1st JANUARY, 2006

Our Lord Jesus said, “Why am I so slow to approach you, My children? Because I respect your freedom which you all inherited from My Father and Creator. He created everything for you, My children, so you can enjoy life on earth fully but not to destroy it. His creation is perfect because God is perfect.”


St Raphael’s Church, Merrylands

(message not previously published)

Today I was going to Mass (Thursday). The Rosary is prayed before Holy Mass at 10.30am.

Usually I take the bus at 10am but that morning the bus did not arrive.

I looked up to Heaven and prayed, “Lord Jesus, please send at least a taxi, otherwise I will really be late.”

I was still looking up, when suddenly a beautiful white car did a u-turn right in front of me. I looked at the driver who said to me, “A call came through to pick up a lady in front of Merrylands High School to take her to church.”

I said, “I didn’t call anybody.” I forgot all about my prayer asking for help. The driver said, “Well, I was sent here to pick you up.”

I was thankful because I didn’t want to miss Holy Mass.

He opened the door and said, “Come on, come in, otherwise you are going to be late.”

The moment I got in the car I saw the driver was wearing a white suit and white shirt. His complexion was olive, dark hair cut short. He was very handsome.”

He asked me, “Did you ever hear of John the Baptist?”

I answered, “Oh yes, I know all about him through learning the Gospel.”

Then he started telling me to prepare the way for Jesus to come. He said, “Make the road pure and clean because the Lord will be coming very soon. You, yourself will have to proclaim this, to tell people to repent of their sins.”

He said, “Make the road straight and clean for the Lord to come!

Next minute, we arrived at St Raphael’s Church. I noticed there was no taxi meter in the car.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he replied, “Just proclaim the Word of God to people and may God bless you.”

I said, “and you too, and thank you.”

I stepped out of the car, thinking, “This is not normal, I am going to keep an eye on him to see which way he goes.”

The car did another u-turn and stopped for an instant. I looked down, putting my wallet into my bag. When I looked up the car was gone. I felt the car had just ascended and disappeared into thin air.

I then knew that this car was not from this world.

After Holy Mass, I told Father Valerian all that happened to me. He said, “Oh this was a miracle! This was probably John the Baptist. We do not know how he looked when he was on earth.”

I say to people when you are in trouble, look up to Heaven and pray and Jesus will help you.

Thank you Lord Jesus for all the Graces and Blessings you have given us.


25th DECEMBER, 2005


During Mass in St Margaret Mary’s Church, Merrylands. Our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “Valentina, My child, tell people that I came to you and I want to be born again. I was born once and I died once. I want to do it all over again, but I cannot do this any more.”

“I will come to you in My second coming, in the Spirit. This will transform you so strongly, you will not be able to refuse Me. Then people finally will come to recognise Me and love Me. This is the way it should have been the first time, but people grew weary and cold towards Me. They shut their hearts to Me but open their hearts to worldly things. They keep denying Me more and more, their true God, Who is Life and Love.”

“Now more than ever, you need Me. So I can save you from all your sinful and corrupt activities which you accumulate into a dirty, black mud into which you slowly all sink.”

“St John the Baptist was calling in the wilderness for My coming and preparing the way for all to be converted from all sinfulness that they have committed. He was baptising them with water but I will not baptise with water. I shall send a fire that will purify you and cleanse you from all evil which is in you all.”

“This Christmas I want you to prepare well your souls and be ready because you never know when I will send this great fire, and it will come suddenly. Go to reconciliation often and be in a state of grace. Then you will have nothing to fear.”

Lord have mercy on us, and grant us the grace to understand.

4th DECEMBER, 2005

During Holy Communion, I saw in a vision above the Altar, a huge white lotus blossom which was closed. Gradually it started to open petal by petal and appeared to become bigger and bigger, until finally all petals were spread.

Within the beautiful flower was baby Jesus smiling and He said, “I am coming to you from the very purest flower. Immaculate. We are the whitest and purest, Holy without stain. Love Us and appreciate Us.”

This vision impressed me so deeply that I cried with joy.

Thankyou, Baby Jesus, thankyou Blessed Mother, for loving us and coming to us in Holy Communion.

2nd December, 2005

Friday. After receiving Holy Communion, I was offering thanksgiving to Our Lord. I had offered the Mass for Van Nguyen who had been executed this morning in Singapore.

Our Lord was very pleased that I had done this. Then He spoke, while holding His Holy hand on His Heart, “My Sacred Heart suffers pain to see so much injustice in the world and suffering among people. These people are so hard hearted. Living on this planet they have no remorse or feeling (no soul). They are very well dressed in their suits and ties, walking in the streets, ruling governments and nations, but in their souls lives the devil who only thinks how to kill and destroy everyone. People are pleading to stop, but there is no mercy or compassion to their hearts. So cruel is this humanity, they pretend they don’t hear or see, they block their minds to the truth.”

“I just wanted to tell you, be strong in your faith. This news which you hear and experience makes you sad and depressed but lose no hope. I am with you to protect you and give you strength to go through this tribulation. Pray and trust Me, it is the only way to bring peace.”

“I love you, My children, and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.”

Our Lord Jesus was sad, I could see tears in His eyes as He departed. Before He departed I said, “My Lord, I am so afraid and sad to see all that we experience.”

He responded, “Be courageous and give courage to others. I love you, My child.” I said, “I love you too, my Lord. Have mercy on us. Thankyou for Your Holy Word.”

30th November, 2005

At home. Our Lord said, “Your weather pattern changes this season. There will be drastic heat with severe storms and cyclones in this country of Australia. Pray, My children, for so many offences, which offend Me gravely. I permit all this to happen. People must wake up and see that God is in charge of all creation, not man.”

Have mercy on us, Lord.

29th November, 2005

“My child, tell My people that I truly wish and desire preparation for My coming to you all, in this Holy Christmas to welcome Me in their hearts. Not only to rush, buying and storing goods for their bodies. They must nourish their spiritual lives which will benefit them and one day reward them. These days many people have no meaning that I, their Saviour, came among men to bring good news to the poor and to live as God Emmanuel, to save you all and redeem you. There should be a joyous feeling in your hearts.”

“Sing to your King, sing and praise Him for His coming and be happy.”
Our Lord lamented and said, “I am so sad to see the world in so much corruption and hate and egoism. They sink into a mire of darkness more and more as the years go by. When will it all end? You are closer and closer to the chastisement which is upon you.”

Our Lord departed in silence. I said, “Dearest Lord Jesus, have mercy on Your people.”

27th November, 2005


In church, at Michael’s, Nelsons Bay. Lord Jesus spoke to me when I offered everyone to Him. He smiled and said, “My child, today I want you to praise Me and love Me. Love Me for all those who abandon Me. Don’t beg Me for others for I know all the miseries and sufferings of the world. Today, not many of My children think of Me. They are self centred but I still love you all, My children.”

“Your King likes to be joyous and happy too. He likes to hear His children, to hear them recognising Him and loving Him.”

“My children, when you praise Me and tell Me you love Me, you have no idea how that pleases Me. Continuously you would sing a beautiful song of praise, and thank Me for all I do and love you.”

We praise You, and love You, Lord Jesus.

15th November, 2005

In St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Our Lord appeared during Thanksgiving after Mass. He said, “Here and everywhere I am very much abused in a sacrilegious communion. I am mocked with My Precious Blood, I want to explain to you. At My Last Supper, I instituted the Eucharist and made all in one (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) and this carries on today, unchangeable and will remain forever.”

“Valentina, lead My sheep under My Holy Cross. Encourage them to come often to reconciliation and confession. It is very important to be reconciled before approaching Me in the Holy Communion.”

“Tell them not to be afraid to approach Me, for I am a merciful God and I love each one of you. I will help them when they ask Me. I wish My Bishops and priests would speak more openly to people.” (about these matters)

“Valentina, when you distribute these messages which I dictate to you, people say, ‘Oh yes. But all what you say has not happened.’ Tell people not to live in curiosity but to live the message I am giving, to take My word seriously. Many messages are continuously unfolding throughout the world and will persistently happen. You are never ready, My children.”

Our Lord and His Holy Mother have always urged us to remain in a state of grace. This is why He said, ‘Lead them under My Holy Cross’. We should always attend confession as often as possible. Lord, be merciful to us sinners.

11th November, 2005

Today I had a vision of our beloved Mother Mary, looking very sad. She was weeping.

She said, “My daughter, you can tell people that I am crying for this country of Australia. Here in this nation, I am very little known or recognised by the church. I have been sent to the world for many years. I try very hard to bring My children back to God and the faith. In many parts of the world, they hear My voice. They obey and convert to My message and they speak of Me in the church, as Mother of God.”

Weeping very much, she said, “In this nation, My voice is not heard. Bishops and priests remain silent and I keep suffering and I keep swallowing their pride. By being silent, My children, the sin increases everywhere. I am sorry to tell you, this nation is the most sinful in God’s eyes.”

“I can no longer swallow the pride of these Bishops and priests. Enough is enough. My children, pray, pray, pray for God’s mercy.”

I then consoled our Heavenly Mother, for the sorrow and tears were pouring out of Her. I said, “Blessed Mother, I will always help you and do my best to do what you tell me to do. I will obey our Lord Jesus and You even if I have to die for it.”

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us.

1st November, 2005

After waking, I wondered if I could make it in time to my local church for the Mass of All Saints. I said to the Lord, “Please help me.”

Our Lord answered, “Where there is the will, there is the way, My child. Don’t ever think of Me that I am far away from you. I am always near to help you, to guide you and to lead you and teach you. If you decide on your own, you will stumble and fall. Remember, we are one. That way, you must always think of Me, not of yourself but if you doubt Me you will pain My Heart very deeply.” (I felt pain in my heart when He said this and I became emotional.)

“My Saints in Heaven, when living on earth, always tried very hard to please Me and to suffer for Me just to console Me. They say, they never do enough for My glory.”

“My children, meditate on My Saints and walk in their footsteps so you too will rejoice with Me in Heaven one day, among all the Heavenly beings and be part of My Fatherly family. Live in My will, not in attachment to the world. That is all false which the devil promises. My children, live in My love like My Mother did. She blocked all worldly things away. Let us adore My Mother too. She strives so hard for all of you to lead you to Me because she loves you so much.”

“Pray for others too so they can share in and understand the intimacy of our love. That way, the world will be better soon. Love, love, love. That is what it is all about, to share in an intimate relationship with your God.”

“I bless you, My children, on this very special day of All Saints.”

When Our Lord was speaking to me. I was so touched by His deep words. See how much He loves us. He suffers when we don’t turn to Him.

Lord, have mercy on us when we lose confidence in turning to You. Blessed Mother, pray for us. We love you.

Some people may question the statement – ‘Let us adore My Mother too’. Thus an explanation is given. Our Lord, Jesus is inviting us joined to himself to adore Blessed Mother as our Mother because She has done so much for us She works so hard to bring us close to Jesus. What is wrong with that? To adore Her as our eternal Maternal Blessed Mother. Our Lord Himself said, “there is nothing wrong to adore My Mother, my Children”. Do not fear that you might offend God, because He Himself invites us together with Him to love our Blessed Mother. We are not adoring Her as God, but as Blessed Mother of Jesus and us.

25th October, 2005

In the morning during morning prayers an Angel appeared and He said, “My Lord Jesus sent me to reveal things to you which will happen soon. The weather pattern is now very changeable and it will become worse as the years go by. There will be unbearable heat.”

He showed me in a vision rocks, steaming from the heat. Railway lines buckling, chains anchored to rocks expanding and bursting away from the mooring. I also saw little ducks flying through the air becoming scorched and their feathers blackened and incinerated, then falling to earth charred and dead.
I mentioned to the Angel, “How about little children? They like to run in bare feet.”

The Angel answered, “Oh no, they would get instantly burnt. The only safe shelter is to stay indoors or go underground, for your protection. There will be people fishing in their boats, staying close to the water to keep cool. While they are fishing, they will notice an army approaching in ships. They will come from the east and there will be a horrible battle. This will be the last battle which is foretold and this will be Armageddon.”

“I will tell you why all this is happening. Your earth where you live is saturated with blood, hate for so many innocent souls who have lost their lives over the centuries. Also it is polluted with sin and corruption. Mankind is ruining the world and this is why you will experience these things. Tell people to repent and pray and stop offending God for He is already offended too much. This is already written in Holy Scripture.”

He said before leaving, “As for you, Valentina, pray and do reparation to console Our Lord.” I asked him, “When will all this happen?” But he would not answer. I quickly ran to Almighty God in prayer and offered all that I had just experienced. I said, “Have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

23rd October, 2005

In St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. I thanked the Lord for making it possible for the procession of the Holy Eucharist to be held through the streets of Sydney.

In the church, Our Lord Jesus said, “My children, you were called here from all parts of the country to walk with Me and to honour Me as your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You walk with Me in the hill of your faith and sacrifice. Also, pray for the city. Here I am offended very much in shameful and sinful places, which grieve Me so much. Beg Me to be merciful, My faithful remnant.”

“It is through you, My faithful remnant, that I bless today everyone, ever those who offend Me. When I see so many of My faithful, I am overwhelmed with joy. Together we shall dwell in the house of My Father for ever with those who love Me.”

“My children, pray for those who offend Me. Trust only Me. How wonderful it is to love Me. This is your test in faith for deliverance will soon come. Go, and sing from the top of the roof that My coming is near.”

The Angel present told me, “This is all written in Holy Scripture. Sing and praise the Lord, you people.”

Lord, may You be praised and blessed for ever

19th October, 2005

After receiving Holy Communion, during thanksgiving prayers I was praising God and asked Him to have mercy on me, a little sinner, for I had missed daily Mass owing to my feeling depressed and unwell. I had been sick and ached all over, especially around my back and ribs.

Our Lord spoke to me, “My child, for the past week you have had much to suffer, for I permitted this for many souls who have died in disasters lately. I permitted you to be sick and even tormented by the evil one to save them. Valentina, you would be very happy to see how many you have saved.”

Our Lord was smiling and looked very pleased. “I tell you, these disasters will continuously come very often. Many people will lose their lives unexpectedly. Also, the sickness and disease will kill many. Tell people to turn away from sin and change their lives. You are never ready when this happens. This was foretold in Sacred Scripture and warnings from prophets but people ignore them completely. Soon, people will envy those who are dead.”

“I don’t want to panic you, My children. I rather people will come to know Me and love Me instead of offending Me. My Heart is deeply wounded and suffering from offences received from the world. Only very few of My chosen people console Me. So sad is your Lord to see humanity sinking into the darkness instead of coming to the light and truth. Tell My children to pray and do some penance. I am worthy of your little sacrifices that you offer Me. I suffer so much for all to save you and I still love you in return.”

Then He said, “Speak of My infinite love which I am giving you. I am an ocean of mercy. Do not be afraid to approach Me. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

28th September, 2005

In St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, after receiving Holy Communion, during thanksgiving prayers I had a vision of a bull, just the head and neck, of a silvery grey colour with soft brown eyes. Suddenly the vision expanded and a man appeared beside the bull. He was clothed in a white robe, with a soft green mantle over one shoulder and held across his chest over his arm. He had dark brown hair, reaching just below his ears in a soft wave. He had brown eyes.
He gazed at me, then smiled and said, “I am St Luke, an apostle of Jesus Christ. You have the great privilege to meet me today. While living on earth, I was a great philosopher. The Lord Jesus chose me to study and write the Gospel of St Luke, so that people can learn and read right through history and it will pass on from generation to generation.”
“Valentina, don’t be discouraged when people will put you down. Spread the true word of God to people. We of Heaven see everything and we know everything, what the future holds for all of you. Tell people to listen and to pray because sin offends God so much. So sinful is the world, that God permits punishment to fall on humanity to correct mankind.”
“Valentina, read the Gospels and the Scripture everyday. You will see how much you will be nourished by this. Also, tell others to do the same.”
“I also want to tell you to be courageous and warn you that you have many enemies around you. Be more careful and trust only in the Lord. We of Heaven pray for you, for your strength and protection.”
He smiled and then departed. I said, “Thankyou, St Luke, please pray for us.