
12th February

Lord Jesus appeared while I was praying late at night, and He said, “Each time you offer Me your suffering or anything, I use to save souls. In anything you do say: “Lord, I offer all to You to save souls”. Like tonight, when you accidentally burnt your hand, I permitted that to happen. I’m sorry for the pain you had, I know it was very painful. I tell you with those few hours of your pain, you just saved many souls from going to hell. How I wish that many victim souls would offer themselves to Me in Reparation. Many souls could be saved through offerings. It means so much to Me, and you also console Me, My children.”

Then He said, “Many people die these days and are not prepared or in a state of grace. Many die in a war zone, trouble area or all kinds of accidents. My child, many will be taken away from this world as you are approaching many events which will proceed with severe weather, storms, earthquakes and other disasters like sickness. These events will tell humanity that it will be a wake up call and I, the Father of all, exist. I will make them believe and repent of their evil sins, they grieve My Sacred Heart so much”.

He looked at me with a sad smile, “Valentina, love Me and console Me and teach others to love Me too. Be at peace. I love you, My children, and Bless you. Fear not but Trust in Me”.

As He made the sign of the Cross in Benediction, and said, “In the name of The Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.”

I replied, “Jesus, have mercy on us”. This is not a frightening message but a call from Our Lord to stop offending Him. Please take this message seriously as events have already started happening.

January 2004

St. Padre Pio came to me today and gave me a message. He said, “My chosen daughter of God, I am Padre Pio who speaks write down what I say. Almighty God the Father is very offended by the people all over the world. They have become selfish and materialistic, they live in such sin.

The devil is ruling them, even the church of Jesus Christ is in ruin. The priests and the bishops do not care much, they take everything very lightly, leading people on the wrong path, driven by the devil. Purgatory is full of souls which are suffering very much, as there are only very few praying for them. The priests do not speak about purgatory in the church.

Tell people to change and repent of their sins because the justice of God will come upon the world very soon. Speak the word of God, do not be afraid. Tell people to pray, time is running out, soon there will be much devastation upon humanity there is very little time left. People must change their ways and pray, pray, pray for salvation and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Valentina replied, “Thankyou St. Padre Pio and please pray for us”. I have always had great devotion to St. Padre Pio ever since I was a Little girl. I never imagined that I would be given the grace to communicate with our great St. Padre Pio. Thankyou Father for all your graces.


Today while I was praying, an Angel appeared and said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He sends me to take you to the place where souls are kept and are suffering”.

In the next instant, I found myself in a very grey and depressing place, all rocky and damp like a gallery or tunnel. The Angel said to me, “You will experience many bishops and priests who offended God during life and didn’t serve Him as they should”.

The Angel raised one hand and called a person who approached us. The angel gave the person permission to talk to me. The person was tall with blond hair and young. As he came forward he was holding both hands out, palms upward. Between his fingers there was a flame.

He spoke, “Valentina, look how I suffer. While I was alive I was a bishop but I didn’t serve the Lord properly. These changes in the church are devastating. Serving Holy Communion in the hand is the greatest sacrilege against God”. He continued, “Valentina, don’t be afraid! Speak out. You have to let them know how we suffer. Tell them not to serve Holy Communion in the hand. No one should touch the Blessed Eucharist except consecrated priests”. He said, “Look at our hands. They are on fire and burning constantly. Who knows how long we are going to stay here and suffer?” He was pleading and I felt so sorry for him, He concluded, “Please help us, pray for us. God gives you this grace so you can see how we suffer”.

When he finished talking, another priest appeared before me and said, “Valentina, the world is in such a sinful state and living in darkness. God is going to punish the world severely soon and it will be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. We all fear for you. The time is approaching fast. There is nothing left but prayer and conversion for you people on Earth”.

25th December

Lord Jesus said to me today during the Mass in St Raphael’s Church, “Valentina, My child, I want you to praise Me for the King is born today”.
Let us adore Him. He continued, “Over and over I renew My birth in your hearts. Accept Me and love Me in return”.

Then He lamented, and said, “Today in this confused world, you hear all kinds of rumours about Me. The devil, the master of all lies, tries to confuse everyone. You must explain to people when you talk to them. The rumours are false because there is falsehood everywhere. I was born once only and I die once only to save you all and I am in Heaven now. I will come again to the world, but not in the body, but in the Spirit.

I will manifest and dwell in all your hearts if you permit Me for I am preparing a new Kingdom on Earth which will reign soon. My children. Pray and be happy and joyous for what I am about to do. Love Me and praise Me and call Me to come. I the Lord have said the true and Holy Word. Let us adore Him”.

I said, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come to Your Kingdom. We love You and praise You for Your Glory.”

24th December

At home on Christmas Eve. I said, “My Lord, I am wrapping Christmas gifts for my family but I should give You a gift because it is Your birthday after all on the 25th of December.”

Instantly Our Lord answered me and said, “Child, give Me your heart, give Me yourself”.

I replied, “My Lord, it is already Yours”.

He said, “Not only this moment, but forever. I created you all, My children, to be Mine and you should give yourselves to God without any restrictions. This is the best gift you can give Me, to live in My Divine Will. Together with your Saviour who comes to be born and to die for all to save you. Today people are rushing, buying, selling, making money. Not many know what it is all about. They don’t think of My birth and the meaning of Christ-child, the King, born in a little stable in Bethlehem for the poor. I came down from Heaven to redeem you and to take away all your misery because I love the world so much. At least, give Me back My love with gratitude.”

I answered, “Sweet Saviour Jesus, have mercy on me and on the whole world”.

12th December

Jesus said, “My dearest children of My Sacred Heart, I will speak openly to you. Please remember in your daily prayers the aborted children. These little innocent lives have not had a chance to live. They are ripped out of their mother’s womb. Every child has the right to live, but the world becomes so sarcastic and evil, they want to kill everything. What is a human life?

For some, that doesn’t mean much. How sad I am, My people, to see all this. I am your God and creator? I create everything. I create you, my children. Everyone has the right to life and opportunity to come into the world and everyone is gifted with My special gift. Only I know why you are placed here on Earth for these special purposes. Pray to My Divine Mercy that I will be merciful toward all these wrong doings”.

I replied, “Have mercy Lord and forgive us sinners”.

25th November, 2003

During Mass, Our Lord appeared to me and said, “Rejoice and be happy, My child, that you belong to Me, your King of Kings. Praise Me and love Me. Nothing can separate us from one another ever. Oh! That oneness that I desire to be with My children, but tell Me, why do they reject Me when T love everyone so much? I have so much to give. Instead they refuse My love and My graces. The world rejects Me and offends Me. They push Me aside and crucify Me daily.”

“Please console Me, My child, and speak of My infinite love and mercy. Tell them I am willing to forgive when they confess sincerely and that I will embrace each one of My children. Tell them not to be afraid to come freely for 1 suffer for all of you to give you life in Eternity.”

I answered, “Lord, we love you and praise you”.

The Golden Arrow
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most mysterious and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in heaven, on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar.
* Taken from the Pieta Prayer Booklet

25th November, 2003

A vision appeared to me. A beautiful book, closed, with an inscription on it ‘The Word of Truth’. The cover was entirely gold, and the writing in black, and the book was on a stand, approximately 150cm high. There were shafts of light shining on it and a voice said to me, “This is ‘The Book of Truth’”.

28th October

Our Lord Jesus appeared as I was praying this morning to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
He said, “Fear not, my daughter, to tell people in general of My broken Heart that grieves for the world and offends Me greatly. The world is in darkness of sin and greed. The rich and powerful makes their paradise here on earth, while the poor are victims and they can hardly survive. Many die because there is no compassion and kindness to help the needy. Just look at this war in Iraq. Daily, they are killing innocent people. The innocent are suffering and I tell you, there will be no settlement peacefully for not enough people pray for peace.

Here in this country you all live peacefully. Thank God for it, for you don’t know from one day to another what can happen to you all. Don’t store riches on earth, but help others in need and your reward will be great in Heaven. That is where your riches are, with Me. Console My broken Heart, full of love and pity for all of you. My mercy is immeasurably big but so is My Justice. I keep coming to you all through prophets and beg you to change your way of life.

Each country that hears and lives My Holy Word according to My commandments will be spared from catastrophes and My blessing will be poured abundantly. Woe to those who refuse, they shall experience My just hand, which is still My mercy and love to bring you on the right road that leads to Me, the Eternal Truth, Love and Mercy, from age to age, through one God and Father of all creatures. Amen.”

I replied, “Have Mercy, my Father, on all humanity.”

17th October

Our Lord appeared to me while I was saying the Angelus and said, “Valentina, my child, pray very much for My successor, the Pope John Paul, that I placed on the seat of St. Peter. Soon I will take him away. He is getting very tired and weak, but I still prolong and extend the graces for a very good reason and purpose. While he is in charge, you are all safe in your faith. I tell you, his enemies want him to go. My children, the seat of St. Peter will change for the worse. Many things will change in your doctrines within the church. You will all be surprised to see the difference between now and after. They will tell you to accept and go along with all the modem changes. Modernists can hardly wait for this to happen. Pray, pray for him, and remember to stay the way you were taught about your true faith. Trust in your True and One God, the Most Holy Trinity. I bless you, fear not. My children. I will pour many graces on My faithful children, those who listen to My Holy Word. Don’t change. Remain steadfast in your True Faith and Lord Jesus Christ.”

I answered, “Lord, please protect us and strengthen our faith. May Your blessing and peace be upon Pope John Paul”.

7th October, 2003

In a dream, I saw myself in a church with my eldest grandson. The church was packed with people all dressed in white and we were sitting amongst them all. I saw three priests in white vestments. We joined the people to go up to receive Holy Communion.

When my grandson approached the priest, the priest took from the paten a Host, and drew it gently above his eyes from left to right. It left a beautiful white lacy pattern over his eyes, which used up the Host. Then he lifted another Host and said, “Body of Christ”, and placed it on his tongue.

Then I approached the same priest and he did the same thing over my eyes, and I also received Holy Communion. I noticed that my grandson and I were the only ones in the congregation who received this special blessing.

When I returned to my seat, a woman approached me and said, “I can smell a beautiful perfume around you.”

I answered, “Yes, sometimes I notice it myself, too.”

Then she said, “And now that you speak, I can see a golden Host in your mouth that shines out.”

This represents the Grace of God.

29th September

This morning, while praying. Our Blessed Mother appeared with Archangel Michael,
She smiled and said, “Today is the feast of the Archangels that God entrusted to them to give power to help you, children on earth. Invoke always to the Holy Angels. They will guide you and protect you. Thank God for all the Guardian Angels God sends you, to protect you. They are with you constantly.”

Blessed Mother turned to Holy Michael and permitted him to speak. He said, “You people on earth live in total darkness. You would not move or do anything if it was not for me to protect you.”

In a vision he showed me the darkness in the world, which is as total blackness. This means the evil and sin in the world. Then he said, “Tell people to invoke me as often as you can and pray to me. You cannot survive without me. You need my protection. God made me a very powerful warrior Angel. Now I am in a war against darkness and evil, all over the world.”

I replied, “Thankyou, Mary Most Holy. Thankyou Holy Michael the Archangel for your love and protection”.

22nd September

This morning while praying, I made my morning offering. During the previous night, I had been tormented very much by the evil one. I had kept calling to Heaven for help and relief from the endless torment that seemed never ending, but didn’t receive any help. I finished prayers and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast when Our Lord surprised me. Accompanied by two Angels, He embraced me and said, “Come here, my little Jack with straight hair.” He and the Angels started laughing and I laughed too.

Then Our Lord said to the Angels, “See, last night she had all these things in her hair to make her hair curly, but because she was afraid of the devil, her hair is now all straight!”

I said to the Lord, “My Lord, if you had been tormented by the devil as I was. Your hair would be straight also.”

They continued to laugh at all this. Then Our Lord said to me, “My child, I came to guarantee you that he is on one side of the fence and that you are on the other side. I want to assure you that he cannot take you away from Me. I was there watching and will not permit him to harm you. If you only know the suffering you had and the fruits you produce, you would be more than happy. To endure the suffering that I permit, many, many Souls went to Heaven.”

Then my annoyance disappeared, and I prepared breakfast. I said to Our Blessed Mother, “I can’t believe that Our Lord would call me by a nickname.”

She appeared, smiling, and said, “My Son likes to have a little joke with His children to make them aware that He is part of your lives and wants to share everything with His children, even a joke.”

We should always trust Our Lord no matter what comes our way. He is always watching over us. We should not give up easily.


While offering morning prayers, the Angel of the Lord appeared and he said, “I am the Angel of the Lord and I was sent to tell you that you will experience very bad heat waves this summer. Pray through St Ignatius of Loyola so that he can intercede for all of you people to the Most Holy Trinity. Tell people to pray that God in His goodness and mercy will spare you and hear your prayers.”
I answered, “Lord, have mercy on us through St Ignatius of Loyola.”

16th August

Our Lord Jesus appearing sadly, said to me, “Many disasters are happening in the world. I, your Lord, told you long before it happens to pray (to avert it), many disasters are still coming. People are blaming and finding excuses for all this happening. My child, tell them I permit all this to happen. I want people to repent of their sin and come back to me, their God and their Father. The more they deny me, the more they will experience troubles, but you would rather live in sinful pleasures, greed and worship worldly goods, than me, your loving God, who loves you so much. Soon you will come to bend down and ask me to be merciful to you.”

Our Lord looked at me with pity, and continued, “I feel so sorry for you, my faithful remnant and devoted children. You have to suffer and see all this evil that is constantly around you. Be courageous, have faith and trust in me, your Lord Jesus and Saviour. You don’t belong to this world. You all belong to my Heavenly Family. Console me, my children, a little bit longer. My victory will happen soon. Put your full trust in God and in Heaven. We of Heaven all pray for you to endure these chaotic times. I Bless you all, my children, be at peace.”