27 December 2020

Pray for the Holy Innocents

St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta


During the Holy Mass today, our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “My daughter Valentina, today I want you to contemplate the aborted children, the Holy Innocents. I want you to pray for them, to think of how much I Am offended by the slaughtering of the little children through abortion.”


He said, “It wasn’t only during the time of Herod that they slaughtered the innocent children. Today, My innocent children are slaughtered in the most horrific way all over the world, and because they are innocent, they cannot help themselves. They cry, and they scream so loudly that their cries reach all the way to Heaven. I cry in Heaven for My little innocent children because they have no chance to live and grow. Such a crime is committed all over the world; a world which is now completely covered in darkness, and it will only get worse because people do not want to repent.”


As Father Chris was celebrating Holy Mass, and while our Lord was explaining to me about the Holy Innocents, suddenly, I could see many beautiful angelic babies floating around the Altar, high up, but not too high. They were all dressed in white and oh so beautiful as I gazed upon them. Some of the babies had blonde hair, some brown.


Our Lord said, “These are all the aborted babies.”


I offered them to our Lord in atonement for the sins committed by the parents and the doctors. Our Lord still wishes that I offer them all to Him so that they are all with Him in Heaven.


Our Lord then continued to talk to me about the state of the world. He said, “You will experience many changes in the world, that will both shock you and surprise you, and you will be controlled by evil more and more. Even the churches will change, you will see. They will be affected very much. You will not be as free as you are now. Even now you are not free, but still, you can go to church. Soon, this will all go.”


“The Coronavirus is sweeping throughout the world, and it is changing its course and going around and around, and each time it goes around, it becomes a more powerful and deadly virus.”


“People think that the New Year will bring good things to the world. It will not get better but will get much worse. How much I beg you, and I wish for people to change and come back to Me. I Am the only One Who can save you and protect you from all this evil. Be strong and be united with Me,” He said.


I said, “Lord, I am going to call on You and scream so loudly that You will hear me from Heaven.”


Lord Jesus responded, “Valentina My child I don’t want you to panic. I want you to give courage and hope to people and for them not to fear. My Reign is ever so close. You must go through this suffering which is prophesied.


As I was writing this message, I could see a flash of blue and golden light appear above the writing. The Holy Spirit was present to enlighten us and help us write the True Word of God.


27 December 2020

Sunday 27 December 2020

Pray for the Families

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


After the Mass, I went to pray a decade of the Holy Rosary. I went to the little Chapel of our Lady of Grace. Blessed Mother appeared looking very sad. She was dressed all in white.


I said, “Blessed Mother, you should be very happy. Today is the Feast of the Holy Family.”


She said, “Tell my children how sad I am. So many families in the world are no longer together as a family, that is why I am so upset. They are torn apart because they have forgotten to pray and forgotten to have God in the centre of their lives. They live in sin and no longer live as a Sacred Family.”


She said, “So much sin is in the world, and how much I suffer to see all of this. The devil is really dividing families in the world; dividing the children within the families.”


“Pray and encourage My children to pray to bring their families back together, and to come back to God, to the True Faith.”

20 December 2020

Contemplation on the Nativity of Jesus

Today, there are only a few days left until Christmas, and I was contemplating the birth of our Lord Jesus. It is a special time awaiting the birth of our Saviour and the Prince of Peace. It is a time of prayer, and a time to grow closer to Him and to love Him intimately.

Here I republish the message, about the beautiful and holy vision of the Nativity of the Holy Family, which I received on 5th December 2018:

After I had just finished my evening prayers, I had a most beautiful vision of the Nativity of the Holy Family.

In the darkness of the night a most brilliant light, and radiance surrounded the stable, which was a large open cave. The silvery brightness from the light of the star was so intense that it was as though the star from the heavens had descended and shone directly above the cave. Everything was so bright.

Sitting in the middle of the stable was Mary, the Mother of Baby Jesus, holding Baby Jesus on her lap. She was dressed in a most beautiful red tunic with a white mantilla that extended to her elbows. I could see how her hair was beautifully twisted around her head. Baby Jesus was all in white. I could see St Joseph kneeling beside them.

Multitudes of shining bright angels surrounded them, praising and adoring the newly born King. Around the stable, facing Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus, I could also see many shepherds, kneeling in adoration. The holy shepherds were wearing garments of a combination of white and brown shades.

In front of the stable, I could see many lambs and sheep. The little lambs came up close to Baby Jesus. They were sleeping peacefully and gently resting their little heads on top of each other, as though they were resting their heads on the softest pillow. Their wool was so long and beautiful.

On the other side, behind blessed Mother, I could see lying on the ground an ox and a donkey. This donkey was the one that carried Blessed Mother and accompanied St Joseph to Bethlehem.

As it was so cold in the stable, the animals surrounded the Holy Family to keep them warm. Everything looked so beautiful and colourful and real.

So many angels were present, and I could see them prostrating before our Lord Jesus. Then they raised their heads to Heaven and, all in harmony, started to sing the divine canticle:

“Gloria Gloria Gloria”
“Gloria in Excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis”

So that I would understand what they were singing the angels said aloud, “Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to people of goodwill.”

The Blessed Mother, most holy, was very joyful and smiling.
This scene took my breath away. I was praising the newly born King and the Holy Family of Bethlehem.

I said, “My little Jesus, may You be praised and loved by everyone in the world.”

On the 28 December 2018, I was invited to a friend’s house to pray the Holy Rosary with a group of people. After we had finished praying the Holy Rosary, I asked my friend to read the above message from the 5th December 2018 which was about the vision shown to me of the Nativity of Baby Jesus and the Holy Family. Everybody listened and meditated as the message was read. During the reading, I saw a flash of golden light pass by the window.

The next morning on the 29th December 2018, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy appeared with Baby Jesus. With a gentle and loving smile, she said, “My children, how joyful I feel when you gather in prayer around the manger with my little Baby Jesus, that for more than two thousand years repeats itself but is still ever so new even now, He comes to be born for all of you, to save you and to redeem you because He loves you.”

Blessed Mother said, “The Nativity message that we gave you on the 5th December came directly from Heaven. We want you to distribute it everywhere to people, let people read it. When they share it among family and friends, it will touch their hearts, and the true light and star will descend on their home with blessings from Heaven.”

The Holy Mother and Queen said, “The time of the Nativity at Christmas should be the most joyful time for all people; instead, there is so much evil, and sin committed throughout the world, sin that offends my Son so much. Pray, pray my children, for the world needs so much prayer.”

As she was looking at me, her facial expression changed from one of joy to one of sadness, especially while she was telling me about all the evil and sin in the world.

She said, “Valentina, my daughter, as for you, Jesus needs to be consoled.” Pointing to my garden, she said, “Go to the garden and find the smallest flower that you can, bring it to the manger and place it next to my Son, and tell Him that you love Him.”

While Blessed Mother was telling me how Jesus is so offended by the world, it touched my heart so deeply, that I cried. Please tell Jesus that you love Him, and in that way, you console Him.

Our Lord, being our King and lowering Himself so much and only asking for the smallest little flower, He is still ignored by the world.

May the Christ Child, Lord Jesus our Saviour, bless you and your families this Christmas.
May you continue to contemplate His holy birth and always be faithful to Him.

20 December 2020

Their Souls are Empty

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


During the Holy Mass, and also after the Mass, Blessed Mother appeared. She said, “My daughter Valentina, this should be the most joyous time of the year when my Son Jesus, the Saviour, was born. People should accept Him with much more love and reverence. Instead, He is so abandoned and rejected very much in the world. People are too busy running around, buying and accumulating material goods and preparing for the celebrations; what they are going to eat and how they are going to enjoy themselves.”


She said, “There is not much spirituality in any of these people. Their souls are empty. That is why we are so upset, my Son and I. To change humanity, the Coronavirus is circulating and circulating, and then coming back to wake up people, to make them realise that they must turn to God, to pray, and to change; otherwise, they will never get out of it.”


I said, “Blessed Mother, I tried to do my best to tell people, but they didn’t listen.”


She said, “Yes, I know. Offer all the sufferings that you go through and your sacrifices and tell my children to pray so that my Son can save sinners.”


Blessed Mother was so sad, and she placed her sadness in my heart so that I could feel how she was feeling. Suddenly, deep sadness and extreme emotional pain overcame me.


She said, “My Son Jesus, is now giving a limited time of Mercy and Graces for people to change and convert.”


People take this message seriously. The world offends God very much, and we will never get out of this Coronavirus unless people turn to God.


Have Mercy on us, Lord, be merciful to the whole world.


20 December 2020

Unite your Suffering with our Lord’s Suffering


This message was given to me on 9 July 1999 and has not been previously published.


While I was praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, our Lord Jesus said, “Unite your suffering with Mine, by carrying the Cross on the way to Calvary. Console Me, My child. Help Me. My suffering is beyond your understanding for I Am so gravely offended today in the world and rejected. Just think how much I have done for all of you because I love you but so little I receive in return.”


He said, “I Am so sad watching all My children accept evil so easily, following the wrong way of life, being deceived by the evil Master of Lies.”


Our Lord was very sad and angry as He was telling me all of this.


He said, “Turn to Me for I suffer for you to save you, so that you can have life in Me and Eternal Happiness. Come to Me for I have so much to offer you, and I love you, your Lord Jesus.”


Oh My Lord, have pity and mercy on all of us. How long can our Lord beg us to change? Souls, where are you going to run to? Where are you going to escape to and hide? Because He knows everything, He judges, and He sees everything. Nothing escapes Him.

20 December 2020

Appreciate this Time of Mercy


This message was given to me on 1 July 1999 and has not been previously published.


While I was praying, the angel of the Lord appeared to me. He said, “You people have a very short time now. You must appreciate this time that you live in, it is a special time of Mercy and Graces, given to you, by your God.”


He said, “Give thanks and praise to God every day.”

19 December 2020

Saturday 19 December 2020

Our Lord’s Heart is a Flame of Love


This is a special grace given by our Lord for Christmas. He wants to share His Love with us, to show how much He loves us, and He wants us to think of Him.


Today, our Lord Jesus surprised me and brought my mother with Him to visit me. He was casually leaning against my kitchen bench with His Arms folded, and talking to my mother, who was at the dining table. He was neatly dressed in a white shirt and creamy-grey coloured pants. My mother was young and beautiful, wearing a long, light blue dress. They were talking quite a lot, especially about the state of the world today.


Lord Jesus was telling my mother, “The world is not how it used to be.”


My mum said, “How things are different today to the way I brought up my children. Of all my six children, Valentina was the most calm and obedient.”


“Not many are like that today, the children don’t obey their parents. That is why I chose her,” He said.


My mother and our Lord then continued to converse, I did not know what they were talking about, and I did not want to eavesdrop.


When they finished, our Lord came to my kitchen sink, where I was washing the dishes and He stood beside me on my left.


He said, “Let me help you!”


I said, “Lord, it’s all right! You’re so holy You don’t wash dishes. You’re too holy to do that.”


Our Lord insisted, and said, “No, no let Me help you. I want to help you.”


He then came even closer and started rinsing the dishes for me. He stood so close to me that suddenly I was overcome by a great wave of Love coming from Him. It was like a huge wave of fire. The heat of His Love completely consumed my being. It was so strong that, at that moment, I was so in Love with Him. We should all be in Love with our Lord!


The power of Love that emanated from Our Lord was so overwhelmingly strong that I thought I would jump out of my body.


I exclaimed, “Lord, this is too much!”


With a beautiful and gentle smile on His Face, He replied, “This is only a little! If I were to give you all My Love, you would not be able to handle it.”


A little longer and I thought that I was going to burst. I felt embarrassed to look at Him. Our Lord looked so beautiful, He is tall and so handsome. I observed His beautiful Hands and long Fingers.


He would rinse the dishes as I washed them, placing them upside down to dry. I could see a few suds left on one or two of the dishes, so I took them back to rinse again.

As I did so, in a cheerful tone, our Lord said, “I have already rinsed that!”


“But there are still a little bit of soap suds on them,” I replied.


Our Lord shows us how He wants to be completely part of our lives, intimately united with us with the littlest things.


He said, “Whatever you do, I give you the grace and the strength and knowledge to do it. I have done all of this to demonstrate to you how much I want people to come to Me and not to fear to come to Me. I am a God of Love and Mercy, and I want to save My children.”


Our Lord was teasing me while He was saying, “I want you to write this; how much I love you, My Heart is burning for you. See how much we are united, and I want you to tell My children how much I love each one of them and My Heart is bursting of Love for them. It is like a fire that you, My children have to extinguish. When you come to Me, and you accept My Love, you extinguish the burning flames that are so much in Me.”


His Heart is a Flame of Love. It is so real!


Lord Jesus also talked to me about the virus in Australia. He said, “People think that I permit the virus to happen only in some countries and only some parts of Australia, but I tell My children that I Am offended by their sins. It doesn’t matter whether it is a poor area or a rich area. I permit for this to happen. I want people to wake up and turn to Me and ask Me to be merciful and help them, but they don’t. If they would ask Me, I would help them and protect that part of the world from the virus, but they refuse My help.”


Our Lord wants to show us how much Love He has to give us and how intimate He wants to be with each one of us. He shows how simple He wishes us to be and to share all with Him.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Love and Mercy.



14 December 2020

Meeting Souls in Purgatory that I once knew

I received this message on 29 November 2020. In the morning, while I was praying, the angel came and took me to Purgatory.

I came into a building, and I saw on the wall a large sign, ‘All Nations of the World – Petitions’. These were petitions from the living, to the souls here in Purgatory to pray for them. The Holy Souls cannot pray for themselves, but they can pray for the living. I noticed petitions from the Islanders, some Tongan people, and some from the neighbouring countries, Samoa, and Fiji. Of all the petitions on the wall, these peoples had the littlest petition, the smallest.

Then I saw a lady come up, very domineering and almost aggressive. I watched as she ripped off this petition, the littlest one, from the wall and put it down.

I said, “Why did you take it down?”

In a distressed tone, she replied, “I don’t want us to pray for them.”

I beckoned her, “You take it and put it right back! God will not be happy with what you are doing. Every Nation needs prayer, and they have a right to be prayed for.”

“I don’t like Tongan people,” She was saying.

She refused to put the petition back on the wall, even though I kept telling her to do so. She was a soul in Purgatory, but a very restless one.

In this place, where these souls were, it was very cold. Suddenly, I found myself clothed in the most beautiful coat.

I asked the angel, “Who gave me the coat?”

It was such a lovely coat, and as I took a closer look at it, I could see that it was decorated with a mixture of pretty pinkish flowers, and it was so light to wear.

I asked, “Why is it so cold here?”

The angel responded, “Because the souls are suffering here. When souls suffer, they feel very cold.”

The angel then said, “Now, we have to go away from here.”

As we came out of the building, we started to walk down a slope and into a valley. From the valley, we headed up a to a little hill, into an open space. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I could see a multitude of people, all dressed in black, waiting and sitting there, mainly ladies. They were all souls.

The angel and I were standing there. He said, “There are more people. They are waiting, and they have been waiting here for a long time.”

I noticed it wasn’t so cold here, so I took off my coat and placed it over my arm. The angel said, “Here it is not so cold.” Looking towards the building we had just walked out of, he said, “But there it is much colder.”

I understood, the closer the souls are to Heaven, the less cold it became, whereas in deeper Purgatory, it is very cold.

The angel instructed me, “Walk amongst them!”

It was like a vast countryside, filled with souls. I could see a little narrow passage separating the souls. The angel and I started to walk through this passage. We passed by a multitude of souls, all sitting very tightly, packed next to each other and waiting. As I walked through, I recognised many of these souls; they were from our Slovenian community. I did not know them personally, but while they were alive, I used to see some of them at our Church.

I recognised a particular lady in this group. I knew her personally. I said to the angel, “Oh, that’s a Slovenian lady. Her name is S.”

She was sitting right near the passage that I was passing through with the angel. I was so happy when I saw her. I wanted to go to her, talk to her, and touch her and say, “Oh S, you’re still here and not in heaven.”

She died several years ago. When I came near her, she lowered her head right down and turned it to the side away from me. She didn’t want to look at me at all.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable, but I still wanted to say hello to her. Why would she turn her head away from me? Again, I turned around to her to see if she would say hello, but she kept her head down. She was dressed all in black. She wasn’t with her husband in Purgatory; she was by herself.

I continued to walk with the angel. All of the souls were in black, pitch black. Black represents that they are still not purified.

The angel asked, “Do you know the lady?’

“Yes, she’s a lady I knew from church, I don’t know why, but she didn’t want to say hello to me?” I said.

He said, “Do you know why? She’s embarrassed. She’s embarrassed in front of you.”

I asked, “Why would she be embarrassed?”

“While she was alive, she was important. She was rich. She was well off, and you were nothing. Now she knows that you are high up, and she is nothing,” the angel explained.

He continued, “And not only that. People were talking about you that you had visions, and she would ridicule you. She would say, ‘I don’t believe that God would speak to her.’ But now she knows the reality, and she feels very embarrassed.”

I said to the angel, “You know, I feel very sorry for her. I have to pray for her.”

As we continued to walk down the hill, I heard a lady, who was in a large group, say, “There will be some big news in England.”

Some kind of news will come, and it will come from England. The souls know something.

I asked the angel about the souls that were all here in this area. I asked, “What are they all waiting for?”

He said, “Jesus wants you to walk through here to see how many people are waiting here.”

“Oh, so many, I’ve never seen so many people,” I said.

Then Lord Jesus said to me, “I want you to take them all to Church and to offer them to Me.”

The angel continued to lead me through this place in Purgatory, to see all of these souls, so that I would take them to Church and pray for them and offer them to our Lord.

I said, “Lord be merciful to them, even to my Slovenian friend S.”

12 December 2020

Meeting Father Valerian in Heaven


The angel took me away, and I found myself in a building in Heaven. The interior of the building looked like a church with an altar. There were three, small beautiful round loaves of bread on the altar, all the same, all glowing.


All of a sudden, I could see Father Valerian standing at the altar, dressed in beautiful Priestly robes. Standing beside him, partially obscured, I could see another priest, only his shoulder was visible. Father Valerian was assisting this Priest.


As I looked around, here and there, there were a few other saintly people present.


Father Valerian opened a Book and was about to read from this Book, when he said to me, “You know, people are going to read your message about reading passages from the Holy Bible, but I think we all better pray the Lord’s Prayer; that is the prayer that everyone knows.” As he said this, he closed the Book and then all of us who were present prayed the ‘Our Father’, the ‘Hail Mary’ and the ‘Glory Be.’


Once we finished praying, Father Valerian came towards me. I was sitting on a little bench. He came really close to me and said, “I was supposed to go and visit another place, but for some reason, I ended up here in this church.”


I said, “Father Valerian, nothing is by chance. Everything is by God’s Will. He is the One Who organises everything.”


He agreed and said, “Definitely, it must be meant for you and me to talk.”


We were conversing so happily. Father Valerian said, “Have hope, and be cheerful all the time, because you are in God’s presence all the time, even if you don’t see Him.”


I said, “Father Valerian, you were so beautiful, so unique when you were living on earth, and you were among us. You were like a father to all of us, to the Slovenian people, you never hurt anyone, you knew everyone by name, and we really miss you. It is not the same without you.”


He said, “Is that so, you thought that I was like a father?”


I said, “Yes, you were like a father to all of us. We love you so much. May our Lord reward you for what to have done for your people.”


We conversed about the state of the world, and then he said, “I am going to give you an example of how people should live. There was a mother with her daughter, and the daughter decided to leave home to go to another country to work there. The mother said to the daughter, ‘My daughter, I cannot stop you from going, but you have to remember, don’t forget God, don’t forget your daily prayers that I taught you, and don’t forget how to make soup!’


We both laughed when he mentioned the soup. It is traditional in the Slovenian culture to make soup. Every country has some tradition that the mother teaches and passes on to the next generation.

He said, “And that is beautiful and pleases God very much. Because the children listen and they obey, and they carry on the faith, unlike these days.”


I said, “Father Valerian, people don’t realise that we have to learn here on earth and prepare for Heaven; to be educated about our Heavenly home, because that is forever. However, they don’t want to hear this.”


He said, “I know, that is why it is so bad, the world has become so bad because they ignore the Hereafter. They don’t want to know.”


Suddenly, I was back home.


Lord Jesus, thank you for allowing me to meet Father Valerian; and for teaching us on how important it is to pass on our Catholic faith and traditions to the next generation.


9 December 2020

The Cold Hearts of Humanity and The Coming Cold Temperatures

In the afternoon, while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the angel to me. He said, “I am the angel of the Lord. He sent me to bring you this message.”

The angel said, “Soon, the world will experience a freezing temperature. You had better warn people about what is coming, and also tell them to keep their warm clothes, not to throw them away because they will need them. This freezing cold will last for four years.”

At the same time as I was receiving this message, our Lord Jesus appeared. He came to explain the message; why we will receive the cold and freezing weather.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, I, Your Lord, want to tell you that the hearts of humanity have become cold and frozen. That is why they will experience this freezing cold temperature in the weather.”

He said, “See, My child, the Coronavirus did not change humanity at all. The world did not repent of their sins but continued to offend Me, and many people will die in this cold, freezing temperature. There will be crop failures, and animal populations will die, as will people, especially those living in poor housing, with no heat or warmth. There will be tremendous suffering.”

“See, My child, how I beg humanity to change, but they just ignore Me. They forget where they have come from; from nothing!” He said.

Our Lord repeated, “So selfish and so sinful is the world. It is in total darkness, and it is getting worse. Humanity must change and bend their knees and beg Me, your God for forgiveness and mercy. I do not want you to be sad for what is coming, for this was prophesied and is bound to happen. Tell people to pray and beg Me for My mercy.”

Our Lord was very sad while giving me this message. He does not want to punish people, but He has no choice because they ignore Him, and they forget that He is Almighty God.

Lord have mercy on us and on the whole world.

7 December 2020

The Seriousness of the Coronavirus

This message was received on the 28 November 2020. In the morning, while I was praying, the angel came to talk to me about the Coronavirus.

The angel said, “Do you know how serious the Coronavirus is? If people do not listen to the warnings from God and do not repent, then another even worse virus can come upon humanity, worse than this one. Pray that this will not happen.”

The angel was serious while he was telling me this. He was explaining that it is all conditional; if people pray and repent and thank God, He will have mercy on us, and He will protect us.

Then Lord Jesus said, “You know My child, a lot of worse things would happen in the world if people did not pray. All the prayers, the holy rosaries and offerings of holy masses, ease the punishment that is to befall humanity.”

Today was a sweltering day. I was finding it difficult to cope with the heat. I said, “Lord, can’t You make a change to the weather? Please! This is unbearable.”

He responded, “This is all part of what is coming, all part of the signs that have been foretold. The changes in the weather; the droughts, the hot weather, these are all signs.”

Smiling, He said, “Don’t complain too much. You are losing all your graces. Offer your suffering for the Holy Souls. They are waiting!”

“I Am with you to give you strength. I never leave you, but I Am there with you.”

“Yes, but You don’t feel the heat,” I said.

Smiling Lord Jesus responded, “But I felt the heat while I was on earth, and I bared all of it. and I accepted it with love, and that made Me feel better.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, and have mercy on us.

6 December 2020

St Michael the Holy Angel with me in Purgatory

This morning I was walking through Purgatory with Holy Michael where there were many souls. I was asked to carry some quite heavy objects, from one part of Purgatory, where it was darker, and move them into a building, being another part of Purgatory, where it was much lighter. Holy Michael was directing me and showing me where to take these objects. I had to repeat this action several times.

He said, “These souls have been captive here for a very long time. Now is the time that they are to be released, and you are the only one who can help them.”

As we were walking back and forth, Holy Michael showed me each of the objects I had to move from the darker place to one that is a step lighter, but still not Heaven. He followed me so closely; he was so near that he was touching me. Feeling a little embarrassed as the holy souls here were all watching us, I said to him, “Stop touching me and stop following me everywhere! What are these people going to say? They will think we are lovers!”

He replied, “Well we are, we are always united with one another. You should be happy that I am protecting you. What are you without me?”

“That’s true,” I said, “I never thought of it that way.”

The carrying of the heavy objects represents the carrying of the heavy burdens of the Holy Souls, meaning that these souls were now progressing to the next level, a higher level in Purgatory.

After we finished moving all the heavy objects, we proceeded to walk out of the building, and as we did, some of the souls came up to us and said to me, “Valentina, thank you for your prayers and for helping us.”

Lord Jesus, thank you for being merciful to the Holy Souls.

5 December 2020

A Chinese Lady Appears

Last night I was reading a passage from the Holy Bible. I would usually read something that our Lord would ask me to read.

He would usually say, “Read a passage from the Holy Bible. Everyone should read the Holy Bible daily because it is My True Holy Word.”

Suddenly, a soul appeared before me. She looked Chinese, and she most likely had just died. She came up close to me. I was shocked by her sudden appearance.

She stood there for a few minutes, enough to show me how much she was suffering. Suddenly, her face started to twist and became distorted.

I said, “Lord Jesus I offer and surrender this Holy Soul and her spirit to you. Please be merciful to her.”

Souls are desperate for help. Maybe she had just died at that very moment and did not know where to go. They can die all confused. They need to be directed to the Light, to our Lord Jesus.

Very often, when I am reading Scripture or praying, souls would suddenly appear before me. Many families do not pray for their departed loved ones.

Lord have mercy on the holy souls who die suddenly and unprepared, and there is no one to pray for them.

5 December 2020

The Seriousness of the Signs for all Humanity


While I was praying the Holy Rosary, Blessed Mother, Mary most Holy came to me. She was wearing a white tunic with a blue mantle.


She said, “I come to you my children, to warn you about how serious are the signs given to you, to all humanity on this earth. I want you to tell people and to warn them what all this represents. Warn them of the dangerous times they live in. They need to convert, to change, and to repent.”


“The first sign given is the failure of crops, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and hurricanes, monsoonal rains and severe floods, such as have never been before, the animal population dying of unusual diseases, humanity experiencing horrible viruses that have come upon them, and are spreading and killing many thousands of people in the world.”


“Science is trying to find a cure and to prevent these terrible diseases. They will not succeed. They do all of this instead of turning to God for help. God wants humanity to come to Him and to ask Him to be merciful for the sins they commit. If people repent, He will forgive them because He is the loving Father.”


“Humanity is becoming too proud to be able to humble itself, and people are blind and deaf to all these warnings. They pretend they don’t want to know any of this.”


“All of this is leading to and is an indication that you are coming to the events foretold long ago. It is necessary for humanity to repent and to change and to be in a State of Grace, my children.”


“My children, I don’t want to frighten you with all these warnings because God loves you all, but you still have little time to change. Tell people that Jesus will soon restore the world, but He wants people to stop offending Him, and to be sorry for the sins they commit.”


She said, “Right now, I want my children to think about these signs and to pray. Maybe through prayer, God will be merciful, and He may mitigate some of these events to come. I want my children to take this very seriously and to pray.”


Yesterday, I could hear Blessed Mother saying to me in my heart, “These signs that I want to tell you about, you keep ignoring them. You didn’t want to listen to my warnings.”


I said, “Blessed Mother, I am very sorry. I heard you, and I could hear your holy words echoing in my heart throughout the whole day. But I didn’t want to write down this message to scare people. Blessed Mother, this is not a very nice message to tell people about; people don’t like to hear messages like this.”


Lord Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world, and I hope people will truly repent and come to You. Give them the grace to repent.”


Blessed Mother was urging me to write this message to warn her children.


4 December 2020

Distractions of the World Stop Prayer

This message was received on Saturday 28 November 2020. Today I received a message from Blessed Mother. She said, “My children, you are being so distracted by the devil in the world now. He is so cunning. He does not want you to pray. He does not want you to come close to God, so he is constantly interfering in your lives, and you obey. I feel very sad for you for the way you obey him, My children.”

Blessed Mother showed me and said “Like with the snap of the fingers, he leads you exactly to where he wants you to go. Instead of praying, he will put on your mind, many chores that you have to do. You must be strong and say, No!”

“If you say your prayers first, then grace will be given to you, and in no time you will do all your chores. God knows that you have all your family duties to do, but My children, be strong and say no to the devil. You must be strong and say no to him.”

Blessed Mother was reminding me how important our prayers are to Heaven. She said, “My child, we wait for your prayers.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother, for teaching and guiding us.