Holy Mary appeared to me and said, “My child listen to me, that I see everything with My Holy Eye and I know everything. Be more careful, don’t tell people everything. Don’t trust every person. You think that when you see people coming to church and they pray a lot, don’t think they are all sincere and honest. In the end they carry a lot of evil and jealousy. Learn to offer everything to me and my Son Jesus Christ.

Trust only completely in Us. I know you will suffer a lot. The evil spirit is very cunning and he is going to look at every little thing and will try to destroy the messages that me and my Son are giving you. She said, “Be courageous and pray a lot and trust only in me and my Son who will give you the courage and strength to continue.”

“Receive the Hold Sacrament of Reconciliation very often, that way he cannot destroy and has no power over you.”

Thank you Blessed Mother, my Beloved Mother.


This morning while I was praying, Blessed Mary Most Holy came to visit. She told me that we will visit some Souls in Purgatory today. She does this often.

We saw many suffering Souls in a huge place like a park. Each time Our Blessed Mother takes me to places like that, one thing always surprises me. With permission from Our Blessed Mother, I can ask them questions. They are very happy to see us. They touch me and call me by name.

“They all want something from you,” the Holy Mother said. “My child, you can pray for them and offer Holy Masses for them. This will ease their suffering.” I asked the Blessed Mother, “My beautiful Mother of Grace how can I offer a mass for all these people? There are thousands. I would have to sell my house and that would probably not be enough.”

Holy Mary smiled and hugged me, saying, “No need to sell your house and pay for their Masses. When you go to church to attend Mass, you yourself offer these people and it will atone for their sins and will help to ease their pain. Continue to do this and they will progress spiritually and slowly they will be purified and will go to Heaven.”

I said “Thankyou, Holy Mother, for explaining this to me. I love you, my Mother.”

December 1993

Do not Dwell on the Past
(not previously published)

Today our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, do not dwell on the past, but always in the present time. Tell all other people too. I also want you to tell people never to despair in their lives, even if things are not good, and there is no way out.”

“Observe these Times; they are changing. These are the Times that I am preparing. Do you know that I Am Almighty God, and I can change things, even the most stubborn heart of a person?” He said.

With a gentle smile, our Lord continued, “Of course, with your help and your prayers, I can change nature that you all admire, and that is so beautiful. In the same way, humanity can experience inner beauty, joy and peace, and they can rejoice in My Love.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, I too, see the beauty in nature. This divine nature, so green, and full of flowers of all varieties. Oh, how I admire all this wonderful nature of Your creation.”

Jesus was smiling and listening to me, and then He responded, “Yes, this is the living nature of My Life. See how happy you are in My Presence and My Love.”

He proceeds to make the Sign of the Cross over me. He said, “Now I will bless you + in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

I said, “Thank you, Lord, for teaching and revealing to all of us Your true Love and Mercy.”

Our Lord is teaching us not to lose hope when we are in despair when things go wrong in our lives, we must turn to Him and ask Him to help us, and He will help us.

19 August

Lord Jesus said, “My child, today I will teach you of My intimate Presence and Love, I am like a child who wants constant attention and love from its parents and those who love it. My child, when you think of Me and you tell Me that you love Me, I follow you everywhere you go and We are One.”

“There are times you think I am far away from you and do not hear you but My child, I am right next to you. When you decide to do things without Me I am sad and watch you at a distance. When you turn away from Me I am very sad and I wait for you to turn to me and ask Me again to be with you because you miss Me. Even when you have a cup of tea and you do not think of inviting Me to be present, I am standing beside you and watching you sadly.”

“Remember, My child, learn to invite me every moment of your life to be present with you. Let Me console you. Let Me give you joy. Let Me guide you. Let Me love you. Let Me give you peace. Let Me live in you. Together We are One. You can do nothing without Me because everything you do comes from Me and everything you receive comes with My love and blessings.”

I replied, “Thank you, My Lord Jesus, for all your graces and blessings.
I love you.”

12th August

During my morning prayers, Our Lord Jesus appeared. He looked extremely sad as he held His Hand to His chest and asked, “Why do I always point to My Heart?”

Two rays of light were coming out of each side of His Sacred Heart. He continued, “My Child, I want you to tell people to take the picture of My Divine Mercy from their drawers and place It on the wall where I’m well known and visible in their homes, tell them to pray and to ask for my mercy and forgiveness of sin every day. Time is running out, so is My Mercy. Tell them to beg for forgiveness and mercy, for themselves and the world. It is such a sinful world today that has never in the history of mankind been before. Tell people My justice is at hand.”

He concluded by saying, “I beg you. My Child, spread this message to all the people you come in contact with. I bless you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I replied, “Thank you. My Lord Jesus!”

12th May

This morning as I was praying the Holy Rosary, the Holy Mother appeared very sad her head was bowed down. She was silent for quite some time and I felt her sadness. I couldn’t understand why she appeared this way. So I asked Blessed Mother, “Why are you so sad?” She lifted up her head and smiled. Then she spoke saying, “I was waiting for you to ask me this.”

She continued, “See my child, all over the world I am appearing sad and I am crying. This is the only way I can get your attention so that all my children will come close to Me so that you are all with me so that I can lead you to God. How quickly you forget my messages. In your daily lives you are so preoccupied that you are distant from me. This is not as I wish. The evil spirit is very quick to lead you and how easily you are led away by him. He leads you far away from Me and from God. Tell My children that with all My sorrow, underneath that sadness there is a great happiness in My heart how much I love you My children, My wish is that you would stay close to me.”

She then went on to explain why She appears under Her different titles, “I remain only the one Mother of God and I wish my children to pray, honouring these different titles. It pleases Me that they not only pray themselves but that they spread devotion, honouring these various titles. That is the way I lead them to my beloved Son, Jesus.”

The Holy Mother said to me personally, “I am so happy that you silently honour Me and talk to Me, trusting in Me and sharing My concerns for all the world. Even when you don’t see me, I am with you, leading you. Be happy and courageous that I am blessing you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and that I am leading you to My Son.”

I replied, “Thank you beloved Holy Mother, Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

16th April

During my morning prayer Jesus spoke, saying, “Soon it will be the first sign as I told you long ago.” I saw complete darkness around the world. A huge circle of brilliant light opened up in the sky and a cross appeared in the middle.

Jesus continued, “This is the sign I will give to people on earth that I exist.” I then said, because I was sad, “Jesus, can’t You change the hearts and minds of people so that they will love You and recognise You?” Jesus replied, “My child, I give enough signs and warnings but they are blind and deaf. They don’t want to know.”

I cried and cried and I begged Jesus for mercy. He thanked me for stepping into His passion when I prayed. He said this to console Me. Jesus said: “Yes My child, how I suffered. I would do it all over again, I love you so much. But souls don’t realise what awaits them, loss or gain. Now you understand why only few enter heaven they make no effort to go there.”

In conclusion He said, “I bless you all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

9 January 1993

The Water of Life
(not previously published)

When I prayed this morning, the angel of the Lord came. The angel was so beautiful and young looking, with the most beautiful eyes.

He said, “I was sent by our Lord Jesus, and I have a message for you to tell you that you must come with me.”

In a split moment, accompanied by the angel, I found myself in a most beautiful place with lush green grass and lovely trees. I had a strong feeling that I was in a heavenly Garden and that I had been here before. In the middle of the Garden, on the green grass, I saw a beautiful, elegant chair, that looked like a Throne Chair.

The angel said, “Today, you are worthy that you are to sit on this High Chair.” I obeyed the angel and sat on the chair. In an instant, I felt such inner joy and happiness.

The angel then said, “Now, you will drink the Living Water that our Lord is giving you.”
Next to the High Chair was a softly running stream of crystal clear water. In his hand, the angel held a dish made of grey pewter material. With the dish, he scooped up the water from the stream and gave it to me to drink. He said, “Now you are drinking the Water of Life, and today you are worthy of drinking this Water of Life, our Lord Jesus is cleansing you and giving you life.”

The Water was so tasty and refreshing. The angel gave Me three scoops of the Water to drink. I felt so blissfully happy and joyful, like a little girl, of about seven to eight years of age. At that moment, I did not understand; I only gave praise and thanks to our Lord for the beautiful gift and love that He shared with all of us. Everyone can share in this when you love Jesus. The Water of Life is a purification of our soul, and as our soul is purified, it comes closer and closer to God.

Thank you, My Lord and My God, that I was worthy to drink the Water of Life.

13th November

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “My child, it is time for Me to give you a message of My coming. My coming is very near, tell people. I am coming before I’m expected to, My coming is very near.

I answered sadly, “Lord Jesus, not all the people are yet ready for your arrival.”

He replied, “don’t worry, not all the people will be ever ready for My coming. What ever I promised will be done, time has passed but My word will and has remained. Tell people to be happy and to rejoice every day about My coming and tell them to pray, LORD JESUS COME, LORD JESUS COME, LORD JESUS TO YOUR KINGDOM. Tell them to repeat this constantly throughout the day.”

I answered, “thankyou my God and my Lord.” At this time when I received this message, Lord Jesus was sitting on a throne very happily, He wore the most unusual but beautiful outfit, that consisted of a wine red and purple colouring trimmed with gold. Whilst speaking to me He seamed extremely joyous about His nearing arrival.

4th November

Holy Mother from Heaven said, “My child, I am so sad at the things that people ask you to pray for on their behalf. They ask you to pray for the grace to see me as you do. How little faith in God they have when they ask such a thing. How superficial is their reception of my message. They take my messages as a game, they don’t take them seriously. Don’t they realise what is going on in the world. The world is in complete darkness, full of sin. Look at Me, how I cry constantly for My children. Take My messages Seriously, I beg of you and live them so that you can help Me.

People think that praying one Our Father, one Hail Mary they should see Me straight away. My children, don’t live out of curiosity, take prayer Seriously. I don’t decide who can see Me or not, it is God Who decides this. It is a special grace that God chooses such a soul for His purposes and every day God gives suffering to that soul in sacrificing itself to God. Tell people that when they pray sincerely from their hearts, I am near them. They have no need to see me, I am present.

Here in this homeland of Australia, people sacrifice very little for God, they like a life of ease. For the little they pray they expect instant answers and to be rewarded straight away. Look at Me, how sad I am, I cry for all these. Tell them to receive whatever God gives them, even sufferings. Tell them to pray and to sacrifice themselves for the world so that My Immaculate Heart will triumph over the sins of the world.”

I beg of you, let us all take seriously her messages and help her. God bless you.

20TH OCTOBER, 1992

I asked our Lord Jesus, “Why are you sending me to Greek people?”

He responded, “They do not pray the Holy Rosary and to renew their faith, and because of your sincere, purely open prayers you offered for the niece of a lady you met and consoled, you asked Me to heal the child. Remember, that is mainly why I send you to them, so that they can know Me and love Me more.”

Lord Jesus, please hear their petition and help them.

Our Lord answered, “Tell them to come closer to Me and to know Me. I am extending the blessing to all of them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for all the blessings and love we receive every day and every moment of our lives.

9th JULY, 1992

Message given the morning after prayer meeting and talk about messages and Heavenly experiences.

Between 3am and 5am while reciting The Holy Rosary, Blessed Mother appeared to me and She was very happy. She greeted me and said, “My child, today I come to you most joyful and thankful that you praised My Beloved Son Jesus so beautifully when you spoke to that group of women and their enthusiastic response to every Holy word you spoke.”

“My children, if you could only see and experience how happy this makes My Son and I, you would praise Him non stop, night and day and love Him with all your heart. See My child, when you all praise Him, He forgets about His suffering and the agony He went through for all of you. Praise and love My Beloved Son, praise Him every minute and give Him thanks and glory. At this moment He will pour many graces upon you and will forget our offences and also the bad things that are happening in the world. Valentina, when you see a glowing golden light, it means that My Son and I are with you. Other children, who don’t see and experience what you do, still tell that we are present with them and to watch out for any sign of Our presence around them and that We are always near.”

“My children, when you pray remember that My Son listens to all your prayers and petitions. He covers you and embraces you with His special graces that come from Heaven. The grace of joy and happiness.”

“Again, I repeat. My child, I greet you with The Three Tears of Joy and Happiness. These tears are not of sorrow but of joy and gratitude for your love.” At that moment I saw three tears that looked like pearls coming down from Our Blessed Mothers right eye, on to Her cheek.

Then Blessed Mother said, “From 3am to 5am is a special time of grace when you pray. I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit.” She then departed very joyfully.

Our Beautiful Mother from Heaven we love You and praise You and Your Son Jesus forever.

2nd June, 1992

At night, I was suffering from the ‘flu’ when Holy Mary visited me.

I had started praying and then thought ‘why am I so sick?’

At the same time as I complained to myself Holy Mary appeared with a gentle smile.

She spoke, ‘We are very sorry you are so sick but this sickness and suffering My Son gives to you. Would you like to know the reason for this suffering?’

‘It is for Medjugorje so that the plans My Son and I have will be fulfilled. The devil tries to destroy it. Please accept with love all the suffering we give you.’

‘You yourself and the messages we give you are united with Medjugorje. We know how much you love Medjugorje.’

The Blessed Mother then blessed me and with a gentle smile, She left me.

I was very happy to accept what Mary had told me and to offer the sacrifices for this.

28th May, 1992

At night, I was kneeling by my bedside. An Angel appeared in a glorious light. He appeared to be no more than 14 years of age. He had blonde hair reaching down to his shoulders and was clothed in a long white robe.

After a while, a beautiful young girl walked into my room. She also was surrounded by this golden aura.

Smiling, she said, ‘I am St Philomena. Our Lord sent me to come personally to thank you for your prayers to me’

‘I am constantly kneeling before God and interceding for people who ask me to pray on their behalf. My prayers are very powerful.’

‘As you can see, my Angel is always with me and guards and leads me everywhere I go. He makes the way for me, preceding me and making sure all is well.’

St Philomena is very beautiful, filled with goodness and love. She was clothed in a full length white robe without a cincture. Her dark hair fell past her shoulders in waves and on her head was a coronet of white flowers. In her hand was a long stemmed white lily, similar to the St Joseph lily.

5th April

7:00am at home. Jesus was, wearing a white robe, red cloak and pressing a letter to his breast, and said, “My child, look at my heart. I want to tell everyone to consecrate themselves everyday to my Sacred Heart so that they can come very close to me. Never before have I wished that everyone come so near to me as now.” He was silent, then He said, “You live in a most disastrous time. You don’t realise yourselves in what a serious and dark time you live.”

Then He pointed to the letter held to His breast and said, “Look at this letter that I hold to my Sacred Heart. It is a letter such as you write to your very dear ones whom you love and hold in your heart. This is the way in which I wish that everyone would deliver all their dear and loved ones to me. That is the only way that I can protect you all.” He opened up his arms to encompass us all. He continued, “Please, I beg of you, obey me, all of you. I give now, great grace and mercy. So please obey me and come to me, all of you.”

I replied, “Lord Jesus, I understand that we haven’t much time.” Jesus looked concerned for people who don’t believe. He wishes to protect us all before the coming of a great chastisement, now very near.

11:30pm at home. Our Lady appeared with a male angel and said, “Listen, My children, be ready. A very big sign from God will be seen and experienced by you and it is very near. The sign that you will witness is a sign, which never before has been seen or experienced. I beg you, don’t let yourselves doubt or disbelieve because the evil one deceives you and tells you lies. Believe. Believe.”

The angel then said, “All over the world God gives signs and messages, and graces to all kinds of people so as to gather them together. Believe! Believe! Be prepared. Pray! Pray! Pray! There is not much time. Please don’t be deceived or disbelieve one against the other. I am telling you a true word, a holy word from God. All heaven is open, we are among you, trying to help you on earth. Open your eyes! Believe!”