10 October 2020

God the Father in readiness to release the Dove

All day Friday and throughout the night until early Saturday morning, I was in a lot of pain and suffering.

In the early morning, Blessed Mother appeared, “Come my daughter, I will reveal to you why my Son gave you such suffering.”

We found ourselves in Purgatory, where all the souls were suffering. These particular souls, mainly women, were very close to going to Heaven. As soon as we arrived there, the souls came up close and started to gather around us.

Blessed Mother said, “I brought my daughter Valentina with me. She helped you to be raised up to where you are now. She suffered a lot for you to help you to go to Heaven.”

In preparation, Blessed Mother was telling them wonderful things about how beautiful it is in Heaven.

They said to her, “But on earth it is so bad, it is very hard to be good. It is very hard and deceiving.”

Blessed Mother said, “Do not worry and do not be sad. My Son is preparing to change the world. His Coming is ever so near.”

Pointing her hand towards me Blessed Mother said to souls, “Here is Valentina, she can tell you that my Son is truly coming to the world. She knows He is coming because we have revealed it to her many times.”

“Be courageous, just a little longer and you will be in your Heavenly Home rejoicing,” said Blessed Mother. She was very joyful, giving encouragement to the souls.

Then, in an instant I found myself back home. Suddenly, a beautiful bright light appeared in my home. I was looking at the light in which I could see a single-seater sofa. God the Father was sitting on the sofa holding a beautiful Dove in His Holy Hands. Surrounding God the Father were beautiful, twittering little birds of all different colours. God the Father was holding the Dove, in readiness to let Him go.

All Praise and Glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

27 September 2020

The Child Jesus says we should listen to Medjugorje

This morning our Lord Jesus appeared as a little boy accompanied by a little angel. Both our Lord and the angel were dressed in conventional clothes. There were many people present around them.

Our Lord Jesus said, “People should listen to Medjugorje. Things will be revealed in Medjugorje very soon.”

Our Lord then continued to speak about Medjugorje.

27 September 2020

The Number 180

This morning our Lord Jesus appeared as the Crucified Jesus on the Cross. He was looking at me with such sadness. I prayed to our Lord to have mercy on our souls.

The Holy Cross then disappeared, and our Blessed Mother appeared all in white, surrounded by angels.

She was crying tears of blood. These were not little tears, but thick blood was pouring all over her face. Such a horrible scene. These tears were not for our Lord Crucified but for the world.

This vision then disappeared, and then a number appeared. Written in gold, about a metre in height was the number ‘180’. This vision of the number ‘180’ remained for quite a long time.

20 September 2020

Heaven Prepares for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

This morning while I was praying at home, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me, our Lord and Blessed Mother would like to share something beautiful with you.”

As we left together, the angel said, “Today, you will be very happy because our Lady, Blessed Mother, will show you something very beautiful, something very joyful. You receive the grace to witness, before our Lord’s Coming.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in a place which I knew immediately was Heaven.

We came to a beautiful building, which was of considerable length. I have never seen such a long building. As we entered, I was overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of the interior. Elegant marble flooring extended the full size of the room. Along the left and right walls, suspended above the ground, were very tall exquisite glass displays, containing clothing and other objects. The glass sparkled like pure crystal. There would be one glass display, and then there would be a partition with nothing on it, followed by the next glass display and this continued along the length of the room.

Blessed Mother greeted us and said, “Come, my daughter, I wait for you. I have a lot of beautiful things to reveal to you today.”

“First of all, you have to help me to prepare the tables for the beautiful wedding banquet,” she said.

There were other saintly ladies also helping. Blessed Mother was very active, moving around, busily organising things. About a quarter of the room had round wooden tables, and the rest of the room was empty.

Blessed Mother said, “See, all these tables, I want you to help me to refresh the tablecloths.”

The tablecloths were all white. We started removing the old ones and covering each of the tables with fresh ones.

While we were removing the old tablecloths, Blessed Mother instructed us to place them on a particular sofa chair, the only chair in the room. I thought the cloths would be taken away for cleaning later on.

All of a sudden, our Lord Jesus appeared as a ten-year-old. He leisurely came over and sat on top of the tablecloths that we had just placed on the sofa chair. He was watching us and acting like a child of his age, completely relaxed as he sat on top of the tablecloths.

I said to our Lord, “You shouldn’t sit on them; we have to take them away to be cleaned.”

He said, “Why not? I can sit anywhere I want to! “

Blessed Mother smiled at our Lord and gently said, “Just let Him be.”

Our Lord said, “Do you know that I have just come to watch you all, and also to tell you that I Am never far away, I Am always with you.”

We covered all of the tables except for one. This table was smaller than all the others, and there were not enough tablecloths to cover this last table.

Blessed Mother said, “Go over to the displays, and that is where you will find another one.”

We all went together, following Blessed Mother. Suddenly she started singing, with a full voice:
“O Glory, O Glory, O Glory and praise to You my Lord.”

With her hands raised, glorifying our Lord, she kept repeating the above words. She was so joyful and happy. The Child Jesus did not come with us, remaining on the sofa chair.

I whispered to the saintly ladies, “What a beautiful voice Blessed Mother has. I’ve never seen her so happy!”

Blessed Mother heard me. She turned around, came to me and hugged me.

I said, “Blessed Mother, what happened to you? Why are you so happy?”

I have never seen Blessed Mother so happy. Usually, I see her with tears in her eyes.

She replied, “You, too should be happy and joyful. It is the Second Coming of my Son! It is at hand! It is so near, and we are preparing. You too should sing, and praise the Lord Jesus. All Heaven is happy and is preparing for the Second Coming.”

After that, I asked the saintly ladies, “Are we allowed to go and get the tablecloth?”

They answered, “The Blessed Mother said so, she has allowed us to.”

When we came to open the huge glass display, my guardian angel appeared and said, “Now it is time for you and me to go. It was enough for you to witness what is coming.”

The last table was not covered and will not be covered until the Prophecy is fulfilled.

Later that day, during Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “Valentina, what we showed you this morning is all Truth. We want you to witness all that is coming. But aren’t you happy and privileged that you are chosen for this time? You were chosen for the End Times to witness all that is coming to the world. You should be very happy and joyful because this is something beautiful that will transform the world.”

18 September 2020

Wearing Masks during Holy Mass

During Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “When people come to Mass wearing masks that upsets me so much. They have such little faith in Me! How can they get sick when they enter into the Holy Temple of God!”

“Tell them they will spend a lot of time in Purgatory for wearing masks upon entering My church and during Holy Mass. They do not trust Me! How can they get sick here, in front of, and in the full presence of Me? I would not permit them to get sick,” our Lord said in a very stern voice.

17 September 2020

The Three Archangels

This morning while I was praying, the Blessed Mother appeared, and she said, “I come to give you good news of hope.”

“My child, people all over the world are suffering because of the controls by governments and societies. There is no freedom in the world anymore. With this virus, they do not permit people to fight for justice; they cannot say anything as they are restricted. They must obey that which is evil.”

“Do not lose hope, for my Son is preparing to liberate you all very soon. His Archangels are waiting to announce His Coming. Do you know that each Archangel has his duty to perform? They are anxiously awaiting for our Lord to give them permission to perform their duty.”

She said, “The Archangel Michael, is the one who will defend the people from evil. He will battle the evil one, to put him away for good, so that he won’t harm people anymore.”

“The Archangel Raphael is the one chosen to heal the people after the battle with Satan. He will restore their health in soul and body.”

“The Second Coming of my Son will be announced to humanity by the Archangel Gabriel.”

“My Son will not be born again in Bethlehem; this time will be different. He will come to free his people from the slavery of the devil and will defeat him.”

Our Lady showed me in a vision on the horizon, our Lord standing, all in white with His Hands raised. The whole world will witness this event.

She said, “My children there will be a battle between good and evil, but be happy, for the day of our Lord’s Coming is nearer and nearer. Do not lose hope. When all things look hopeless, trust in my Son. Pray to have faith to go through all of this that is coming.

17 September 2020

Souls Need our Prayers and Offerings

During the night, I suffered a lot throughout my whole body. Suddenly, a large group of souls appeared, all of them wearing Salvation Army uniforms.

They spoke to me and said, “Valentina, please help us, we need offerings to the Lord for deliverance. We are very hungry. Do you have any bread?”

Bread represents Holy Communion and prayers. It appears that there is no-one to pray for these people.

“We would be very happy if you could help us and offer us to our Lord,” they said.

I promised them that I would do what I can for them and offer them to our Lord. I recognised quite a few of them. While they were living on earth, they were collecting money for the poor and needy.

I offered these souls at Holy Mass and continue to pray for them.

Lord have mercy on their souls and deliver them to Heaven.

15 September 2020

Our Lady of Sorrows
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During Holy Mass, our Blessed Mother appeared. She said, “I am the Mother of Sorrows. I stand beneath the Cross of my Beloved Son, at the moment of His excruciating and agonizing pain and death.”

“You have no idea how my heart was so sorrowful to watch my Son suffer so much innocently. He was innocent and condemned, but yet offered Himself to the Father to save all humanity.”

“Even with all that sorrow, He offered me to John, the Disciple, whom He loved so much, and to all humanity, to be the Mother of all of you, and still today, I am beneath the Holy Cross for my Beloved Son. I beg Him to be merciful to these sick and sinful children.”

“Tell my children to repent and to return to God, the only salvation for all of you.”

After the Mass finished, I went to the Chapel and prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Blessed Mother came again and said, “My daughter, pray for this Church because right now this Church is in darkness. But do not lose hope because things will change for the better, and it will be raised up again. Trust in my Son Jesus.”

At that moment, Blessed Mother gave me a glimpse of what would happen in the Church, and she was so happy. I could see the Church transform from sadness to joy, full of bright light and many people, all joyous.

She said, “Pray and tell others to persevere in prayer. Beautiful things happen.” She then smiled.

Sorrowful and Immaculate Mother pray for us and protect us.

6 September 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
This Church needs to be Raised Up Again

This morning as I finished praying the Angelus, I said, “Lord, I better get ready to go to Mass. Which Church do you want me to go to?”

Our Lord replied, “I still want you to go to Parramatta. When you go to the Parramatta Cathedral, you bring a little bit of light into that Church, which is now in darkness.”

I arrived at St Patrick’s Cathedral about half an hour before Mass started. I made all my offerings to our Lord like I usually do and prayed the Holy Rosary. During the Rosary, our Blessed Mother appeared in such a radiant and powerful bright light, exquisitely beautiful. With her hands held in prayer, there was so much light emanating from her that I could not see what she was wearing.

Blessed Mother said, “Do not be upset about everything we tell you that is happening now. You must always have hope and trust in my Son. He can change things in an instant.”

“While you are meditating on the Third Glorious Mystery (the Descent of the Holy Spirit) I want you to know the Holy Spirit will soon descend upon the earth and will refresh every soul like the morning dew refreshes the grass and nature. Now, the souls are dry, and most live in the darkness of sin, and they are dirty. But when the Holy Spirit descends, It will purify every soul so that it will become white and bright again; this, I promise you is very close, and it will come. Have hope, do not give up! Tell people to be ready and to prepare themselves by going to confession often, to be in a state of Grace and to pray. It can come suddenly,” said Blessed Mother.

I watched as Blessed Mother extended her mantle to cover all the people present in the Church today, like a mother protecting her little children. Her mantle was so beautiful and of a soft, rose pink colour. I felt how powerful Blessed Mother is, as I watched how she protects her children.

Later, during Holy Mass, during the Consecration, our Blessed Mother reappeared and said, “I know you are sad for this Church, to see how it has been brought right down to the ground. It will take a great effort to raise her up again. My Son will not allow His Church to be completely destroyed. He will raise her up again, and the devil will not prevail over her. You need to let the Clergy know what we are telling you, as they must do their part to raise up this Church again. It needs lots of prayer from good priests and the people.”

“Do not be upset; this is not the only Church that My Son and I are sad about; there are many Churches in the world like this one. They need to be rebuilt.”

Lord have mercy on us and help us rebuild your Churches.

4 September 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
My Son is so Offended

Today during Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, our Blessed Mother said to me, “You need to tell them the truth about what was revealed to you yesterday about this Church. My Son is so offended. Do not be afraid. We are with you, and nobody can harm you.”

“A good Bishop and good priests need to revive this Church and bring back the people so that it comes alive once again,” She said.

I understood that when this Church is revived, brought out of the darkness, our Lord Jesus will once again be dressed beautifully and glorified. Much prayer is needed to lift up this Church.

3 September 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
This Church needs strong Spiritual Revival

During my morning prayers, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Our Lord Jesus sent me to bring sad news today. Do you know that the Cathedral in Parramatta has crumbled right down to the ground? Do you know what this means?”

The angel continued, “This church needs a strong spiritual revival and a good shepherd to lead it and to raise it up again. Most people no longer attend Mass (there) due to the Coronavirus and the fear instilled in them by the government and society. The church should be open, and people should not fear to attend Mass. Jesus will protect them.”

“All the recent trouble that has entered this Church has caused it to crumble right down to the ground, and it will be very difficult to raise it up again. A lot of prayers are needed for this Church to change, and to bring it into the Light once again. Our Lord Jesus is very offended by all the trouble, that is going on in this Church. It needs a good Shepherd and leader to revive it,” said the angel.

The angel then said, “I want to show you how our Lord is offended by this Church.”

Our Lord Jesus then appeared as a teenager, of about twelve to thirteen years of age.

The angel said, “Look how He weeps because of all the wrong things they are doing in the Church.”

Our Lord Jesus was wearing dull-coloured overalls that were covered with dirty marks all over. He was crying profusely. Tears were pouring down His cheeks.

The angel said, “Try to console our Lord for He is so gravely offended.”

I asked our Lord, “Why are you crying so much? Can I help you? What can I do to make you feel better?”

Our Lord responded, “Look at what they have put on Me! This dirty outfit that looks like a straight-jacket, that they have forced upon Me and I don’t want it!”

He repeated, “I don’t want it! I don’t want it!”

I have never seen our Lord dressed like this before. He was crying and crying and repeating over and over again that He does not want this dirty outfit on Himself. I consoled our Lord by gently patting Him on His back and saying to Him, “But maybe they will change, maybe I can help you.”

Lord Jesus said, “You cannot do it on your own. You can only warn them of this danger that is upon them. I want to be glorified and dressed beautifully, not in this dirty garment they have forced upon Me. I want My Church raised up in the Glory of the Light, but now it is in complete darkness.”

The angel said, “See how our Lord is offended. Tell them, now it is bad, but it can become even worse. Quickly they need to change and to raise up this church, otherwise worse is to come.”

30 August 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
Now is the Time I must Renew the World

During the reading of the Gospel (Mathew 16:21-27) at Sunday Mass, our Lord said, “Every two thousand years I renew the world. When I came to the world, when I was born, not everybody accepted Me. They rejected Me. I tried to teach them the Truth, but they would not listen, only very few listened to Me and accepted My Teachings.”

Jesus continued, “They rejected Me so badly and ignored Me until they crucified Me because I bothered them! That was a bad generation when I came to the world, but as the years went by, I patiently watched and sent My Prophets to teach and spread the True Word. Only a few accepted My True Word through the centuries, but most ignored and rejected It. But now we have come to the present time, and this generation is the worst. They completely reject God. They try to do everything on their own without God. They have become very materialistic, and they play gods, so they do not need Me. They disobey all My Commandments, but blessed are those who believe and trust in Me.”

“So, My child, I repeat to you again, now is the time that I have to renew the world so that people will acknowledge Me again, and to tell them that I Am Supreme, above all. They will be amazed when they discover that God exists and is alive and is the Creator of everything!”

Our Lord is showing people there is still a chance for them to come back to God, who loves them greatly.

29 August 2020

Appreciate Everything

In the afternoon, I baked some biscuits, but they did not turn out the way I liked. Even though I was not too pleased with the result, I still asked our Lord to bless them.

I said, “Lord, still bless these biscuits, but I don’t think they are edible. I don’t think I will offer them to anybody.”

Our Lord was watching me as I was talking to him. He said, “My child, be grateful that you have food in front of you. You have no idea how many children are starving in the world. They would not complain whether the biscuits are good or not good to eat. They would appreciate every crumb that would be in front of them.”

Then wistfully shaking His Holy Head, our Lord said, “But they have nothing to eat. How sad I Am.”

Our Lord Jesus continued, “Do you know how much My Heart is agonized, to watch My children starving? All because people in the world are spoilt. They do not think of the poor at all, and they are very selfish.”

Our Lord then instructed, “Write this down: The day of My Coming is very near, nearer than you think, and My Justice will be revealed to the world. There will be no more greed, but justice for My children, everything will be shared equally. There will be no more poor people pushed into the corner and ignored. If one has a little bit more, that person will share with the other one, who has less. I shall multiply everything and bless abundantly for My children so that they will all be happy and joyful. Everything will be beautiful.”

“Pray that this will come soon.”

Lord, I am sorry that we do not appreciate everything that you put in front of us. Have mercy on us.

28 August 2020

Lord Jesus brings my Mother to visit on her birthday

When I finished saying my prayers the night before, my last words were, “Lord, thank You for all the graces and blessings. Can You bless my mum, she is in Heaven, and my sister Angela (living) because their birthdays are on the same day, today.”

That night I could not sleep, I endured extreme pain throughout my body, but mostly in my left leg, as if being jabbed by needles. My room, as usual, was full of souls. Towards the early morning hours, the pain started to ease a little, so I began to say my prayers.

To my pleasant surprise, our Lord appeared accompanied by my mother, who looked so young and beautiful.

Smiling, our Lord said, “You asked Me to bless your mum, but here she is! I personally brought her with Me to see you; this is a little gift that I want to share with you.”

My mum was smiling, standing next to the Lord. Our Lord said, “I’ll leave you two together. I know you like to talk to each other. I’ll be back soon.” Our Lord then quickly left.

In a low voice, my mother said, “My daughter, you must thank Him every time He comes to you to see you. Appreciate everything from Him because He is so kind, so good and a loving God. Don’t forget to be kind and polite to Him, and offer Him something, because He comes as a Guest to your home. When your friends come to visit, you offer them something, but this is God! He is very special, and He is God Alive! He needs attention and love from His children. He appreciates when we welcome Him.”

“Now I have to tell you, He really gives you a lot of suffering, but I tell you, He loves you so much, you have no idea how much He loves you,” she said.

I remained silent and just listened to my mum and accepted what she told me about the suffering that our Lord gives me. My mother then said, “Often, when you pray to Him, and you talk to Him, He comes near me, and we both watch you. He really loves when you talk to Him. He rejoices, and He is so happy.”

Our Lord suddenly reappeared, holding in His Holy Hands two jumpers, neatly folded, one in each Hand. One was of a creamy colour with a light brown thread throughout, and the other was of a light grey colour with blue-navy threading. The material was finely woven thread of the most superior quality.

Our Lord said, “I thought I would bring and show you these jumpers and ask you two for your opinion as to which one you like better.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, they are both beautiful. You have such beautiful taste.” My mum agreed and said, “They are both beautiful.”

Smiling, our Lord said, “That is all I wanted to know.”

I said, “Lord, I am really grateful that You brought my mum to come and see me. I really appreciate it.”

Our Lord ran to me and hugged me, and I hugged him back.

I said, “Lord, would you like me to make you toast with bacon and eggs?”

“No, not today. I want cornflakes with milk,” He replied with a smile.

I thought to myself, ‘Wow, He knows about cornflakes.’

Lord, thank you for bringing my mum and for loving us so much, and I appreciate everything. Bless all the mothers and fathers in Heaven.

23 August 2020

While you remain Humble you remain Protected

During my morning prayers, the angel of the Lord appeared and said, “I know you are now living in confusing times, you hear all kinds of things; men changing into women, women changing into men. The devil is confusing people.”

He said, “Listen to me, be grateful that God created you as a woman. Remain faithful to our Lord and stay very close to Him.”

The angel then drew an oval shape, and within this oval, I could see myself. The angel explained to me, “The oval line represents that you are protected. While you remain humble, you are in the oval, and you receive protection from our Lord. Many women, however, who are protected, they step outside of that line. They want to be important and powerful. They want the world to recognise them. In this way, they are no longer humble, and therefore lose all protection. Our Lord is not pleased with all this. Women should remain humble and be grateful to our Lord who created them.”