1st Saturday, St. Raphael’s Church, 7pm.

During Mass, Blessed Mother appeared to me. She looked concerned.

She said, “My child, once more I come to remind you that you have the worst drought in history. People don’t seem to worry, especially those living in the city. Your government tries to work out problems but they cannot arrive at the proper solution. My children, if only you would turn to God, He would solve all your problems and bless you with abundant water.”

Then She showed me many people in churches in a vision. With Her right hand She made an arc over the people saying, “See how many people are praying for rain, only a few.”

I looked and saw a small group, maybe five or six people praying. The rest were all quiet. Holy Mary said, “Not enough prayers are rising to Heaven. Prayer is a condition to receive which God gives to you.”

Then our Holy Mother looked at me and said, “I want you to spread this message to all churches, to others, not only Catholics and Christians but to all races and believers because you are all God’s children. Each one knows his own way to ask and pray.”

“If you all pray earnestly, God will hear your prayers and will bless you with abundant water.”

She repeated many times, “You must pray earnestly,” emphasising the word ‘earnestly’.


I have experiences of the Holy Souls every day. They can appear only through God’s permission to give them grace to ask for help.

This day was a big surprise to me. A soul appeared to me and I recognised him. It was the late Mr Kerry Packer. He was quite happy and cheerful.

He smiled and said, “Thankyou, Valentina, for your prayers. I am saved and I am very happy. Please continue to help me and pray for me.”

This made my day. I was so happy to have seen him and wanted to share my joy with others.

(Whilst writing this today we had quite a few difficulties, because the devil is very angry to save souls).

12th JANUARY, 2007

This morning, Blessed Mother appeared to me. She was very joyous, smiling happily. She said, “Today you receive a grace to come with Me. Come, I will show you the house We used to live in on earth as a Holy Family of Nazareth only I will take you to a Heavenly home.”

I felt so happy, joyful and privileged.

Mary hugged me and said, “My children, you all belong to the Heavenly Family. Those who love My Son and St Joseph and Myself.”

Suddenly, we entered into a courtyard and walking around a corner, we walked through a doorway into the house. There St Joseph and Jesus, who was about twelve years old, greeted us, smiling.

I gasped in wonder. The space was lined wit rambling roses, greenery and other flowers all over the wall. It was fresh and beautiful. They made me very welcome. Jesus was dressed in a white robe and had His feet bare.

Holy Mary sat down, opposite Her was a little square table. Jesus opened a drawer in the table. Mary said, “Son, what are you doing?”

He replied, “Oh, just looking.” He had a square of bread in His hand and started eating. Accidentally, He dropped it and picking it up, He kissed it and continued eating. He was moving around as children do.

Holy Mary looked so beautiful with an aura of gentle Holiness and Nobility. Her dress was a soft burgundy colour and Her dark hair reached softly to Her shoulders, with no veil over Her head. She smiled, looking at Jesus saying, “Son, pay attention to what I am telling You now. Make sure that you look after Valentina and go with her wherever she goes and protect her.”

Jesus answered, “Yes, Mother.”

I felt a strong feeling of cooperation that existed in the Family that I was protected within their environment. St Joseph smiled quietly, and said, “Valentina, don’t be sad. We as a Holy Family will always protect you and be with you.”

When we are sad or in despair, always turn to the Holy Family for help. Don’t be afraid, they are always there to help us. I myself, honour them daily and ask for their help.

Every January, I receive a special grace, either a beautiful vision or a message which lifts my spirit.

A few days before I received this grace of being taken to Heaven, I was saying morning prayers when I suddenly heard the sound of a strong wind, approaching stronger and stronger. Then a flock of white doves entered the room. They kept coming, filling the house, leaving an aura of peace wherever they went. I urged them to fly into all the rooms of the house, until they had all passed through and had gone.

The next minute, Our Lord Jesus appeared and embraced me. He whispered, “I come to console you and give you peace.”

Thankyou, my Lord and the Holy Family, for all Your graces and protection. We the children on earth Love You.


A beautiful Angel appeared to me whilst I was praying at home. His eyes were truly beautiful, like blue crystal.

He said, “Come, I will show you the suffering you had. It all bears fruit.”

We found ourselves in a place where there was a multitude of people. They were moving around and talking.

The Angel told me that before I experienced the suffering, in the time between Christmas and the Feast of the Holy Family, these people had been suffering on the worst level of Purgatory. He explained that they had to pass through many dark narrow tunnels before they were lifted up to the next level.

He smiled and I saw he was holding a Rosary in his hand. I asked, ” do you pray the Rosary?”

He said, “The prayer of the Rosary is a prayer to atone for the sin which offends God.”

As we were standing there, souls approached us and greeted us. There were many men in the group. They said, “We are always happy to see you, because you are our way.” Then they said, “We know all about the drought you are experiencing in Australia. You people are very relaxed about it. You don’t seem to worry about it.”

I answered, “Yes, we need rain badly. It needs to rain for at least four months.” They looked at one another and smiled, saying, “You really need four years of rain, to soak your ground. That is how dry your land is.”

When the Angel brought me back to my room, I said my prayers and thanked our Lord, asking Him to have mercy on the Holy Souls.

Our Lord appeared to me briefly, smiling.

He spoke, “Valentina, I show you all these souls so you will understand all your suffering was not in vain.”

I said, looking at a vision He showed me of these souls, “Lord, how many.” (There were thousands)

He said, “I know you are amazed to see all these souls, but lately, many are dying in disasters, wars, sickness and accidents. It never ends. The people need help and prayers to go to a better place.”

Lord have mercy on all the Holy Souls.

Often, I get a yearning feeling in my heart. I offer this to our Lord and ask for His help. Our Lord answered me. “Don’t grieve when a member of the family dies. Pray and have hope in Me. Whoever you have lost, your loved ones, you will find them again. Trust Me. One day, in My Holy Presence, in the home I have prepared for you all.”


In church, after the Gospel had been read.

Our Lord spoke, “My child, to awake My children from sleep and slumber, I choose many workers to do My will and I teach them to preach to others. I always send two or more to witness My Word and Gospel for the world is sick and needs My healing and conversion, and to make a better world in My Holy Presence. I will keep doing this and I will wake up new prophets from generation to generation and no one will stop Me.”

He looked at me, smiling softly, saying, “You can’t do anything on your own. What are you without Me? Nothing. I am your God, your Teacher, your Lord and your all.”

“Teach them to know Me and to love Me.”

“I bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Thankyou, Jesus, for Your true Holy words.

11th December, 2006

This morning when praying the Angelus, our Lord appeared.

“Tell people that soon there will be a plague of locusts. Not only the heat and drought which you are experience now, they will come in a thick black cloud. The locusts will destry all the crops and will attack even the people.”

In a vision I saw people standing on railway stations, walking on the streets, starting to run for shelter into tunnels and houses in an attempt to get away from the locusts. An angel said, “take this seriously because whatever is prophesied is meant to happen and will happen.”

10th December, 2006

Mission Sunday

St Margaret Mary Church. Our Lord appeared to me during the address being given to us by a Mission Sister.

“Peace be with you, My child, and be happy. Prepare well for this Holy Event. Look forward for your Saviour to be born. I bring hope and peace to all humanity, but not many accept Me. My heart gives for all the suffering and persecuted in many poor countries of the world, while others are greedy and selfish just for themselves. No love or compassion for the hungry and poor. The rich have no love their deeds are dead in my sight. Life is full of struggle as you all feel.”

“I give you My peace and hope. Sacrifice for Me. Tell My people I speak through extreme weather that you are all experiencing.”

“wake up and repent! Tell them not to ignore these signs. They are serious, all over the world.”

Australia is experiencing the worst drought. Soon you will be monitored as to how much water you can consume. Your government knows all this and they are controlling all.”

“I permit all these things which you are experiencing, Australian people are very proud and they ignore My warnings that I speak through very simple children.”

“Gos is love and I and the Father are one. We wait for all to ask for forgiveness.”

9th December, 2006

Very early one morning I awoke and recited the prayer to the Divine Mercy. In a vision a person appeared, dressed as a priest in a black soutane and white collar. Around his neck he wore a long gold chain carrying a gold crucifix. He held a hook in his hand.

He smiled and began to speak, “ I know you are very fond of me and pray to me on behalf of the children. My name is St. John Bosco. I was sent to you to ask you if you are happy now with the Mass as it is today.”

“It is not as it used to be since Vatican II” I replied. “Something’s are all right and others are not good.” I thought about the rite of Holy Communion, no alter rails to receive communion on the tongue while kneeling but people stand and receive the Host in their hands. Now, even the precious blood is handed from one to another in the chalice where as before it was the Priest alone who received the Precious Blood of Christ.

St. John Bosco was writing all that I was saying and thinking in the book he was holding

Then he said, “Valentina, be patient and continue to pray. The Lord knows everything. I know that the Mass is very short at times. It is not as the way it used to be, but have hope that things will change and be as it once was.”

As he departed he said, “Thankyou, Valentina, for telling me all this. Now go back to sleep for you need your rest, it is very early (5am)”

3rd December, 2006

Our Lord often reminds me during the beginning of the Mass, “Pay very much attention, My child, it is very important. How I change the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. It is a moment of truth. Pay always attention to the beginning of the Mass. Focus on the alter

29th November, 2006

Lord Jesus and His Holy Mother appeared to me today.
Holy Mary spoke, “See how the weather is extreme and changes so quickly, from very hot with a wild wind to very cold. My children, this is a serious sign which is given to you in this country but you all keep ignoring it.”
Then our Lord spoke, “You are experiencing a very bad drought. I would permit you to have some rain, because I am compassionate and merciful but My Father will not permit it over this land. People are committing a terrible sin which offends God. Tell people to change and pray. Maybe then God will listen and be merciful to you. Humanity is sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin.’

“In the past this land of Australia offended God very much but they never repented or asked for forgiveness.”

Lord, have mercy on us and on this land of Australia.

15th November, 2006

In church after receiving Holy Communion I thanked our Lord on behalf of myself and all the people present.

Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My child, to wake up my children from slumber I choose many workers to do My will and to teach others to proclaim My Gospel. I always send two or more to witness My word for the world is sick and needs My healing, healing of conversion and repentance and to make a better world conscious of My presence.”
“What are you without Me, My children? Nothing on your own.”
“Teach then to know Me and to love Me.”

2nd November, 2006


I finished my prayers in the evening and settled down for the night, thinking I would have a peaceful night. Instead, it was a nightmare!

In a vision I saw monsters with horrible faces, black and grey, half animal, half human. They threatened me, reaching out at me.

They said, “Do you think we will leave you in peace? We have to destroy you and show you who is more powerful.”

They came closer and closer to me. I was so afraid. I screamed for help from Heaven, invoking St Michael and our Blessed Mother and Jesus, but nothing came. This torment continued until Sam.

Suddenly, Holy Mary appeared. “What a relief,” I said, happy and relieved. “Blessed Mother, is that why you come to rescue me? Did you hear me screaming?”

She smiled, “I came to you, not because you screamed, but I come to explain the vision you had and the torments. My child, I was there all the time with you, otherwise you would not have survived, but you were not meant to see Me.”

Then Blessed Mother showed me in a vision. There was daylight and I saw bare trees and shrubs. From the branches of the tree there were hanging two metre long brown snakes by the tails. They looked withered and dead. The trees were covered with them. Around the trees were these foul, ugly, ferocious monsters, all grey and black with long sharp teeth.

Holy Mary said, “You see ,My child, this is how it is in reality in the world today. If you, My children, could see them, you would die from fear. This is the spiritual battle. This is why I keep asking you to pray to protect yourselves.”

I was overwhelmed by that which Holy Mary had shown me. I said, “Blessed Mother, it was worth it, all the suffering I had just experienced, even what You had just shown me, if that would help.”

Mary said, “My child, you had a great suffering, but not for this which I have just shown you. Oh, no, My child! It is God’s will they are like that. You had suffering for souls who were released from Purgatory this day.”

Before giving me Her Blessing, Mary said, “Fear not, for I am always with you. Remember you don’t belong to those monsters. You belong to God.”

Oh Jesus, grant eternal rest to all Holy Souls in Purgatory, and protect us from all evil.
Holy St. Michael, Archangel, please pray for us.

30 TH OCTOBER, 2006

Our Lord Jesus said today, “My child, Valentina, be aware of people when they tell you good things about yourself and praise you and tell you how good you are but they don’t mean it.”

“Their moods change quickly and you don’t know which direction the wind may blow next. This is human way. Be careful of their sweet talk because their hearts are not sincere.”

“I tell you, in the world today there is so much falsehood everywhere.”

“Always ask Me to assist you and protect you. Trust only Me, your God and your Lord. Call upon My name often.”

28TH OCTOBER, 2006

The Angel of the Lord spoke to me while I was praying. It was about the drought in this country of Australia.

He said, “People don’t seem to be concerned about this disaster which is upon you all. Soon you will not have enough water to drink if this continues. The sin which offends God is a serious crime against His goodness. Tell people to repent and pray so that God, in His mercy, can change this.”

“This summer, you will have fires everywhere. They will be hard to put out because of the extreme heat. Pray that God will listen to your prayers and have mercy on this land of Australia.”

In a vision I saw fire everywhere. The flames were reaching and burning very quickly near houses.

The Blessed Mother, Mary most Holy also told me, “This land, Australia, will not experience war as in other countries, but they will experience different sufferings that God permits, like drought, shortage of water and the economy falling low. This is also very bad, My children. You must return to God. He is the only solution for all your problems.”

“If people pray and change, God is love and goodness, He will grant your wishes and bless you abundantly. Australia must love God and ask Him to be merciful. They should all fall on their knees.”

16TH OCTOBER, 2006

This morning when I offered everything to our Lord, I said, “Let it be Your Holy Will, not mine,” and asked Him to be merciful to everyone. The sick, the suffering and the dying and to protect all people. I asked our Lord for this deceased person.
Our Lord appeared to me and said, “ He needs a lot of prayer and Masses to be said for him. Now that you and I are conversing intimately, he is standing right next to you, Valentina, My child.”

I said, “Oh! My Lord! What does he want from me?”

Our Lord answered, “He is hungry for spiritual food from you (prayer).”

I asked, “Lord Jesus, my Lord, does he know that we are talking to one another?”
Jesus said, “He knows a little bit. Only what I permit him, but he is safe, I know all souls.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, thankyou for all the graces you send me. Even the pain in my body.”

“Bear it with love,” He said, “Because you know, My child, that I will take away your pain very soon and restore you back to your health like I always do. Just trust Me and help Me to save many souls and sinners in the world. Pray for them. Valentina, be always obedient to My will.”

“I love you and bless you. Be at peace.”