20th July, 2007

Today I was invited with my dear friends to one of their homes for prayer and a talk. This family had three beautiful boys aged 12, 16 and 18 years We all prayed and had a religious talk, including the messages. I thanked the Lord in the evening for bringing us together but it was not until the next morning, during prayer, that I had a beautiful vision. It was of the family I had visited the previous night.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “I was sent to you to reveal about the three boys you met last night. I will show you a vision.”

In the vision, I saw in a garden next to the house, three standard roses growing one next to the other. They were green and fresh with large white blooms on the top. Each was covered with a light coloured lamp shade cover. I asked the Angel, “Why are these covers on top of the roses?”

The Angel replied, “They are there to protect the rose blooms. The mother of these three boys has rooted each one deeply into the ground, teaching them of the faith of God. That is why they are so pure and whit, and God is protecting them.”

“Oh!” I said to the Angel, “I had a very beautiful feeling about this family. I know their mother and father, and I am so happy for them.” The Angel was thanking and encouraging the mother for giving such a strong faith to the boys.

Congratulations S You are, in God’s eyes, a true Christian to pass

on the beautiful faith. May God bless you all.

Let this be a good example to all of us, especially young couples. Teach your children from a very young age about their faith and religion to know God and Jesus. Gradually it will stay with them and they won’t forget. I had the feeling that these three boys will grow up to join the Priesthood. I pray for many more in the future. Please teach them to know and love Jesus.

Thankyou Lord, for revealing to us all goodness and graces. We love You, Lord Jesus.

17th July, 2007

This morning, during consecration prayers to the Sacred Heart and the

. Immaculate Heart, thinking of everyone and of every country that came into my mind. I said to my Lord, “I include the whole world to You, my Lord, and may You be blessed, praised and loved by everyone who exists, You are the Lord of lords and Almighty King who 1 adore and love.”

That moment, when I stopped, I felt so very happy. Then in the next instant, mysterious things happened in my room. A horrible freezing wind came. Everything started to fly in the air. I was not able to move, and could only watch what was happening with this monstrous wind.

I could see within the wind, a black shadow, which I understood to be satan. There was a pile of typed messages on my dressing table and I could only watch them being tossed and spinning through the room. These were all our Lord’s words, which anger the evil one very much.,

I called the Blessed Mother over and over, “Blessed Mother, please come,” and I implored Jesus and Holy Archangel Michael to come and help. Nothing seemed to stop the anger and the papers were still flying in the air. I feared for the little statuettes of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that they might be broken, he was furious.

I started pleading Heaven again to help me.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit appeared beside me in the form of a large white dove. He touched me gently on the cheek and stayed with me while the evil one continued raging for a short time longer and gradually peace came into the room.

I was very emotional and thanked our Lord over and over for coming to rescue me. During the storm, I feared that it would go into the rooms of my son and grandson, but our Lord would not permit this to happen.

I went to confession and Mass this day and thanked our Lord again for His protection. It proved beyond doubt that all these messages are genuine and was just another effort by the evil one to destroy them.

Thankyou, Lord Jesus, our Saviour. May Your will be done.

16th July, 2007

Our Blessed Mother appeared with Jesus and St Joseph.

“My child, prepare well from now on until Christmas, The Nativity of Jesus the Saviour.”

“Think what it would be like for all of you, My children, if My Son didn’t come to save you.”

“Ask yourselves and think deeply in your souls how much He loved you, to come to earth and reveal Himself to you.”

“His love never ends just to save you.”

“My children, you must also work hard toward your salvation. Let Me remind you that you are here only for a short time, not forever. The time passes before you so quickly and you are called to go back to God where you belong.”

“Pray, pray. Live simply. That pleases My Son very much.”

“I cannot tell you how much we love you and want to save you from this wicked world.”

13th July, 2007

Our Lady appeared and said, “My daughter, I come to plead again with you, My children, that you are too much preoccupied in your daily lives. You neglect the most important part in your life. Penance, prayer, self sacrifice, all you do in your daily life, remember to offer it up to God the Almighty Father, for the gifts you receive abundantly.”

“Don’t forget to pray for others less fortunate than yourselves in poor places in the world. Disaster hits so many places in the world with severe weather. Floods, hurricanes and many sicknesses.”

“My children, you too will experience many changes in the weather. They will be your warnings. Hot and cold. They will change quickly from one to the other, in an extreme weather pattern.”

Holy Mary looked at me as I said, “Blessed Mother, we will all be sick and we are not strong.”

She smiled at this and said, “These are wake up calls to prayer and to change your lifestyle, My children. God is offended very much. He wishes people to repent of their evil sinful deeds, which cause Him a lot of pain. The quicker people change and see, the better the world will become.”

Thankyou, Blessed Mother, please protect us all. We love You.

3rd July, 2007

While praying in the morning, Our Lord appeared to me and said, “This month is especially consecrated to My Precious Blood.”

“My child, Honour My Precious Blood that I willingly shed during My torture and passion on the way to Calvary. The most painful injury was when I received the lance in My Sacred Heart. It opened like a fountain, first came the water and then the blood to wash away all your sins and iniquities.”

“This repeats from generation to generation so you can be saved. How precious is My Sacred Blood. A drop can save all humanity and the world. If only people knew how to ask for it. My strong love toward you all is so powerful that I refuse nothing when you ask sincerely from your hearts.”

“I cover you with My Precious Blood, then an invisible grace comes above you and I embrace you. It can heal your body and change you interiorly, even your depressed moods which hang over you. It can do any miracle, so powerful is My Precious Blood.”

“Tell people they must honour and trust in Me that I can do anything. Say often:- Jesus, cover me with Your Precious Blood, my family, friends and those who I love.”

“The enemy just flees away, when you call on Me and ask Me to cover you with My Precious Blood.”

“My children, go often to confession. Be clean in your soul so that way the graces can work better. That way I want you all to be safe and protected.”

Our Lord was clothed completely in red during the month of July.

Thankyou, my Lord, have mercy.

15th June, 2007


During morning prayers, I received a vision of the Eternal Father.

I saw an altar covered with a magenta coloured altar cloth. The Eternal Father was surrounded by the Seven Archangels.

He said, “Peace be with you, My daughter. Today is a special day for the Sacred Heart. These days, My daughter, not many people honour the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart is pierced through so many times by blasphemy and sin, I cannot express the pain We feel caused by disobedience and irreverence of people.”

“For instance, you wonder why such a violent storm should hit you. People don’t see to convert and change, but they continue to offend Me and ignore My warnings.”

He looked at me and said, “The storm you went through is nothing compared to the disasters which are upon you. There will be severe hurricanes, which you have never experienced before, but also earthquakes which will hit many parts of this land. You will know by the warnings of the little creatures which will let you know this disaster will happen.”

In a vision, I saw many little animals, rodents, cats, dogs and birds running in the same direction. I understood that God looks after them and leads them to a safer place. Also, I saw light poles collapsing and huge cracks appearing in the earth.

God the Father said to me, “I am very serious about all of this which I am telling you. Unless you pray very much and convert, I can be merciful and avert this horrible punishment which hangs over you.”

An Angel remained with me after the Eternal Father left me.

He said, “Write down what has been revealed to you and take seriously the Holy Words of God, because He has chosen you to be His prophet, you must write and warn people.”

During Mass today, the presiding Priest prayed, “Be merciful O Lord, for we have sinned against You.” At that instant, I saw a light appear over the crucifix in the church, which I understood as a confirmation of all that I had received.

24th May, 2007


While praying the Angelus early morning our Blessed Mother appeared. She greeted me saying, “Praised be Jesus, praised be Lord for ever.”

Her face was very sad and She was clothed in grey. (Grey represents sadness)

She said, “My children, I come to plead with you again to help Me, to sacrifice with your prayers for so much suffering, especially in the Middle East, amongst My children. Their cry comes all the way to Heaven, to Me and My Son. How sorrowful is My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son to see all My children scattered and persecuted, living in fear, hungry and thirsty. They don’t know from day to day what may happen to them. There is so much hatred between one nation and another.”

“Instead of living in peace with one another they think that each is better than the other and they hate continually with no solution for peace. This is a dangerous situation for it can spread into other nations.”

“Today, I represent Myself as Mother of all Christians the way you honour Me, but I don’t only represent Christians but all God’s children on em1h. For that reason I suffer because they don’t respond to Me. They hate continually so I ask you, My faithful children, to pray for them.”

Holy Mary then spoke to me, “I find a little consolation trusting in you that you will spread My words to others, hoping they will respond with their prayers.”

Let us console our Mother so that peace will be achieved soon in the Middle East.

14th May, 2007

This morning when I prayed, I had a vision of God the Father from Heaven.

He said, “My daughter, looking at the world, it is so bad and sinful. I am sorry for you, My children, that you are going through such atrocity. I feel sad for you all. I can no longer watch it. It so deeply offends Me. I also am sorry.”

“I Myself join with Heaven in prayer to help you with your prayers so 1 can quickly rescue you from this wicked world.”

“Pray, My children, for your sins to be forgiven. Pray for others, for their sin and wrongdoing, so I can bring peace to all the world and to spread like a heavenly dew that will be given to all of you.”

I was very surprised when God the Father said He would join Heaven in prayer. As a priest prays with us in church we feel good.

It must be very bad here on earth for God Himself to speed the time to bring peace to all humanity.

His prayers are powerful and it is so nice to have a beautiful and good Father who cares for us. He is so merciful.

Thankyou my Father for loving us so much.

13th May, 2007

Holy Mary appeared and said to me, “Thankyou, My child, for taking seriously this message I gave you for rain, spreading it to many parts of Australia.”

“I give you good news. When the message is spread all over, God the Father will give you abundant rain.”

Thankyou Blessed Mother.

11th May, 2007

Our Lord Jesus appeared as a little boy, all dressed in a white tunic. He looked very serious.

I saw, from His Sacred body, a lot of crystal clear water gush out, running and forming a pool. I wondered what all this means. I asked Him, “Are there going to be floods?”

He answered, “My child, I am the living water. Whenever the water gushes out of My Holy body, it is a symbol of life given to a soul and cleanses them of sin and gives them a life in eternity. What is not possible for a human to understand is possible for Me, to wash you of all your stains which accumulate during all your life.”

“Tell people of these great wonders that I do. All is possible for Me. I am the living water. The stream is gushing from a deep well like a river over all.”

“From My Cross an agonising sight that I receive, how painful it was. First burst the water, symbol of cleansing and washing of sins. Then the Precious Blood gushed, a symbol of life giving. One without the other cannot work.”

“Tell people not to be afraid to come and approach Me. I am gentle and kind. Tell them to come and repent. Nothing is impossible, even for the greatest sinner when he asks Me. I will wash him and forgive him, restoring to a new life and put a joy into his heart. He will then praise Me and love Me forever, and he will say, ‘How great You are, my God and my Lord.”,

3rd May, 2007

In a prayer, My Lord Jesus appeared to me saying, “Peace be with you, My child.”

“Many problems are standing in the world today and people try to solve them but they will never come to the right answer.”

“They say, ‘Our generation was much better than this one. This generation is the worst,’ and they even condemn the young people, how badly they behave. Nobody says, ‘did we teach our children how to behave and teach them of God’s law and tell them how much He loves them?’”

Our Lord then said, “I cannot congratulate you, because none of you are better, one from another. I would rather condemn you for not giving them guidance throughout their lives. I can only tell you how much all this wrong doing grieves My Heart with human, sinful deeds with no regret or remorse.”

“I wait and wait patiently for them to respond and convert to My love. Even in My churches they are like market place, no longer Holy. This offends Me so much.”

Lord have mercy.

29th April, 2007

In a church, after receiving Holy Communion, our Lord spoke to me.

“Many people are living in the world but they are more dead than alive (spiritually), cold like a corpse, lying on the ground. They need My warmth to bring them back to life. Only I, your God, can give them life and restore their life and energy. They are hungry and thirsty for My love but they cannot find Me, their worldly goods blinds them and takes them away.”

“Valentina, bring them to the light of My love and truth. Speak of My infinite love and mercy, how much I desire to give them abundantly so I can bring everyone to My Father.”

He smiled, for He knew of something I had neglected to do and I felt guilty but I asked Him to be merciful to me.

He responded, “I know all your faults and weakness. Hide under My mantle and I will plead to the Father, then My Father will see only Me and He will forgive.”

Thankyou, Lord Jesus, for being so kind and merciful to us, Your children.

12TH APRIL, 2007

Our Lord Jesus said, this morning when 1 was praying, “Argument and jealousy among the leaders of the world brings nothing but hate and conflict. Many times this builds and leads to war. The devil puts in a spark to start a fire and quickly spreads everywhere.”

“Never before in history was there so many wars as in this last century. So many innocent lives die prematurely because of human error.”

“I tell you, the leaders of all nations will be given an account of supreme judgement for all their guilt and wrong doing. No one can say, ‘I am right and he is wrong’. There will be no excuse. I, your Lord, am the only one Who stands for the truth.”

“The only way you can stop all this is through prayer. When will you realise that only prayer will stop all this evil doing so that peace will be achieved?”

16th MARCH, 2007

In St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. I was thanking and praising Jesus after receiving Holy Communion.

Our Lord spoke, “My child, these days I am more and more offended in the churches. The lay people distribute Me all the time in Holy Communion to one another. They have no idea how sacred is My Holy Body. Everyone is touching Me. They have no reverence for Me. Please console Me for this irreverence toward Me.”

He looked at me and said, “This is a new order that they have in the church. My church is placed on a strong foundation, but those who serve Me are disobedient toward My law and the devil is very pleased to destroy all these things. My children, have hope and be joyous. In the not too distant future My churches shall be rebuilt and renewed.”

“Everyone will live in My divine will and will obey Me, and I, as their Lord and King, shall live in My churches and guide My shepherds and My flock. They will understand that it is the proper way, the right way and the Holy way. People will praise Me and love Me night and day for doing all this.”

“Valentina, do you know that I am very eagerly awaiting for the day to come? I can tell you, it is such a joy in My Sacred Heart. That is not too distant, the day of My Reign and coming. For this, I promise you to come soon.”

“Everybody will be happy and will love Me. My love is strong and will live in the hearts of all My children on earth. Peace and tranquillity as well. No one will ever be hungry again. Everyone will receive the same share. No more greed in possessing for some. Everyone will have the same. I shall destroy evil for good.”

These are very strong and hopeful words from our Lord. He cannot bear injustice.

Thankyou, sweet Jesus, please come soon. We love You. Come Lord Jesus.

13th MARCH, 2007

Holy Mary spoke. “My children, My Son came to sacrifice His life and die and be resurrected in order to open Heaven to you all. Without that, you would not be forgiven. Love Him and thank Him every day. Think of His Passion and how much He suffered.”

Mary Most Holy reminds us to always think of Jesus and His suffering for us.