Message given to Valentina

Holy Souls begging for help.

Most of the time our Blessed Mother or an Angel appears.

The Angel says, “Come, today the Lord Jesus has sent me to take you away with me.” He doesn’t always explain to me what is expected or he will say, “Come and help people.”

On this particular morning he appeared while I was praying, he took me upon a country road on the outskirts of a city. The souls are usually on the open space. We walked and walked and eventually arrived at a little ramshackle house. We entered in and went through and down many steps which were in darkness.

The Angel was surrounded by an aura of light and lit the way for me. As we went down I came to a high fence consisting of wire netting. The ground within this fence was a swamp with very dirty, stinking water.

I noticed a lot of women lying with their faces in this water. As we approached, they arose and went to the fence and started begging me to help them. As I looked, there were others still lying in the water appearing distressed.

I said to the Angel, “Why are these women being punished so badly?”

The Angel answered, “These people were very wealthy while on earth, they spent a fortune on their faces and bodies to make themselves young and good looking, instead of helping the poor and starving people of which there are so many in the world. That is why they are being punished so severely. Their beauty goes into the dirt, now they are doing reparation for the wrong they did while on earth. God wants us to look normal on the outside. It is not the appearance without, but He looks on the inside to the state of the soul, who we are and what we do.”

I asked the Angel, “What can I do?”

He said, “These people are prisoners. You can help them and release them from this prison.”

(Previously, Holy Mary had told me that Purgatory is a prison in which souls are purged of their sin and made clean and pure before appearing before God.)

The Angel then told me, “Many more people will come to this place because they waste money on plastic surgery.” He smiled and then said, “Even Princess Caroline of Monaco will end up here one day.”

I was surprised, “Oh, will she? She is very wealthy.”

The Angel said, “Women put so much on their bodies but nothing for their souls. God wants us to be natural, the way He created us. Their souls are empty.”

Message given to Valentina

Years ago I had an experience coming out of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta.

Walking towards the shopping centre I went into an arcade. It was very busy when suddenly two young boys about 10 years old ran to me. They were clothed in grey uniforms with a grey cap. They came close to me and pressed me against a wall.

They said, “Lady, please, can you give us some money for the bus?”

I didn’t notice the presence of school bags and I asked, “Didn’t your mother give you any money this morning for school?”

To me they were normal boys in appearance. I took out two dollars and gave each boy one. They accepted this and then ran away very quickly.

Afterwards, I felt sorry, wondering if it was enough for their fare as I didn’t ask how far they had to travel. Coming home in the afternoon, I knelt in front of the statue of our Lady, and prayed the prayer to the Divine Mercy. (I usually pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm)

In an instant, I was elevated high and my spirit was taken out. I could see traffic and people all standing still. I thought ‘What is the meaning of all this?’

Suddenly, I saw in the middle of the road, an aura of golden light, it was beautiful. Inside the aura, I saw the two boys walking away from me. I thought, ‘These are the boys I gave the two dollars.’

Suddenly, a voice above me, a strong man’s voice, said, “The boys who you helped with the money were not ordinary school boys, but Angels from Heaven.”

I wondered, ‘If they are Angels, why would they need money?’

They stopped and turned round and smiled at me for quite a long time, then they turned into a street, entered a gate and vanished.

So you see, you never know who we meet or give alms. It may be an Angel or God Himself. We are tested by God over and over.

For example, I was on a bus coming home from a prayer meeting. When leaving the bus I thanked the driver and he answered, “Thankyou, my beautiful darling.”

As I stepped down I said, “Lord, did you hear that? He called me beautiful darling. He doesn’t even know me.”

Our Lord replied, “That was not the driver talking to you. It was Me Myself talking to you.”

“Do you know, My child, that I am in every person, and I can appear in any form I like?”

I said, “Lord, I am sorry I spoke about the driver like that, but you surprised me.”

He answered, “You know I love everyone.”

Message given to Valentina

Appearance of a Holy Soul in my bedroom a few years past.

At 5am I awoke suddenly. I looked over to my dressing table on the side. There was a man standing there. The atmosphere was very cold (this chill comes with the souls from Purgatory). He was wearing grey trousers, a navy jacket and a navy stripe on the side seam of the trousers, a navy cap of a square type design.

He held out his hands to me and said, “Lady, please help me but don’t send me away. I have been searching for years and years and I couldn’t find anyone. I was directed to you.”

He turned his head to the side and showed me that the side of his head was missing. He said, “I have been fighting in a war and look what happened to me!” He indicated his head again.

I listened but didn’t say anything to him as I felt shocked at his appearance and was frightened to look at him. He kept begging me to help him. “Please, help me. I was searching and was directed to you by the light. They (the Angels) told me that you would help me.”

He kept repeating all this to me. I could see his terrible suffering and after a while I turned towards the Crucifix and prayed, “Lord, Jesus, please have mercy on his soul.”

I then made the sign of the cross in the air and the soldier vanished.

Afterwards, I couldn’t sleep anymore and was wondering which army he had belonged to.

When I arose, I asked my son. “A mysterious thing happened to me this morning. A man appeared to me in a very unusual uniform.” I described the uniform he was wearing and the wound on his head.

My son was also shocked and he said, “Mum, that is a confederate soldier. The south people and the north people of America were fighting each other. Mum, that is a very long time ago in the American civil war during the 1800’s.”

I began praying for him and offering Masses for him and continued doing this for a long time.

Sometimes I have a reply from a soul. Sometimes I don’t hear and that means they have been saved and raised up to Heaven by God’s grace.

I hope he is in Heaven, and may he rest in peace.

One day, I asked the Angel, “How do they find me? How do they know where my house is?”

“My bedroom is like Purgatory! What is this? I haven’t got much peace. I see the souls coming and going and sometimes staying in my room.”

The Angel answered, “You see, your home is like having a ray of light coming from Heaven down to your house so souls know where to go and find refuge and relief from their suffering because they know you will help them. You pray for them, you are compassionate towards them. They are guided to you either by Angels or Saints permitted by God.”

One day during last week, suddenly I experienced a very acute pain all over my body. I was sweating profusely with the suffering which lasted approximately 10 minutes. I felt I was dying and appealed to our Lord, “Please, Lord, help me!” A few minutes later, everything was taken away.

Our Lord then appeared and said, “Valentina, I need your very strong pain to relieve the souls. I need your suffering to save the souls not to fall into the abyss of darkness. Thankyou, My child, you have helped them.”

How essential it is to pray for souls to be saved and protected from the devil’s clutches. Have charity for the unfortunate ones you meet.

7th October, 2009

Our Lady Of the Most Holy Rosary

Our Blessed Mother appeared to me while praying.

She spoke, “My child, I come to you as the Lady of the most Holy Rosary to remind you to help Me to encourage people to pray the Holy Rosary. I only desire to lead you back to the Father in Heaven. That is your only salvation, My children. Don’t delay but act and change now before it is too late. Don’t be like your pre-ancestors. They were eating and drinking, enjoying themselves and couldn’t care less about anything.

The floods came and they all perished. My children, look around you at what is happening now! These disasters should tell you they are the signs of your time which you are living now. You should prepare yourselves spiritually, My children. These events will persist and come very frequently all over the world, many will die without being converted or being in a state of grace. I only beg you, My children, and plead with you to change. Decide today! Tomorrow may be too late.”

Our Blessed Mother was very sad. She said, “Why do people occupy themselves with all useless things except the true God who loves them very much? They keep rejecting Him. My children, He only wants your salvation and good for your souls.”

Thankyou, Blessed Mother, for Your warning.

4th October, 2009

Jesus came to me at 3 o’clock in the morning and asked me to pray the Divine Mercy.

He appeared in agony.

He said, “Valentina, My child, please console Me. Look at how I suffer to see all these people dying in terrible disasters which are happening.”

“If they would only ask Me and come to Me for forgiveness, I would never reject anything.”

“Valentina, My child, you know how generous I am in My mercy and love. I would never refuse anyone. Many would be saved through My mercy but they never ask. This is why I am crucified over and over again to see humanity turning away from Me.”

Our Lord is so sad and His agony is repeated to see people perish without being spiritually prepared before these things happen. Our Lord said to me He would prevent these things happening if only they would ask for forgiveness. He would be merciful to those who die.

People are angry with God when disasters happen. This is why Holy Mary teaches us to be in a state of grace and be united with God in our daily life by turning to prayer continually through the day with small acts of thanksgiving and offering of sacrifices and small sufferings. He will respond with blessings which give us strength to face each day.

11th September 2009

Remembrance of the twin towers in New York.

I was praying in the morning and offering up prayers for those who died in that horrible tragedy.

Suddenly I was transported in a vision. I was on the ground that had been cleared of all rubble.

From beneath the ground, I saw many souls appear to me and begging me for help.

They said, “Valentina, can you please tell people how much we scream from the deepest darkness. We need help. We scream and call out. Tell people how much we scream and beg for people to help us but nobody takes any notice of us.”

I told them, “They can’t hear you.”

They then said, “warn people not to build anything on this area. The ground is cursed. They must leave it empty as any structure will be cursed as well. The ground must be blessed, and prayed over daily and this will also bring relief to us.”

I was terrified to witness the horrible screams and howling issuing from beneath. They are in the deepest darkness and we all must pray for the relief of their souls.

7th September, 2009

Early this morning while praying, God the Father appeared to me, very sad. He said, ” I am not very pleased with the United States of America. They offend Me very much. Do you know, my daughter, that I made the United States the most powerful nation of all nations in the world so they would help others and I poured the most blessings on them.

They used to obey My Law and Commandments and they always said, “God Bless America” on every decision they made, they asked Me to help them, but things have changed for the worse. They offend Me terribly with abortion and the filth of homosexual marriage and so on.”

“They took their own law into their own hands. This is a Joke! How can a nation prosper without God’s Blessing?”

“A nation without God will experience many disasters and My Blessings will be withdrawn.”

I cried so much to hear this. I embraced our eternal Father to console Him. He appreciated this with tears in His eyes. I said, “God, our Father we will have to pray for America.” I was deeply touched, feeling love for the people of America. Please, America, Wake up!”

17TH AUGUST, 2009

In the morning, while saying prayers, an Angel appeared to me.

He said, “I was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal to you what will happen in this country very soon. Come with me and I will show you.”

Instantly, we found ourselves in a very remote place in the country. There was a huge building and we entered in. It was very spacious, like an empty warehouse. There were many people inside. They approached us.

I asked the Angel, “Who are these people?”

He answered, “They are the souls who need your help by offering prayers and Masses.”

After a while, the Angel said to me, “Come outside. I have to show you something.”

We walked a few metres over sandy, dusty soil. He indicated with his arm outstretched. I saw in the air a thick cloud of red dust, swirling like a willy-willy.

On each side I saw a black column of darkness reaching from the earth to Heaven. The Angel explained, “This represents the sin of mankind which greatly offends God. This storm, when it comes, God permitting, will cover a large part of the country. It will be a very severe storm.”

I said, “Oh, my God, I don’t want to know. This is horrible! What is the name of this place?”

The Angel said, “Broken Hill.”

“Oh!” I said, “I have never been here before.”

Then he said, “People can’t control the weather, only God can. People have to change and make amends otherwise you will experience more severe weather.”

No matter how much governments try to change the changing conditions in the world, they will not succeed until they turn to God with humility and prayer.

14th AUGUST, 2009


5am. I was praying. Suddenly my spirit was transported to St Margaret Mary’s Church, I entered in. It was pitch black inside and I held my arms out, feeling the way. Finally, after walking through, I became conscious of people all around me. The church was packed. The people were walking towards the altar but they were angry, shouting and protesting and holding in their right hands a Host. This Host was emitting the only light that I could see.

I went among them, wondering what was going on. As they approached, I noticed the Parish Priest, vested in white, standing in front of the altar. His face was very sad, but I could barely see him as the church was so dark. I stood for a moment after witnessing this and I thought, “Oh, my God, these people are really angry.”

The next instant, I found myself back in my room, feeling deeply touched and hurt in my heart. I said, “Lord, this vision does not look good. Why do I have to experience it?”

Our Lord then appeared and said, “Valentina, My child, I took you there so you could witness and experience this. What you saw is in the future in Purgatory. The people were judging the Priest because they were forced to receive Communion in the hand. You see, I don’t judge you, you judge yourselves. It is a big sacrilege to receive Holy Communion in the hand.”

My experience is seeing God, Who is so Holy and so Sacred is His Body, we should never touch Him with our hands. We should show Him true reverence by having a pure heart and humbly kneeling to receive Him in Holy Communion.

People, you had better believe it. Purgatory is reality. There is suffering there for sins committed during life on earth. Each is responsible for their own faults and there is no way to blame another.

8th AUGUST, 2009

Saturday morning while saying prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared on the Cross. He was suffering and was very sad, almost in tears. He said, “Valentina, My child, please console Me.” He reached down with one hand.

He said to me, “Gently caress Me and kiss My Holy Wounds.” His arms were blue with many bruises and His hands were bleeding. My heart ached to perceive all His suffering.

He said to me, “I was crucified, but do you think it was only then? I am crucified daily to see such terrible sin that spreads like thick smoke all over the world. There is no conscience, no remorse for their wrong doing. The devil really leads everyone astray.”

“I plead and I plead to the world for everyone to change but I receive very little response. How long can I watch this? My hand is already raised and will fall down soon. Then I shall put My justice and truth to the world. Speak of My Mercy and Goodness and tell them to come as soon as possible under My Cross, to repent and be healed of all their wicked doings.”

“I am the living altar and I shall forgive you and restore you to your life.”

1st AUGUST, 2009

The Holy Souls come to me and we converse. They explain to me how they suffer and why. I ask them questions. These particular Souls told me about those living in the world, which is in a very bad shape.

“Do you know you walk among dead people, more dead than alive?”

I replied, “Oh, that is spooky and scary.” The Souls said, “Spiritually, there are more people who don’t believe in God. Two thirds of the world population don’t believe in God, and they are dead spiritually. They can be alive, but they are the walking dead.”

People, this is serious!

Find the way to God. Life is only in God. Don’t be afraid to approach Him.

He is so gentle and merciful.

JULY, 2009

St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.

While I was praying a decade of the Rosary for Priests, our Lord said to me, “Valentina, whisper to the Bishop’s ear and tell him that I the Lord said to tell him that I am not always pleased with him for the things he does. Sometimes I am pleased with him, but mostly I am not. I watch always. Nothing escapes Me.”

“These days Bishops and Priests try to please people but they don’t ask if that will please God.”

“Nothing escapes Me. I see everything, My children.”

3rd July 2009

Our Blessed Mother and our Lord keep asking for a lot of prayers and sacrifices to atone for the sins of the world. As the world is so sinful and in so much turmoil.

Our Blessed Mother appeared with a very thick tear of blood and said, “My daughter you do not know how painful this is for my children, who are on the wide road which is leading them to the abyss of no return. Especially the young people because there is no one to teach them and to tell them to change and convert. The world’s so called fun is leading them away from My Son. That is why I need your constant prayers. Do not be lax in prayer help us to help them and console your Heavenly Mother who grieves so much for Her lost children.”

I replied, “Blessed Mother You stood under the cross of your Son you grieved to see Jesus in so much suffering, please have mercy on us especially our young and ask, Your Son Jesus to have mercy on the whole world.”

18th JUNE, 2009


In a church I prayed, “My beloved Lord, I praise Your Sacred Heart for all the love and goodness You give me.”

Almost instantly our Lord Jesus responded, “Not only today on My Feast of My Sacred Heart, but every moment of your life you should praise My Sacred Heart, full of love and pity for all of you, My children.”

Then He said, “Write the basic things only, that way you won’t need so much time.”

Thankyou, my Lord Jesus.

1st June, 2009 (after 2 weeks)

Yesterday, in my morning prayers, I had a vision of the Holy Souls. Suddenly, among these people, a man came close to me and hugged me. He was clothed in very shabby clothes wearing an old hat, and said, “I am the person who was tormented so terribly in that flame of fire and you pulled me out. I am so grateful to you. I am still suffering but not to such a great degree. Please continue to help me.”

I promised to do this. Turning around I saw people with marks on their clothing. They asked me, “Lady will you please wash these stains from us.” (The stains represent sins during life on earth) I started crying for pity, and said in a loud voice, “Alright, but who is going to pray for me when I die?”

They said in unison, “We will pray and help you”. The people in Purgatory can’t pray for themselves any more, but they can help those still on earth.

Many souls appear to me and give thanks for helping them. Some do and some don’t but I am very happy and offer thanksgiving to God for it is through His mercy that I am able to do this and He gives relief to the Holy Souls.