10 October 2021

Asking Our Lord Jesus If I Can Pray for Australia

In a previous message, on 19 September 2021, our Lord said to me to not ask Him for Australia anymore. The next day, I said to Him, “Lord, now that I am praying the Rosary, I don’t know if I should put in a petition to You for Australia. Automatically I prefer to pray for Australia because I live here, but now I am scared to ask You.”

Our Lord appeared. Smiling, He said, “Valentina, you know My Anger is great, but so is My Mercy. At that moment I was really upset, but I forget. With the few people that pray to Me, I Am a Merciful God, I don’t hold anger, I forgive, but always I hope people will turn back to Me.”

Our Lord explained, “People ran to accept the injection without much persuading from the Government, but to turn and run to Me, they did not even want to think of Me. Wouldn’t you be sad? I created all the countries and governments. Why do people turn away from Me? Can you tell Me?”

I nearly said, ‘Because they are stupid,’ but I didn’t say it out loud, but our Lord looked at me and smiled, as He knew what I was thinking.


10 October 2021

China is Preparing For War

This morning while I was praying, about six-thirty, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy came and said, “Praise be Jesus, My daughter. May He be praised now and forever.”

“Love my Son Valentina and tell Him that you love Him, and in that way, you will console Him as the world really rejects Him. The world offends my Son so much.”

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy then said, “I come to bring you sad news. China is preparing for war. Soon, it will happen. It is not far away but at the door,” she said

“They hate their neighbouring countries, but mostly the western world; these countries are Australia, America and England. These countries have decided to build submarines to defend themselves, but that will take long years to do.”

“But what China is preparing, this is very close.”

She said, “The Governments know something about this, but they keep it a secret from the people.”

“When this war happens, there will be a lot of blood spilt and death and destruction. But tell people not to give up hope. After this horrible war, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, and God will send on earth a period of peace for humanity,”

“People are worried about the Coronavirus, but that is nothing compared to this war. After this war, people will change dramatically. They will become more humble, more appreciative in life, and life will be more simple.”

“Now, the world is very sinful and very spoilt. All this will change. This is our warning.”

“Pray and ask God for His mercy, and if people respond and change and repent of their sins, this can all still be stopped,” She said.

While Blessed Mother was telling me about this coming war, I could see in a vision many helicopters flying very low in the air. You could almost touch them; that is how low they were. The sky was so full of them that they looked like grasshoppers. I presume they were army helicopters. Their exterior was a mixture of light to dark shades of brown, with an extra-long tail, unlike regular helicopters we see flying now. They looked like robots, quite horrible looking.

People should humble themselves and start praying and ask for God’s mercy. Blessed Mother also gives us hope. If all the people pray for this, then the war can be stopped.

Lord have mercy on us and on the whole world.

8 October 2021

Stay Close to Jesus

Our Lord said, “I come to tell you, for these next two years, it is going to be very crucial. I want you to stay very close to Me so that I can protect you, and I also want you to tell other people to do the same. From now on, stay very, very close to Me and ask Me to give you extra strong faith. Faith is the most important.”

The angels said, “Valentina, don’t be upset when people or your family tell you to take the injection. The Lord is taking good care of you, and He will protect you. Listen only to Him. Listen only to our Lord Jesus. We want you to spread His Holy Word to people; that is most important right now.”

Thank you, my Lord Jesus. Thank you, Holy Angels.

4 October 2021

Many Rosaries are Needed for the World to Convert

This morning when I was praying, the angel came and said, “I have a message from Blessed Mother and our Lord; they want you to come with me as they want to speak to you.”

Suddenly we came to Heaven where Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy waited for us. Blessed Mother and I affectionately embraced, and then we walked arm in arm through the heavenly garden. We came upon a beautiful, huge and spacious building. We entered the building, and inside were the most elegant cream-coloured lounges made of a soft, lovely woven fabric. Seated on these beautiful lounges, in small groups, were heavenly people, all of them women.

Blessed Mother said, “I want you to meet some of my heavenly children. These are the ones that you prayed and suffered for.”

Watching them, I said, “That is so good.” While these souls were in Purgatory, I understood that I offered prayers, masses, and my suffering for their release. They are now in their eternal home in Heaven.

Blessed Mother was entertaining us all, talking to all of us. I could hear some of the heavenly women speaking in French to her.

I said, “Oh Blessed Mother, you speak French!”

She said, “I speak every language.”

Blessed Mother then sat down on one of the beautiful sofas, and as she did so, she asked me to sit next to her.

She then gently placed a baby in my arms. The baby was about two years old, dressed in a little white outfit. As Blessed Mother shared her talk with all of us, the baby fell asleep in my arms.

I said, “Blessed Mother, it is so peaceful here that the little baby fell asleep!”

Blessed Mother then stood up and said to me, “Valentina, my daughter, bring the baby here.” I followed her to the other side, where the lounges were slightly larger. Gently taking the baby from my arms, she placed her on a large cushion to sleep.

I noticed the baby wore no nappy, so I said, “The baby needs a nappy.”

Blessed Mother smiled and said, “No need for nappies. The baby doesn’t need nappies because this is Heaven; all here is pure and perfect.”

Mary Most Holy then turned to me and said, “No wonder my Son loves you so much. You are His favourite; you are so humble and simple.”

I said, “Blessed Mother, where is the Lord Jesus? I miss Him very much.”

She answered, “He is everywhere, so don’t be sad; He loves you so much. We love you very much. We often bring you here because we know how sad you are not to be able to go to church. But today, He gives me the privilege to talk to you.”

Mother Mary then sat down again, among the other saintly women.

I watched as in her hand there suddenly appeared a white sheet of paper with writing on it.

I was standing in front of Blessed Mother, and she said, “Valentina, my daughter, the message I gave you on the 1st October to share among people, you are still holding it back. We want you to publish and share it among the people. The world is increasing with sin, and it is spreading like an incurable disease; how I beg my children to change and turn to God. Right now, humanity is under the slavery of the devil, and he leads you all exactly where he wants to lead you to.”

I felt so terrible when Blessed Mother told me this, about holding onto the Heavenly message.

She said, “Tell people they must take our messages seriously. These are our warnings. A great catastrophe is upon humanity if they do not convert and repent of their sins. I cry for my children, so many die and even lose their soul because they die unrepentant. I was entrusted, and I inherit to be the Mother of all my children. My heart grieves to see children of mine snatched away from me, children that I want to bring to their heavenly home.”

Blessed Mother was very, very sad while telling me all this about her children on earth.

She said, “I ask my faithful children to say many Rosaries this month, especially now in October. I am the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.”

“Valentina, tell people to say many Rosaries for the world to convert.”

The white sheet of paper that our Blessed Mother held in her hand was the message she was giving me for the world. As she was reading from this paper, I noticed that it was glowing with a brilliant golden light all over, that I could hardly see the writing from the luminosity. It was ever so beautiful.

The heavenly people were all listening to our Blessed Mother as she spoke, and, observing the glowing paper, they were amazed and were admiring, as was I, how holy is the Word of God.

Our Blessed Mother explained, “This is the message for Valentia; she had to spread it to others on earth.”

The heavenly people said, “Oh, how privileged you are.”

Blessed Mother permitted me to converse with the saintly women since we were all near each other. I asked them, “Do you have relatives here in Heaven?”

One lady answered, “Yes, I have my husband here in Heaven.” Others said they have children in Heaven.

I asked them, “But don’t you meet them? Do you see them?”

They answered, “Oh yes, occasionally we do see each other, but here in Heaven we don’t live the earthly way; we are mixed with other people because we all love one another. We live as one family.”

Thank you, my beautiful Mother, for your holy message and warnings to us. I pray people will take them seriously.

4 October 2021

The Power of the Miraculous Medal

This morning, during my prayers, I consecrated myself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, when the angel came and said, “When people ask you to pray for the conversion of a person, tell them that if they place a Miraculous Medal in that person’s room or somewhere near them, then that Miraculous Medal is so powerful, that when Blessed Mother intercedes, she doesn’t muck around, she will really touch them, and they cannot refuse her grace. No matter how bad their situation, especially if they would touch the medal or accept it, then that person will truly convert.”

The angel showed me the Miraculous Medal sitting amongst different beautiful fruits signifying the many fruits produced from the Miraculous Medal.

Thank Blessed Mother for your grace.

1 October 2021

A Terrible Chastisement is upon Humanity if People Do Not Convert

In the morning, while saying my prayers, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy appeared.

She said, “My daughter, I come to tell you how sad I am to see humanity so blind, not to see what is happening in every country in the world.”

She said, “Right now, I want to warn you that the devil is spreading and is very much rooted all over the world. He is in charge of all governments and people, and they all lie to the poor so that they can control them.”

Looking at me, she said, “I was hoping the world would get better; instead, it is getting worse. Only a small majority pray devotedly; the rest believe in the injection to help save them. How blindly you are led by the devil!”

“How many prayers are needed to break this evil barrier! How many times have I told you and warned you; if people will not convert, a terrible chastisement is upon humanity, and it is not far away. I keep begging you to take my warnings seriously.”

“My Son is so offended but so little He achieves. He wants to save lives so that they can come back to Him.”

Blessed Mother, pray for us.



30 September 2021

Global Warming has nothing to do with Weather Changes

In the afternoon, when I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Don’t be alarmed with what is happening in the world, for this is bound to happen. The eruption of volcanoes, floods, hurricanes; the world will experience more and more of these catastrophic events.”

“Tell people to wake up and see that something is not right. They must stop offending God, and they must change their way of life. This is My warning through nature, and they [catastrophic events] will continue coming.”

Our Lord then shook His Head and said, “Global warming has nothing to do with these changes. I Am in charge of all of this.”

Have mercy, my Lord Jesus.

20 September 2021

Love is a Beautiful and Everlasting Gift

Our Lord Jesus said, “Would you like to know about My Love, when we lived on earth, Me and My Mother?”

Our Lord Jesus smiled and continued, “I love My Beloved Mother so much, and she loves Me so much in return. Our intimate love played a big part in our lives. We share our love to a point that unites us in one Love. Love never ends. It grows constantly; every person that is born inherits My Love. It is placed by God in every heart.”

Lord Jesus then smiled and said, “Valentina, who can measure My Love? No-one.”

“Love is a beautiful and everlasting gift,” He said.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of your Divine Love.


19 September 2021

Don’t Ask Me for Australia Anymore

During my prayers, I placed a petition to our Lord Jesus and Holy Mother Mary, asking for Australia to be healed of the Coronavirus and for the restrictions to be lifted, especially on our churches.

Our Lord Jesus then came and said to me, “I come to tell you how disappointed I Am in Australia. Why do you always ask Me and beg Me to protect Australia and heal the people from the Coronavirus?”

“I will tell you how I despise Australia!”

Our Lord Jesus was really, really sad and angry.

He said, “I will tell you why. They turn their back on Me. You see how sad I Am, to the point that I can no longer look. It is so sinful a country, and nobody defends My Church nor stands for the Truth. I Am disappointed in my Bishops and My Priests. They all obey the evil law, and they keep silent.”

He said, “Valentina, My child, don’t ask Me for Australia anymore!”

Then our Lord closed His Eyes, and I could see His sadness and sense the anger in Him. Holy Lord Jesus put His Head down, and I could feel so much pain and agony in Him. I felt immensely sad and embarrassed standing in front of Him, and I had a deep pain in my heart for the Lord. I felt a very big pain.”

Later on, Blessed Mother came to me and said, “Did you see my Son, how sad He is, so sad to the point that He can no longer look at this sinful Australia?”

Blessed Mother talks about Australia because I pray for Australia, but I know this is for other countries as well. Lord Jesus is sad for all the countries that have turned away from Him.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

16 September 2021

Through prayer I can stop and change the Plans of the Evildoers

This morning when I prayed, as I do every morning, I consecrated my family and all the people to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary and to all the angels and saints in Heaven to protect us.

Blessed Mother taught me, that during these times when evil is strong, each day we must consecrate and ourselves, our families and friends, to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is our protection.

While praying the consecration, the angel came and took me to Heaven to meet God the Father. God the Father was seated and wearing a long white robe. He greeted me, saying, “Greetings, My daughter! I have been longing to converse with you. I also want to tell you that many evil people are planning a lot of evil on earth. They are planning horrible things on earth.”

God the Father continued, “Also, I want to tell you that the Government of Australia is controlling you. The Government is trying to scare you with the Coronavirus, but I tell you that will pass. What I want to tell you that is more important right now is that China is planning many evil things for Australia and the United States. Australia is very much on their mind. They want to invade many countries, but Australia is on their mind because it has many resources and minerals.”

“But that is only if I permit it to happen. If they were to come, they would inflict harm and take charge of the Australian people. You would be controlled severely.”

I asked, “Father, which is worse? Being controlled under the Australian Government now, or under the Chinese?”

God the Father smiled and politely answered, “My daughter, to tell you the truth, none of the governments that rule now in the world are good. They are all corrupt, and they are under the influence of an evil society which tells them what to do. See, My daughter, I place governments in every country to do good for their people and to help them and to stand for the Truth. Instead, they turn away from Me, the Creator and disobey My Commandments. They obey the evil, and they want to be powerful because they have much ego and pride.”

“Another thing I want to tell you is about the leader of North Korea. It is constantly playing on his mind to push the button of his rocket. My children, there are many threats to you, and I tell you, the evil never sleeps; it constantly plans to destroy. These are My warnings to you and to tell you to pray because through prayer, I can stop and change the plans of the evildoers.”

“Be courageous. I let you know, My children, I tell you and remind you to pray very much. It depends very much all on your prayers to stop all this evil.”

“I, your Father love you all very much.”

14 September 2021

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy came and said, “Tell my children to be courageous in this time that you live. I see my poor children are agitated, nervous and unsettled in their daily lives, full of fear because you are all now so strongly controlled by many evils, and you also lose hope to live. The governments are constantly threatening you because of the Coronavirus.”

Tell my children that I, your Mother wants you to be in peace. Don’t worry about the Coronavirus so much. The way it came, that is the way it will disappear, and it will be in the past. Nothing lasts forever. Remember that,” she said.

“The most important thing now is for you to pray. I am among you, and I never leave you. The most important thing is to find Jesus in your life and return to Him, for He is the Saviour. He is the Way, and the Truth and the Life.”

“I also want to tell you, many events will come, and you will all experience them, but they will pass quickly, however God remains forever. For this, I ask you, and to remind you to remain faithful to my Son Jesus and me.”

“We love you so much.”

In a vision, I saw the Holy Cross. Blessed Mother said, “Make an Altar and arrange it with flowers for my Son. He suffers so much for being so rejected by humanity. Tell everyone to repent of their sins. If you arrange all that I showed you, you will console my Son greatly.  Tell Him that you love Him.”

I said, “Thank you, my Mother Mary Most Holy.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.

Set against a wall I could a little square table. I placed a white tablecloth on the table. Lying on the side was a wooden Cross about half a metre in length. Blessed Mother instructed me to place the Holy Cross on the table. I did so, leaning it against the wall. I then placed some beautiful greenery and flowers all around the Cross. Blessed Mother was standing there watching me as I put fresh flowers of different colours, white, purple and blue and lots of fresh greenery around the Holy Cross.

Thank you, Blessed Mother for giving us hope and leading us to your Son Lord Jesus.

9 September 2021

I Am Omnipotent and Almighty God, and I can Change Things

This morning when I prayed, I consecrated myself, my family and all the people to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary.

Our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “I come to tell you and to give you hope and to remind you not to fear the constant threats from the government and all the false things they try to put into people’s heads to make them believe.”

“I tell you, you are now very much controlled and threatened by the government, and they try to force people to obey the ‘law’. Oh, how I wait for My people to see and to understand how society forces you to believe and tells you, that you are not safe unless you take the injection.”

“I tell you they are all lying to you,” said the Lord.

“This is just an excuse so that they can know everything about you. You are not free anymore but controlled by evil people; how I beg you to change and to repent to come to Me, to the safe Refuge.”

“I also remind you, fear not, I Am always protecting you.”

“You must remember that I Am Omnipotent and Almighty God, and I can change things. Have faith in Me, pray and trust Me.”


8 September 2021

The Little Boy that Went Missing

A few days ago, it was reported in the news that a little three-year-old boy went missing from his home in bushland in outer Sydney. When I heard the little boy was lost, I offered my prayers for him and his family.

I asked Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, “Please Blessed Mother protect the child, and I consecrate him to your Immaculate Heart.”

Three days after he went missing, the boy was found, with only a few scratches. Many people were praying for this little boy.

This morning, after my prayers, Blessed Mother Mary came smiling and said, “The little boy is fine. My angels took good care of him and protected him. They talked to him and played with him. At night they put him in a safe place under a rock away from the cold weather, and they blessed him so he could have a peaceful sleep. The angels stayed with him and guarded him. They then lead him to a pond to have a drink of water and to a visible spot so that people could find him.”

Blessed Mother said, “Thank you to all the people who prayed for him. Now the family is more united in prayer.”

I said, “Thank you, my beautiful Mother, for the little boy you protected.”

She said, “He is a very special miracle child. If he could talk, he would tell of his beautiful experiences with the angels.”

I said, “Thank you, Blessed Mother and holy angels, for protecting the little boy.”

2 September 2021

Luminous Cross in the Sky

While saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “I know you fear what is coming, what is happening now in the world, and you have been fretting a lot about this coronavirus and the injections. The government has put a lot of fear in the people.”

He continued, “Have faith, do not fear and continue to pray because our Lord has a plan. He made the plans all Himself. He will not allow the evil to win. Our Lord has many things in store for the world that He has prepared for the world to experience.”

“For instance, there will be signs given to the world that God does exist. One sign will be a luminous Cross that will shine high up in the sky, where everyone will be able to see it. The Cross will be of golden luminosity, and it will be so high that the evil will not be able to wipe it away. It will be so visible, all the evil will try to wipe it away, but they will not be able to. It will be there standing, shining, and the evil will fear it. The evil will shrink underneath this Cross.”

“Do not be afraid; keep trusting in our Lord. Our Lord will not abandon anybody,” he said.

30 August 2021

Blessed Mother repairs ruined houses

While I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared and said, “How I beg my children on earth to repent and to change their lives, to repent of their sins.”

Blessed Mother was showing me a house that needed to be fixed and repaired.

“It took me twenty years to repair this house,” she said.

“For some of my children listened and changed and came back to God. Others are still in ruin and living in danger. They are blind and deaf to my call. And then my children ask ‘why is this all upon us, this Coronavirus that doesn’t move away?’. God permits for this to happen because you, my children do not listen.”