14 December 2022

Lord Jesus appears and talks about the prayer gathering at Friend’s house

At about five o’clock this morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared looking very happy and joyful.

Our Lord Jesus came up so close to me. I cannot describe how beautiful He looked. He was dressed in a royal outfit. The colours were a combination of deep wine red and purple with a lot of gold trimming all over. He had beautiful wavy hair and beautiful, passionate Eyes.

He said, “Valentina, My child, I come to tell you that in Bernadette’s home, we were so thankful and joyful that she opened her home for the first time for prayer, and she invited many people.”

“She built the beautiful Grotto, and I tell you, the prayers reached all the surrounding area and extended even further to the city of Sydney, which is very sinful and which offends Me so much.”

“My children, prayer in these times is very essential and is needed to blind the Evil. He is constantly planning to do evil and to harm people, especially now that you are preparing for My Coming.”

“I come to you to sacrifice Myself and to save you. For this reason, I want to tell you to pray and not to fear, for I Am always with you. I Am always with all of you, My children when you gather to pray.”

“For this, I bless you all, and I give you special peace and graces, especially for My Nativity.”

11 December 2022

I Have Come to Save Humanity

In the early hours of the morning, just after midnight, our Lord Jesus came. He said, “My child Valentina, did you notice My sadness? And you could feel it in your heart. You share My sadness.”

“I want to tell you that the world rejects Me more and more. They especially hurt Me so very much when I came to this world when I was born. It should be the most joyous time of the year.”

He paused for a minute, and then He said, “I come to save humanity of their sins so that they can have life in fullness and in Eternity. All through the centuries, I tried to come near to all My people. I suffer so much, and I give My entire Life for all of you.”

“What I get in return is rejection. Do you know how sad it makes Me and how My Heart aches with pain?”

“I give everything to save humanity. I tell you, don’t blame Me for what you experience in the world. Your houses are swept away by the big floods. You experience sinkholes that swallow your houses and cars, and sometimes your lives are also swept away because of too many floods. Then you experience horrible hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes but most of all, diseases and sicknesses, such as have never been before, and still you remain blind. But I warn you and tell you, this is only the beginning. There is worse to come.”

“I tell you, these signs reveal that you must change and come back to the Father’s shelter to be protected and saved. It is your sin that doesn’t permit you to change because you are afraid of losing your lifestyle.”

“You are afraid to let go of your material world and your comforts in this life.”

He said, “This humanity, they are lost and confused.”

There is so much sadness in our Lord that it took a lot of effort for Him to say this message. Our Lord was really upset that He placed His right Hand on His Sacred Heart and said, “As a living God, I will forgive you when you ask Me and when you are repentant.”

“Valentina, console Me and tell humanity to stop offending Me.”

Our Lord was so sad that my heart was racing in Me. He was too deeply hurt even to give all humanity a blessing.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole of humanity.

11 December 2022

 Rosary Prayer Group Gathering at Friend’s House

Today we were invited to Bernadette’s house to pray the Holy Rosary. Many people were invited.

While we were praying, the Blessed Mother of our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My children, how happy and delighted we are, me and my Son, to see such a large gathering. You came to offer your prayers and sacrifices because you love us.”

“I want to tell you how much you console my Son Jesus. He is so offended and rejected in the world. You brought Him so much consolation for being so loving towards us.”

“Today, you receive very special graces and blessings.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus, for the beautiful graces.

8 December 2022

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

This morning when I was praying ‘the Angelus,’ the Blessed Mother Mary appeared with little Boy Jesus, and angels accompanied them. Our Lord Jesus was about seven to eight years old. Holy Mother was so beautiful, dressed in pure white and around her waist, she wore a pale blue sash which gently fell all the way down her dress.

Blessed Mother said, “Praised be Jesus, my daughter Valentina. On this day, my Immaculate Conception is honoured on Earth and in Heaven. I want to tell you how I tried to help my children, to lead them back to the true faith and life, but so little I receive in return.”

She pointed to me and said, “As for you, my daughter Valentina, be courageous. Go among people, and help them to come back to God. So much they fall away and don’t know how to come back.”

“Be patient and gentle with everyone you meet. Tell humanity that now is the time to convert. This is a special grace given to you, given to the world by the most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to convert and to repent.”

“Because this will not last forever. Many events are unfolding and will continue to do so to wake up humanity. Lots of people will die unrepentant.”

The Little Boy Jesus came close to me, and I held Him by His Hand.

I bent down and asked Him, “Where is Your Father?”

He replied, “He’s at home.”

Then He whispered to me, “My Father has given Me very special work to do.”

He then showed me another little boy standing a little further away. Lord Jesus then continued, “His name is James, and he will help Me, and I Am so happy and grateful to My Father to do this work for Him.”

Our Lord did not reveal what it is that He has to do for the Father.

Thank You Lord Jesus, and Blessed Mother for this special grace that we receive today.

5 December 2022

A Reminder of the Coming Feast of the Immaculate Conception

In the morning, the angel and Blessed Mother came. Blessed Mother was standing and smiling with hands held in grace.

The angel said, “I come to remind you that about the day of the Immaculate Conception, don’t forget to repeat it often. So you will not forget, increase your prayer more than you did up until now.”

The angel asked me to increase my prayer from now on till the feast day of the Immaculate Conception, so that I will receive the message from Heaven on 8 December 2022.

30 November 2022

Feast of St Andrew the Apostle

Father Chris celebrated Holy Mass today and offered thanksgiving for the fourth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Two other priests concelebrated Mass with Father Chris. It was a beautiful Holy Mass, so reverent.

Our Lord Jesus was present, and He was very joyful. He wore a beautiful white tunic with a red mantle.

He said, “See My Anointed Ones around My Altar. It makes Me very happy to see all three of them concelebrating the Holy Mass, which is how it should always be. Pray for them so that they will always be protected.”

Today, on the Feast of St Andrew the Apostle, our Lord said, “When I lived on earth among my Apostles, I taught them to go out, and I said to them, “I will make you fishers of men.”

“Go out, I said to them, proclaim My Holy Word, of repentance, to be baptised, and to know God.”

“I said to them, Tell them (the people at that time) that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Those who believe and change will be saved. Those who reject and refuse will be lost.”

“My teachings, I give them, and they received a special grace from Me so that they would understand My teachings and pass them on to others.”

“My chosen Apostles love Me so much, and they always obeyed Me. They did everything to please Me. I gave them authority to do everything in My Holy Name, and the Holy Spirit was with them, leading them everywhere.”

“They had their suffering too, you know; rejection from people, abuse from people because they (the people) did not want to accept My teachings. At that time, the world was very sinful. They disobeyed God very much and offended Him, but nothing like today.”

Today, the world is one hundred per cent worse than it was in the past. So sinful is the world that it is frightening to watch humanity acting worse than animals. How sad it makes Me to watch all of this that is before Me. I have to intervene soon. Pray very much that this will happen soon.”

“Console Me, My child Valentina. Tell people to repent of the sin they carry in them. I Am merciful. Tell people not to be afraid to come to Me and to repent, and I will forgive everything when they come and ask Me sincerely from their hearts.”

Our Lord was praising His Apostles because He loved them so much while they were together on earth. At that time, it was very beautiful. Our Lord had a very intimate relationship with His Apostles.

Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

28 November 2022

Travel to America

While I was at home, at about seven thirty this evening, I was meditating on the Divine Mercy prayers when suddenly I saw a flash of light appear, and in a split moment, I found myself in this strange place. It was not a place I recognised. It looked like a typical city suburb with no tall buildings.

All of a sudden, I saw my guardian angel with me. I asked the angel, “Where are we? Where am I? Where is this place?”

He answered, “You are in America.”

“America!” I exclaimed. “My goodness me, what am I doing in America?”

He said, “You have to witness something.”

Beckoning me, he said, “Look around.”

I did as the angel instructed, and the first thing I noticed was a road. In the middle of this road, I could see people in smaller groups, dressed in ordinary clothes and involved in different activities; some playing tennis, some dancing, and others strolling, talking and laughing.

I went further in to look around these buildings and these people. As I did so, I could see along each side of this road were many nails lying on the ground. There were thousands and thousands of them, all different sizes; some large, some small.

I asked the angel, “What are they doing with these nails? Why are there so many nails?”

Anyway, I bent down and picked up one of the smaller nails.

I said, “Oh, that will be alright for me. I might use it to hang a picture on the wall in my home.”

But then, in my heart, I felt ‘no, don’t take it.’

Then the angel said, “Put it back down, don’t take it. It is for evil.” I put the nail back down, and then I looked around. The angel was with me, and I said, “But this is a strange place. What are we doing here?”

My guardian angel answered, “I want to reveal to you how American people are very peculiar. They act very strangely in many ways. Pray for America because America will be punished very greatly.”

Talking about that and looking around at these people, I agreed, “My goodness me, they really are peculiar.”

The angel revealed, “God the Father is offended by America.”

I took a deep breath, and the next minute, I found myself back in my body, sitting in my lounge room. I felt physically exhausted as my spirit came back into my body too quickly.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on the American people.

27 November 2022

First Sunday of Advent

Homily about the people who lived in Noah’s Time

During Holy Mass, when Father Peter gave his homily, he explained how people from the time of Noah did not see the signs of the times.

He talked about the people living in the time of Noah and the Great Flood. In his homily, he said, “What is interesting about this story about Noah and the Great Flood is that the people didn’t sense what was coming. It wasn’t necessarily that the people in Noah’s time were bad; they just ignored the signs.”

Immediately in my heart, Lord Jesus said, “It was not the signs of the time that the people did not acknowledge, but they were sinning so terribly. It was their sin that caused this. They offended Me so gravely that there was no way out but to punish them.”

Fr Peter tried to defend the people of the time, but the truth is that it was the sin of the world that caused the Great Flood.

20 November 2022

St Patricks Cathedral

The Solemnity Christ the King

During the Holy Mass, our Lord appeared to me. He was dressed so majestically, in royalty to signify His Kingship. He wore a tunic in gold combined with red and purple over a white gown.

He said, “Valentina, do you believe I Am the King?”

I answered, “You are the King of Kings, my Lord!”

He then asked, “Do you believe I Am holy?”

I answered, “You are the Holiest of all Holiness.”

Our Lord said, “You do not know how I Am rejoicing in Heaven today. All the Saints, the souls, and all of Heaven praise Me so beautifully.”

I could see our Lord seated on His Throne while they were all bowing and praising and adoring Him.

“They praise Me on earth but not as much as in Heaven because on earth, only a minority believe in Me, and they praise Me today in the Churches.”

“In the very near future, the whole world will praise Me.”

Our Lord asked me, “Do you believe in Me as the King?”

I said, “Oh, yes, my Lord. You are the King and the Most Holiest Person of all Holiness, and a kind and gentle God.”

Our Lord said, “You see how intimate we are? How you console Me when you talk to Me like that.”

“Valentina, My child, there is so much to tell you about the world, but let us leave that aside for now. What I want you to know and what I want you to do today is to praise Me as the King, the King of Kings.”

He said, “Now the world rejects Me, but one day, in the very near future, I will be known very beautifully in the world. Everybody will know that I Am King, and they will praise Me and love Me the way they should, but for the time being, there is still evil in the world, but that will change. Now the Liturgical Year of the church ends, and Advent will come. Prepare for Advent very well. Be humble in Advent, don’t look at the world with all the buying and running around. Keep it all simple. Prepare yourself spiritually to receive Me with repentance and Confession. Start with the good preparation for My Coming as a Little King.”

After Holy Communion, our Lord said, “Vividly, I know, today people offend Me a lot in Holy Communion, in all the churches, I do not say only in this one. They receive Me without Confession, but, still today, I will bless people in a very special way.”

Then I saw how our Lord passed amongst the people in the church, blessing each one. Even though we will receive a blessing from the priest, this was a special blessing from our Lord before the final blessing by the priest.

He said, “If only earth praised Me the way they praise Me in Heaven, it would be beautiful, but it will come soon, in the very near future. The world will praise Me and know Me as the King.”

Our Lord will be praised and known as the King of Kings.

17 November 2022

Our Lord Has Teaching Sessions in Heaven for Souls

This morning while I was praying, the angel came and said, “You know when you visit Purgatory, and you are amazed at how many people you see there, it is because many of them were not educated in the faith. They had very little spiritual education.”

“But after a period of time, when they have gone through their suffering, and when they reach Heaven, our Lord is so merciful and kind that He has prayer sessions for groups of souls who come to Heaven. He teaches them and trains them in spiritual things.”

I said, “Gee, that is amazing.”

The angel said, “Oh yes, our Lord never stops. He likes that the souls are ready to go to eternity with the knowledge of our Lord’s Life. Therefore, He trains them and teaches them in Heaven.”

I said, “Oh, now I understand. When I visited Veronique in Heaven (Message from 28 January 2021), she was in a group with many other young girls, and they were all being taught by our Lord. They were young and died prematurely, so now they have the school in Heaven and will continue to be taught by our Lord until they reach a high spiritual level. I never knew that our Lord would teach things in Heaven. I know He helps them, but I did not know He also teaches them.”

The angel responded, “Oh yes, He teaches them. Every day He holds sessions for groups of souls to train and teach them, group by group.”

11 November 2022

The Angel Warns of the Coming Third World War

Throughout the night, I tried to pray but found it difficult due to the severe pain I was experiencing in my leg. The pain persisted all night long with not even the slightest relief. Suddenly the angel appeared and said, “Our Lord Jesus sent me to reveal to you why you suffer so much, especially in this month of November for the Holy Souls.”

“Come with me,” the angel said. The angel wore a navy-coloured uniform.

We walked, and we gathered together. He brought me to a beautiful garden. Everything was so fresh and green and beautiful. We walked along a beautiful road, like an allée, with tall lush green plants on either side of the road, and huge red beautiful fruits, like tomatoes but the size of rockmelons, hanging from these plants. They looked so healthy and fresh. I have never seen anything like it.

I asked my angel, “What kind of fruit is this? It is so big!”

He smiled and said, “With all your suffering, you produced this magnificent fruit, and you brought many souls to Heaven. You should be very happy and proud. I know it seems very hard at the time, when our Lord permits you to have so much suffering, but you also greatly console our Lord because, in the world, there is so much evil and sinfulness that our Lord is so much offended.”

We were sitting together. I felt very close to one particular angel who was sitting next to me. I leaned over to him and held onto his arm, listening intently to him as he explained to me the meaning of the fruits on either side of the road. It was so peaceful, so serene.

We then stood up and started walking along the beautiful road. After a short while, we stopped and talked, when suddenly a dish appeared on the road. It was a large silvery metal dish. The angel bent down and picked it up. Suddenly a stand appeared in front of us, and the angel sat the metal dish on the stand.

Then he said to me, “I’ll show you something that is in the container.”

So, I bent over and looked into the container. What I saw was a dark black liquid. It didn’t look good at all.

I asked the angel, “What is this?”

He said, “This is a mixture of ugly liquids the world is preparing to harm people with it.”

As he said this, a tall transparent glass appeared in my hands containing a yellow mixture.

Surprised, I said, “Gee, where did this come from?”

The angel said, “Come closer and pour it into the dark mixture!”

I did as the angel asked and began to pour the yellow liquid into the silvery container.

Then the angel used a little stick and began to stir the mixture, blending the fine yellow liquid, which changed the dark mixture to a marble cake texture. The yellow liquid did not completely cover the dark liquid.

He said, “You see, what you have just poured in is heavenly so that the evil will not have so much power on earth.”

We both looked at each other, and the angel said, “You know, our Lord is very pleased with you. He gives you special graces of wisdom and knowledge and all kinds of different things.”

Then he turned to me and said, “Valentina, you are an amazing woman,” and then he smiled.

“Be courageous and spread the Lord’s Holy Word to people.”

With some hesitation, the angel gave me a warning for the world. He said, “Valentina, I still want to tell you that the Third World War will happen in the world. Tell people to pray, pray, pray very much for this right now.”

The angel was quite reluctant to tell me this about the war, but in the end, he did reveal it.

St Michael the Archangel, protect us from what is coming to the world.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

5 November 2022

Holy Souls Give a Serious Warning to the World

I was walking through Purgatory with three angels. All three wore uniforms; navy blue pants and a shirt with a little aqua-blue trim around their collars. They looked very smart and beautiful, quite distinguished from the holy souls, who were very poorly dressed.

The angels were all very friendly and smiling and they tried to cheer up the souls to give them encouragement to go through their penance.

As we approached some groups of souls, they called out to me. They came closer and said, “Why do people on earth live so carefree? They just want entertainment and to live a good life, have plenty of money and material goods.”

“If they only knew how harmful this will be for them in the afterlife. Many are stealing and cheating and doing all kinds of ugly things and they cheat the poor people.”

“All we know from the knowledge that has been given to us is that the world will be punished severely. We tremble for you, worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, worse than any other punishment that happened previously in the world.”

The souls are very happy when the angel visits them. They call the angels guards. They would say, “Guards! Come, Come!”

The angels always give them hope and encourage them to be patient and to persevere in their suffering.

Holy Souls, please pray for us.

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Holy Angels.

4 November 2022

So Far, God the Father holds back the Evil Plans

During my morning prayers and Act of Consecration to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our Lord God the Father suddenly appeared.

He said, “My daughter Valentina, I come to remind you of the message I gave you about the washroom, and the soap you held in your hands (Refer to Message from 18 March 2018 reprinted below). That represents My Mercy for all of humanity in the world. I, your Father, want you to often contemplate on that vision and tell My children on earth and explain to them, what it really means, but I also want you to tell people to repent and to change. The times you are all living in now are not good. Many things that were predicted are happening; many disasters are happening all over the world, and you are experiencing all these changes. I did not want to put fear in your hearts because I love you.”

“I want you to be at peace and to trust Me. The evil men are preparing a war, and it is on the brink to start, but it is all My Decision. So far, I hold back all their evil plans.”

“My children, I want you to pray very much for the world.”

“My daughter, I prepare a new day for you. Go and resume your duties, and I will be with you, and you will feel My strong Presence wherever you go. Give hope and courage to all those you meet.”

He smiled as He said, “Bring Me a Sinner! And offer him to Me, and that will be My greatest joy, and I will bless you and thank you for it.”

“Remain always humble and simple. You know how much I love that.”

Thank You, my loving Father.

After Holy Mass, I attended the Cenacle Rosary Prayer Group. Suddenly, God the Father spoke a second time that day and said, “Today, I intervene very strongly among you, My children, and I give you a special blessing. Pray for this church. It needs to be rebuilt and changed. Pray for all My churches, pray for Holy Priests and pray for repentance for the world.”

18 March 2018

We must beg for God’s Forgiveness and Mercy – The Wash Room

I had a difficult night of sleeping due to suffering for the Holy Souls, so I decided to pray the Holy Rosary and other prayers that I would usually say in the morning.

Suddenly, our Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus. They were accompanied by an angel. Blessed Mother was wearing a tunic that was of a burgundy and purplish colour. I could see her beautiful, long, dark brown hair, as she was not wearing a veil.

She then said, “We come to invite you to come with us, so that we can show you, and explain to you something you did not know before.”

Suddenly, I was taken to a very holy place. I could see that it was Heaven. We were in what looked like a building, and the room that we were in, was quite spacious. In the centre of the room was a table that looked like an Altar.

Blessed Mother said, “I am placing my little Divine Baby Jesus into your hands, because I know that you love to nurse Him.”

She then gently gave me Baby Jesus to hold in my arms. He looked like He was about four to five months old. He had curly, blonde hair and was wearing a nightie of a soft blue colour.

Blessed Mother said, “Now you can place Baby Jesus in the centre of the table.”

As I sat Him in the centre of the table, I put my arms on either side of Him, in case He might fall. As I looked to my right I could see a group of holy people. They were reciting the Holy Rosary. Blessed Mother said to me, “Go to the washroom and get a bar of soap and bring it here.”

I said, “But Baby Jesus will fall down, I have to look after Him.”

Blessed Mother replied, “Don’t worry, He’ll be fine.”

I obeyed her and went to the washroom which was located to my left. As I looked in, I was amazed at how beautiful the room was. The washroom had a most brilliant sparkle and shine. All the walls were made of glass, shining like crystal, and the floor was made from a glowing light-coloured marble. For a moment I hesitated to step in, because of its beauty. Around the walls were rows of shelves, all made of glass, and on these shelves I saw many bars of soap. I walked in and took one of the bars of soap, and holding it in my hand, was about to go back to Blessed Mother when suddenly, God the Father appeared.

In a very serious tone He asked me, “Where did you get that?”

I answered, “Just here in the washroom!”

“Who told you to go there?” He asked.

“Blessed Mother” I answered.

Since it was Blessed Mother who gave me permission to go into the washroom, I could see from God the Father’s expression that it was okay.

He then said, “That soap is no good!”

Looking at the bar of soap in my hand, which looked like normal, homemade soap, I said, “It looks good to me.”

But then God the Father explained to me, “What I mean is that it needs two more powerful ingredients to make it stronger.”

I was thinking to myself, “Maybe He means it needs caustic soda.”

Hearing my thoughts, God the Father smiled and said, “No, not that strong! That will kill everyone!”

“My daughter, I will explain to you what that soap in your hand represents. See that group over there, they are praying the Holy Rosary and that is very good. They pray and intercede for the people. However, people also need a good soap to wash away their sins. Now that you are in Lent, approaching Easter, you have to tell people that they need to wash away all their sins by making a good Confession. They need to really clean themselves. The world really needs to be washed with a good soap and to be repentant. It is so sinful.”

Pointing towards the washroom and waving His index Finger, as if scolding, and in a much angrier tone of voice, God the Father gave a stern warning, “See that washroom where you got that soap from. Tell the people in the world that I will be closing it very soon. There will be no more soap to wash away their sins. I really mean it! There is still a little time left, but not much time, for them to repent.”

I immediately understood that once He closes the washroom, even though there would be calls from people begging for His Mercy, He will not answer them, because He gave the world time to repent. He begged and begged and warned but they took no notice.

Then Baby Jesus came towards us. He came like a little angel in his little blue nightie and stood between God the Father and myself. I was listening to God the Father and when I looked down a second time, Baby Jesus had just vanished. I understood that He entered into the Spirit of God the Father and they became One.

I felt such a peace and calmness, unlike anything here on earth.

The reason Blessed Mother asked me to place Baby Jesus on the table is because He is the Eucharist. God the Father explained that the prayers that were being said by the Saints in Heaven are good, but they are not enough. People living on earth need a good soap to clean their soul by repentance and Confession. God the Father then gives them His Grace and Blessings.

Later, as I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, God the Father spoke to me and explained, “The two most powerful ingredients are My Forgiveness and My Mercy, and they work together. Without these two ingredients the soap is useless!

God the Father is so Holy, and as we are sinners, we need to beg for His Forgiveness and His Mercy, before it is too late and the doors of Mercy are closed.

2 November 2022

Holy Souls thank me now they are happy in Heaven

While I was in Heaven, I met some souls who were newly arrived from Purgatory.

They told me, “After we spent time in Purgatory to be purified, we now come to tell you and to thank you for helping us get to Heaven.”

“Now that we are in Heaven, nothing is missing in our lives. We have never experienced such joy and happiness. Our lives on earth were nothing compared to what we are experiencing now.”

“We struggled while alive on earth, and we were deceived by many wrongdoings and temptations. Our lives here are finally complete, and we love our Lord Jesus so much, and we praise Him and thank Him for everything.”

We thank You, Lord Jesus, for delivering so many souls to Heaven. Thank You for Your mercy and love.

1 November 2022

All Saints’ Day

As we were driving to church to attend Holy Mass, my friend Bernadette and I were praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

In the middle of the prayer, I had a beautiful vision of the Holy Saints. They were in a big group and very close to one another. Some of the Saints I recognised.

They were all smiling, spoke in unison, and said, “Valentina, we come to you with good news for Bernadette. She has a big faith in our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary. They love her very much.”

They continued, “Without realising, she was guided by Heaven to prepare a beautiful Shrine in front of her house. That will be a refuge for the End Times. Many, many people will come to her house to seek help and to be converted and to pray the Holy Rosary.”

“Many of her countrymen, as well as many others, will come and they will convert. The Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy will perform miracles for these people that will be coming to her refuge.”

“Bernadette is very determined when she wants to do something, and she doesn’t listen to anyone until she completes what she has set her mind to do. But she also has many enemies. Tell her we all pray for her. Our Lord is protecting her. Tell her not to be afraid but courageous.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother. Thank you, Holy Saints, for this beautiful message for these people.