A Holy Soul appeared to me, dressed in a religious habit, white veil and black robe and spoke to me with an Irish accent. She called me by my name, “Valentina, I was sent to you to tell you that before anything happens in the world. We of Heaven know already weeks ahead of happenings before you on earth. God is good, that He allows us to see so we can pray for you. We feel sorry for you people. Tell people to pray and always be united with God in Heaven. Through that, a lot of things in danger can be prevented. God in His goodness and Mercy can stop all these catastrophes that are to come upon you.” She then smiled and departed.
Category: Messages
24th May
Today while I was praying and recommending everyone to our Lord Jesus and to our Holy Virgin Mary, the Holy Virgin spoke to me, “I am pleased, My little daughter, that during this month of May you recommend all to Us and that you always think of others. This pleases us greatly, Me and My dear Son. Here, I am honoured today honoured as Help of Christians. I am very pleased that people have confidence in me and I pray for you all, because I love you, My children.
This year priests and bishops of all the churches have handed over to Me in a special way all their people. Thank God for all. Give thanks to God for all, my little children, that you have been spared from the horrors of war and other disorders, which are going on in other places of this world. Pray for your families, and for the leaders of this country, that they might decide wisely for the people, for the churches, for the clergy and the laity, who are teaching you about Christian faith. Pray especially for the bishops who have the responsibility for all of you, and don’t forget the Holy Father, who suffers and tries to bring peace to the world and among the people.
Only with prayers can evil be overcome. I am your Mother and I love you all. Help me, my children, so that soon peace and love will shine on earth, where now it is so dark, so much sin. Pray that soon my Son will renovate the world that your hearts will begin to live the beauty and happiness that is promised to you. My little daughter, write down these holy words which I give you and tell everybody, that they be converted. I am always with you. I bless you all and I give you God’s peace. I am your Mother and Help of Christians.”
I said, “Thank you dear Mother and Holy Virgin Mary. Pray for us and for all nations of the world.”
25th April
This morning while I was praying the Lord Jesus appeared to me very sad and angry and said, “Valentina, my child, tell people of this world to change and repent, this is my last warning to them. Tell them I am very angry for all their evil doings, and their continuous disregard of My warning, which comes from Heaven. My voice is heard throughout the world and it is My voice, echoing through My little chosen prophets, yet ignored and ridiculed completely. Not many hear My voice, only very few. Go ahead, you murderers, continue with your filthy doings. You love the worldly goods and your sinful pleasures too much. But remember soon you will perish in the dust if you don’t turn away from your sinful deeds.
You teach the young and innocent ones to follow your sinful road. I tell you, you shall be responsible for this and unless you change your ways you will bring them to the abyss of hell. And you My priests, My very chosen ones, you are not faithful and obedient to Mother Church and you lead My sheep astray. Where are My commandments? No one speaks of them anymore. There is no more reverence to My Holy presence especially in the Holy Eucharist, when you come to receive Me full of sin. Everybody says oh yes. But God is good and merciful and forgives when we receive Him in Holy Communion. No My children, I am very offended and sad and angry when you do this to Me. Confess and change yourselves. Be repentenent and don’t live in a sinful state. Change your way of fife for I love you and will forgive you. I tell you my mercy will end soon and you will not stop Me punishing you all. The world will tremble, the Chastisement is here my children and My anger is great. Repent; repent for this is my last warning for the world. I your Lord and God and Creator of all, I speak and My voice is above all voices. Listen and repent. Don’t wait, I your Lord am speaking.”
Our Lord was looking at me and He pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “Look at My Sacred Heart, it is bleeding of anger and sorrow for all the things I see in the world. I have done all for you. I consume Myself for you all; so you can have life in all its fullness. And what do I get in return? You repay me with your evil deeds, no gratitude at all.” He then left very sadly.
I was crying very much and I felt very sad. I have never seen Our Lord so angry speaking to me in a loud voice. I felt I wanted to console Him and I was saying please My Lord, please come down. Maybe they will listen to your voice and change. I was frightened but I felt very sorry and sad for Our Lord, that He has to beg and beg and there is no response to his call. His Sacred Heart was bleeding and beating very fast when He spoke.
While I was crying I said, “Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us.” A few minutes after this vision, Blessed Mother came. She embraced me and said, “My daughter, I know you are sad. I was supposed to deliver this message of warning to you, but it saddened me too much, so My Son chose to do it Himself. Tell everyone to pray very hard, especially the Holy Rosary. The great Chastisement is upon you my children. I can no longer stop it.” She looked at me and said, “Be courageous and spread this message. We are with you always. Go in peace in the name of Me and My Son Jesus.”
I concluded, “Thankyou Blessed Mother. Please help us.”
8th April, 2001
In church, after receiving Holy Communion.
Our Lord said to me, “Each time you suffer, I unite you close to My Sacred Heart.”
In the afternoon on the same day, while praying to the Divine Mercy, a vision came to me while meditating on the Passion of Jesus. I saw the Apostles.
They said to me, “We are the Apostles of the Lord Jesus. Today you receive a special grace that we come to tell you how happy we were when Our Lord was among us on Earth. He taught us, we were all very united with Him, but when they arrested Him and His suffering came and the crucifixion, we were so scared and frightened and we scattered away. It was terrible.”
“After they crucified Our Lord, we were so sad, but when we heard the good news that He arose from the dead, the joy and happiness we experienced we cannot describe to you. Our Lord once again was among us, talking to us, teaching us and preparing us to give witness to all humanity. We felt so privileged to be His disciples. We wanted Him to stay with us forever but He only stayed with us for forty more days and then He ascended into Heaven. We remained on Earth. We knew we had to do the work which He entrusted to us all.”
“So much love we feel for Our Lord. Valentina, if you only knew how happy we are once again now in Heaven with Our Lord, we can’t describe it. It is a constant joy and love and praising given to Our Lord. Valentina, live only for the Lord on Earth. Nothing matters and one day you too will rejoice in the everlasting joy and happiness.”
When the Disciples left, the moment after the sky appeared. I saw the most beautiful vision I have ever experienced. A blue radiant aura of spectacular light, filled with myriads of Angels clothed in all colours covered the whole sky.
I said, repeating over and over, “Angels, Angels and more Angels, millions of them. How beautiful it is, My Lord, to let me see all these Angels.” And when these Angels left, other Angels came, filling the whole sky’ of the Earth. These Angels told me, “See, we are always ready to come and help people. You are not alone on Earth. We are always with you.”
Thankyou, My Lord Jesus, for all the graces you give me and to see and share the Heavenly vision. Thankyou for the Apostles. Thankyou for all the Angels you have shown me. I will tell your children on Earth who like to know and hope when I speak Your Holy Word, My Lord, to touch their hearts so they will know and believe it is true.
1st April
I had a vision today. Our Lord Jesus was standing and He was holding His hands toward His Sacred Heart. Near Him was a beautiful square like a table. On the table I noticed a red tablecloth. On the fabric of the cloth beautiful white hearts were embroidered all over. Around the edge of the cloth a white design, a little like tatting, was worked.
I said to the Lord, “How beautiful is this embroidery. What does it represent and the meaning?”
My Lord smiled and replied, “I was waiting for you to ask me, my child. The red represents My Sacred Heart. The white hearts that you see are your hearts that are consecrated and devoted to Me. The tablecloth represents My Heavenly garden. The edging represents a wall which is My protection to keep you all safe, meaning that you all belong to Me and I guard you.”
I said, “Lord Jesus, I see other tablecloths with other colours, too, but not with hearts embroidered on them, but all with different design.”
Our Lord answered, “Those you see out of My Heavenly garden, are of different brethren, but not of My Sacred Heart, but they still belong to Me. That’s why they are close to My Sacred Heart garden. These people refuse to know Me, but I still love them. They are neither good nor bad but they still need My Mercy to enter My Heavenly garden. The white represents purity, you must explain to people, everyone is welcome to come to My Sacred Heart, the Heavenly garden. They must lead pure and chaste lives, worthy to enter and to come to know Me and to love Me.”
I concluded, “Thankyou, My Lord, My Teacher and My All, that you love us so much to be worthy of Your love and mercy.”
4th March
During my morning offering, I said “I thank you my Father and my Creator for all the goodness that you give us in our everyday life.”
Our Heavenly Father spoke, “My daughter, how happy you make Me when you come to Me in your simplicity and in your own words you talk to Me and you offer what is in your heart and you entrust all to me. That makes Me very happy. Tell others too, all my children not to be afraid to come to Me. After all I am a good Father and love you all very much. When you come to me with purity and sincerity of heart, how proud and happy I am of you.”
Then He said, “How many graces and blessings I pour on you. Riches come from the well of living waters that never ends but continuously surges and pours over you to give you strength in the Holy Spirit. So be grateful my children and thank Me every day for this great gift that I give you and walk on the road of holiness and purity, so that one day you will be worthy of the great Joy that I am preparing for you. My love for you is like a burning fire. These are my holy words, your Creator and your Father who lives and reigns forever and ever + Amen + Amen + Amen.”
The Angel who was standing with Him said, “Glorify, honour and venerate Our Lord and God whose goodness and love lasts for ever and ever.”
I replied, “Thank you my God and my Father full of love and mercy, have mercy on all of us.” God speaks to all his children, this message is for all of us.
1st December
I was drinking a cup of tea when our Lord said to me, “My child, at least you could have asked Me to bless it for you, since we are one. You could ask Me to share it with you and thank Me for it. Everything comes from Me, nothing is from you.”
Our Lord continued, “My children wen will you learn to recognise Me in everything and after I have done so much for all of you. At least you recognise your faults, of which you have so many.” I replied, “I am so sorry. My Lord, please forgive me.”
In this message our Lord wants us to recognise an appreciate everything that we have comes from him. I was surprised when our Lord said this to me and I said in reply, “Really Lord, you would drink a cup of tea if I make one for you?” Our Lord smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter about a cup of tea, but that we think of Him at that moment and realise that He is really present watching us every moment and wants to be included in all that we do and say.
5th November
I was feeling very sick, as I often do. This comes very suddenly that I must remain in bed, the pain today was under my left rib. The pain was unbearable and both kidneys were very painful. I offered all this up to the Lord, as He taught me to do, and the Blessed Mother too always says, “Do not waste your pain my children but offer every moment to my Son. He needs your suffering.”
So I did this time as I always do. After I offer up everything, I still call Blessed Mother and my Lord Jesus to come and this makes me feel better. After a while everything was silent and the pain was still persisting. All of a sudden Our Lord appeared. He said, “My child, I am sorry that you still feel so sick, but the pain that I give you is to console Me.”
In this vision Our Lord Jesus was so beautiful. He was dressed in a deep red-burgundy colour. His head was surrounded with a thick golden light. Our Lord Jesus said, “My child can you tell Me what does this golden light around my head represent?” I replied, “because you are so holy”. He smiled and said, “Yes that is true, but also the golden light shining represents my holy grace – so many graces. I can make a thick curtain out of it and wrap around the world three times and still there would be plenty left. It never ends and the more I give the more the graces come.” Then the Lord asked me, “Why does the world reject my grace, mankind does not want my holy grace. How sad I am. Please console Me. Please speak to people of my infinite love and grace, that I want to give them and that I also want them to accept. But when they reject it, this hurts Me so much. The pain in your side is to console my Sacred Heart that is wounded and pierced daily from the many blasphemies I receive. The pain in your kidneys is for the Holy Souls, to help them. Please accept with love.”
I felt so sad when the Lord departed. He laments that humanity rejects all his graces. He is a good and gentle God. I cannot understand why people reject the Lord’s graces. If only they experienced his love and presence they would rather die than offend him. Please listen to Him and change your way of life, and love God who is waiting to embrace you with open arms.
I concluded, “I love you my Lord Jesus, how I love you. Thank you for giving us so many graces and have mercy on us.”
24th October
St Margaret Mary’s Church, Merrylands:
Conversing with our Lord Jesus, I said to the Lord today, “I’m so happy and I’m so grateful for everything you ever gave to me and I love you so much.” Our Lord smiling and looking very happy replied, “My child, thank me always for everything since everything comes from me, not from you. Offer back to me that love as a token from you, that I know is from you to me. Oh, that beautiful exchange that we share between one another my children. How precious is love, like a jewel that never ends.”
I said, “My Lord you put in my heart the joy that I can love everyone on earth. Is it possible to feel like this?” Our Lord replied, “Yes my child, everything impossible when we share the same love. Never waste a moment of true feelings of Divine Love but pass it on to others. Have courage to pass it on. It will multiply, you will see.”
I concluded be saying, “Thankyou my Lord.”
8th October
St Margaret Mary’s Church, Merrylands.
In the Church before the Mass began today I thanked our Lord for everything and especially for giving us so many graces for the Olympics, that everything went well. I praised the Lord and thanked Him for protecting everybody. I said, “You’re such a good God and I love you so much.”
All of a sudden a vision came to me and I saw an Olympic arena full of people. Then I saw a flag raised up and some people carried it high up in the air. On the flag I saw fire rings. In a split moment the rings disappeared from the flag and in the middle I saw the word ABORTION in very big letters. I was shocked and said, “I don’t understand this y Lord. What is the meaning of this in this Olympic place?”
After a minute our Lord explained “The vision you see in this place is a butchery of abortion. Here they used to slaughter animals and now they are aborting babies. My child it is not all so beautiful the way you think and see. Here I was offended very much by moral sin of the flesh. These gatherings will bring many abortions for the sins committed during the games by the competitors. Abortion is one of the sins that offend me the most. For this crime the world will be punished and this city (Sydney) too. My children do not be so proud of this sinful city. Pray, pray, ask for forgiveness and My mercy because My just hand shall come above all soon.
I concluded by saying, “have mercy on us all my Lord Jesus.”
5th October
Lord Jesus said today, “My child learn to invite me everywhere you go. Take me with you. Speak my word to people. To those who listen and accept my word, this will be good for them. For those who ridicule you when you speak my words, this will be bad for them. They put their judgment on themselves.”
“Today you walk straight into the devil’s trap My child if I was not there what would you do without me? Remember you cannot do anything if I’m not there to protect you this is alack of full trusting in your Lord. Be always united to me.”
21st September
Lord Jesus said today, “Peace be with you My child. Go to places an speak to people of My coming. I tell you my coming is very near. My time is not your time but you have never been so close to my coming as now. The history which was prophesied long ago is upon you and the changes will happen and hey will fulfil My prophesy. Tell y faithful to be ready, to be in a state of grace, ready to go through many trials, which await you all. Never lose hope. I’m always with you to help you.
I concluded by saying, “Thankyou Lord Jesus, We love You.”
8th September
The blessed Mother said today in a vision when I prayed the Holy rosary, “Tell my children all throughout this century I continue to come to your aid on earth and try to help you, my children. I always fulfil the duty for my Son, Jesus. Wherever He sends me I try my best.” Here she was looking at me with such gentleness and love and then she added, “You know my daughter, I’m here on earth more than in Heaven. I’m very tired. Soon I will stop coming to earth, and I will have a holiday in heaven.” She smiled and hugged me.
I replied, “Oh, Blessed Mother, I will miss you very much. Please do not leave us.” She replied, “I will never abandon you my children. I will carry you all in my Immaculate Heart. Through prayers you will all receive graces and know of my Holy presence. Pray very much my children for these end times. Encourage one another to pray. Do not be afraid my child to speak the truth that We tell you. We are always with you. I bless you in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I bless you all, my children.”
14th August
Feast of St. Maximillian Kolbe
This morning when I prayed our Lord Jesus came to me in a vision and said, “My people, hurry, hurry, you must prepare and be ready. There is not much time left for my coming. I shortened the time I’m coming to free you and to liberate you from all this evil in the world. You must listen and obey Me Prepare yourselves and be ready for I will cleanse this earth soon. I am the King and I will make all things new so my people will live and rejoice in a peaceful paradise. Hurry, hurry, prepare and be ready. Believe Me for My prophesies are all true. What I promise will come true. I am the King of Kings.”
Our Lord was wearing a beautiful crown with coloured stones. I replied, “Oh, my Lord, you are the King.” Then I saw two angels standing one on the left and one on the right side, placing the beautiful crown on our Lord Jesus” head. Our Lord was happy and smiling.
I concluded by saying, “We love you, Lord and King.” Thankyou my Lord Jesus and God.”
10th July
Three days later when I prayed the Holy Rosary an angel appeared and said, “The suffering that you offered tot he Lord bears many fruits. I came to show you in a vision.”
I then saw 26 young boys aged 18 to 20 years in purgatory waiting to o to heaven, They were all dressed the same, smiling and happy. The angel said, “Look in front of your eyes, they are now taken to Heaven.” I saw a beautiful beam of light surrounding them and they were al at once lifted up in this glorious and brilliant light and then disappeared. Then the angel said, “See what the fruits of sufferings produce. Tell everyone to offer their sufferings, nothing is wasted. Our Lord uses everything to save other souls.”
I concluded by saying, “Thankyou Lord, thankyou angel for saving souls.”