A poor soul in Purgatory that was possessive during lifetime.
On one occasion when I was accompanied by my Angel, who was my guide, I was taken to Purgatory.
We found ourselves in an open field, and here we saw many souls that the Angel referred to me and showed me. The souls were waiting for their deliverance and for someone to pray for them and to offer up the sacrifice of holy Mass for them.
As I and the angel travelled along a road, we came across a lady sitting on the side of the road. She was totally on her own and in deep sadness.
The Angel said to me, “Maybe you should go and talk to her and console her.”
So I walked towards her and asked her, “Are you alright?”
With a very sad expression, she turned to me and said, “Not really. I have to suffer very much. When I was alive I interfered, too much, in my daughter’s life.”
She said, “After my daughter married. I continued to treat her like she was single and living with me. I should not have interfered.”
God gives all of us our individual lives. When our children come and ask for advice, we
can give them advice and guidance. However, as parents, we must leave our children to
live their own lives freely, without interference.
She said, “I didn’t know that I was ruining my daughter’s life. I loved her so much and I
was very possessive. Now I have to suffer for all the wrong that I have done.”
I feel that through her interference in her daughter’s life she may have damaged her
Daughter’s marriage.
I said that I would pray for her.

1st January 2015  

This morning when I thanked the Lord for a peaceful day and asked Him for His mercy He appeared to me.
Our Lord said, “My child it is necessary to ask Me and to pray for peace in these troubled times that you can all see and are going through in the world, especially in those countries where there is so much misery and war. People don’t want peace.”
“Rather they look for hatred and trouble. Some live in fear, especially after what happened in your own city of Sydney, because of the terrorist attack. This year, there will be a lot of conflicts and problems in the world. Mainly in those countries in which the terrorists are breeding. There will be a lot of suffering, but people remain blind and they do not turn to God in prayer. They deny God because their pride will not permit them to believe in Him. My Child, I speak to you as a loving Father to tell people to open their eyes and to see what is going on in the world. You can no longer survive without Me. It will only get worse. People gather together and place flowers and express sadness for lives lost and killed, but no one
mentions God.”
Our Lord was very sad when He said this.
Our Lord said, “Rarely a prayer is said for the deceased, it is only publicity of the event which goes around the world. My Children, that won’t solve the problems of terrorist attacks. Only I your Lord can give you peace and stability through prayer and My Mercy.”
“Pray to My Divine Mercy for the world which sinks deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin.”
Our Lord was very sad telling me this message. We better take it seriously and beg Him for His Mercy for the sins committed in the world.

31st December 2013

New Year’s Eve

I was at home saying my prayers, the holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy when our Lord Jesus appeared to me. He was dressed in white and was looking very sad.

He said, “My child I come to ask you to console Me tonight. The world will offend me very
much with their entertainment and pleasures. They have no remorse or shame in themselves anymore.”

Our Lord showed me that in the world today everything is acceptable. Their conscience is hardened. Entertainment is going beyond the measure of what is acceptable.

Jesus said, “Sin is no longer considered sin.”

“I the Lord who loves you all so much try to offer my love and peace and yet the people of the world reject me.”

I asked the Lord, “Lord, what is the key word for the New Year?”

Very seriously, He said, “Tell the world to repent of their sins.”

“Console Me my child, I need your consolation.”

In my heart I felt like hugging our Lord.

Christmas Day – 25th December 2013

St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta

During the holy Mass, our Lord spoke to me and said: “Rejoice for the Saviour has been born and be glad. I come to the world so you can all have life in Me. I choose to be born in a poor stable for the poor in spirit, for the poor in the world, to give them hope.”

“My child, do you ever think that we are of royal descent. We could have chosen a different way but we chose to humble ourselves and to come amongst sinners.”

He said, “I come from heaven and I was born in Bethlehem to show my poor children how much I want to share my love with them. I brought love and peace amongst mankind.”

“But people rejected my love and they continue to reject my love today.”

“Would you like to know why? They are too committed to money and material things. They are too busy and preoccupied with materialism and greed. Their hearts are becoming harder and harder, just like a rock is hard.”

He said: “I give you our example so that you can all follow our way to salvation. Instead, you deny and reject the real God who loves you so much.”

I was most deeply and emotionally touched, in my heart, by these words. I felt so embarrassed that our Lord has to beg us and plead with us, but we just ignore everything.

15th December 2013

While I was praying the Angel appeared to me.

He said, “Come with me and I will show you something.”

At first I thought it would be purgatory that he wanted to show me. But no it wasn’t.

He took me to a most beautiful place and we stood in front of a building. As we entered the building I could see a setting of beautiful white round tables and chairs. The floor was so shiny, like the finest polished wooden floor. I could see many angels and saintly people. They were mainly girls dressed in white tunics. They were listening.

It was a heavenly place. The angel then sat at one of the tables, whilst I remained standing, and he continued to speak to me.

He said, “I brought you here so you can console our Lord. He weeps and cries for the world, because of the way the world behaves. It offends God so much.”

“You must console our Lord. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and say it many times throughout the day. It will console our Lord.”

I said to the Angel, “But our Lord is happy with the Holy Rosary. I like to pray the Rosary
ery much.”

He said to me, “Our Lord loves the Holy Rosary. Continue to pray it without ceasing. However at this time when the world is so bad, pray more often the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.”

I was very sad and deeply touched by these words.

The Angel was weeping for our Lord.

He said, “I myself am crying for our Lord. He doesn’t deserve to be offended.”

The angel then stood up and said. “Come with me. I will show you something else. ”

We approached a most beautiful staircase, and as I looked up, I could see so many beautiful childlike angels descending. They looked so happy and joyful. They were dressed in white and pale blue garments and some had a crown of flowers around their heads. They were smiling. We were watching them as the little army of angels came down the staircase.

I greeted the childlike angels as they came down, “Oh hello.” I said to them. I was overwhelmed by their beauty and joyfulness.

There were so many of them. I said, “Angels, angels and more angels.”

Finally they all came down and then the angel, who was my guide, took me upstairs.

He said, “Come I will explain something else to you.”

When we approached the landing of the upstairs floor I could see more white round tables. Sitting at these tables were saints. As we came closer I could see our Blessed Mother and St Joseph busily at work. Jesus was not there. He was too sad.

The Blessed Mother was wearing a red tunic with a blue mantle over her shoulders and a short white mantilla covering her head.

St Joseph was helping our Blessed Mother prepare something. Suddenly she turned around and smiled. She came towards me and greeted me and then hugged me.

The Angel said, “Now the mother of our Lord Jesus will explain something to you.”

She said, “As you can see these tables, we are preparing a very special banquet. This banquet will take place very, very soon.”

I understood that the Blessed Mother and St Joseph are working very hard to prepare for this day, for her son Jesus.

I understood that this banquet has a symbolic meaning. Is not something to do with food and eating. It will be a banquet of joy and peace on Earth and in Heaven. It will be the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She will triumph over Evil. Through her Immaculate Heart, Jesus will save the world.

They are working very hard but we on earth must also help by our prayers, the Holy Rosary and especially the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

After this, the Angel brought me home. I went to holy Mass and offered this intention. I was deeply sad for our Lord Jesus. Sad that He weeps for the world and the world doesn’t hear or see.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on the whole world. Come soon to restore heavenly peace on earth.

November 2013

5am. Archangel Michael appeared.

Previously on the night before I prayed to God “Lord, I will offer all my prayers and sacrifices for Kevin Lee and all the people involved in the disaster. If that will help them I gladly offer, but if it harms me, please protect me from it.”

The Archangel told me that he had been sent to give me an answer to my prayers.

He said, “Come with me, I will show you what happened the moment the disaster struck.”

I was shown how Kevin Lee was judged by our Lord. It was so severe, he started spinning in the surf (it seemed to me at about 100mph). Suddenly it stopped.

The Archangel then said, “Watch now.”

In an instant, K.L. turned into a metallic post. His head was still recognisable but made of a shiny metal. He was placed deep in the ground.

I myself, with the Archangel standing to the side watching. I felt shock and misery to witness this. He said, “This is what God’s anger has done to him. Don’t ever call K.L. father.”

Then I turned to Archangel Michael and asked. “Will he ever have a chance to come out of there?”

He answered, “How can an object come out of this place.” Then he opened the door and said, “Come and see for yourself.”

I was frightened but he said, He cannot harm you.” Don’t worry. I am with you, he cannot harm you.”

I said, “Oh, my God, this is horrible. How can a soul be crushed into nothing!” I felt totally crushed.

The Archangel then said, “Don’t you pray for him and don’t mention his name for he disgraced God so badly.”

I was returned home, feeling sorry for our Lord.

November 2013

The next day, still feeling distressed and sorrow for what I had witnessed. Archangel Michael appeared again and said, “I will reveal something else to you. You know the disaster in the Philippines. It was due to one sinner who committed such an offence to God, that that the whole island was wiped and punished. It is the anger and justice of God.”

Dear Bishop Anthony,

I honestly think that if he, while still alive, has asked for mercy, his soul would have been saved.

Yours sincerely

Valentine Papagna

1st November 2013

I have been sick all over my body especially my left foot, it came to a point where I was unable to walk.

But on the first and second of November I felt so good. I could walk and went to mass.

During the Mass I praised the Lord and thanked Him for the grace He gave me to be able to attend Mass. Our Lord Jesus came to me during Holy Communion with a smile on His face. Jesus said, “I know you had a lot of pain in your left foot. I permit that, I need your help. If you only could see how many souls went to Heaven, you would be very happy and you console Me. You also console me very much when you offer Me all you pain daily. Today is a very special reunion with all the Saints and Souls, they rejoice in Heaven and they constantly praise Me for what I have done for them. The Angels are constantly singing and chanting songs of thanksgiving and all the glory goes to Me.”

This is a song that He allowed me to hear. Glory to our God for He is our Lord and our God that we love the most and there is no one like Him for He is our Creator of Heaven and Earth and everything in it. He can see from under the sea, from the sides and from above and everything is visible to Him and nothing hidden from Him.

Everyone should call Him, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord and God almighty. He is good and merciful and just and that is why we love Him the most.

Our Lord smiled again and said, “My child, I permit you to see and hear that praising song from Heaven but how sad I am for My children on earth. They are too preoccupied with worldly material goods even to think of Me”. Then He said, “Console Me for all that I am offended and praise me and love Me”.

Have Mercy my Lord Jesus on all of us.

27th October 2013

The angel appeared to me in the morning dressed in white. In his holy hands he was holding three sealed glass containers (the size of the tumblers approximately 10cm tall).

I said to the angel “you have some Holy water”? When I was looking at the water it seemed murky discoloured. The angel said, “This is not Holy water as you think”. He said, “This is the wrath of God that needs to poured out onto certain places (cities) in Australia.” He then said “these three containers that I am holding will be poured over Perth, Adelaide Melbourne”.

He then took another three containers and said, “There will be three more. One will be poured over Sydney, one in Queensland (Brisbane) and one in Canberra”.

I asked the angel “what will this represent”? He answered “These six containers that will be poured will represent a severe punishment for sins committed and offences towards God, because people deny God and they offend Him terribly. The punishment will be in ways of severe weather changes and also eg. Fires, floods, winds, rain, hail, earth quakes, hurricanes. Tell people to pray and repent because these things will persistently come if people don’t change their sinful ways because God is really angry. He will be merciful if people repent and pray for mercy.”

The angel said to speak the truth and not be afraid.

The water is poisonous for humanity which will bring destruction.

We need to pray and to listen to the Lord’s Holy Words, otherwise the punishment will be on us.

Lately in regards to the fires our Lord said, “the fires could have been prevented and I would be merciful and prevent all these disasters that came. Nobody has mentioned me like I don’t exist, how sad that makes Me”.

Jesus we love you, please have mercy on our cities.

17th October 2013

The angel was following me all day and he said, to pray, because it will be extreme weather with wind and fire.

The Blessed Mother Most Holy came and said, “My daughter, how sad I am as your mother to come and to tell you about the fires and all the disasters that people went through with this horrific experience that came upon you My children. You never learn to change and pray. People ignore God like He does not exist. My Son is so sad to watch all this happening in this country Australia and all over the world. I tell you My daughter. The signs in the weather tell you how these changes appear to you. One day hot, cold hot, wind cold, wild storms even snow. All happening in one season. Learn from this weather pattern and repent before it is too late.

The sin is reaching all the way to heaven and God can no longer watch. He will judge the world severely soon. Repent while you have little time left. The time is running fast and you must decide now because tomorrow it will be too late”.

The Blessed Mother left very sad because people ignore warnings from Heaven.

Day before Feast Day of St Mary of the Cross 2013

As I walked out of the Westfield Shopping Centre at Parramatta, there was a young man with others
who were giving out some leaflets on religion. I didn’t know which religion. The young man came up
to me and said, “How much do you know Jesus? Do you know our Lord Jesus?”

I smiled at him and said, “Oh yes I know Him very well.

He said, “Lady, do you know there is only Heaven and Hell if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ.”

I said, “I believe, I’m Catholic.”

He then saw the cross that I was wearing around my neck and said, “Throwaway that cross, you
don’t have to wear that. It’s a false image”

I thought to myself, “I’ll throw you away and not the cross.”

I said, “Why should I throwaway the cross?”

He again repeated, “It says in the Bible that you go to Hell or Heaven.”

I said to him, “But what about in between. What about Purgatory, for the souls when they die, to be
purified for the wrongs they have done on earth, before they can go to Heaven?”

“No, it’s not in the Bible”, He continued.

“Well it doesn’t say that in your Bible but it’s a fact, you can’t go to Jesus unless you’re purified one
hundred per cent,” I said.

“It is not enough to only believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. We have to do good works, help the poor
and needy and perform acts of charity. If someone is lying on the street or falls down on the street
wouldn’t you help them get up,” I said to him. The young man answered, “No you don’t have to as long as you believe in Jesus Christ that is enough.”

I couldn’t believe it, but at that moment, a lady that was walking by, suddenly fell to the ground
between me and the young man. I knew right away this was the Hand of God. The young man was
standing there and looking as other passers-by were trying to raise her up.

I said, “Well young man, aren’t you going to help her?” He then very gently tried to lift her up,
without really wanting to touch her.

When she got up she said, “Nothing happened to me I’m fine.”

I said to him, “You see, you have just earned yourself merits for heaven.”

He was amazed. However he went on and on, attacking the Catholic Church, saying the Pope should
be burned, that he is the Antichrist, that all Catholics are black and are demons, and that we are all
going to go to Hell, and that the Blessed Mother is an ordinary woman.

I said to Him, “One day you will be surprised and shocked, when you die and are in Purgatory, you
will be ashamed of your talk about the Mother of God.”

Then he revealed to me, “I was baptized a Catholic, but left because it was the wrong religion.”

I said, “Go back to the true Church. The Catholic church is the Truth, with the institution of the Holy
Eucharist, which God left for us.”

He stubbornly continued, “No, lady, that is all made up by man and you are all wrong, and you are all
going to go to Hell. You are cannibals, you eat Jesus.”

I said, “We are not cannibals, He feeds us with His Heavenly Body. I will pray for you, you will see,
that our Lord will touch you and heal you.”

He was constantly arguing and he would not give in. He would not admit to anything that I had said to
him. When I walked away I said in my heart, ” I looking up to heaven said, Lord, he is a very stubborn case, he is all Yours. I will pray for him that You will touch him and heal him.”

Instantly our Lord spoke to me in my heart. I could see He was smiling and happy and He said,
“Valentina, my child, do you think all that has just happened, what I have demonstrated here, you think you did that yourself? It was I who spoke through you. What you were teaching the young man
actually happened. The lady that fell down was not hurt, as the angel was holding her.”

24th September 2013

When I was praying this morning I had two messengers visiting me. They said, “We were sent to you from Heaven from our Lord Jesus to tell you that you must go to your friend Nives and to console her and give her a word of encouragement. She is very stressful. You must give her hope and consolation”. I said what about her husband Vic, he is very sick.  They told me that he will soon be taken care of by our Lord Jesus. Go soon as soon as you can, don’t delay, they told me.

I was planning to pay a visit to the hospital by bus the same afternoon my friend Nives rang me and was crying over the phone she was very stressed and I told her the message I received that morning. She was relived and she said, my husband Vic is waiting for you. Come tonight my son will pick you up.

We arrived at the hospital at 9.30pm and I was very sad to see Nevis’ husband so sick. We prayed around him the Holy Rosary, the Litany and the Divine Mercy non-stop. For close to two hours with Nives, her son and sister in-law Connie.

Suddenly Vic had a bad turn. He had not spoken, he had been unconscious for 10 days and his breathing was very heavy.

Vic spoke his last words with all his strength, “Jesus, I Trust in You. Jesus, I Trust in You”. I quickly raised my hands and said, “I command Vic’s spirit in your Holy Hands”. All was peaceful around him and he stopped breathing. We cried and we prayed to Holy Mother Mary, Jesus and St. Joseph to come to his aid. It was a most sad experience and happy at the same time. He parted from this world with the words “Jesus I trust in you” on his last breath.

Rest in peace Vic in eternal happiness with our Lord Jesus and His Mother Mary.

I also experienced during all this Blessed Mother Mary was present. It all made sense, that day that I had to go to my friend Nives. Nives had a big inspiration, she said ‘you have to go tonight, Vic is waiting for you”. She was inspired by the Holy Spirit. If I had have gone the next day it would have been too late. We must not delay when someone tells us to do something right away.

Our Lord has always said, ‘it is the obedience that pleases me the most”.

The next morning at Mass which was offered for the late Vic. I received Holy Communion, our Lord came and told me, “Thank you My child for what you have done and all the prayers that were said around Vic for his journey. It was essential for all of his children to be there. Now Valentina your mission is accomplished you can return home”.

Thank you my Lord for all the graces you gave us to be there with your help. Glory and praise to you for ever be merciful to all the dying!

Our Lord Jesus said, “This is a testimony to tell people that I your Lord truly works through you”.

Then He said with a cheeky smile, “How can people say, Valentina, that you are not a true prophet. I will give more and more signs to prove your mission”.

Finally He said, “I want you My child to stay very close to Me because I need your help”.

I thank you my Lord and praise you. Be merciful to us.


This morning whilst I was praying, the angel appeared to me and he said to me to
go with him. He would usually take me to Purgatory to see souls. This time he
took me to a very deep place, it looked like a building, but it was very low, it looked as if it was underground.

We walked amongst the many souls there, most of them were men. I said to the
angel, “Who are these people, all men, what have they done?”

Before the angel even answered one of the men came towards me and said to me,
“We are all priests. There are a lot of priests and bishops here and you can help us.”

I said to him, “What have you done that there are so many of you here?”

He answered, “We have done all kinds of wrong things whilst we were alive.”

They looked very sickly, drawn, with fear on their faces and very pale. A lot of them
had bleeding scratches on their faces, on their hands and other parts of their bodies.

One of them said to me, “We are full of sores all over because we offended our Lord
and had not done our earthly penance.” Another one said, “I have a lot of sores on
my knees, I can’t kneel down because during the Holy Mass I hardly ever went
down on my knees or knelt down during my prayers. So now I have to suffer.”

They were lamenting and telling me all of this and they asked me if I would pray for them.

Then the angel, pointing with his right hand, showed me a building. It was high up,
and on the top of this building, standing on what appeared to be a verandah, I saw Bishop Anthony.

I said to the angel, “But Bishop Anthony is still alive!” The angel replied, “That is
why he is high up, not amongst these souls here. Bishop Anthony can help these
souls. He is a priest and he has the power to release them through the sacrifice of the
Holy Mass and with many prayers. You have to help him.”

It was very sunny when I was brought back home. There, I had contact with more souls.

Originally I had no plans to go to Parramatta. After this experience however, I
decided to go to attend Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral.

The first person I saw, when I came in front of the Chapel, was Bishop Anthony. I
immediately remembered the vision I had of Bishop Anthony and thought that I
should tell him about it.

He walked towards me and said, “Good morning Valentina.” I replied, “Good
morning your Holiness.” He looked so happy, he really loved that I said your Holiness.

I walked into church and thought, “Oh, I should have told him what I had experienced that morning.”

Before Holy Mass started, the Angel said to me, “You, yourself can offer up all
these priests, while Bishop Anthony celebrates the Holy Mass.”

So I did, I offered them at the foot of the Cross, all these bishops and priests as well
as all the other souls that I met that morning. The angel said to me, “This is a very
powerful Mass, it is very, very powerful. It is a most reverent celebration of the Mass today.”

I was on top of the world, really happy because it will help these poor souls. When I
received Holy Communion and went back to my kneeling place, I could feel that all
those souls were there in the church waiting for relief. I could feel they were all on
my left side as it was frozen cold. The coldness represents a lot of suffering.

These priests were showing me how much they were suffering in Purgatory.

Whatever offences they had committed in the church, or were disobedient during
their lives, they have to pay a very high price in Purgatory.

I will continue to pray for them, I promised.

15th September 2013

I was very sick with pain on my left leg. I was suffering a great deal with my leg and at 5am our Lord Jesus appeared to me. He was holding in His Holy hands a golden chalice with the Holy Eucharist.

He said, “I have come to give you strength. I was standing up. He first Blessed my ankle which is mostly painful and swollen.  Then He asked me smilingly, “can you tell me why you suffer so much with this pain? I answered that the Angels had told me. It would be for the Holy Souls. He said, “that is correct, then He blessed my leg and placed the Holy Eucharist on my tongue. The Holy Eucharist was round but had a lacy pattern around the edges.

Then our Lord holding a glass jar in His hands smiled and said, “you know My child, take all the Holy Souls put them in the jar and take them to Church and leave them there, so they will not bother you anymore.

Would you believe Me there is an ever ending story. You fill this jar but there would be more.” We both laughed.

Our Lord always comes with a little joke when I am a little down with pain.

15th August 2013

This morning when I prayed my morning prayers I thanked the Lord and our Blessed Mother for all the graces He gives us. The most beautiful vision appeared to me our Lord Jesus in a luminous light His Holy hands were out stretched out in front of Him. In an instance I see Holy Mother Mary with Angels She kneeled in front of Her Holy Son Jesus. She was so happy our Lord welcomed Her with a smile and joy She too was very joyful.

Next minute the vision changed now I see the Holy Family, Child Jesus and St. Joseph standing there. Then the vision changed again. Now I see our Lord Jesus taken from the Cross and placed in His Mother’s arms, the scenery now changed from joy to sadness. Our Holy Mother Mary was so sorrowful holding Her Son in Her arms, beneath the Holy Cross.

Then our Lord Jesus spoke, “My child the vision you see is the life of Myself and My Holy Mother. She endured so much suffering in Her life. That is why She is worthy of the most highly reward in Heaven that is, Her Assumption, is when She came in Heaven Body and Soul all of Heaven welcomed Her as Queen and Mother of all. The Angels and saints praise the Lord for His Holy Mother. They sing the most enchanting melodies. The whole of Heaven was in ecstasy. Then the Blessed Mother smiled standing near our Lord and said, “Even in Purgatory they rejoice My Assumption and many come to Heaven on this day. But not all My children some are left behind needing more prayers from you My children to help the suffering Souls so they too will come to Heaven one day.

Thank you my Lord Jesus and our Holy Mother Mary I love you. Have mercy on us.