7 July 2023

Say the Fatima Prayer Nine Times

Today during the Cenacle Rosary Prayers, while we were praying the Fatima Pardon Prayer of Reparation, which we repeated three times, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “The Reparation prayer that you pray, it pleases Me very much. Say it nine times.”

In Fatima, the angel who appeared to the children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, called himself “the Angel of Peace” and “the Angel of Portugal.” He taught them the following prayer, The Pardon Prayer:

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee!

I ask pardon for those who do not believe,

do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.

Our Lord asks us to say this prayer of reparation nine times.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for teaching us.

7 July 2023

People are Sleeping in the Darkness of Sin

This morning Blessed Mother said, “How sad I am. People are sleeping in the darkness of sin. How sad is that.”

Blessed Mother tries so hard to warn us and asks people to convert and to pray.

2 July 2023

Receiving Holy Communion Unworthily

During the Holy Mass, after I received Holy Communion and went back to the pew and knelt, I thanked the Lord for coming to me, and I thanked Him for everyone present who did not thank Him, and I asked Him to be merciful to all of us.

Instantly our Lord Jesus answered, “Valentina, My child, I want to confide in you how offended I Am and deeply hurt every time they distribute Me in Holy Communion. My Sacred Body that is given to you all to nourish you, so many people receive Me unrepentant and full of sin, even with Mortal Sin. Nobody confesses, only a handful of people.”

“People think that if they receive Me, I will clean their soul. Oh no, My children, you are wrong.” He said.

“You must confess your sins and plead to Me for forgiveness. You who receive Me without Confession, you harm your own soul as well, and it will do you no good until you confess.”

“Don’t be afraid to come to Me. I will help you and forgive you because I love you, but of course, I blame My shepherds, My priests, because they don’t speak of Confession anymore because they don’t want to offend the people.”

Our Lord Jesus was so sad telling me this and lamenting how hurt He is during the distribution of Holy Communion. Then He said, “Valentina, My child, I will give you My pain that I receive from ungrateful creatures, that pain Me so severely. Accept it with love.”

At that moment, as our Lord said these words, I received the most severe pain in my body. I could not move from my seat. I was paralysed.

I said, “Lord Jesus, I can’t take it anymore.”

Our Lord stood there watching me when He answered, “Endure a few more minutes. Your pain will console Me for all offences I received in the Holy Eucharist. Pray for all of this, and speak to priests. Tell them to remind people to confess and to repent of their sins.”

The pain lasted about five to seven minutes.

I said, “My Lord have mercy on all of us.”

2 July 2023

Adore and Honour My Precious Blood

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said, “Adore My Precious Blood in this month of July, that I spilled on the way to Calvary on the dirty and dusty road of My Execution.”

“If only the evil men knew what they were doing, they would have kneeled and kissed the ground upon which I walked. They would have cried and begged Me for My Mercy. Instead, they ridiculed Me and made fun of Me.”

“So precious is My Blood. Adore and honour My Precious Blood.”

Lord Jesus, cover us with your Precious Blood and protect Us.

29 June 2023

Solemnity of St Peter and Paul

During the Solemnity of the Holy Mass for St Peter and St Paul, I suddenly experienced the presence of St Peter and St Paul.

They both smiled and said, “Our Lord gives us privilege to talk to you. Today you celebrate a very special feast of us, the Apostles, but in Heaven, they give thanksgiving and adoration to our Lord Jesus for choosing us to be His Apostles while we lived on earth.”

“Valentina, you too, be happy and courageous and spread the Holy Word of our Lord Jesus to people.”

They smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid of the devil or of anyone. Jesus is your fortress and protection, and no one can harm you. While we lived on earth, we, too, had fear and persecution. Our lives were always in danger, but our Lord saved us and protected us from all evil.”

“We tried to convert people and speak to them the Holy Word of our Lord Jesus so they could be saved and inherit Eternal Life. Be always grateful for all your graces that our Lord Jesus showers upon you because He chooses you, and He loves you very much. Try to convert people and to share His Holy Word of Repentance and Conversion, so they can be saved and inherit Eternal Life.”

While talking to me, they said, “Valentina, pray for the churches because the churches are very much down now, all over the world.”

They were smiling and standing side by side, dressed in the most beautiful white Apostolic garments over which they wore glimmering stoles. They were all glowing, and many saints surrounded them. It was a huge celebration in Heaven; all glory and thanks go to God.

St Peter and St Paul pray for us and pray for the Holy Apostolic Church.

18 June 2023

Prophecy from 1995 Being Fulfilled Now

During the night, I was suffering a lot for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, when all of a sudden I found myself in Heaven with our Lord Jesus.

I was sitting in front of a raised stand on which sat an ice cream machine. I brought with me folded sheets of paper, which I placed right next to the machine. Some of the Messages I had received from our Lord back in 1995 were written on these sheets of paper.

Behind this machine stood our Lord Jesus, who served ice cream to two ladies, both dressed in white. As they stood there waiting to be served by our Lord, they just kept talking and talking, and talking and talking. Oh my goodness, they never stopped.

I watched as our Lord then served the two ladies, giving each of them a large, very generous scoop of ice cream in a cone. It was like a combination of vanilla and a chocolate flavour. He really piled high the ice cream; it was abundant.

They said, “Oh, thank you! We’ll be back!”

Smiling, our Lord said to them, “Take your time. Lick it slowly!”

I started to laugh as I immediately understood when He said to them to lick it slowly, so they wouldn’t return that quickly.

As the ladies turned around, each one holding their ice cream, a big chunk flew right onto the messages I had put on the stand.

Our Lord smiled and said to me, “It’s something sweet!”

I understood it means His Holy Word is sweet.

Our Lord Jesus blessed the messages, and then said, “Tell people to re-read these messages and refresh their memories. These are all things that have to come to fulfilment.”

“Meditate on this message ( 3-7-1995). The date doesn’t matter because the message is not yet fulfilled, but it is happening. These are the signs of the times that you live in, and they are signs of the End Times. You will experience all of this and all of this has to be fulfilled before My Coming. All this is unfolding now, and it will happen.”

After the two ladies had left, our Lord started laughing. He looked at me and said, “What a chatterbox!”

“Talk, talk, talk! They talk too much!”

He said, “They use their energy; so much talking.”

“That was so funny,” I said.

Then our Lord commented about the people in the world.

He said, “That’s what people in the world do today! They talk and talk and talk and waste their energy instead of praying.”

I understood there is too much talking, especially in the government, the news reporting, and all kinds of commercials. They try to confuse people with all kinds of information, which is rubbish, so that people won’t see the truth. They overload them with rubbish news.

I was quite surprised as I never knew that there would be so much talking in Heaven.

These two souls arrived into Heaven very recently, and our Lord was serving them. He showed me that He is the One who serves everybody, nourishing them with ice cream from Heaven.

However, the souls in Purgatory don’t talk so much because they are suffering and worry about their own salvation.


Message from 3 July 1995 (Re-published as requested by our Lord)

An angel appeared, saying, “Come, I will show what will happen in the very near future. The persecution of the churches.” I was shown three churches. In one church, I saw people waiting for Mass to begin, but as the Mass didn’t start, the people were confused and anxiously conferred with one another. I saw the altar around which six ladies were sitting. A priest was sitting in the midst of them, talking and laughing with them in a light-hearted manner.


I asked the angel, “Who are those ladies?” He answered, “They are the ministers of the Eucharist. They forced themselves into the church long ago. The priests no longer care to do anything anymore in the church and they leave all to these ladies. The devil gives all the power to these ladies.”


The people were in panic. There was no Mass, just a reading, all-sitting down. One of the lady ministers at the altar said, “The Mass is not necessary anymore, nor Holy Communion.” The Tabernacle was completely removed from the church. They continued, “No need to worry about this. Jesus is in your heart; no need to receive Him; that is old-fashioned. We live in the modern world.”


On the altar, I saw a bottle of wine and a Chalice. Without any ceremony, the ladies held out the Chalice and said, “You can still receive the wine if you want to.” But the people didn’t go to receive it. The lady ministers drank the wine themselves while talking and laughing amongst themselves. Among the people, many were crying at what was happening. They started leaving the church empty and unsatisfied. I was taken out of the church and around to the side, where I saw these lady ministers drinking the wine among themselves, making a mockery of Jesus’s Precious Blood. Some they gave to their own friends to take and drink with their meal. I heard them saying, “Why should we give this wine to all of the people when we can drink it all ourselves.”


I cried and cried at what I saw. I said to the angel, “Why does Our Lord allow this to happen? This is the worst thing that can happen.” The angel said to me, “The earth will be dry; there will be no more Eucharist. So will the souls be dry. Go now, receive while you still can. Tell people how precious is the Body of the Lord. Receive Him and appreciate Him while you still can because the time is very near for all these events to happen.”

16 June 2023

Feast of The Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus


Today during the Cenacle Rosary prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “My children, today is the Feast of My Sacred Heart that you all honour. Week by week, you come to pray, and that is the time I look forward to because you come to console My Sacred Heart so beautifully, which the world offends Me so much and rejects Me.”


“Pray for poor sinners of the world so that they convert. Many things are unfolding in front of all of you, and they will happen, and you will not be pleased. But you must remember that I Am always present among you, to protect you and guide you through all the difficult moments. Pray for people and encourage them to turn to prayer.”


Then our Lord was looking at the people present at the prayer group, and He smiled, and He blessed us all, saying, “I bless you all in a very special way on the Feast of My Sacred Heart. Adore and love My Sacred Heart which is full of Love and Mercy.”


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your merciful and loving Heart.

11 June 2023

Corpus Christi – Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus

During the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus said, “Less and less importance they give to My Precious Body and Blood.”

“This should be the most important of all; for what I have done for humanity, when I instituted My Body and Blood, at the Last Supper, before My Passion and Crucifixion, so that I would not leave you alone and abandoned, when I would leave the world. I had done all of that with My Merciful Love.”

But how sad I Am when people receive Me unworthily during the Holy Communion. Some, they approach Me even with mortal sin, and they have no remorse. I tell you, they already put judgement on themselves.”

My Bishops and My Priests don’t speak the truth to people. They keep silent. They should explain to them to confess their sins before they approach Me. So much I Am offended and sacrileged, and that pains My Sacred Heart so deeply.”

“Valentina, My child, don’t be afraid! Speak up My True Holy Word to the people, to the priests and to the bishops. Tell them of My sorrow, of how they offend Me.”

People, we had better repent and confess our sins before we approach our Lord in Holy Communion. In that way, we console our Lord.

Lord, have Mercy on us.

10 June 2023

The Power of Prayer

Today we had a prayer gathering at Ingrid and Wayne’s house. During the Cenacle Rosary Prayers, our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy suddenly appeared.

Blessed Mother Mary said, “This is a continuation of the Cenacle Rosary prayers from yesterday, that you prayed in your Friday prayer group, that you usually do.”

She smiled when she said, “My children, today you have come from different backgrounds and cultures, and you have united together and prayed to us so devoutly. You are very special to me and my Son, and we love you so much.”

Blessed Mother smiled when she said, “Jesus, My Son is smiling upon you all with joy, and He pours over you many blessings because we know that you love us very dearly too.”

Then Blessed Mother spoke about the world, “My children, the world at this stage is very bad and sinful, and it is going to get worse. We need your prayers, for evil is very active now. He tries to cause much damage and destruction everywhere, and for this reason we come to tell you to pray very much now.”

Prayer is very powerful now to blind the devil.”

“But always have hope and trust in my Son Jesus. He is always among you. He gives you a very special blessing, and you also console Him, for the world offends Him and rejects Him so much.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother. We love you. Please protect us and our families and everyone in the world.

9 June 2023

God the Father speaks about the Pride of Humanity

Towards the morning, the angel appeared and directed me to Heaven. Suddenly we found ourselves in Heaven in the presence of God the Father.

He was sitting on a long simple bench. He was wearing a beautiful white tunic. The angel and I approached God the Father.

As we came closer, God the Father said, “My daughter Valentina come and sit next to Me.”

I sat on the bench beside God the Father, to His left. He gently took my hand and held it like a true and caring Father between both His Hands.

He said, “I, your Father, want to talk to you and express My sad feelings about how humanity behaves badly in the world today. They have no morality any more, and it is all wicked and sinful.”

“Humanity is going above Me and controlling everything. I Am under their feet, and they want to achieve everything without MeBut they forget that I Am Almighty God, and I Am controlling everything.”

“No name is above Me. ‘Father Almighty’ means that I Am Big, above everyone and everything. My daughter, pray for this blind humanity, so they will remove their blindness and see the Truth in Me. Without Me, there would be no life and no existence.”

“My children, when you recite the Holy Creed, ‘I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth,’ that tells you who I Am, Big and Almighty.”

“But when humanity will learn and understand who I Am, they will shrink and tremble before Me, in My Presence. My daughter, console Me and pray for this godless humanity. I Am compassionate and merciful and patient.’’

My Father was lamenting how the world denies Him, yet He still wants to save them. So it is our duty to pray for them.

After the angel brought me back home, the angel was sad, and he said, “Valentina, did you see how upset God the Father is? Humanity does not see what they are doing. Soon, if they don’t change, He will punish the world very severely. Proclaim the Holy Word of God and console Him, and explain to people how God Almighty is sad.”

God the Father, have mercy on this sinful humanity.

2 June 2023

The Power of the Prayer of the Holy Rosary

Today during the celebration of the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I want to tell you that the time you are living in is speeding much quicker than ever before, and people are questioning why is it happening like that.”

“I want to explain to you that I, your Lord permit this to happen so you will not suffer so much from this evil that you all experience every day in the world, and this also indicates that My Coming to the world is very near. All this time is now given to humanity to change, and to convert, and to repent.”

“Another good news I want to share with you, My children, is that through your prayers, many things destined to happen won’t happen because I have stopped them and I have removed them.”

Then our Lord smiled and said, “See what prayer can do? It can move the mountains and suspend the wars and many ugly things that evil men were planning to happen.”

“But, My children, it is between you and Me and your prayers that all this happened. But don’t stop praying. Pray the Holy Rosary and encourage others to join you in prayer.”

Our Lord then pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “In this month of June is the special Devotion to My Sacred Heart. Honour My Sacred Heart that is full of Mercy and Love. Praise Me and thank Me for it.”

To adore and honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this is a beautiful prayer to pray to our Lord in the month of June:

All through the Sacred and Eucharistical Heart of Jesus,

All through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

All in union with Saint Joseph,

Jesus and Mary and St Joseph, I love you, save souls,

Save the Consecrated.

Today during the Cenacle prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared in a beautiful white tunic with His Sacred Heart exposed, with His two fingers pointing to His Sacred Heart to show us that His Heart is always full of love and mercy.

He said, “My children, as you gather here every week and offer your prayers so devoutly to Me, I come to tell you, none of you will ever touch Hell. I will make sure of that, and I will protect you.”

Our Lord Jesus is encouraging us to pray the Holy Rosary, which is so essential for this present time in which we live.

Our Lord gives this grace to all His children in prayer groups throughout the world, who pray devoutly and from their hearts. He will protect them, and He gives this beautiful promise to them.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your graces, blessings and protectio

28 May 2023

Pray for America

When I started to pray The Angelus this morning, the Angel appeared and said, “Valentina come with me. Our Lord Jesus wants to reveal to you not-so-very good news.”

Suddenly we found ourselves in an area where there were many houses. We began to pass through these houses, visiting many people. These people were very friendly, and we met even more people as we passed the houses. The Angel said, “These are all good people and prayerful.”

Suddenly another Angel appeared. He said, “Valentina, come with me. I want to show you some writings that our Lord Jesus wants you to see and to be revealed to you.”

We entered a house, and there I noticed a small table. The Angel then brought what looked like a bundle of folded, light bronze-coloured newspapers and placed them on the table.

He said to me, “This is all bad, bad, bad news, nothing good!” The Angel said this to me as he leafed through the newspapers showing me all the headlines.

I could see a very thick underline at the end of many of the messages in these papers, emphasising their importance. Between these messages, I could see a beautiful image of our Lord Jesus dressed in an all-red tunic. Our Lord looked sad. I tried to read what the messages were about, but I could not as the Angel quickly flicked through them.

The Angel said, “Every Commandment of God is broken, like a broken glass.” In a vision, the Angel showed me a broken glass and said, “See this glass, it is broken, and it goes into many pieces, and it cannot be mended any more. This place is doomed. People disobey God and offend Him so much.”

I started to worry, and I asked the Angel, “Where am I? What is the name of this place?”

The Angel answered, “This is America! America!”

I asked him, ‘What am I doing in this place?’

The Angel answered, “This is very serious and sad news. Pray for this nation.”

As we walked out of this house, out in the open, I noticed a beautiful old church to my right, not far from where we were standing. It was very old and made of stone.

I said to the Angel, “These are very nice and friendly people. Before I leave, I will come and say goodbye to these people.”

I asked the Angel, “Are these people alive, or are they souls?”

The Angel answered, “They are real people. They are alive.”

Suddenly a group of angels appeared, about six or seven of them. They were very friendly and said, “Valentina, we are going to teach you how we communicate with people using our hands and not by talking.”

The angels then happily taught me the hand signals they use to communicate with the souls.

After the teaching, I asked the angels, “All is good, but what is the name of this town?”

In one voice, they all answered, “Milwaukee! We are the Angels that protect this place and the people. Pray for them.”

Thank you, Holy Angels. Lord Jesus, have mercy on America.

I am only the messenger of our Lord and delivering this message. Please pray for this nation.

28 May 2023

Pentecost Sunday

Convocation of the Synod

During today’s Holy Mass, during the Bishop’s Homily which was about the Convocation of the Diocesan Synod, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My child Valentina, I want to express My Sorrow on this very special Day of the Holy Spirit. This should be a joyous day—instead, My Heart pains at what I hear.”

What you hear today—the homily from the Bishop, he tries to include branches that do not belong to My Body, that My Father rejected. My Church is the true Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I established through My Apostles in Jerusalem and placed St Peter the Apostle in Rome as My Rock, which is My true Apostolic Church.”

“Listen to what the Bishop is saying but do not agree with it. Remain faithful to your faith that you were taught and brought up with.”

28 May 2023

Prayer Gathering at Joyce’s Home

Today we attended a beautiful prayer gathering at the home of Joyce, where we prayed the Holy Rosary prayers and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I also shared with the group the messages I receive from Heaven.

Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother were very happy with the prayer gathering, and they gave a special blessing to all the people present, and they thanked Joyce for inviting them (Jesus and Mary) to her home so warmly and with an open heart. They love her very much because she is so open and sincere towards them.

I offered all the petitions and prayers of the people present to our Lord. Our Lord immediately answered, “I accept your offering for the people, and I bless them in a very special way.”

Our Lord Jesus blessed all the people present, and that means that they each receive for what they ask, a very special grace.

Our Lord also gave a very special blessing for Joyce for inviting everyone to her home.