
31st January

In church at St Patrick’s.

Lord Jesus said to me, “Only through simplicity and humbleness you will win my love, and then I will place you in my Sacred Heart.”

I responded, “My Lord, may I always recognise you in all things and praise you for it. May I always be your little child.”

He said” “Unity, my child, be one with me. Be always thankful for all things. Recognise my hand in everything.”

7th January

I received this message after returning home from a prayer meeting:

Lord Jesus said, “Thankyou My child for giving people hope. You console each one so beautifully. This pleases Me and My Beloved Mother very much. You speak of Us so openly and praise us so beautifully.”

The he looked at me smiling and said, “Oh my child, that oneness, you and Me – how intimate we are, how much I love you, more than you know. You know My child, all those people that you met today, they are of great faith and We love them so much I know each one has suffering and pain. The evil one is so strong and powerful over people, he interferes with families. But to overcome all of these trials they much pray. They must have trust in Me. Try more they have faith and trust in me, the quicker I change things. Valentina, don’t be afraid to speak Our true Holy word to people, so that the light will shine on the earth in this darkness you all live in. they are darker than night, the sins of the world. So corrupt is the world, so full of sin, pride and impurity that offends Me so much. Pray Me children, that My glorious return will happen soon. The more you pray and call Me, the quicker I will come and change the world and the hearts of all people. My blessing will pour on all the faithful. The more you give, the more you receive from Me. I love you. Be at peace.”

I responded, “Thankyou my Lord for all the graces and blessings You give us. We love you too. Come Lord Jesus Christ, come, come to your kingdom.”

3rd January

St. Raphael Slovenian Catholic Church:

The Blessed Mother came to me and said, “My daughter, I want to tell you again and warn you that there will be drastic changes all over the world this year.” She added, “Floods, earthquakes, for instance, … You will experience in the season of full summer that frosty cold weather can appear, or when it’s winter and it’s cold, all of a sudden a warm day. These are signs given to people by God so that they can be converted back to Him, return back to their loving Father.”

I concluded by saying, “Thankyou Holy Mother for Your Holy words, please pray for us.

1st January

St. Raphael Slovenian Church.

The Blessed Mother came to me after Holy Communion and said, “I want to tell you My child, tell my people to pray much more and to do more penance. Oh My children, so little sacrifice and penance is being offered to God. People like to have a good life and all the worldly goods that the devil offers them. He does all this to confuse people and take them away from God.”

Then the Blessed Mother said again, “I try to lead you on the right path, but so few listen. I tell you that God is offended too much. His just hand is lowering down to correct you and this year there will be many catastrophic events happening everywhere throughout the world. God wants his people to bow down and ask for forgiveness of their offences and sins. My daughter, people are blind if they don’t recognise what is happening. Look at this city. All around is catastrophic fire and heat, and you are so restricted of rain. He allows this to happen. People must return and pray and repent. They must realise that God is in charge of all these things and of everything. Tell people that I urge you to pass this message to them and to listen to My word and to take these messages seriously. I am your loving Mother who cares for all my children, but you must listen to me and My Son. Don’t be afraid my child, go tell everyone these warnings. They are not yours, but Ours from heaven. We are with you always to protect you, I bless you and I give you guidance and peace”

I replied, “Thankyou My mother. I will do what You ask of me. I love You.”

29th December

After receiving Holy Communion in St Raphael Slovenian Catholic Church the Blessed Mother appeared to me and said, “Stay with Me, My child, console Me.” She looked so sad. She continued, “Tell my children to do the same. My children, don’t look for entertainment on the last day of this year, but console Us. Contemplate on Jesus, how much He is alone and rejected in the word by humanity. He came from Heaven and was born by Me to give you life and hope for all eternity. I replied, Thank you Blessed Mother for telling me this. Have mercy on us and pray for us.”

28th December

This morning whilst I was praying and offering my prayer to God for everyone, our Father appeared to me and said, “Valentina my daughter I want to tell you about Sydney. I sent fire because they (the people) offend me very much. Tell them to stop offending Me and to me, their God and Father.” Then He added, “If they do not listen to My call then worse is till to come. I will send them a terrible storm with icy rocks that will fall on them.” Our Father then raised His Might Hand and showed me in a vision this terrible storm destroying houses, roofs, and smashing everything. I was frightened and I said, “My Father, You can’t do this, it will destroy our homes. I live alone and I have no one to repair it for me.”

Then God the Father came so close to me and embraced me, smiled and said, “My daughter, don’t be afraid. You have Me, and when you have Me you have everything. Those who trust in me have nothing to fear.” At that moment I felt such comfort and peace coming from Him and I understood that it is true, that if I have my father nothing else matters. Then He added, “Not only will this storm destroy houses but as the rock fall they will also kill people. Tell people that for now My angels are holding back catastrophic storm from happening but when I will permit it they will let go and storm will fall on Sydney. If only people will listen an convert and come back to Me this disaster can be averted.”

God the Father then said, “My daughter, I want you to tell everyone that I their father and creator of everyone to return to me. Tell them that I love them so much, I love my children on earth so very much but they must return and accept Me quickly as their God, Father and Creator before it’s too late. My daughter another thing I want to tell you. When people say ‘mother nature’ causes these disasters (everywhere) they offend Me so much that My Heart is pierced right through like a knife. But I still keep coming back to you that My love is burning for al of you and I beg you like a beggar, come and return to me for I have so much to give.”

I concluded by saying, “Have mercy on us my loving Father and Creator. Have mercy on all your children.”

28th November

Before Holy Communion, I asked Our Lord Jesus, “Please help us, we have no priest today”. I saw Our Lord in a vision and He said, “Trust Me my child, fear not.” Then he smiled and said, “Oh come, oh come to Me and I will refresh you and nourish you with my own Body and Blood”. Then He repeated again, “Oh come, oh come always full of repentance and gratitude for my love, that I give you so freely.”

Our Lord always says, “Be grateful and appreciate the great gifts that I give you”. Later on the same day I had to console a person. Our Lord again spoke to me and said, “Valentina my child duty calls, try and serve Me well. Console my people and give them hope, tell them I know everything and not to be afraid to come to Me and to my beloved Mother for help, and to trust, trust, trust.”

Then sweetly He concluded, “Thank you my child for doing this all in my name. Serve Me well for I love you so much.” I answered, “Thank you my beautiful Lord Jesus Christ. I too love you and Blessed Mother, my Mother.”

15th November

Lord Jesus appeared as King and was very happy. He smiled and said, “My child, glorify your joyous King and praise Me.”

I said, “how happy I am to see you so joyful from the previous day, you were very sad”.

My Lord said, “see, My child, I am not all of sorrow but of joy to and My joy comes to you, to all My children. I pass it to you so you can experience the joy from Me. Everything comes from Me. Thank Me and love Me in return, be appreciative.”

I replied, “thank you Lord Jesus we love You”.

14th November

At 2.45am, our Lord Jesus woke me and said, “Valentina, My child, look at Me. Look how sad I am in the world today. Nobody loves Me.”

Our Lord was standing near the rock where He sweats blood and suffered in the garden of Gethsemane. The garden surrounding Him was dark. Jesus was surrounded by an aura of brilliant golden light, I could make out of the olive trees, which were very big but old and gnarled.

My Lord was very sad and said, “look this is the rock where I suffered and sweated blood for all sinners in the world.”

“You know when I suffered, it was unbearable pain. Everything around Me was mourning for Me.
Even this rock where I knelt and prayed was sorry for Me. The nature, the birds, the trees, the moon and stars mourned with Me and were sorry for Me, except the people. The rock where I sweated was sorry for Me and permitted Me to inscribe these words – “Jesus, I love You,” but humanity had no remorse in them and it is the same today. No one thinks of Me, only a few who really call to Me and say “Jesus, I love You! How sad I am.”

Jesus always laments because humanity offends Him too much and they are ungrateful to Him.
I was so sorry and sad and I cried when I saw how much our Lord suffered.

25th September

Today whilst I was praying Our Lord Jesus said to me, “How sad I am to see all what is happening in the world. So much evil and corruption, pride, impurity and sin that leads the World to destruction. I warn you that you live in a very critical time of war. A horrible war that the whole World can enter into. Not a normal war but a war of deadly and poisonous weapons against humanity. I tell you my child how sad I am for all this.

Right through history men build his weapons. Weapons against one another to kill and destroy. They don’t turn to their God and Creator and ask Him to give them peace. The devil tells them and confuses the nations and the leaders of the world to hate and to kill and to prepare for the worst. Peace in the world cannot come unless I permit it. For this, I want the world to return to Me to their God and Creator before it is too late because humanity leads the way of self destruction. Pray! Pray! Pray for peace, for My intervention so I can stop all this horrible destruction.”

People often ask me what Our Lord is giving me in the messages I receive. So I asked Our Lord, “My Lord, what am I going to say to people when they ask me?”

Then Our Lord said to me, “Valentina, when people ask you what is new. What Our Lord is saying? Tell them I Am very sad for all that is happening and My Sacred Heart bleeds with sorrow. Tell them also to console Me and to do some penance so I can be merciful to all humanity. Be at peace I bless you all in the Name of the Father, and Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

Our Lord Jesus was in tears as He was giving me this message and so sad. I was also crying and I was touched and worried for all that was happening in the world today. I said, “Thankyou my Lord Jesus for warning us and loving us. Have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

18th September

I was telling the Lord, “People phone me and ask me, “What is happening? “What is new?” and to help them to understand and console them with all kinds of problems and to pray for them.”
Our Lord said, “Give, give, give and serve for I am the one who refills and supplies all.”

14th September

Feast of the Holy Cross

Today Our Lord Jesus said, “Only through my cross you can come to me. The way of the cross is the road to Heaven, my children. When your last hour has come for you here on earth, my children, I shall raise you to me in the Most High.” We must have Faith and Trust and follow the way of the cross, and not to despair but always hope in the Lord.

13th September

In the church before Holy Communion. Our Lord said, “When you come to receive me pray;

My Jesus and my Lord. Now that I receive you in the Holy Eucharist nourish me with your Holy Body and purify me with your Precious Blood. Purify me, a poor sinner and I thank you.

Be always grateful and thankful, my children, for I love you.”

6th September

Before receiving Holy Communion, Our Lord Jesus said, “Each time you come to receive Me, Pray;

Lord Jesus, nourish me with Your Holy Body
and purify me with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

This will please Me very much and thank Me always. Be grateful, my children.” He speaks for everyone.


After Mass, I was still kneeling and thanking Our Lord for the Holy grace that we receive during Holy Communion.

Our Lord, as the Divine Infant of Prague, dressed in His red dalmatic and mantle, with white lace collar and cuffs, wearing a gold crown appeared at the Tabernacle and moved to the font at the doorway. There He stopped, and looking very serious.

He turned to me and said, “I want to tell you to tell the Priests that I want to be honoured here in this church and would also like My image to be in a visible place. Where everybody can honour Me and pray to Me. I promise that I will give many graces to the sick and needy. Also, it will be a protection for this place. The more you honour Me, the more I will bless you.”

I replied, “Thankyou Lord, Little Infant King.”