15 November 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, before the Consecration, I had a vision of a large group of Bishops and Priests. They appeared right in front of me.

They said, “Valentina, we are priests and bishops. Don’t forget to pray for us and offer us to our Lord.”

They were coming to me very vividly because now is the month of November.

They said, “We did wrong while serving our Lord, and now we have to spend a lot of time in Purgatory to be purified. Ask our Lord to be merciful to us and to forgive us for our wrongdoing while we were alive.”

They were happy that our Lord permitted them to come to me so that I could offer them to our Lord.

13 November 2020

The Election was not Truthful
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Today in the church, before the commencement of Holy Mass, when I was placing my
petitions before God, Lord Jesus spoke to me.

The Lord said, “Offer Me President Trump and his family and place a petition for him as well. He is very sad and humiliated in front of the whole world. The Election was not fair. It was not counted fairly. He was cheated in this Election, and the result was not truthful. So, pray for him.”

People do not realise that we must pray for our leaders, and for anyone who needs prayers. The prayers are powerful because they protect the person needing prayer.

Our Lord knows the truth. Lord have mercy on President Trump, and maybe one day, the truth will come out in the open.

12 November 2020

Pray for World Leaders

In the evening, I was praying the Rosary, the Luminous Mysteries. I was about to pray the third decade; the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, when I decided to offer it to Blessed Mother for her intentions.

I said, “Blessed Mother, I will give this decade of the Rosary for your intentions.”

Blessed Mother responded, “Why don’t you pray this decade for the leaders of the world? They need a lot of prayers to be able to make the right decisions for their people.”

So, I started to pray as Blessed Mother requested. While I was meditating on the third Luminous Mystery, through my spiritual eyes, I could see President Trump and understood that he was the one who needs the most prayers. Very vividly He was coming to me. I also asked the Holy Souls to pray for him.

I said, “Holy Souls, you also intercede for President Trump and pray for him.”

The Holy Souls can do that for the living.

7 November 2020

Dress decently in our Holy Presence
First Saturday Prayer Group

During the prayers, in a group that I attend every First Saturday, the Blessed Mary Most Holy said, “My children, how happy I am when you gather around me and my Son Jesus, and you offer all your petitions to us, even for your brothers and sisters in the world that do not pray. That pleases me very much because you are charitable and not selfish. It is for the salvation of their souls.”

Then the statue of Mary that was in the centre of the room suddenly came alive. I saw our Blessed Mother go up to the children that came with their parents to the prayer group.

Blessed Mother said, “My children, I like to teach you, and tell you as a mother would do. When you are in our presence, my Son and I would like to correct you and tell you to wear decent clothes, to cover your flesh and not expose it. I want to tell you lovingly and not to offend you.”

“I also want my children to come to Church decently dressed, not exposing your nakedness, because that offends God very much. Wherever you gather, together in prayer, in Church, everywhere in the world, God wants His children to cover their nakedness, their flesh, because that offends Him very much in front of all of Heaven,” She said.

Blessed Mother continued, “It will bring consequences for you, for your soul, sometime after you die. You will have to give an account of your wrongdoings. We love you, and want good for all of you, to lead you on the right path of salvation.”

“Valentina, tell my children what we tell you. We are truly present when you open your hearts and pray to us,” She said.

I said, “Thank you, Blessed Mother, for teaching us. Please ask Lord Jesus to have mercy on us all.”

6 November 2020

Cenacle Rosary Prayer Group
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Cenacle Rosary Prayers, the Blessed Mother appeared and said, “It is so good to see my children gathering for the Cenacle Prayer. Sadly, this Church is still in darkness, and it will need a lot of prayers and sacrifices before it will change.”

She continued, “Right now, the world needs many prayers, my children. The world is in terrible turmoil. The devil is dividing countries like America. He confuses everybody and places hate and anger in all human hearts. Never has the world been so corrupt and sinful as it is now.”

“I told my children in La Salette, and then in Fatima, that if the world will not return to God and behave better, a Great Chastisement will befall all humanity. You are now closer than ever before,” she said.

“My daughter, Valentina, tell my children to pray for those who are blind and deaf to our warning. Tell them to repent and to convert before it is too late.”

The Blessed Mother was very sad when she was telling me this message.

5 November 2020

The Laundry and The White Boots

During the whole night, I was in a lot of pain. It was unbearable. It was five o’clock in the morning when the angel came and took me to Purgatory.

The angel said, “You have to finish this work. To complete your suffering, you have to come with me to the laundry.”

We entered a huge building. Inside it looked like a big commercial laundry with clothes piled up everywhere.

The angel said, “To complete your work, your suffering, you must wash all these clothes.”

As I took a closer look, I noticed that there were all kinds of pieces of clothing, but mainly ladies’ coats. I could also see cushions, with ruffled trimmings, all in a pale pink colour.

I started to wash the garments using a sponge to remove any stains and marks. These stains and marks represent people’s sins. Once I completed the washing and cleaning, I took the garments and walked out through a door, which lead me outside of the building. As I stepped outside, I found myself in the most beautiful, lush green park with many trees. It was all alive. I understood I was in a Heavenly Garden. I could not see any souls there.

The angel accompanied me outside and said, “You have to hang up the clothes to dry.” I saw a clothesline there and did as I was instructed.

I repeated this task quite a few times until the clothesline was so full that I said to the angel, “There is no more room. What am I going to do with all these clothes?” I was thinking of the piles of clothes remaining in the laundry.

He answered, “You have to take these off the line and neatly fold them.”

At that moment, I turned around and noticed four beautiful, saintly ladies, dressed all in white, walking towards me, smiling. They said, “Valentina, we come to help you to take the clothes off the line and to fold them.”

I thought to myself, ‘Where are we going to put them?’

As I thought this, out of nowhere, appeared a beautiful bench, right in front of us. The saintly ladies collected the clothes off the line and proceeded to fold each item ever so neatly and beautifully just like professionals. They then placed them on the bench, one on top of the other. Once they finished folding the clothes, they left.

The angel said, “You have to take all the cleaned clothes back and place them in a clean section of the building.”

I took a large pile of the cleaned clothing, and the angel showed me where to put them. I did this twice. I then went back to the Heavenly Garden, to pick up the third pile of clothing.

As I did so, God the Father practically ran towards me and asked, “Who helped you to take all the clothes off the line?” He looked up at the line and saw that it was empty.

I answered, “Some very nice ladies came to help me, and they folded all the clothing very nicely.”

God the Father said, “That’s good! But now you have to show how much of a good job you have done with the clothes, if the clothes are clean.”

He said, “Show Me!”

I picked quite a few coats, lifted them up to show Him how clean they were.

God the Father said, “It looks alright.”

When I lifted some of the coats, I noticed that the sleeves were almost hanging off as the seams had come undone.

I said, “Some of the sleeves have to be sewn back on, and some of the clothes need a bit of ironing.”

He said, “It is most important that they are clean.”

I offered to sew the sleeves back on, and said to God the Father, “Father, I will mend these.”

He said, “No, not now. Next time!”

I lifted another coat, completely different from all the others. It was of a purple colour with a deep bluish collar, made of what looked like a polyester-plastic. It was quite badly crushed. I said to the Father, “Father, I can iron this!”

He said, “No, no, don’t do that! That will melt. Just leave it.”

During this experience, I did not know what the significance of this coat was. However, it was later, after this experience when I was thinking about this particular coat, in my heart, I heard God the Father speak.

He said. “She was very disturbed while she was living on earth. She did not care much about her life. That is why her coat is all creased and mangled up. The deep-blue and purple colours represent sadness and depression. You see how I tell you and teach you what all this represents and what it means. I see things completely differently, and I judge differently.”

God the Father told me how this particular woman abused her life and did not care much for it. Her life was disturbed. It is sad when a person loses their will to live. Life is precious. God the Father, He will iron her crushed and mangled coat with His love and His Mercy. Only He knows how to smooth her crushed coat. He knows how to forgive her and love her and embrace her and heal her. Before she can enter Heaven, He will do all of that, especially for her.

We moved on. I showed God the Father, some more coats. As I was moving them, some of them tumbled onto the ground. I said, “Sorry, Father, I can clean them again.”

He said, “No, no, there is no need. There is no dirt or dust on the ground. This is Heaven, and there is no sin in Heaven for it to get dirty.”

All of a sudden, another beautiful heavenly lady, with blonde hair, came towards God the Father and myself. She approached with open arms and embraced me, very lovingly hugging me. She was taller than me.

She said, “Oh Valentina, it is so nice to see you. It has been a long time since we have seen each other.”

The lady looked very familiar. I am sure we had met before, but I did not know her name. She did not reveal it to me. Many times, when I meet people from Heaven, they reveal their names to me.

We were both standing there with God the Father.

God the Father said, “Now, leave all the clothing behind. You two ladies come with Me. I need you to do something for Me.” We all then walked together a little distance, leaving the washed clothing behind.

We went with God the Father to the middle of the Garden, where there was an open container with a lot of things in it.

We looked through the container, and the first thing we noticed was a beautiful pair of white boots.

The saintly lady said, “Oh, I like them! Father, is it possible that we take them and give them to somebody?”

God the Father answered in a stern voice, “No! You can’t give them to anyone, and you can’t take them! Leave them!”

I nudged the saintly lady with my elbow and whispered, “You had the courage to ask Him.”

She just smiled and had to obey the Father.

All of a sudden, a couple of metres to our left I saw a little Toddler in the Garden. He was wearing a little white tunic with a little red jacket. He was crying and complaining. God the Father left us and ran to Him. He bent down and gently placed His Hand on the Shoulder of the Toddler embracing Him and said, “My Son, why are You crying?”

The Toddler answered, “Nobody wants Me, nobody offers Me anything; no lollies, no sweets, nothing! They totally reject Me! They don’t want to know Me!”

God the Father said, “Because they are so selfish and evil.”

Suddenly, I found myself back home.

The whole experience was beyond words. I could not stop thinking about our beautiful Lord Jesus crying and God the Father consoling Him.

Later in the day, I attended Holy Mass. During the Mass, I kept thinking of how to console the little Baby Jesus. This touched me so deeply, more than anything else.

Blessed Mother appeared and said, “See how my Son is rejected in this world. He appeared as a little Baby because He showed that His Love is so tender and so innocent, and He showed that He needs love like a little Baby needs love from the mother. The world does not care. Humanity just wants to carry on godlessly.”

The Boots belong to our Lord Jesus. One day He will come to earth as the Prince of Peace, to purify the world. He is so pure and holy. He is the only One worthy of wearing those Boots, pure and white. That is why God the Father reserved them for Him.

In this message, the laundry is the last step for those souls in Purgatory, to be completely purified; to be cleansed from any remaining stains of sin, so that they can come to Heaven completely pure and spotless. Only God the Father, through His love and Mercy, knows what each soul needs.

We, here on earth, can help the Holy Souls, especially during the month of November, through our daily prayers, offerings of holy masses, sacrifices and works of charity.

Thank you, God the Father, for revealing this to us.

1 November 2020

All Saints Day
I Hold the World in the Palm of My Hand

This morning when I was praying, our Lord Jesus came smiling. He looked very joyful and said, “My child Valentina, I come to tell you happy news. For the past few weeks, I have permitted you to have a lot of suffering, but if you only knew how many souls you have helped, a lot of them went to Heaven.”

“Today is all Saints Day and they too, together rejoice in My presence,” He said.

He gave me a cheeky look and said, “You know my child, I call this a labour of love; all that you offer Me. I also want to tell you that your weather pattern is changeable, and it is very different from last year, and people all over the world are questioning why? There are mudslides, earthquakes, monsoonal disasters plus the Coronavirus is not over yet.”

“This all indicates that humanity is not changing. The whole world is very sinful. Right now, the Coronavirus is spreading all over Europe, and many people will die without repenting. It breaks My Heart to see people so godless. But lose no hope. Trust in My Love and My Mercy,” He said.

Then I watched as our Lord raised up the palm of His Hand.

He said, “I hold the world in the palm of My Hand. I tell you, all in good time I will change the human hearts, which are like ice now, just like I change your weather. What I want you to tell people is to repent and to pray and to trust in Me.”

Later in the morning, when I entered the church for Holy Mass, I said, “Thank you, Lord, for giving me this grace, to be here today.”

Lord Jesus responded, “I rejoice when I see you in My Holy Presence, because you bring the light into the darkness, into this Church.”

31 October 2020

Mary is truly Present in Heaven, in both Body and Soul

This message I received on the 11 October 2020. This morning, while I was praying, the angel appeared and said, “I am the angel of the Lord. He sent me to tell you that you must obey me and come with me.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in Heaven, in an open space, a beautiful, peaceful garden. We were surrounded by many angels. Blessed Mother was present, together with some other saints.

Blessed Mother was smiling and was so beautiful, dressed in a flowing white garment with subtle tones of pink and blue. Her hair was flowing beautifully. She said, “My daughter, do you believe that I have come to Heaven with my body and soul?”

I replied, “Blessed Mother, we were always taught about this. We learnt in scripture and in Church that you were assumed into Heaven, body and soul.”

She then came up close to me, gently pulled up the sleeve of her garment, and holding out her wrist she said to me, “Touch me! Touch me!”

At first, I hesitated because she is so holy, but she insisted I touch the skin on her wrist. She said, “My daughter, I really want you to touch me. You will see that I am human just like you, and I really have flesh in Heaven.”

So, with my index finger, a little shyly, I proceeded to touch her flesh. I said, “Oh, sorry Blessed Mother, I never doubted, I always believed you are real.” As I touched her flesh, I felt so happy and joyful.

Blessed Mother said, “For many people on earth I am only a spirit to them. But I want to tell my children that I am truly present in Heaven with my Son Jesus, in body and soul and spirit and I am alive like my Son is alive. You, too children will receive your body again, but not now, it will be at the end of time when there will be the Universal Judgement.”

We had a long conversation with Blessed Mother, the Saints, and the angels. Blessed Mother said, “My daughter, the reason you are here today is because my Son Jesus has entrusted to you many angels. They will be around you to protect you, to guide you and instruct you for the things to come. So, they will be around you more and more.”

All the angels were eagerly waiting to talk to me. They were all very happy and cheerful, all glowing from holiness, some were even lightly joking with me. One of the angels said to me, “You have to let people know that our Lord’s Coming is ever so close. Blessed are those who believe in Blessed Mother and Jesus and they wear their banners, because they belong to Them. But I tell you, the days are coming when all the famous people in the world will wish that they belonged to Jesus and Mary! They are going to fight for it.”

In a vision I could see many famous people, leaders of the world and people in high positions, leaving their offices, running and screaming in the streets, running with their arms in the air, begging other people to help them and to lead them to Jesus and Mary. I saw people working in government with Presidents who were also screaming and crying.

The angel instructed me and said, “Tell people to be ready and to repent of their sins. The coming of our Lord Jesus is ever so near. Tell people to pray and to convert, to repent and to go to confession and for them to tell other people to do the same.”

In the chaos that I saw in the vision, all the people were running and screaming in panic, they were not concerned about what was happening in the White House or other Parliaments in the world. They were only interested in saving their souls and saying, “I want to go Jesus and Mary!”

The angel said, “People! Do not despair and be upset when things go wrong in your life. Be courageous and thankful that you belong to Jesus and Mary.”

Thank you, Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus.

10 October 2020

God the Father in readiness to release the Dove

All day Friday and throughout the night until early Saturday morning, I was in a lot of pain and suffering.

In the early morning, Blessed Mother appeared, “Come my daughter, I will reveal to you why my Son gave you such suffering.”

We found ourselves in Purgatory, where all the souls were suffering. These particular souls, mainly women, were very close to going to Heaven. As soon as we arrived there, the souls came up close and started to gather around us.

Blessed Mother said, “I brought my daughter Valentina with me. She helped you to be raised up to where you are now. She suffered a lot for you to help you to go to Heaven.”

In preparation, Blessed Mother was telling them wonderful things about how beautiful it is in Heaven.

They said to her, “But on earth it is so bad, it is very hard to be good. It is very hard and deceiving.”

Blessed Mother said, “Do not worry and do not be sad. My Son is preparing to change the world. His Coming is ever so near.”

Pointing her hand towards me Blessed Mother said to souls, “Here is Valentina, she can tell you that my Son is truly coming to the world. She knows He is coming because we have revealed it to her many times.”

“Be courageous, just a little longer and you will be in your Heavenly Home rejoicing,” said Blessed Mother. She was very joyful, giving encouragement to the souls.

Then, in an instant I found myself back home. Suddenly, a beautiful bright light appeared in my home. I was looking at the light in which I could see a single-seater sofa. God the Father was sitting on the sofa holding a beautiful Dove in His Holy Hands. Surrounding God the Father were beautiful, twittering little birds of all different colours. God the Father was holding the Dove, in readiness to let Him go.

All Praise and Glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

27 September 2020

The Child Jesus says we should listen to Medjugorje

This morning our Lord Jesus appeared as a little boy accompanied by a little angel. Both our Lord and the angel were dressed in conventional clothes. There were many people present around them.

Our Lord Jesus said, “People should listen to Medjugorje. Things will be revealed in Medjugorje very soon.”

Our Lord then continued to speak about Medjugorje.

27 September 2020

The Number 180

This morning our Lord Jesus appeared as the Crucified Jesus on the Cross. He was looking at me with such sadness. I prayed to our Lord to have mercy on our souls.

The Holy Cross then disappeared, and our Blessed Mother appeared all in white, surrounded by angels.

She was crying tears of blood. These were not little tears, but thick blood was pouring all over her face. Such a horrible scene. These tears were not for our Lord Crucified but for the world.

This vision then disappeared, and then a number appeared. Written in gold, about a metre in height was the number ‘180’. This vision of the number ‘180’ remained for quite a long time.

20 September 2020

Heaven Prepares for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

This morning while I was praying at home, the angel appeared and said, “Come with me, our Lord and Blessed Mother would like to share something beautiful with you.”

As we left together, the angel said, “Today, you will be very happy because our Lady, Blessed Mother, will show you something very beautiful, something very joyful. You receive the grace to witness, before our Lord’s Coming.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in a place which I knew immediately was Heaven.

We came to a beautiful building, which was of considerable length. I have never seen such a long building. As we entered, I was overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of the interior. Elegant marble flooring extended the full size of the room. Along the left and right walls, suspended above the ground, were very tall exquisite glass displays, containing clothing and other objects. The glass sparkled like pure crystal. There would be one glass display, and then there would be a partition with nothing on it, followed by the next glass display and this continued along the length of the room.

Blessed Mother greeted us and said, “Come, my daughter, I wait for you. I have a lot of beautiful things to reveal to you today.”

“First of all, you have to help me to prepare the tables for the beautiful wedding banquet,” she said.

There were other saintly ladies also helping. Blessed Mother was very active, moving around, busily organising things. About a quarter of the room had round wooden tables, and the rest of the room was empty.

Blessed Mother said, “See, all these tables, I want you to help me to refresh the tablecloths.”

The tablecloths were all white. We started removing the old ones and covering each of the tables with fresh ones.

While we were removing the old tablecloths, Blessed Mother instructed us to place them on a particular sofa chair, the only chair in the room. I thought the cloths would be taken away for cleaning later on.

All of a sudden, our Lord Jesus appeared as a ten-year-old. He leisurely came over and sat on top of the tablecloths that we had just placed on the sofa chair. He was watching us and acting like a child of his age, completely relaxed as he sat on top of the tablecloths.

I said to our Lord, “You shouldn’t sit on them; we have to take them away to be cleaned.”

He said, “Why not? I can sit anywhere I want to! “

Blessed Mother smiled at our Lord and gently said, “Just let Him be.”

Our Lord said, “Do you know that I have just come to watch you all, and also to tell you that I Am never far away, I Am always with you.”

We covered all of the tables except for one. This table was smaller than all the others, and there were not enough tablecloths to cover this last table.

Blessed Mother said, “Go over to the displays, and that is where you will find another one.”

We all went together, following Blessed Mother. Suddenly she started singing, with a full voice:
“O Glory, O Glory, O Glory and praise to You my Lord.”

With her hands raised, glorifying our Lord, she kept repeating the above words. She was so joyful and happy. The Child Jesus did not come with us, remaining on the sofa chair.

I whispered to the saintly ladies, “What a beautiful voice Blessed Mother has. I’ve never seen her so happy!”

Blessed Mother heard me. She turned around, came to me and hugged me.

I said, “Blessed Mother, what happened to you? Why are you so happy?”

I have never seen Blessed Mother so happy. Usually, I see her with tears in her eyes.

She replied, “You, too should be happy and joyful. It is the Second Coming of my Son! It is at hand! It is so near, and we are preparing. You too should sing, and praise the Lord Jesus. All Heaven is happy and is preparing for the Second Coming.”

After that, I asked the saintly ladies, “Are we allowed to go and get the tablecloth?”

They answered, “The Blessed Mother said so, she has allowed us to.”

When we came to open the huge glass display, my guardian angel appeared and said, “Now it is time for you and me to go. It was enough for you to witness what is coming.”

The last table was not covered and will not be covered until the Prophecy is fulfilled.

Later that day, during Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “Valentina, what we showed you this morning is all Truth. We want you to witness all that is coming. But aren’t you happy and privileged that you are chosen for this time? You were chosen for the End Times to witness all that is coming to the world. You should be very happy and joyful because this is something beautiful that will transform the world.”

18 September 2020

Wearing Masks during Holy Mass

During Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “When people come to Mass wearing masks that upsets me so much. They have such little faith in Me! How can they get sick when they enter into the Holy Temple of God!”

“Tell them they will spend a lot of time in Purgatory for wearing masks upon entering My church and during Holy Mass. They do not trust Me! How can they get sick here, in front of, and in the full presence of Me? I would not permit them to get sick,” our Lord said in a very stern voice.

17 September 2020

The Three Archangels

This morning while I was praying, the Blessed Mother appeared, and she said, “I come to give you good news of hope.”

“My child, people all over the world are suffering because of the controls by governments and societies. There is no freedom in the world anymore. With this virus, they do not permit people to fight for justice; they cannot say anything as they are restricted. They must obey that which is evil.”

“Do not lose hope, for my Son is preparing to liberate you all very soon. His Archangels are waiting to announce His Coming. Do you know that each Archangel has his duty to perform? They are anxiously awaiting for our Lord to give them permission to perform their duty.”

She said, “The Archangel Michael, is the one who will defend the people from evil. He will battle the evil one, to put him away for good, so that he won’t harm people anymore.”

“The Archangel Raphael is the one chosen to heal the people after the battle with Satan. He will restore their health in soul and body.”

“The Second Coming of my Son will be announced to humanity by the Archangel Gabriel.”

“My Son will not be born again in Bethlehem; this time will be different. He will come to free his people from the slavery of the devil and will defeat him.”

Our Lady showed me in a vision on the horizon, our Lord standing, all in white with His Hands raised. The whole world will witness this event.

She said, “My children there will be a battle between good and evil, but be happy, for the day of our Lord’s Coming is nearer and nearer. Do not lose hope. When all things look hopeless, trust in my Son. Pray to have faith to go through all of this that is coming.

17 September 2020

Souls Need our Prayers and Offerings

During the night, I suffered a lot throughout my whole body. Suddenly, a large group of souls appeared, all of them wearing Salvation Army uniforms.

They spoke to me and said, “Valentina, please help us, we need offerings to the Lord for deliverance. We are very hungry. Do you have any bread?”

Bread represents Holy Communion and prayers. It appears that there is no-one to pray for these people.

“We would be very happy if you could help us and offer us to our Lord,” they said.

I promised them that I would do what I can for them and offer them to our Lord. I recognised quite a few of them. While they were living on earth, they were collecting money for the poor and needy.

I offered these souls at Holy Mass and continue to pray for them.

Lord have mercy on their souls and deliver them to Heaven.