you why.”

He showed me; it was like a thin piece of steel, a rod, pressing onto the soft and sensitive tissue between the Toes of our Lord, like pinning Him down. It is constantly pressing down so that He is feeling terrible pain. It is extremely painful. I could see the thin steel rod stretching all the way from Australia up to Heaven.

“That is how I receive pain from Australia,” He said.

“It is sent to Me all the way up to Heaven. It is constant pain.”

“The people of Australia like to have good times, good things, they like to travel, they like to make money and enjoy themselves. They are greedy, worrying about how much money they will make, all for their self-interest. They like to keep industry going to make big profits. They want to make everything beautiful, more than any other nation in the world, but they don’t want to accept any suffering that comes to them. They constantly complain. They want to do everything the way they used to. It’s all ‘me, me, me,’ and they don’t worry about others.”

Lord Jesus lamented, “But nobody wants to repent. They don’t worry about repentance.”

“Today, I Am going to be offended very much because when people gather together, many will party and drink.” Our Lord was very serious and upset about Australia.

I said, “Lord, I am very sorry. Not all of the people know this.”

Lord have mercy on the people of Australia and on your priests.