27th OCTOBER, 2011

Our Lord Jesus spoke to me when we were at a gathering in Ingrid’s
house, for a talk about the messages given to me and also prayer.

“Valentina, My child, tell Ingrid I thank her very much for inviting us to
her home. She really welcomed us with a pure love. A spiritual gathering
is always pleasing to Me and My beloved Mother, when children pray
and share My word amongst one another. There is so much prayer
needed for the world in order to change for the better.”

“Tell Ingrid wherever you go to share Our word, We are truly present and
We listen to what you tell the people. You don’t know the joy that comes
to My Sacred Heart. I cannot tell you how much you console Me and My
beloved Mother. We grieve so badly for so much sin committed
throughout the world.”

“Today you all receive a very special blessing.” Our Lord Jesus raised
His holy hand in a gesture, “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy

“Go in peace and spread our Holy word to all who will listen. I love you,
My children.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother for all the graces you give us.

Our Lord smiled again.

25TH OCTOBER, 2011

I accompanied an Angel to meet the Holy souls.

When we arrived some souls came to meet us. They were clothed in a
light ivory colour, which is lighter than the lower souls.

They said, “We thank you, Valentina, for helping us.”

They came very close and said quietly, “We have some secrets which are
revealed to us, and we want to share them with you. Right now, what is
upon you on earth, the nature itself is fighting against you, humanity,
because the sin is so great.”

“Sin consists of:

The great materialism,

Killing one another,

Immorality and shamelessness,

Disobeying God’s law.”

“You people have no idea how you will all suffer with all these disasters,
such as you never experienced before. These will all come suddenly and
unexpectedly. Earthquakes, heat and fires, mudslides, hurricanes,

“People don’t pray enough. They take everything for granted and ignore
the prophecies and warnings from God. That which is foretold in all the
prophecies are now happening all over the world.”

I was very surprised to hear that even nature is fighting against us. Our
Blessed Mother has also told me that we will suffer great changes in the

24th OCTOBER, 2011

I entered the church made my usual offering. Our Lord appeared to me and said, “Look at this vision”. There was a man well groomed going from one side of the church to the other sitting a moment and looking around I was made aware that the man was drawn to the church to find God but did not know how to approach Him or where to find Him.

Then our Ford said, “Come to Me as you are. Humble yourselves before Me. Tell people, I Myself am most humble and meek and yet, a King. The more you are simple, the more I love you.”

21st NOVEMBER,. 2011

I said to our Lord Jesus, “I am so busy. I try to do more than a hundred
chores, please help me.”

Instantly He answered, “Tell Me, are they all for Me?” in a wonderful
musical tone of voice.

I also smiled, “How sweet You are, My Lord. All for You.”

Secretly I was hoping for a little sympathy, but there is pleasure in
everything that I do.

1st OCTOBER, 2011

While praying the Angelus, I said to the Lord, “Look at the weather, I
can’t even go to Mass.” It was pouring rain.

Our Lord responded, “My child, don’t be sad for I know everything, but
be grateful and thankful for the rain I send you. Look at every drop of
rain, My children. This is not ordinary water. Each drop is the tear of
My Beloved Mother. These are Her tears that She sheds for Her children
in the world, who are walking in darkness. They are slaves of the devil
who leads them to ruin. Think of how many are in perdition.”

“My Beloved Mother is crying and sad to see Her children so disobedient
and lost. Please console Her grieving and Immaculate Heart.”


As soon as I arrive at Church before Mass I offer everyone to the Lord at the foot of the alter. He specifically asks me to offer Him.

During Mass our Lord spoke. “Offer Me America. Maybe, with My
sacrificial love I can still be merciful to the United States of America.”

The Angel of the Lord appeared to me this morning and told me, “Write
this down. Tell the people of this world, God is not pleased. There is not
one nation in this world obeying God’s law. Their behaviour is
uncontrollable and sinful. Right now, America is doomed and will be
punished severely because they disobey God’s commandments. They
will suffer until they fall on their knees and beg God’s forgiveness.”

“Pray for changes in humanity. Only God can change all this through His
Mercy. The time has come for all nations to wake up and change from
pride. Tell the people to turn back to God. Only He can save you.”

Lord be merciful to us.


In St Margaret Mary’s Church, Merrylands.

I offered all the people to our Lord. He said, “Don’t worry, My child,
what they say to you or condemn you. You are one with Me and We are
one. This is the most important.”

“My churches are all disrupted because My Bishops and Priests don’t
worry at all to try and please Me. No one likes to sacrifice and carry My
Cross anymore. The people avoid speaking the truth about repentance
and behaviour and the way of dressing and modesty. So many times My
Heart grieves to watch this happening in My churches.”

“Most of My Priests turn away and deny Me like Judas.”

Our Lord was very sad and angry when He spoke to me of these things.

“I shall strip them of their garments because they are not worthy of them.
My child, don’t give up easily. Hope.”

“In the very near future I shall raise a new generation of My religious
order. They are here already, living on earth. They will be My future
Priests and Bishops. They will serve Me at My altars and praise Me and
love Me like never before. They will know the true meaning of the
sacrifice of the Mass with true devotion and purity of heart. My children,
pray for this intention. This, I promise, will come.”

Smiling, our Lord was more cheerful and happy.


Our Lord appeared to me in the morning with a piece of crocheted work.
It was in the shape of a leaf, about one metre 20 in length. It was worked
in a thick lacy pattern, white in the centre with a forest green edge on it.

He smiled and said, “Look how much work you have done during the last

I looked at Him and said, “I didn’t do that.”

He said, “Yes, you did, the whole month of August you were working
very hard. Look at the work you have done and I am very proud of you.
You were running to the calendar, looking at the dates appearing on it.
The most of it you were worried why didn’t our Lord give me any
messages?’ Do you know what I am going to tell you now? The

message I give you is very powerful for the whole world to think about
because you are living in a disastrous and most difficult time. I want the
world to turn to Me and stay very close to Me. For you, Valentina, I want
you to stay very close to Me to console Me and love Me.” Our Lord wants everyone to love Him.

What our Lord means about working hard means praying for His Holy
intentions which are the relief of the Holy souls in Purgatory. We must make a daily
offering often through the day.

I love You my Lord Jesus and thankyou.

29th July 2011

In the morning I prayed the Creed and the Holy Rosary.

A Vision came to me, God the beautiful Father visited me accompanied by Angels.

”My daughter, I come to tell you that I am not happy with this country Australia. It is out of proportion, uncontrollable. I want you to write down this message. Tell everyone and spread it widely.”

“I am very much ignored and denied but I know that Australian people like to drink beer. I know their weakness for drinking beer. Tell them that their Creator, God the Father will withdraw all the wheat from them. Then they will see and know who is in control of everything.”

At that moment, God the Father made me see a vision of what is to come to this country of Australia. A terrible drought I saw parched land.

In farms I saw the first flush of the wheat crops, small green shoots. Suddenly, the entire crops wilted and died.

God the Father then said, “Unless they change and behave better, I can still be merciful. Write, My daughter, and tell people that I shall visit every country in the world, over and over again until they learn and repent of their sinful behaviour and know that I am God and Creator of everything, not man.”

He spoke very firmly and His face looked very sad.

I thought, ‘I feel very sorry for my Father.’

Then I said, “Let it be you will, not ours.”

Then the Eternal Father rose up towards Heaven accompanied by many Angels.

(God the Father was clothed in a long robe coloured a bronze gold, with soft slippers matching.)

People we had better pray to avert this terrible punishment.

The same day after Mass, and the weekly cenacle in which we gather together in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.

I had thoughts about the vision given to me that morning. I prayed to our Lady, “Oh, my Mother, please intercede for this country Australia.”

Immediately, Holy Mary appeared near the alcove dedicated to Her. She spoke, “My daughter, you had better take this message seriously. The cup is full and overflowing. God the Father chose to tell you this message Himself. He really means what He told you and showed you. Now it is up to you tell people to change.”

25th July 2011

This morning while praying an Angel came to me.

He said, “You have to come with me”. Instantly we were in an unknown place. There were a lot of people, happy and cheerful. For a moment I thought we were in Purgatory.

I said to the Angel, “these people are very joyous. Who are they?”

He answered, “Wait and see. “Then I saw more Angels arriving. Everyone was singing and praising the Lord.

The Angel said, “People, make way, for the Prince of Peace is coming.

Suddenly, our Lord appeared, dressed as a crowned King, accompanied be many Angels and Saints.

He passed right near me, and stopped and offered His holy hand to me.

All those present smiled, even though I felt uncomfortable, thinking, “why me.”

As our Lord took my hand, He asked, “My child, which country do you come from?”

I answered, “Slovenia, my Lord, you know which country I come from.

He walked on then turned toward me and said, pointing with His hand. “I shall visit your country soon.”

I said, I know you will like my homeland Slovenia, it is nice.”

I felt in my heart with foreboding, “Oh, something will happen soon there.”

Be merciful, Lord, to my country, Slovenia.

I tell you people, 3 days later I heard that part of my country suffered severe storm uprooting trees and ruining all the crops. Roofs were torn off homes.

God is visiting and passing through the world but can we tell Him not to?

He is in charge of all creation.

He can no longer watch and tolerate this sinful humanity. They are out of control.

Lord be merciful to us poor sinners.

15th July 2011

In the morning at 5am, a powerful wind noise awoke me.

It came into my room with such a power it transformed into a brilliant light, so bright. It glowed in a golden bronze colour. The whole house was illuminated which gradually became brighter.

I was raised up, holding my arms above my head. I felt a great happiness and I started to praise the Lord Jesus.

“You show Your power. How great You are, my Lord. How almighty and great you are. No-one is above You. You pour Your grace upon us.”

Slowly the light diminished until it vanished.

Then the Lord Jesus appeared, smiling. He asked, “My child, do you love Me?”

He repeated this a few times.

I replied, “Yes my Lord, I do love You. You know that.”

Jesus said, “Remain faithful to Me and tell others to do the same. I came to tell you that you are living the most terrible times than any other previous generation in history. Your government and society will supress you more and more, controlling you by ordering you what to do (Christian Church). If people refuse, they will even arrest you and put you to death for your beliefs and religion. I beg you, My children, remain faithful to Me, no matter what they will try to convince you. It is all lies. These are the worst times you will all go through.” “You saw My power which I showed you.”

“Fear not, call My name often. I promise I will remain with you always.”

“I bless you My children, in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.” Amen

Say Jesus I Trust in You and love you stay with me.

3rd June 2011

Lord Jesus appeared, holding His arms out with hands turned up. In His palms He Held a crucifix in one hand and His Sacred Heart in the other. He was clothed in red.

He spoke, “Adore My Sacred Heart. Think how much it is wounded by so much blasphemy, sacrilege and offences that I receive every day in the world. No compassion is offered to Me. Offer yourself in reparation.”

Lord Jesus please be merciful to us all.

15th May, 2011

Our Lord Jesus Christ said during Holy Communion, “My child, pay much attention when receiving Holy Communion. How many people come to receive Me with a repentant heart. Only a few. The rest receive Me with icy cold feelings.”

“Even the little children come as a habit to get a lolly in the hand. I never hear them say thankyou, My Lord, for allowing me to come to you and feed me for I should be very grateful to You, My Lord Jesus.”

“My child, don’t be afraid to tell people and tell them how much I am offended in the church these days. I speak and teach you all about liturgy inside the church. I teach you more than any other prophet.” “Please console Me and talk to the priest.”

15th May, 2011

While praying in the morning, the Angel of the Lord came, saying, “You people still have to go through a lot of suffering.” “Still the Anti Christ has to come then the armies will invade many countries, close at hand and far away. Don’t give up your hope and prayers. At last our King Lord Jesus will come. Keep calling Him. ‘Come, Lord Jesus, Come.’ ”

1st May, 2011

Divine Mercy Sunday

In St Margaret Mary’s Church, during Mass. Our Lord spoke, “My children, you are all gathered here for the greatest feast day of My Divine Mercy.” “In this troubled world, you all live so sinful and corrupt, today more than ever in the past. You must all pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy. I ask all My faithful children today. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. The more you pray the quicker I will change the world and the hearts of all people.”

“I always warn you of great events that will take place in the world. Tell people to always have trust in Me. I am just but I am also full of love and mercy for all those who come close to Me. I never refuse anything. I am rich and generous in mercy and love.”