
20th April

The Blessed Mother appeared with baby Jesus, they were both very wet. I asked, “Blessed Mother, why is baby Jesus all wet?” Blessed Mother replied, “I was waiting for you to ask me that.” I said, “did baby Jesus fall in the water?” Blessed Mother said, “My Son did not fall in water. We are wet from our tears. We are both crying and weeping all over the world but you are so blind not to see.”

She made me see Jesus with all His tenderness of an infant in Her arms, weeping. Our Blessed Mother then showed me a lifeboat in which there was a Crucifix and a Rosary. She softly spoke, holding out Her arms saying, “I am bringing you your salvation.” She said this in offering this life saving image to us, but it is up to us to accept it or not.

23rd March

An angel came, tall and slim with blonde curly hair to his shoulders and smiling with a leaflet in his hand and said, “See I bring you good news” it had writing of our Lord on it.

Then he smiled and started singing, “Praise the Lord, people. Praise Him and thank Him for not sending the wild storm and be glad. Praise Him and give Him thanks every day.” The angel smiled and said, “The people are angry with you because the storm didn’t come. Our Lord sends me to give you this message.”

Together we were singing and praising the Lord and again the angel said, “Sing to the Lord, people, for His great Love, Goodness and Mercy.” I was caught up in this praise. Finally, he said, “Read in the Scriptures, Daniel 3, 51-90.”

I replied, “Thank you Lord Jesus for Your great love.”

22nd March

While in prayer to the Holy Spirit I prayed, “Lord Jesus, come.” Jesus spoke, “Valentina My child, tell the people of this world I, your Lord, am speaking.” He spoke with firmness. I will come like a thief in the night. None will expect Me. Tell them once and for all, justice for all humanity is about to come. Look how sad I am. How greatly they offend Me, these disobedient children of this world, they are beyond disobedience. They disobey all My commandments, even in My churches this is taking place and they choose to do only what pleases themselves. How falsely they are misled by the evil one but he only makes them empty promises. Remind them that there is only one and true road, which leads to heaven and eternal life. Pray My children and don’t be afraid. Pray! Pray and I will always be with you and bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

I concluded, “Thank you, my Lord Jesus, I love you. Have mercy on us.”

26th February

JESUS IS COMING! Two angels appeared clothed in white, with a hot pink sash across the chest, they had wings, and said, “We were preparing you yesterday and today, we come to give you a message of our Lord’s coming. Our Lord sends us to proclaim His coming. His coming is very near at hand.”

They continued, “You, yourself, must call Him to come and praise Him. You must tell others to call Jesus every day. Call Him – Come, Lord Jesus. Come! This must be repeated all throughout your day and be excited and happy and prepare the way by proclaiming His coming.”

This is not the first time I have received a message like this but before I was silent. Now, it seems urgent that we prepare for and proclaim that JESUS IS COMING.


5am in the morning. Waking suddenly, I started praying the Holy Rosary, sitting up in bed. During my prayer, a little dark haired boy, about 9 years old appeared to me. He literally touched me on the shoulder and said, “Lift Me up” several times. I reached out and stroked His shoulder, thinking He was one of the Holy Souls.

I said, “I don’t know who you are.”

He said, very sadly, “Every day, you praise Me and you tell Me you love Me, and you don’t know who I am?”

Then I realised He was the Lord Jesus. I had never seen Him like that before. He said, “When you go to people’s places, speak about Me. Don’t be afraid. Introduce Me to everyone you meet. Tell them to praise Me and love Me, because I love everyone.”

He looked at me sadly and said, “Not everybody loves Me. Lift Me up, high up, above everything in the world. Praise Me and love Me for I am worthy of all praise and love.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lord comes to me in different ways. That is the reason I found it hard, only after He spoke to me did I recognise Him as a young boy. He is full of surprises!

24 October 1994

Vision of our Lord Jesus
(not previously published)

This morning while I was praying our Lord Jesus came, and in His Holy Hand, He was holding a plate of sliced bread. He was wearing a long white tunic with a red mantle.

Our Lord came close and sat right next to me while I was on my knees, praying. I thought to myself, ‘Gee, He is Almighty God, and He sits right next to me on the floor.’

Our Lord was very joyful and smiling when He spoke to me. He said, “Look at this bread, take it! Take it in your hands.”

I said, “Thank you, My Lord Jesus,” thinking it was for me.

He asked me, “What would you do if you were among your friends? Would you share it, or would you eat it all by yourself?”

“It wouldn’t be very nice if you did not offer it to others. It wouldn’t be nice if you would eat all of it by yourself. That would be selfish, Valentina, do you understand Me?” He asked.

I answered, “Yes, yes, My Lord. I understand You.”

He then asked, “Do you know that I want to save as many people as I can. I love everyone. Do you understand Me?”

I replied, “Yes, yes, My Lord, I understand!”

I was given the grace to understand that sharing the bread means sharing His Holy Word and nourishing people with His Holy Word.

Then our Lord said, “I want you to share this bread, with all the people that you are in contact with.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, people ask Me, to ask You, when are You coming? How near is Your arrival?”

Our Lord smiled at my question, and He answered, “Tell people My Coming is very near, but before I come, the world must know Me! That is why I ask you to spread My messages and to talk to people and introduce Me to people for then they will recognise Me all over the world! Evangelise My Gospel to all and do not be afraid, I Am always with you, and nobody can harm you.”

Smiling, our Lord continued, “Valentina My child, when people ask you of My Coming, tell them that I Am always among you, even now, I never leave you. Be at peace and spread My Holy Word.”

I said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus, I love You. Have mercy on us all.”

16th October

Our Lord Jesus came to me in a vision while I was reciting the Holy Rosary and said, “Valentina my child, today you are being honoured and I raise you up on the most high. Come I will show you and explain things which you are not familiar with and do not yet understand.” Our Lord Jesus and I went all around the world. We were high up above the ground. Our Lord Jesus showed me all the Churches. I asked Our Lord Jesus, “How do you know about all these churches. They are hardly visible in some areas and are in very remote places in the world”. Our Lord Jesus smiled at me and said, “I know about all things and everything. It is visible for Me but hard for a human being to understand, but for God it is all possible.” Again I asked Lord Jesus, “Do you mean if I go into that strange place right now and I step into the Church, would I find you there?” He replied, “Yes my child, there you would find Me, no matter how remote the place or how small the Church, there I Am.”

I cannot describe the joy of being in Our Lord’s presence. I then told Him, “Lord how happy and joyful I am, my heart is rejoicing in Your presence” Lord Jesus was smiling and He said, “I too am joyful.” When Our Lord was guiding me high up I noticed beautiful green nature with trees and a castle next to every Church. I asked Lord Jesus why is there a castle next to the Churches, was there a king living there and did he build the Church and what does it all mean?” Our Lord replied, “I was waiting for you to ask Me all this. The Castle represents the Church, the Church is not an ordinary house, the Holy Church is my kingdom and inside lives your King. I am your living God in the Most Blessed Sacrament. There I am night and day. There is the Most Holy Trinity. There is also my beloved Mother Mary Most Holy and there are Angels who praise Me constantly. But you my children take all this for granted. How many times I am so sad and offended. But how I love you all and I never stop loving you. So little I receive in return. No gratitude.” Our Lord was so sad and I felt so sorry for Him that I cried.

I continued with questions, “Lord Jesus over there I can see, a cemetery not far from the Church. Do you know about all those people who are dead?” Our Lord Jesus smiled and He replied, “Valentina they are not dead, they are sleeping and resting. One day I will awake them and they will live. This will not be now but at the end of time when I will judge the living and the dead and when the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.” Now Our Lord Jesus was looking at me and He said, “Valentina, how I love you. Would you do something for me today? I wish and desire that you receive me without eating or drinking anything. Will you do this for Me.”

I replied, “Yes My Lord Jesus I will obey whatever you ask of me. Our Lord said, “This is what I wish.” He then brought me back just in time for Sunday Mass. This was for me a very special Sunday I understood that Our Lord Jesus wishes us to receive Him in Holy Communion without eating or drinking beforehand. I concluded, “Thank you my Lord and my God for all the graces and blessings that you give us. I love you, how I love you.”



During 11 am Mass for Catechists. I thanked the Lord for the Holy sacrifice of the Mass and lamented to Him for not being so peaceful, being distracted by the many faces opposite.

He replied, “Without Me, you are nothing. Say to yourself, ‘but Jesus was there to give me graces’, be always grateful, My children and peaceful knowing that 1 am there.”

Then He said, “Lead others to come to My Holy Cross. Without the Cross there is no life. The Cross that I carry and I on it was for all of you to be saved. The world must look at My Cross. It is the sign that 1 am there. Wherever is My Cross, in this country or in that place, 1 bless, but this world of yours tried to remove Me and deny Me. The more they deny Me, the more trouble will be in the places and the world.”

“My Cross is a visible sign for you to repent. It is a sign of My love and what I have done to save you.”

“Since people don’t love Me, they reject My Holy Cross instead of embracing Me.” His manner became more serious. He said, “I tell you, I will make My Cross appear in the sky for you all to see and realise that I exist. ”

“Let them know that I, the Holy Lord, have spoken My true, Holy word.”

We bless You and praise You, Holy Lord and revere your Holy Cross.

12 September

Our Lord Jesus appeared in a vision looking very sad. He said, “Valentina, my child, I come to tell you why I asked you yesterday to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet in the Church before the Blessed Sacrament at the end of Mass”.

With great sadness and tears He said: “I am so sad. My Sacred Body and My Precious Blood is so little honoured today among people. They do not even think anything of it anymore, much less do they venerate it. In some places I do not any longer exist on the main altar but am on the side or completely removed from sight. In the Church, people come with little thought of showing any reverence in front of Me. Often, they do not genuflect and they talk in full voice to the distraction of others who would otherwise like to be with Me in silence. In the world, blasphemy, sacrilege, ridicule pushes Me aside more and m o re every day. Deeper and deeper they go into the abyss of sin. This offends Me so much. I am so sad. I beg of you, my child, help Me. Spread this message to people so that they will honour My Sacred Body and My Precious Blood which was sacrificed on the Cross for all of you and is sacrificed daily still.”

Very sadly He said, “Pray the Divine Mercy chaplet every day as often as you can, I beg you, and repeat this prayer as often as you can throughout the day for the forgiveness of sin”.

“Tell people to honour My Sacred Presence in the Blessed Sacrament abiding in their Churches. I also wish My priests to speak about this Holy Mystery so that people will know Me more. I am your Lord and your God and I desire that you all come to Me.” He had become more cheerful as He opened out His arms and lots of little lambs gathered around Him. Embracing them He smiled and said: “I am your Good Shepherd. Amen.”

I have never seen Our Lord so sad, so tearful and I too was crying in receiving this message.

I answered, “Thank You, My Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.”

11 September

St Raphaels, Merrylands:

During the Mass when I received Holy Communion Our Lord urged me to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet. I didn’t understand why but I felt an urgency to pray this chaplet. I felt that there must have been a need for it. He rushed me and then went away. After Mass I stayed and prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet.

15th AUGUST, 1994


In the church of St Margaret Mary, Merrylands. Our Blessed Mother appeared to me smiling and said, “My children, today is the very special feast of My Assumption into Heaven. It is very important for you to give Me a great honour of My Assumption. Your Heavenly Mother ascended into paradise, Soul and Body on this feast. The Saints and Angels constantly rejoice and praise Me for who I am, the Mother of My Son Jesus.”

“Constantly, the Saints and Angels, all Heavenly Beings leap for joy, singing and praising Me for they are so happy to be with Us in Heaven. Also, many souls, on this special day, come to Heaven. God gives many graces. They are overwhelmed with joy.” (These are souls lifted up from Purgatory )

“Now, I come to give you good news, My children. I come to announce to you that Jesus will soon reign on earth.”

“He will come in His Glory.”

“He can no longer watch so sinful and corrupt a world. He lowers His hand to purify the nations. Many catastrophic disasters are happening and will persist very frequently one after another. Once they get over one disaster another is happening. Until mankind realises God is letting His anger on His children on earth, these things will continue to happen.

They are not obedient to His will.”

“Lose no hope, My children, when you see all these disasters happening. Pray and have faith and trust in Jesus. Jesus will soon reign on earth. Be happy and grateful for He is preparing for you a new era of peace and will establish a Kingdom among His people. He will finally chain the devil and he will no longer be able to deceive you.”

“My children, don’t lose hope. Keep praying, have faith in Us, My children. I bless you all, My children. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Thankyou, Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth.

We must pray the Holy Rosary daily for World Peace.

10th May

Blessed Mother appeared to me with little baby Jesus in her arms. Se smiled at me and said, “When people beg you to pray for them and ask Me favours on their behalf, tell them in my name to pray the Most Holy Rosary – the Joyful mysteries. These are My favourite mysteries because I am holding My little Son Jesus in My Holy arms. Lord little infant Jesus, my little “bub” My Beloved Son. He brings such a joy to my Immaculate Heart, the little baby, the Saviour that I bore for all of you.

Our Blessed Mother continued, “Tell people that when they pray these mysteries sincerely from their heart, they will receive many graces and their petitions will be answered. Why do I hold My Son Jesus in my arms? Because I am constantly offering Him to you and I want to place Him in the arms of each and everyone of you My children.

Tell people to trust me and to come and seek my aid. I am your Mother and I love you all very much and I want you to love My Son Jesus who also loves you all very much.”

Thankyou my beautiful Holy Mother for loving us so much and for giving us your Son Jesus.

22 April 1994

This morning whilst I was praying my morning offerings, the Angel of the Lord appeared to me.

He said, “I am the Angel of the Lord.”

“I came to refresh your memory about the catastrophes that you already know about and that our Lord had revealed to you.”

The Angel said, “The time is very near. The prophecies that were foretold are coming true and will be fulfilled. The Chastisement is meant for the whole world.”

The Angel showed me how the earth and the heavenly sky will tremble. Severe weather, earthquakes so powerful that the earth will be thrown out of orbit. “People will think that it is doomsday, that it is the end of the world,” said the angel.

I asked the Angel, “What is the meaning of doomsday?” It didn’t sound good. He explained to me that it will not be the end of the world but that it will be severe.

The Angel said, “All will go to dust and to ruins.”

He showed me how the earth will open up and fires will spit out. Whatever will be in the path of the fires will be destroyed. There will be destruction everywhere. Darkness and despair will spread all over the world.

The Angel then said, “Those that survive will lose all hope and be full of despair.”

I witnessed all that the Angel was showing me. I was shown that when the earthquake struck, it was so powerful, that all the houses were instantly flattened to the ground. All I could see before me were mountains of dirt.

I saw my house sliding forward about one hundred metres. It was ripped from its foundations but was intact the whole time.

At that moment, I said to the Angel, “I can see death at my door.”

The Angel then raised his hand and said, “No, you will not die in this.”

All of a sudden I saw my house pulled back to its original foundations. It was as though it was sitting on a huge rug and then supernaturally the house slid back to its original position.

At the same time, I could see people coming out from where they had been seeking refuge. I saw two ladies coming out of a kitchen cabinet. The house had all gone, apart from the kitchen cabinet. They appeared very shaken and frightened, still holding on to each other. They both survived.

I saw people crying and panicking in desperation. I saw my house, all the doors wide open and inside I could see the statue of the Blessed Mother surrounded by many lit candles.

I was very courageous at that moment telling people to kneel down and pray the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The Angel told me, “Your house will be a refuge for people. Tell people only through prayer and begging God for mercy that they will be protected. You will console people.”

I felt that I had a great strength coming from God. I did not feel any fear and I had no sadness but amazing strength to console people around me.

The Angel said, “When you pray, say to the Lord, ‘May Your will be done my Lord’. Repeat this, because this must come to purify the world. It cannot be stopped.”

“Tell people that after the Purification there will be a new beginning, a new spring of peace, love and joy in the world.”

“You have no idea how beautiful it will be.”

The Purification must happen for the world to come back to God.

I asked the Lord many times, “Can you avoid punishing and chastising the world?”

He said, “Valentina, my child, how can I purify the world unless I chastise it.”

Our Lord said, “Tell people there is always hope after the Chastisement. There is always hope for a beautiful future if they trust in Me.”

15th April

An angel appeared and spoke, “I am the angel of the Lord, sent to tell you that the Lord will soon give a mini-judgement to the world. In a moment, people will feel a spinning in their heads. They will not understand what is happening to them. They will feel they have lost control of their minds. Then, they will see, like in a flame, their entire life pass before them. At first they will not realise but they then will know that it comes from God. They will panic, they will try to adjust their lives, this will come as a great surprise and very soon.”

Our Lord appeared, sitting on a throne, and spoke, “You must pray with love. Your prayers are not wasted. My children. Tell my children that My coming is very soon. Tell My children to call me to come. Praise Me. Pray and praise!

4th March

The Angel of the Lord appeared to me today while I was praying the Holy Rosary and said, “I was sent to you by the Lord to tell you that very soon, in the near future, you people will be deceived by the anti-Christ. He will proclaim he is the son of God the Lord Jesus Christ. He will perform a lot of miracles, consoling people and He will promise them peace. Many people will follow him, even Christians and Catholics. He will speak to people through television and make all kinds of empty promises. You must tell people not to watch because He will hypnotise them if they look at him or speak to him.”

The Angel pointed with His finger up to heaven and He said, “You know that Lord Jesus is in heaven. He will come, but not yet. Tell people to always look up to heaven and trust only in the Lord Jesus and call on Him for help. When all this confusion comes, tell people to follow the anti-christ and not to believe in him, because he will deceive you.”

In the vision the angel showed me everything that will happen. I saw this person, the anti-christ. He was very friendly. A big crowd was following him on the street and he was touching people and consoling them and promising them all good things and he was blessing them.

He looks very much like our Lord Jesus. He was wearing a long white robe and his hair was shoulder length. He was comforting people by telling them that everything would be all right and to trust in him and not to worry because he was now among hem.

Then the Angel continued, “I also warn you people that you will all be persecuted by the Muslims. They too hate Catholics and Christians. They will be very cunning and friendly. They will invite you into their houses and try to give you good hospitality by offering something to eat or drink then they will ask you what religion you believe. As soon as you tell them that you are Catholic or Christian, you will not walk out of the house alive. They will torture you and cut you up into pieces.”

I asked the Angel why Our Lord would permit such a horrible thing to happen to us. The Angel answered me, “you will be all put to the test for your faith. Tell people to pray that Our Lord will give you the grace to go though all this when the time comes.