21 December 2021

The Healing Power of the Anointing of the Sick

In December, our prayer group celebrated its 30th anniversary. The priest anointed each person with the Holy Oil for the Anointing of the Sick. He placed the Sign of the Cross on each of our foreheads as well as our palms. As he put the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads, he said, “May God forgive you your sins.”

After the anointing finished, we gathered for a group photo. While we all tried to get into place for the photo, one very elderly gentleman stood next to me, pushing against me. I recognised him but did not know him personally. He had quite a strong odour. I tried to move slightly away from him, but he pushed even more against me as I did so.

That evening, as I was saying my prayers, two angels came to me and said, “Don’t be upset with the man today who was pushing against you. He felt there was something in you that could help him.”

The angels said, “We will show you. He never confessed for forty years. He was living in such terrible sin.”

I could see this man in a vision. He appeared as part animal and part human. His hind legs were human, whilst the front half of his body was that of a bull with horns. Around his neck was a very thick grey rope which was being pulled by two demons. They were laughing because they thought this man belonged to them.

I said to the angels, “Oh, this is so horrible!”

The angels said, “But wait a minute. This man lived like that for many, many years, and the demons were dragging him everywhere. Now we will show you, after he received the Anointing of the Sick today, all that instantly fell away from him.”

Again, I could see this same man in a vision, but now he looked completely like a normal human being. He was dressed in a suit and no longer looked like an animal. However, I could still see a long large bag hanging off his shoulder.

The angels said, “He still carries some guilt with him, but he is not in the presence of the demons. You have to tell people how powerful is the Oil for the Anointing of the Sick.”

The bag on his shoulder represents guilt, as he still carries some sin in him, and it is a burden, so he needs to go to Confession to remove the sin. Afterwards, he needs to continue to go to Confession regularly so that he won’t be tormented by the demons again.

People don’t delay your Confession, for our Lord is ever so merciful and loving. Once we go to Confession and are forgiven and continue to go to Confession regularly, the demons have no power over us.

Blessed Mother often said to me, “Go often to Confession so the devil will not torment you.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the healing graces received through this beautiful Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and for your Merciful Love in the Sacrament of Confession. Have mercy on us.

19 December 2021

The World has Plunged into Darkness and Sin

Today during Holy Mass, after I received Holy Communion, I thanked the Lord for the grace to receive Him. Our Lord appeared, and He said, “Valentina, sadly I have to lament to you, people don’t know the meaning of My Coming to the world. They should accept Me with such love and embrace Me as their Saviour. Instead, they turn their backs on Me. I receive such a cold reception from people.”

“I also want to tell you that the world has really plunged into darkness and sin. You have no idea how bad it is. Accept whatever I send you to console Me,” said our Lord.

I felt so emotional. I went to the Chapel to pray. I said to Blessed Mother, “How can the world reject such a beautiful Jesus? He is so full of love and compassion.”

Blessed Mother said, “Trust My Son. He will always look after you and console you. He loves you so much.”

18 December 2021

I want You to be Simple My Children

When I was saying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, as Christmas is approaching, don’t look at the world, as people are rushing around. They are preparing to celebrate Christmas, but they don’t know the meaning of Christmas.”

“I want you to be simple My children. Make it all simple. Think of Me as your Saviour, how I came to this world, and I was born in a very cold and poor stable so that you can learn from Me. I was born for the poor, to bring light to this world because people were living in darkness and sin.”

“Today, the world is full of darkness and sin; hate, pride, greed, and selfishness and entertainment of sinful pleasures.”

Our Lord lamented, “Oh, how many of My children are dying of hunger every minute in the world, and they are completely abandoned and even killed by the evildoers, and nobody defends them and helps them.”

“How My Heart is bleeding with constant pain and suffering to watch all of this. I ask for special prayers right now for the world to obtain My mercy, but so few respond to My call.”

“My love for all is unconditional and great. But I Am also warning you, you are closer and closer to the severe chastisements, and I don’t have to remind you of these events, as you already experience them, and they are very severe.”

“Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, monsoonal destruction, such as has never been before so often as now. Also, now you have to deal with the Coronavirus, which keeps repeating and coming back to you.”

I could see our Lord was annoyed when He said, “How long will you remain deaf and blind to My call?”

“I call you to repentance. These are My warnings for all of the world,” He said.

Our Lord was very sad and serious when He spoke His Holy Word in this message. He doesn’t want to punish the world because He loves His people, but He does not have much choice because we ignore His warnings.

Lord have mercy on us and on the whole world.

17 December 2021

Lord Jesus Thirsts for Souls

Today after Holy Mass, I walked from the Church towards the shops. Usually, as I walk, I always pray and in that way, I am not distracted. While praying, suddenly, I heard a very strong voice in my heart. Our Lord Jesus said, “I thirst for souls! Offer Me the people you pass by.”

“Offer Me the sinner, the non-believer, the sick, the dying. Do you understand Me how essential it is to do all this so that I can still save their soul?”

“While you offer them to Me, even the smallest and littlest gestures, count. I depend on you, and I know you will say, He is never satisfied.

“Every day, I need these offerings,” said our Lord.

I said, “Thank you, my Lord Jesus Christ, for saving souls.”

14 December 2021

We need to Gather in Prayer More Often

Today my friend Nives invited a group of people to her home for prayers and sharing the messages. During the Holy Rosary prayers, our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother came smiling. Our Lord was wearing a burgundy-coloured vestment.

Blessed Mother and our Lord said, “We have come to tell you how essential prayer is in this time that you live in. These are very confusing times for all our children in the world.”

“Nives our daughter, she opened the door so beautifully to us and welcomed so many faithful children for prayer and for sharing our Holy Word and teaching. Through Valentina, everyone benefits, and they are hungry and thirsty for more. They want to hear more and more. Especially now that you all experience so much negativity from every corner of the world which controls you all.”

Lord Jesus said, “You need to be together in prayer more often. You need to remain close to Me and trust in Me, and in that way, you receive many graces.”

Our Lord smiled and said, “But today, you receive My special blessing.”

Then our Lord raised His right Hand, and with His two Fingers, He blessed us all by making the Sign of the Cross, saying, “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Our Lord and Blessed Mother were both very happy. Our Lord said, “I understand that all of you went through a lot of trauma for the last two years, and you all need to be lifted up spiritually, so you don’t go down into despair and depression of which there is so much in the world.”

“Knowing that I love you all very much, and still you all quickly fall into negativity. You know I never abandon you. I Am always with you,” He said.

We have to trust our Lord. He wants us to be positive. When we share His Holy Word in a group, we encourage one another, and this benefits all of us.


12 December 2021

One must be Patient To Merit all the Graces

I received this message in October 2021. While I was praying the Holy Rosary, a very saintly lady visited me this morning. She was very pretty and friendly and was wearing a light blue coloured dress.

She came up close to me, smiled and embraced me. She did not tell me her name. We were both very joyous and happy as we embraced.

She said, “I was sent to you by our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy. I have a message for you.”

“You have to be more patient. You will receive some graces for what you were praying for, but not all.”

In a vision, she showed me a lady amongst a group of people. The saintly lady explained the vision and said, “This woman, she is very fortunate because she received all the graces from our Lord Jesus. She accepted everything with patience and never complained.”

“Try to be more patient and accept things that our Lord sends you because Lord Jesus loves you. He also gives you strength and helps you to go through the situations you are in, in your daily life.”

Once again, she extended her hand to reveal the same group of people, and among them, the lady who received all the graces from our Lord Jesus.

I said, “How blessed she is.”

In the vision, I could see the lady in a church, kneeling, with many people around her, and she was the only one to receive all the graces.

Lord Jesus is teaching us that we must be patient in our daily lives to merit all the graces that come from Him.

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother, for this beautiful teaching.

11 December 2021

Those Who Have our Lord are Rich

The angel came early in the morning and said, “I was sent by the Lord. You have to obey and come with me.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in a huge abandoned warehouse in ruins; made of timber, all old, used and neglected.”

The angel and I entered this shabby place. I knew right away that we were in Purgatory.

He said, “Our Lord wants you to witness this and help these people.”

Inside was a large crowd of about two hundred souls, both men and women together, some older and some younger.

I noticed one lady was holding a little white poodle in her arm. As the angel and I approached the souls, coming up close, I could hear them talking and conversing amongst themselves.

The angel said, “Come closer.”

The souls were all standing, and in unison all turned around as we approached, probably sensing our presence. They looked at us with disdain and contempt, as we were not wanted here.

In a nasty tone, they said, “We are very rich. You are not welcome among us. You are very poor, and we don’t want you to associate with us. You know we are very rich, we are alive, and we don’t want anything to do with poor people.”

Angry and annoyed, they said, “We are going back!”

I turned to the angel and said, “Do they know they are dead?”

The angel replied, “You and me, we know, but they don’t know. They don’t want to know. They don’t want to accept that they are here. They are still tied to the world, and they don’t want to let go.”

I said, “Somebody has to tell them.” The angel and I were both smiling. These souls did not ask for my help.

In a split moment, the whole group were gone in a flash. It was like a wind had come suddenly and pushed them so quickly out into the open.

I asked the angel, “Where did they all go?”

He answered, “Well, they have to buy and sell. What they were doing on earth, they have to repeat over and over again, that is part of their penance until they let go, and until somebody helps them to get out of this place.”

“When you pray for them, offer them, deliver them and suffer for them. Slowly they will be delivered out of this, and they will realise the reality of where they are.”

When the angel was telling me all of this, I looked up to Heaven, and I started to sing spontaneously, “Money, money, money, … in a rich man’s world. Aha….”

The angel said, “That is good. You have such a beautiful voice. That is an appropriate song for this group and others like them.”

I said, “Why am I singing this song? I have never sung this before.”

He said, “Our Lord permits all of that. Nothing you do is without Him.”

I was surprised that I had such a beautiful voice, and I was so happy singing.

The angel then said, “Don’t get offended when they tell you, you are poor. You are the richest because you have our Lord, and who has our Lord is rich.”

Later that day, I said to my sister, “I was taken to visit some souls, when suddenly I started singing this song, Money, Money, Money..in a rich man’s world.

My sister immediately recognised the song, and said, “That’s Abba’s song!”

I said, “I didn’t know.”

Lord have mercy on these souls.


5 December 2021

Souls in Purgatory for Irreverence in Church

During my morning prayers, when I was praying the Angelus, the Angel of the Lord appeared, and he asked me to come with him.

He said, “Come with me to Purgatory. You have to witness for the Holy Souls, and you also have to help them and console them because they can no longer help themselves.”

Suddenly we arrived at this place. It was a building, like a church, packed with many souls sitting in pews. There were so many of them, both men and women, and young children, all very poorly dressed in dull clothing, very messy.

All the pews were in a disorderly arrangement facing all directions, unlike here on earth. Some people were sitting opposite each other and partitioned off from others. While others were facing different directions, some towards the entrance door and some towards the front. Everything was disorganised in this place.

The souls seemed to be moving around. They were restless, and some were eating and munching on something like snacks, behaving very strangely. During their life on earth, this is how they behaved in church, and now they have to do their penance here, repeating, over and over, the sinful actions they committed while alive.

I asked one of the souls, “What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the celebration of Holy Mass? But where is the priest?”

“We are waiting for Holy Communion, but the priests are upstairs,” the soul replied.

I thought to myself, ‘The Holy Communion will not come; they cannot receive it in Purgatory.’

Looking around, I noticed a small flight of stairs leading to a raised floor area in the same building. Again, there were many souls there. Then I watched some men as they kept coming out from a room.

The souls said to me, “They are priests.”

There were six priests amongst these people. They were all dressed in ordinary clothing, as they were stripped of their priestly garments. I recognised one of the priests as soon as he stepped out of the room.

I said to the angel, “I know that Father. He used to be in my church.”

I continued to look around when suddenly, at least six ladies appeared at the back of this building, all standing in an aisle. They looked quite young and were dressed all in black, wearing sleeveless dresses, complete with frills on the shoulders. I came close to them and said, “Why are you dressed differently from the others here?”

They answered, “For many, many years, we were helping in churches, doing good things. We were Ministers of the Eucharist, and we helped with many other chores that needed to be done in the church. We thought we were doing good things, and we were very proud being Ministers of the Eucharist.”

“Now we know we were wrong. The priests and bishops did not tell us that this was all wrong. Instead, they encouraged us, telling us that it was alright. Now that we are here, we know that we should never have touched the Holy Eucharist. Now we are severely punished, that is why we are wearing black. We offended God very much, so deeply. It is so great a sacrilege against our Lord, to hold Him. We do not know how long we will be here.”

I said, “Yes, this is a great sacrilege against our Lord. Nobody should touch the Eucharist, only the consecrated hands of the priests and bishops.” This is what our Lord had told me.

Then I left with the angel.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on these souls.

3 December 2021

Cenacle Rosary Prayers

Lord Jesus says the world is in Total Desolation and Desperation

Today during the Cenacle Rosary Prayers, as we were offering our petitions, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, I want you to offer Me the whole world, and pray for it. I know that you can do that. All the prayers will help Me to save the world.”

“Now the world is in total desolation and desperation, and they need My help.”

For the time being, I am willing to put My Judgement aside, and I bring forward My Mercy, to save the world. But I need your help to do all of this. I want you to spread My Holy Word and tell My people to pray.

While our Lord was present in the church, and while He was giving Me this serious message, He suddenly raised me up high above the horizon.

One moment, I was in the presence of our Lord, kneeling in the pew and praying, when suddenly, and in a flash, our Lord lifted me up, raised me high up, high above the horizon, above the clouds. Suddenly I could clearly see the world below me, covered by clouds.

I was now somewhere in outer space, with our Lord Jesus standing in front of me, as I was kneeling before Him. He was wearing a beautiful, deep creamy-coloured tunic. Our Lord’s expression was sad.

At the same time, coming from far down below me, I could clearly hear the echo of the rosary prayers being recited by our rosary prayer group and rising up. I could hear the people responding. I could recognise their voices. The prayers were echoing up, into space so that our Lord could hear them. The prayers were being raised up to Heaven.

I could now see how prayers, when they are sincere and from the heart, how they travel and echo throughout space.

I was above the world and above the clouds, kneeling before our Lord.

Our Lord was looking at the world below. He said, “I tell you, everywhere I look now, it is abomination and desolation and darkness. Most of it is caused by this horrible virus and the evil that is spread all over the world. People are in despair and are losing hope in their lives.”

He was looking at me, concerned for the world, but at the same time, was smiling a little, a sign of hope for the world.

He asked me, “Help Me, and together we can bring the light to the world and save it all.”

Gently nodding His Head in a hopeful way, He said, “All this can be achieved through prayers.”

He asked, “Can I count on you?”

“Can I?” He asked again.

“Tell My children to take My message seriously.”

“I bless you. Be at peace.”

Then I suddenly found myself back in the church, kneeling in my pew with my prayer group, praying the Cenacle Rosary.

The next day I was talking to our Lord, “Lord, I would like to tell everyone about this. How am I going to do this? How am I going to tell people to pray for the world?”

Lord Jesus said, “I never do anything unless I warn My children before time.”

Our Lord is always giving us a chance for things to change for the better. He wants to save the world, and He wants us to pray for the world very much.

Lord have mercy on the whole world.

2 December 2021

Little Jesus wants Little Children to gather around His Cradle

At home, when I said my prayers and thanksgiving for graces received, I had a beautiful vision of the little Infant, our Lord Jesus lying in a small cradle. Even though a baby, He was very serious, and seriously He spoke and said, “I want you to come near My cradle and adore Me and praise Me and tell Me that you love Me.”

Then He said, “For so many in the world abandon Me. Tell My little children to come around My cradle, to sing to an Infant King Who was born in a poor stable to save you all. Teach the little children to know Me and to love Me. I love them very much. They are like angels, and they bring Me such a consolation and joy, such is their love for Me. They sing Christmas Carols and Canticles in adoration, and I love them the most, and I bless them all.”

I said, “Thank You, my Little Infant and King. May You be praised forever and ever by everyone on earth.”

I could see Baby Jesus lying in a little cradle, all glowing and dressed in pure white and with His little Hands raised up, inviting people to come around the cradle. So beautifully, He was singing, “Come, come to My cradle and adore.”

After this vision, all day long in my heart, I could still hear our little Lord singing, “Come, come to my cradle and adore.”

We praise You, we adore You, and we love You Lord Jesus.


21 November 2021

Holy Mary, Mother and Queen of the Cenacle Rosary

This morning while I was praying my morning prayers, our Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus came, smiling and happy.

Smiling, they said, “You see, today we have come to you since yesterday you could not attend the Cenacle Rosary in the Church. So, we have come to see you and to cheer you up!”

Usually, each Friday, I attend Holy Mass, and afterwards, we pray the Cenacle Rosary in our Church. However, yesterday I could not go anywhere because of the severe wet weather.

Blessed Mother said, “I tell you how happy we are, me and my Son Jesus when you pray the Cenacle Rosary in a group or at home.”

“You have no idea how powerful is the Cenacle Rosary. If only people would understand, they would never run away from it, but they would join the group. My children, help me with your prayers so that I can tie the devil. Right now, he is very aggressive, and he is destroying all parts of the world and humanity. He is causing division in the governments, in families, and is scattering my poor children all over the world. I cry for them. Look at the refugees; nobody really has compassion for them.”

Then the Blessed Mother talked about people in the world not wanting to help the refugees and the poor. She said, “Their hearts are becoming like a rock, no compassion. The poor refugees are dying of hunger and starvation, and nobody wants them. They close the doors to them. How sad it is for my Son Jesus to watch all that.”

“Encourage my children to pray the Holy Rosary so that the victory will come soon to the world. Tell everyone that I am ever so present in the Cenacle Rosary, and I am guiding you. Encourage one another to pray.”

“These are the times that people need to pray very much for victory to come.”

Blessed Mother Mary was radiant with holiness; so much light was emanating from her. She wore a beautiful dress, all in pure white, with a silvery glow. Just below each shoulder attached to her dress was a layer of the same white flowing fabric, narrow in width, falling gently to the ground, and wider at the bottom.

On each of the two layers of fabric, just below her shoulders, I could see two silvery shiny ornaments, like the brightest stars, and they were emanating so much golden light. I watched as the light continued to pour out and move in many directions around our Lady, completely surrounding her. She was all aglow in so much light.

These two ornaments, emanating the golden light, represent graces given. They are graces pouring out to show us how powerful is the Cenacle Rosary.

I kept looking at Blessed Mother, so in awe of her beauty. Around her neck, held by a beautiful chain, I could see a most beautiful ornamental plaque with a silver border. It was quite large, rectangular in shape, like a necklace with a nameplate, and on it were inscribed the words:

‘Holy Mary, Mother and Queen of the Cenacle Rosary, pray for us.’

For a long time, I remained admiring the words on the plaque. Blessed Mother wanted me to see them.

Thank you, Blessed Mother, and pray for us.


17 November 2021

Lord Jesus is moving through the World


When I first came into the church, our Lord Jesus said to me, “Offer Me all the souls that are yearning and waiting for help. Offer Me the world. The world needs My help and My Mercy.”

“Do you know that now I pass very often throughout the world; that is why I ask you to pray for the world. People suffer now because they are very much controlled because of the injections; they suffer both mentally and spiritually from all of this. When people ask Me, I come, and I never refuse. Oh, how sad I Am when I see the poor people and the refugees dying. They need help. How it saddens Me to see all of that; it shouldn’t be like that.”

“Do you know that half of the world’s population is now undernourished and hungry, and many are dying of starvation?”

“How selfish are the governments in the world when they turn their backs on all of this, pretending to care, but they do not want to know. There are so many rich people that have too much, and they are very selfish. They are only for themselves; they are greedy. Their hearts are very hard and cold towards the poor people; they have no feelings and no compassion.”

“One day, all of them will come before Me and will give an account for all they did not do. It will be a very harsh judgement. That is why now I pass through the world very often, to give strength to my poor children.”

“Valentina, remember Esther in the Bible and how she pleaded with the King for her people. Esther pleaded from her heart with the King. She pleaded for her people, and she saved her people from not being killed. Since she pleaded so sincerely, so simply, and so beautifully, God could not refuse her plea, and He granted her anything she asked. Now is the same, as history repeats itself.”

“Now I need many Esther’s in the world to plead with Me, to plead sincerely so that their prayers can reach Heaven. When their prayer is so sincere, I cannot refuse it.”

“Most of all, Valentina, the people in the world, they need repentance. That is why, when you go to people, encourage them and speak to them of repentance and conversion, so that they can come closer to Me. “

Today, Lord Jesus was wearing a wine-burgundy coloured tunic, enhanced with beautiful golden embroidery, to remind us that He is King and that we will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King on Sunday. I watched as He came from the Holy Altar and passed very quickly along all the aisles in the church and blessed all the people present, and took away their anxiety and any negativity that was present in the church. Oh, how beautiful is our Lord.

As I was dictating this message to my friend, we were sitting together, when suddenly I saw glowing swirls of golden light coming towards us, to where we were seated. The golden light came and swirled between us, and with it came a most beautiful and rich fragrance.

Suddenly the air around us was overwhelmed with a sweetness; a beautiful floral scent, and a fragrance of incense, like the most exquisite perfume imaginable, made from all the most beautiful flowers in the world. It was so strong and powerful. The heavenly fragrance settled between the two of us and just above the book in which the message was being written. It lasted for quite a long time.

Lord Jesus, we praise You, and we thank You for your Holy Presence.


14 November 2021

Many Graces Lost when Churches were Closed

Today during Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, I want you to offer to Me all the Holy Souls in Purgatory.”

He lamented, “Do you know that during the Coronavirus, when all the churches were closed everywhere, many graces were lost? These graces are usually received by all the people present at the Holy Masses, and from which, they all benefit, both in their body and their soul.”

“During the closure of the Churches, even the souls had to suffer more; they had to wait longer to be offered at the foot of the Holy Altar. But today, there will be rejoicing for many souls; their liberation has come. Such a joy and praising God after a long purification.”

Smiling and in a teasing tone, our Lord Jesus said, “All these souls will be nourished by you, and I tell you, they will all be raised to Heaven, their heavenly home.”

He said, “Look, Valentina! I will show you.”

“Wow! I said, “Lord, there are so many of them.”

Suddenly I could see many souls, as they were coming from the adjacent Chapel walking in a procession into the Cathedral, through the centre and towards the main Altar, where the Holy Mass was being celebrated. They were in a large group, huddled very close to each other, all walking, taking very gentle steps. They stood in front of the Altar, aiming for relief. They were not suffering while in the Church, and our Lord permitted them to be there.

They were all happy and rejoicing and eagerly waiting.

He said, “See how many of them there are?”

“Today, all of them will rejoice. See, they will be nourished by Valentina! Offer them all to Me. It will be such a joy.”

“Lord, how beautiful,” I said.

When I came back to my pew after receiving Holy Communion, I thanked the Lord for receiving Him. After I offered the souls present at the Altar, and with the Holy Communion nourished them, I watched as a bright golden light appeared swirling above the Altar, and all the souls were swept into this light and vanished.

I didn’t know that when you offer the souls to our Lord that they still have to wait. The souls cannot help themselves even if they beg. Our Lord would not listen, but someone must direct them to Him. These were special souls who needed the benefits of this Holy Mass to be able to go to Heaven. I don’t know how long they were in Purgatory. Our Lord is so good and so kind.

A soul once described to me how they were taken to Heaven. Brilliant heavenly lights start to swirl around them, and they are powerless as they are pulled up as if by a magnet. The soul passes through a tunnel, guided by the angels; it is swept higher and higher into the Universe to their heavenly home. Then God the Father and Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother welcome the souls. There is such joy and rejoicing in Heaven for each soul.

It is never-ending with the Holy Souls, but today a large group entered Heaven.

Lord, thank you and have mercy on the Holy Souls.

Our Lord reminds me and says, “Keep praying and don’t forget there are many more souls because each day people are dying.”

13 November 2021

Lord Jesus gives many Signs in the Weather

This afternoon while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, did I not say in My Scripture, in My Writings [Bible] that many false prophets will come at the end of times. They will claim that they see Me and that I speak to them, and that I appear to them, but do not believe everything you hear.”

“Do not run here and there to them because they will deceive you. They will confuse you and tell you all kinds of lies to take away all your peace.”

“All this must come to pass. I tell you, My Coming is very near, so remain very strong in Me and in your faith.”

“Now, all over the world, I give many signs in the weather. The seasons are very changeable, and the weather patterns have become disordered, as I have permitted this to happen because the sin in the world is so bad.”

“For instance, Australia is usually very hot at this time of the year, but this year the weather patterns are very changeable, where you are experiencing colder weather, wet weather and hot weather, all mixed into one season. People are saying, ‘This is unusual for our weather pattern. What is happening?’”

“This indicates that My Coming is near. I Am making all the changes in the weather because people’s lives must change. I Am patiently waiting for people to turn back to Me. Sadly only a few recognise My Signs.”

“Now, I want you to believe very strongly in Me, listen only to Me, trust Me as these times are very confusing times. That is why I want you to remain steadfast in Me.”

Lord, give us strength and be merciful to the world.


10 November 2021

Cries for Help from a Soul in Deep Darkness

It was about one-thirty in the morning when I finished my evening prayers. I switched off my light, hoping to get some sleep when, at about two-thirty, terrible loud screaming voices awakened me.

The crying and screaming were coming from deep in the ground. There must have been many souls in this place. Out of these frightening and horrible sounds, I could hear the distinct voices of two ladies.

They were screaming in Italian, “Aiutami! Aiutami!” which means ‘Help me! help me!’

I felt that these cries for help were coming from a very deep and dark place, very close to Hell.

One lady screamed, “This is horrible! I can’t take it anymore! I can’t take it anymore! This is worse than Auschwitz!”

I pleaded with our Lord and said, “Lord, please be merciful to her. Please get her out of there. This is horrible.”

I don’t know what she had done during her life. She was just screaming—such horrible screaming like she was groaning in the deepest of agony.

Shocked at the screaming and cries for help from the women, I quickly switched on my bedside lamp and, while praying the Rosary, I kept looking at the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Cross on my wall.

I prayed, “Lord Jesus, please lift them up from there.”

The moment you offer to God a soul, they are already elevated to a higher level in Purgatory.

Then I thought, ‘What am I saying? Look at my sore leg.’ In that instant, I knew that our Lord would give me even more suffering to help these souls.

All of a sudden, something powerful, like boiling hot water, was poured over my leg. It went right through my leg, accompanied by searing pain, which became so severe and unbearable. I couldn’t take it anymore. The pain lasted until about six o’clock in the morning.

Lord Jesus said, “For what you ask, you must suffer.”

Lord, have mercy on the Holy Souls.