
20th October

After receiving Holy Communion, I thanked the Lord. Our Lord Jesus then said, “The greatest gift that I have ever given you, is the Eucharist to nourish you with my own body and blood. Appreciate and be grateful and thank me always. Come to receive Me. He then said, “Come to receive me freely, but worthily. Examine your conscience and say: What would my Lord say when I approach Him? Would he be pleased with me or sad? Admit my children that you are all sinners and full of faults and pride. This doesn’t permit you to admit of your nothingness in my eyes.”

I replied, “Lord, help me to recognise my faults an be merciful to us all.”

13th October

Our Lord Jesus came to me as the Good Shepherd in this vision I saw the Lord among thousands of people, holding a little lamb.

He said, “See my child, I am still searching in the world today for the lost sheep. May don’t know me and cannot hear my voice or my call. Help me to find them. Bring them to me, so I can protect them and put them in the garden of My Sacred Heart, and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, so that they can be safe an protected.” Then he added, “Before I judge the world, they must know me as the Lord of all Humanity. I bless you, be at peace.”

I answered, “I love you, Lord Jesus.”

12th October

Our Lord Jesus said today, “Tell people of this country, Australia, that you have already experienced some disasters of fire and wind that has destroyed many homes. That was a warning to you all, but there is still more to come. In the coming months of summer their will be scorching heat, it will be so hot with droughts that you will not be able to cope. People will even die from such high temperatures that will be reached. I your Lord feel sorry for you. See My child how I beg always and warn people to recognise that the times you all live in are full of evil doings everywhere, I beg you to God, who loves you so much, but you all ignore my pleads. Mankind must realise that they must return to me and beg me for mercy.”

I replied, “Have mercy on me Lord Jesus.”

2nd September

I was returning from meeting with people when our Lord was happy and said, “My child, you are my feet and my voice. Continue My work that I entrust with you with.”

I responded, “Thankyou my Lord, my teacher and my God. I love you.”

29th August

The Lord Jesus said, “People wonder why all these weather disasters happen. My child, it is for a very good reason that they are happening. Man must realise that God is in charge of all and that they must return to love God and to return to seek His pardon and mercy before it is too late. Humanity offends God too much. These disasters will continue until mankind wakes up and stops offending Him.”

Jesus continued, “Your homeland Slovenia will also experience these disasters. Pray, repent convert. Come, I am your God and creator of all the universe. I love you all. Come to me, I am the living water that gives you life and I Myself will wash and cleanse you to be pure. Only in Me you will find true life and happiness.”

When we repent our Lord purifies and cleanses us because we confess our sins and He will give us the grace to love Him and to be united with Him. I concluded by saying, “Lord I thankyou for your constant warnings. Please have mercy on us all your children.”

14th August

God the Father said to me today when I prayed, “My daughter, We of Heaven tell you an always warn people of the world in advance the things that will happen. We give people a chance to come to God, to love Him and not to offend Him.

Look My child, haven’t I always begged My children to return to me. But they ignore my call that I speak through simple souls. They ridicule and persecute them. How sad that makes me and all of Heaven is sad (for God the Father). The Mother of My beloved Son is sent constantly to warn of you of dangerous times that you will live in and experience. The threat of horrific wars is upon you. They threaten the human life that is a gift from Me, your loving father. Only I have the right to take it, not the evil one to destroy it.

I have been so humiliated that I cry with sorrow. Where are you all heading? To self-destruction, corruption, so much sin. It is on a open scale no. My children, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT (My Father said as He was looking at me very sadly). My children, recognise that I am the Father of all love and that I love you very much. Recognise the times the times that you live in are full of troubles. The time that you live in has been given an extra time of my mercy to change your way of life and live in My love and not in sin.

I am waiting to embrace you all. The smoke of sin is so thick that it is reaching all the way to Heaven. Listen to My word and obey it. I will pour abundant graces and mercy on all of you. Don’t be afraid to come to me. I love you so much. Pray, repent and return to me. Come to me, I am the living waters so that I can give you life in abundance. I myself will wash you and cleanse you so that you will be pure. Only in Me will you find true life and happiness. So many people wonder why all these disasters are happening everywhere. People have been warned before in previous messages but they don’t take any notice.”

I responded, “Thankyou God the Father for you constant warnings, love and patience. Have mercy on us all your children.”

12th August

Our Lord appeared to me as The Good Shepherd. He then said to me, as he was smiling “Valentina My child, lead all my sheep to Me. I know all My sheep but some don’t hear My voice and some are to stubborn to come to Me. I am so sad when they reject Me. I love the al. Even if one comes back, I am o happy. The whole of Heaven is rejoicing. Of cause, all the glory goes to Me, your Lord and your God.”

I was thinking, my Lord, but they don’t listen. Jesus smiled at me knowing what I was thinking. So I said to Him, “Lord, would it help if I offer the whole world to you in sprit?” He replied, “Yes, my child, do that often and pray for all to return to Me. Many don’t know Me at all because they are not taught.”

Our Lord continued, “Life on earth is very short and passes very quickly before you all. Many die without even knowing Me. How sad it makes Me to see all this. These are the lost sheep that go astray, the ones that don’t know Me. My child speak to people to come to me, to turn before it is too late. Many catastrophic events are happening all over the world and many people will die in them.”

Our Lord was looking at me and said that he does not want to put fear in to us but he wants us to be ready for Him, to know his and to love Him.

He then said, “Be at peace. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

I responded, “Thankyou Lord, The Good Shepherd. Have mercy on us and watch over us you’re little lambs.

5th August

In Church after Holy Communion:

After leaving a few minutes I sat up our Lord quickly reminded me and said, “Kneel down My child, you are still in My Holy presence and thank Me my child for everyone as so many receive Me unworthily in Holy communion. Some never confess and receive Me in mortal sin.”

As I was kneeling I was looking at the Tabernacle and I saw a vision of a Heavenly garden and two angels kneeling on either side. The angels moved aside and our Lord Himself appeared and kneeled down I was thinking it is truly God who lives in the Tabernacle and is alive. Jesus said to me. “My child, Do you really believe that I live in the Heavenly Tabernacle only because you can see me?” I replied, “Oh, no my Lord, I really truly believe that you were present in the Holy tabernacle.”

Jesus said, “You are truly blessed because you believe in the Holy Tabernacle, How sad I am for those who don’t believe in My true presence any more.”

I concluded by saying, “Have mercy my Lord, have mercy.”

4th August

Our Lord Jesus said to me, “Peace be with you, My child. Be at peace even when you see things that are not right.” (He was talking about things that are wrong in the Church).

He continued by saying, “I am persecuted in nearly every Church now. How sad that makes Me. (He was very sad and lamenting). My Holy presence has been moved away from the centre of the Church. It seems that they cannot stand my Holy presence any more. In the Churches it is becoming more Protestant. Priests don’t seem to care much any more. They are teaching people to receive Me t in the hand instead of on the tongue, because My children, your hands are not consecrated. Only priests hands are.

The laws have been changed to suit man but My law remains always. The ladies are so proud to be My ministers of the Eucharist. Oh, My child, how offended I am everyday. Soon it will all be taken away from you because you don’t appreciate Me and disobey Me. Then they will know that I the Lord have done that. Pray for priests and bishops because they are so confused.”

I responded, “Have mercy my Lord Jesus.”


At Holy Hour, Adoration.

Our Lord said, “My child, all night I was waiting for you to come to me. I’m always waiting for you my children. So seldom you think of Me and visit Me. How sad I am.” I replied, “Have mercy on me my Lord.”

24th July

Early in the morning while I was praying, the Holy Family appeared to me. The Blessed Mother with the Infant Jesus and St. Joseph.

Our Blessed Mother was smiling as she said, “My Son knows how much you love Him, that is why He wants to come to you as a little baby.”

Blessed Mother let me nurse the Holy Child. He was so happy. Then, as at other times. He surprised me. He started to speak as a grown man.

He said, “Thankyou for defending Me when you see people with the wrong opinion of Me, because there is so much falsehood even among good people. They go to church and still do wrong. The evil is very powerful in the midst of people. You know, Valentina, that I will judge the people in the world very soon. Everyone will fear My Justice. They will know that I exist. The world denies Me now and offends Me too much.”

I didn’t understand whether this will be the end of times or the final judgement.

Then Our Little Lord Infant Child said to me, “I bless you.” He put His Holy hands on my head and I bowed my head. I felt at this moment strong adult hands blessing me, and a beautiful feeling of peace and joy passed over me. Then Our Lord said, “Pass this blessing I give you to others.”

Then I looked at Our Blessed Mother and I embraced Her, and with gratitude I said, “My beautiful Mother, I thank you for giving us Your Son Jesus Our Saviour.”

She smiled and replied, “Thankyou, my child, that you recognise this and you also make me very happy. Others don’t understand.”

While we were talking, I looked once more at the Baby Jesus. I noticed that He now had a little white bonnet on His head, pulled down over His eyes. I said to the Blessed Mother, “Look, the Baby Jesus is all covered up.”

She replied, “Now He is in a mood to play with you.”

I wanted to lift it up, but He pulled it down again and started laughing, and He put another bonnet over His head and then He put one on my head. All the while He was laughing and playing. He giggled and I could not stop laughing. It was such a beautiful feeling, playing with Baby Jesus.
I was on top of the world, and said to Blessed Mary Our Mother, “Our Lord is so little, and He knows even how to play a joke (Peek-a-boo).

Mary Most Holy said, “He likes to play with you because it makes Him happy.”

I asked Our Blessed Mother, “Was Our Lord, Your Son, when He was a baby on earth, always talking like this to you?”

“Yes”, She told me. I asked, “Were you surprised?” “No,” She smiled and said, “You must know He is God and He can do anything He wants.”

Then St. Joseph picked up the Holy Child in his arms, and He fell asleep, secure with His guardian. That was the feeling seeing this gave me. They smiled and then departed.

I said, “Thankyou Baby Jesus, I love you. Thankyou Holy Family. My Mother Mary, thankyou and St. Joseph, I love you.”

20th July

Message 1:

I was so sad after my grandchildren had left. When in the church after Mass, Our Lord Jesus said to me, “Be happy in My Holy Presence. Offer Me all your sadness and troubles. By doing this you will also console Me for all the many offences I receive. Enter into My Sacred Heart, and there you will find peace, my child.”

Message 2:

“Valentina, my child of My Sacred Heart, seek through meaning in life and look for treasure only in the next life which will last forever. Whatever is here in this world can only deceive you and can only last for a short time. Tell all my faithful to do My will and trust only Me and My Beloved Mother. She always prays for all her children. Allow Her to guide you through this confused and corrupt life. Cling to Her always for She knows all your sufferings.”

I replied, “Jesus and Mother Mary, we love you.” By asking for others. Our Lord told me, they will benefit and receive graces from Our Lord as well.

17th July

Whilst saying the Angelus, God the Father said, “My daughter I will reveal Myself through you to others. More and more they will know me. Speak about My infinite Mercy and Love that will last forever. They do not have to do much to know their Father on Heaven, who loves them so much. I only desire that they come with a sincere heart and I will do the rest.

In simplicity, my children, come to Me. Do not be afraid. My love burns for all of my children. How I wish that you listen to My voice which speaks through my little prophets. Be obedient to my voice. How many blessings I pour on earth everyday, but my children you are not aware of this. You simply refuse my graces, which echo, back to me.

Thank Me for all that I give you, even for your life, which is a gift from Me. Recognise that the times in which you live are very tense and that soon I will change all that. You will be sorry for not obeying me. Everywhere in the world signs are given, earthquakes, floods, and devastating hurricanes will be happening more frequently. Also droughts, which are happening already even in this country, Australia. Tell people to recognise these signs and that the times in which you live are given to people to change their way of life and return to M, their Father, who loves them so much.

I do not want to punish you my children, but to wake you from your sleep. I mean that you must come to know me quickly and not offend me but to change your lives to live a good and decent life. I your Father will bless you and pour abundant graces here on earth and in the next life with me in heaven forever in eternity. Valentina, tell people to pray and to listen to My Holy warnings and to take them seriously. I bless you my children and love you.”

God is always is giving us hope if we listen to his words. I responded, “Lord, I thankyou.”

5th July, 2002

This morning while praying, I had a most beautiful vision. Some Angels came into my bedroom, filling the room. Two Angels came forward and said, “Today is the day when you are worthy to see Our Lord Jesus, the Saviour, when He came into this world and was born of the Virgin Mother of God. Praise Him, glorify Him and be glad for He came to this world to save you all. Give praise and thanks for the King is born in a humble stable.”

The next minute, I experienced the Lord’s beautiful vision elevated above me. I could see the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph and many Angels filling the stable. Holy Mary was preparing and trying to clean the stable in preparation for the Baby to be born.

I saw St. Joseph preparing the manger to make a cradle, placing it in the centre and putting straw into it. Mary came over and placed a square of white linen over the straw.

St. Joseph moved away, and then two Angels flew to Mary and helped her with the preparation, then returned to the other Angels. Each time Mary needed help they would fly back to assist her. One Angel was dressed in white, the other in blue.

When the time came. Holy Mary, moved closer to the Angels. The Angel said to me, “Pay attention, the time has come for the Saviour to be born.”

Mary was standing and the two Angels moved to her. I could see her from the back, a blue light, bright but opaque in appearance, surrounded her from the waist down. The two special Angels were in front of Mary and then they were holding the Holy Child in their hands, clean and beautiful. The Blessed Mother held out a square of white linen in her hands and they wrapped Jesus in it, and then placed Him in His Mother’s arms. She looked at Him, hugging and kissing Him and St. Joseph came over and gazed at the Baby over Mary’s shoulder, both adoring Him.

Then they walked over and placed Him in the manger and then they both knelt down, one on each side of the cradle, worshipping Him.

The Angels were singing praises with an indescribable, beautiful melody. The words they used were in Latin. The vision of joy and music overwhelmed me.

Then suddenly, the Heavenly vision faded and what I could see was the stable with the ox and donkey and the little fire. Mary and Joseph still on each side of the cradle. 1 noticed that Mary lifted the edge of her veil to wipe a tear from her eye.

She looked over to me and said, “See, My child, you just witnessed the way My Baby Jesus was born. Tell people what you saw because there is so much sacrilege about My virginity in the world which offends My Son so much. I want you. My children, to start preparing for Christmas during July, as a spiritual preparation. Thank and praise My Son for He is truly God and King to save you all. Praise Him and love Him.”

Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

6th January

In St Raphael’s Church.

Our Lord Jesus lamented during Holy Communion, “My child, people here and everywhere receive me full of unconfessed sin. They don’t even ask me to be merciful before the Holy Eucharist. They come as a habit, they don’t even examine their conscience or fear how it may offend me. I am so sad. Please speak to the priests and tell them to teach people to come to me pure and to confess beforehand and not to live in mortal sin. I will forgive because I am a merciful God when they ask me.”
“Today is the Feast of the Three Wise Men. It was prophesied long before I came to you and was born to this world. They shall find the true King and bring Him gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense and present them in front of Him. They honoured me and bowed in front of me. My child, they were led by the bright star to pay homage to the Holy Child, but they also came with a humble and pure heart to see me and adore me. Nothing has changed since then. I want all my children to praise me and adore me and to come with true contrite and sincere hearts when you receive me in the Holy Eucharist.”

“Thank me, my children, for so great a gift I give you. I nourish you with my own body. If only you knew and understand and see, you would love me more, and be sorry for your sin.”

I replied, “Thankyou Lord Jesus for loving us. Have mercy on the whole world.