22nd March 2006

This morning during prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and lamented. “Valentina, now you will understand why My Sacred Heart is broken and sad for humanity. My name should be written in every heart but instead My name is written on the garage door what do you see inside? The car – and this is what people worship today instead of Me.”

Tears came to my eyes, and I said, “O God, people don’t know how beautiful and Holy You are.”

Have mercy on us all.

19th march 2006

Feast day of St. Joseph.

Our Lord appeared to me during Mass in St. Margaret Mary’s.

He said, “Valentina, My child, you need this water to live that I give you all. It constantly surges from the Will of My Sacred Heart to purify and to quench your thirst from Me. Blessed are the ones to whom I supply. They have their life for ever, even after earthly life ceases but you must come to me daily to be filled and nourished spiritually. You all need My living water like the Samaritan woman. She was as dry as a sponge when it is placed in the hot sun. After telling everyone what happened to her, she became alive, full of the Holy Spirit.”

He leaned toward me and said, “I quenched her thirst, and many more received the living water. Today the world needs these changes, to drink and to come to Me to survive. The majority, they live but spiritually they are dead. They need My word, the living water, to survive. Tell them to come. I am the Supplier. Whoever will come will not be sorry. I am a living God, full of mercy and compassion. Tell people not to wait but to decide now for the time is running short. They must decide today, not tomorrow. Every moment I give you is a golden opportunity. Don’t let it pass you by.
Realise it is a gift given to you all constant spiritual need.

Thank Me always. Be courageous.

Thankyou, my living God.

18th march 2006

The angel came to me this morning with a beautiful fruit in his hand. Smiling, he said, “Valentina, you have no idea how much fruit you produce in Heaven. This is one of the most beautiful fruits which I show you. All your suffering is not for nothing. Everywhere you go, speak to people about God and give them encouragement and hope, console them. Whatever you touch and ask is the best fruit in Heaven.”

“Our Lord loves you. Tell people to be patient, waiting for what they pray for and to be sincere toward Heaven.”

“God loves His children and He likes to grant them graces and fulfil their wishes. Never loose hope. Turn your eyes to Heaven and God the Father will listen.”

The angel was happy telling me this good news. But I said, “I didn’t know or see anything of this. I simply tell people and encourage them.”

8th March 2006

(next day)

Our Lord appeared and embraced me, saying, “How is My little Valentina? There is so much to tell you about the world that is happening in these days. Fear not, My child, our love binds us together.

Be courageous and trust in Me. I will never abandon you, My children.”

We love you, Lord, and we trust in you.

Always after receiving a serious message, our Lord knows that I worry. He always comes in different approaches in order to cheer me up.

7th March 2006

In this vision while praying. I once again saw a map of the world.

The angel appeared, and said, “I am the angel of the Lord. I come to reveal to you that the world in God’s Eyes is very sinful.”

The angel was pointing with a silver shiny long thin needle, and placing with its tip on the map dark spots in various parts of the world. There were many places.

He said, “These are where there will be events throughout the earth this year. There will be a variety of different sufferings. Tell people to pray. If only people would understand how much pain and grieving they cause our Lord. His Sacred Heart is constantly wounded and pierced with offences He receives from ungrateful men.”

The angel then said, “The men forget from whom they come from.”

He then showed the ocean in reality. Clearly I saw the bottom of the sea. “If you stand on the bottom of the sea you would be as little as a grain of sand, scoop a little bit in your hand and take 1 grain of sand out of it and see how small it is, to put in your hand, but the ocean is enormous. You would understand who God is and all His creation. Tell people to amend and change because God will soon turn upside down the sea, and punish humanity for not obeying His Holy Law.”

We must pray constantly to mitigate these disasters that will befall on us.

5th March 2006

In the morning while praying. The Infant Jesus appeared to me.
He spoke, “Console Me and dry My Tears which I shed for people in the world, especially for the abandoned and hungry children that nobody wants. They reject them. How I suffer to see so much selfishness and non compassion for these abandoned children. Mankind is heartless.”

The Holy Infant stretched His Hands over me . He said, “Don’t leave Me behind. Take Me with you wherever you go, I am like a child who likes to be taken care of. Lift Me in your arms and caress Me and love Me. So many abandon Me and don’t want Me. If they could only accept Me and love Me. Tell them I shall respond and give them love and peace and joy in return.”

He gazed at me and said, ”Man of human love, yet divine, satisfy the longing in My Heart to give you all My love and constant Blessings.”

“Love Me and thank Me always.”
As the Baby Jesus came to me, I saw the Tears in His Eyes. On the left, Tears were streaming down His Cheeks, but the right Eye held so much water I felt I could scoop it up.

Have mercy on us, Little Lord Infant Jesus.
We should all respond and console our Lord, and turn from our neglect.

17th FEBRUARY, 2007

Saturday. A vision of the Holy Souls between 7am and 8am. The Angel came to me and said, “I, today, will guide you to the poorest, suffering souls.”

We walked and came to an open space. A lot of souls approached us, very depressed and poorly dressed, in grey. The area also is very dull and depressing.

They spoke, “We were directed to you. You are the one who can help us to relieve our terrible torment and suffering that we are going through.

The Angel looked at me. (This meant that I was allowed to speak to them and ask questions).

I asked, “What have you done that is so bad to deserve this suffering?”

They looked sadly at me, “We had everything while we were alive. Money was no problem, but we never helped anyone. We were very greedy and selfish.”

I answered, “Yes, you should have helped the poor and needy while you were all alive, and you would have been blessed for the good deeds you may have done. Did you at least pray while you were alive?”

They looked at one another in a peculiar way and said sadly, “No, we didn’t pray either. We thought there was no need.”

I said, “At least you could have prayed a little. That would have helped.”

The souls answered back, “Now it is too late. We can’t do anything. We suffer so much.”

Suddenly, three buses appeared, grey in colour and all but wrecks. The doors opened simultaneously. Inside, I saw the seats all in shreds and hanging down and falling apart. I was amazed at what I saw.

The Angel said to me, “Rich people don’t know anything about the afterlife while on earth. They accumulate wealth and they are so greedy. They don’t realise how harmful this is for their souls in the afterlife.”

I felt sorry for the poor souls, watching them being so miserable. They can’t help themselves.

If people on earth can learn this lesson and share the wealth which corrupts their souls so much after death, God would be merciful as He sees all.

Lord, have mercy on the poor souls.

11th FEBRUARY, 2006

While praying this morning, our Blessed Mother appeared to me. She said, “Peace be with you, My child and may God be praised forever.”

She spoke, “Once more I come to plead with you My children, to pray. I am very sorry to tell you, but this country of yours (Australia) starts to accept anything which is against God’s law. The government and society are very powerful guided by an evil force.”

“God is very offended by all this.” Our Lady said, with tears running down her cheeks, “Just think on innocent lives which will be sacrificed because they cannot help themselves. It is a crime My children.”

Then She said, “I have to tell you that God is very offended for the youth of this country. They are not taught to know God. Their lives become very wild and they are guided by the evil one into all types of entertainment (films, discos, sex, …). This is destroying their innocent lives and they sink deeper and deeper into sin. My children, I beg you right now to pray very much for this intention. I wish my sons (Bishops and Priests) to speak more openly about teaching young people to come back to God and to know Him more intimately. The young people are the future generation. My Son loves them so much. He wants to bless them, but they are sinning in such a big way, they have no sense of right or wrong”.

“For this reason, pray for these intentions that conversion will come. I am interceding on your behalf, My children, but if things won’t change God will lower His Hand on this country and a great chastisement will come upon you. I cannot stop it any longer.”

Our Blessed Mother then said, “Spread this message of warning urgently.”

“My children, pray, pray, pray for this intention.”

26th JANUARY, 2006

An Angel appeared to me and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. I come to tell you. Console the Mother of God. Right now. She walks in the streets of Jerusalem, the Holy ground, and weeps the tears of blood for people who offend God with violence and killing. Brother against brother. There is no love or compassion in their hearts, only hate and killing. “

“When will all this end? God will severely put judgement to this people and nation.”
“Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How you offend God. That He walked on your land once and you didn’t honour Him and you still crucify Him and deny Him.”

The vision was so sad when the Angel showed me the Holy Mother weeping tears of blood. I saw large clots of blood flowing down Her cheeks and Her Holy face was so sad.

Then the Angel said, “Console the Mother of God, Valentina, by offering your daily sacrifices in reparation for the offences against God.”

“People don’t realise that the leaders of the world are responsible for all this hate and killing, which offends God. He is very sad because you are all God’s children and He loves the one you reject the most.”

Have mercy, O Lord, on all your children.

26th January 2006

The visiting angel came and took me to a place where souls are suffering.

I had a lot of suffering in my body for a very long time. We approached a place where there is much suffering. There were men and women.
The angel explained to me while we were watching these people. “See, today in all churches, Holy communion is accepted in the hand. Most people stretch out their arms to receive. They say it is easy and there is no more need to confess their sins any more. They say anyone can come to the banquet of the Lord. The Lord doesn’t mind! God is love and forgives everything.”

The angel then said, “But our Lord is also just. Come with me and I will show you how these people suffer when they die.”

I saw people holding their arms outstretched, their hands with palms held up. I noticed on their arms and hands large infected ulcers all the way up to their elbows for offending God by touching the Holy Eucharist.

The angel said, “Valentina, speak to the people and let them know of this great blasphemy they cause to our Lord. So much sacrilege He receives in the churches. People don’t realise how Sacred and Holy is the little Host. No – one should touch except Bishops and Priests.

The angel said, “Hands off Holy Communion we are present with our Lord
in the church especially when Holy Communion is given. We are trembling with fear when people approach. See how these people suffer now for being so irreverent, now they are sorry for offending God but it is too late. Who knows how many years they will suffer.

All these changes in the church are making our Lord Jesus very sad.

Valentina, offer your daily pain and discomfort to Him. Console Him and ask in reparation when you are in the church for so many unworthy Holy Communions, that are handled by hands.”

Jesus, my Lord, have mercy and grant us enlightenment.

I9th JANUARY, 2006

Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “You are My pupils. Everyday you need to come to My school and need spiritual food for your souls the way you need food for your body.”

“All of you are very slow to grasp My teaching. My love is abused in the world and not understood properly. Not one of you should be proud and say, ‘I am very advanced in my spiritual life’ . You are lying to yourselves when you say that. The same way when you say to yourself, ‘I have nothing to confess, I have no sin’.”

“Be careful, My children, that way you deceive yourselves. Say always ‘My Lord and my God, make me understand the way it is pleasing to You. Teach me to progress better in my spiritual life, that one day I will benefit from all that’.”

“Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment in guidance and truth. Open your hearts to My Divine love.” Our Lord said smiling, “Bow your heads down and I will bless you all.”

Thankyou Lord Jesus, my teacher, my God and my all.

I2th JANUARY, 2006

In the morning, while praying, an Angel appeared. (I was familiar with him as he has been coming to me over the years)

He greeted me, and we exchanged a kiss on each others cheek. While I looked at him I noticed his beautiful eyes, shining blue.

I said, “Just as well you are here. I have to ask you something. The vision I had of the Judgement seat, can you please explain to me when this is all going to happen?” I tried to explain to him what I had seen but he already knew what had happened. He said, “Don’t worry. Trust in the Lord.”

While we were talking, a little toddler appeared with a little soft toy. He tucked it under the cuff of my pyjama leg. I bent down and tossed it back to the baby as if to say, ‘stop interfering, I am talking to the Angel’.

The next minute, while looking at the Angel, he said, “Do you know who this is?”
I answered, “No, he is a little soul.”

The Angel said, “This is Our Lord Jesus.” I gasped, “Oh, no.”

The Angel said, “He comes to take your mind off worry. Don’t fear, trust in the Lord and pray. He knows everything.”

6th FEBRUARY, 2006

Attending Mass in St. Margaret Mary’s Merrylands while offering thanksgiving after receiving Holy Communion I was kneeling and gazing at the tabernacle. Suddenly a vision appeared of the world. I saw many beautiful colours and the globe was spinning very rapidly. I wondered what this meant. The spinning stopped and I could see North America and the spinning began again. Again, it stopped and I saw Australia and the entire coastline and geology very clearly. This stayed for some time and the understanding came to me that I would receive a revelation that something would happen in the near future.

At that moment, I felt a hand firmly on my shoulder, shaking me to respond to the collection. I turned round and the vision faded.

I am sure that the message given to me on the 11th February is connected to this vision. Let us all pray for our Blessed Mother’s intentions concerning our youth.

Thankyou and may God bless you.

5th JANUARY, 2006

A vision came to me during morning prayer. All through the Christmas period from December into January a vision stayed with me of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Holy Mary, St Joseph with the Baby Jesus surrounded by many Angels.

And so it was on this day, but a huge dome appeared over the Holy Family and Angels, who were moving around. Then they smiled looking at me and suddenly the whole scene moved away, sideways.

Another vision came. I could see blue sky, which was huge. On the base, was the globe of the earth. On each side, from the top to the bottom were two brilliant shafts of light in a burnished copper gold colour, made into an intricate design. I gasped, for all this was enormous.

Very high up, in the centre, the Eternal Father was seated on a throne of the same burnished copper-gold colour. Around His Holy shoulders and head, radiating in steams of golden light like the rising sun, were sentences in the Latin language. The words glimmered in gold. I could understand only the word “Deus”. The Eternal Father had a very serious face.

When I turned to my right below the vision of the Eternal Father was another throne on which Our Lord Jesus was seated. Next to Jesus in the space between Him and the Eternal Father was Mary Most Holy, dressed entirely in white. She was kneeling and bending low, with Her hands together in prayer.

As I kept looking from one to the other of the Divine persons before me, I started to experience a Holy fear, realising that we all should have this Holy fear towards God. I could feel His mighty power, knowing that we are nothing before God.

Shortly after the vision had gone, Our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “My child, not many people receive this grace, showing you what I have shown you today. Thank Me for this grace.”

“I show you My throne and judgement seat which no one can escape. This will soon be given to the world. Everyone will fear My judgement and know that I am the one and no one else.”

“The world needs this judgement now more than ever.”

“The writing which you could not understand is My law, written in Heaven which was given to the world but sadly the world disobeys them. They are written for ever and no one can change them.”

I said, “My Lord and my God, I fear Your judgement, but I trust in Your love and mercy.”

The next day I experienced many problems and troubles and pain. Our Lord appeared to me and said, “My child, don’t complain when I send you trials. To see My throne, you must experience My pain.

1st JANUARY, 2006

While praying the 3 O’Clock prayer to the Divine Mercy, I begged the Lord and Blessed Mary Most holy for relief from the heat.

I said, “People are very upset because you send them this extreme heat.”

After a while, Blessed Mother appeared and said, “See, My child, how hot is your temperature, scorching hot. People don’t acknowledge how sin offends God. Tell people to pray and convert. Only through prayer and conversion God will be merciful to you and will hear your prayers and pleading. He is then merciful to you.”

“There will be many catastrophic events throughout the world this year. Tell My children to pray in order to avert these disasters which are upon you. “