1st June

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.

Lord Jesus said today after receiving Holy Communion, “Honour My Sacred Heart very much this month, full of love and goodness. Tell people not to be afraid to approach Me. I am a merciful God and I wait for My children to come to Me. I also wish them to get rid of all the guilt they carry in their souls. A good confession will cleanse all the darkness they carry in their souls and will make it all beautiful again. Each soul is My very special child whom I desire to come to Me freely, so I can embrace you all.”

Then Our Lord showed me His Sacred Heart surrounded with thorns. He said, “Look, My child, how My Sacred Heart is pierced by thorns. Console Me by bringing others to love Me. The world has offended Me so much and people live in their darkness, their souls stained with thick dark mud. How many will die with no preparation whatsoever and they are living in terrible hate and sin? I am a living God. I want you all to love Me the way I love you. Speak of My Infinite Love and Mercy.”

I replied, “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us.”

31st May

Message 1:

At home, 5 am, I was awoken by an Angel. He said, “Come, I will show you,” and he took me to Purgatory. (Each time I have an experience of Purgatory it happens in a different level).

This time I had the feeling of being taken down. The Angel brought me into a very dark tunnel. It seemed like a mine, filled with charcoal, burning in areas. The smell, similar to the aftermath of a house fire, was overpowering and airless. I saw people working, digging the charcoal. They were all blackened. The only light in there was issuing from the Angel beside me.

The reason I was taken there was because I knew a lady with whom I had been acquainted. The Angel told me that most people passed through that tunnel after death, depending on the soul’s state of grace. The person who I knew was crying. She begged me to help her saying, “Don’t leave me here, I’m going to go mental. Our minds are perfectly clear and are aware of everything we have to do.” She was doing penance by cutting the charcoal into blocks, crawling on her knees, putting it into position. She felt she would not survive and asked me to pray for her. I told her to be courageous and to have hope, that I would pray for her to help her rise above this dark, depressing place.

While I was there, seeing all this, I felt anger towards our Lord that He could allow this to happen to souls. God has His reasons for doing this. How we live on Earth, how we offend God, this is very painful for Him who loves us very much.

We cannot see God unless we are 100% purified. There cannot be any stain on our souls. Take care of how you live on Earth. Practice chastity, honesty and obedience toward the Ten Commandments. Pray and do penance while you still have time. God is full of surprises. He does not force anyone into doing anything. He gave us free will to choose the way we go. Constantly we all must be aware that we are sinners.

The Angel spoke, “Tell your Priests to teach their people and speak about Purgatory in the churches.”

I answered, “May God have Mercy on our Souls.”

Message 2:

My Lord appeared and greeted me, “Peace be with you, My child.” He was very angry. He then said, “Pray always for peace. Look around, what do you see? Do you see a peaceful world? There is nothing but corruption and killing. I can no longer look at this world, full of malicious pagans! They give to the sinful flesh, money, ambition and power from satan. The leader of a trio of unfortunate kings, who reign in full power in the world, is a liar and deceiver. He leads others into a sin of no return. All that he does, is lead you into a terrible abyss of sin of eternal punishment.”

Our Lord continued with a very sad expression, “My truth is light and life which leads you into fullness of life. I struggle to convince you to come to Me, and constantly I am forgiving you. I wash you with My Precious Blood, the blood that was poured on the cross in My suffering on Calvary. How then can you accuse Me of not doing enough for you? I consume Myself to continuously redeem you but many are slanderers and hypocrites and repay with malice and hypocrisy. Blessed are those who close the door to the sin of the flesh and all desires of the world and the devil who opens these doors of temptation.” Our Lord looked at me, tears were welling up in His eyes, and then said, “I give you everything I have, and 1 continue to give My love and goodness but you people give Me so little. Always you are afraid that you are doing too much for your God, who gave you everything (the ultimate sacrifice).”

We must return to Our Lord in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation in an attempt to make up for our errors. Our Lord asked that I write this serious message as it is a warning. Many are dying, unprepared, in the disasters throughout the world. We must approach Our Lord’s mercy otherwise we have to face His Judgement after death.

20th May

After receiving Holy Communion, Our Lord Jesus spoke, “Offer Me all those who are ungrateful after receiving Me. Thank Me on behalf of all of them. My children, be always grateful and thank Me for being present in the church. It is My will that you are there.”

“I want to remind you again that it doesn’t please Me when the Priest announces the sign of peace and people begin shaking hands and waving to one another, it distracts you just before receiving the Holy Eucharist. You should kneel down and unite yourselves to Me and ask Me to be merciful toward you. My children, you must remember that you are all sinners. In My Holy Presence you must be sorry for offending Me and ask Me to be merciful to you.”

“Valentina, tell people that shaking hands and greeting others should be done outside the church. I disapprove because it is the devil who wants you to be distracted and you turn your backs toward the altar. How sad I am to see all this. You are disobedient and irreverent. My children, you lose many graces for doing this. Pray very hard for the churches when many laws are being changed which doesn’t please Me. By prayer I will sanctify My churches.”

I said, “My Lord, remind me each time I am in a church, not to shake hands and clap but to be reverent toward you. Lord Jesus be merciful to us.”

17th May

While praying the chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady.

While reciting the prayer, I wasn’t sure whether to pray the “Our Father” before starting the “Hail Mary”. Our Lady appeared and said, “My child, it won’t do any harm to add the “Our Father”. It will give great honour to Him and it will please Him very much.”

After I continued to pray, a beautiful vision came of the Holy Family surrounded by many Holy Angels. I could see the Blessed Mother was speaking to Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus but could not hear the conversation.

When this vision had gone, another vision came, I saw Angels gathering together in an aura of light. From this group, two Angels came forward and in their hands they each held a trumpet. This instrument was different to anything I had seen. It was gold and had a very long tube flaring out at the end in a very wide circumference. The Angels put them to their mouths and played a long fanfare. Suddenly, at the sound of the trumpets, what seemed like two doors opened and a jet-black horse galloped out, mounted by a man dressed in dark clothes, crouching over the horse as it flew past.

The Angels lowered their trumpets and turned to me saying, “Our Lord permits you to see this apocalyptical vision and you must tell the people that you are living in the Apocalyptical times. The black horse that is running through the world is bringing instability and misery to the world.
All must pray and repent and stop offending God. All this is being revealed to you which is written in the Book of the Apocalypse. The red horse, which precedes the black horse, is already out. This signifies the spilling of blood and wars and disaster.”

I said, “Lord have mercy and grant us your protection.”

8th May

When reciting the Creed to begin the Holy Rosary, Our Blessed Mother came and she said, “I come to tell you and warn you that people should pray more and devote themselves more to God than to worldly things. I tell you from the beginning of this year many catastrophic events will happen all over the world. There will be a great earthquake in which the whole Earth will be affected and many people will die. God will permit this to happen because people will not turn away from sinful deeds. God has already planned in advance where these events will happen. He is in charge of all creation, but men still resist His commands and reject His mercy and love. Mankind rebels against God. My children, you must be blind not to see what is happening in so many countries in the world with so much bloodshed and unhappiness. Innocent people are suffering because of injustice.”

“My children, I always warn you to change your way of life and call you to conversion, repentance and prayer. I always pray and intercede to the Most Holy Trinity on your behalf. Many souls go to hell because they live in terrible sin, especially young people and men. Priests don’t seem to care much and do not teach repentance and prayer in the churches. Everyone thinks it is not necessary to confess and be in a state of grace before receiving Holy Communion.”

“My daughter, do you see the changes in the weather and how quickly it changes? These are the signs given by your God and Creator so that mankind will wake up from their sleep. Evil spirits blind them and deceive them so they believe that all is well. My children, wake up, pray, change and convert. Many things can be stopped through your sacrifice and prayers.”

“Be at peace. My children, I love you and bless you.”

I replied, “Blessed Mother, Thankyou and thankyou for your prayers.” The Blessed Mary always tells me to pray to the Holy Spirit. Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and guidance.

4th May, 2004

While travelling on the train and praying the rosary.

Our Lord Jesus spoke, “My children, have you noticed how I have shortened the time for you? Humanity lives in a terrible sin and corruption in this world. Do you know that I created a beautiful world for you to live in harmony and peace?”

“Instead, you all live in hatred and instability. How I would like to see you all happy. The world is in so much sin and darkness. People live in the dirt that harms their souls. So much dirt and mud weighs you right down. No one is free of evil deeds. Your spirit should be free to be able to communicate to your God.”

“Valentina, do you know, in the beginning man was free to come to Me in the spirit, free of all attachments to the world. Like a bird, he was happy in what I provided for him. The time passed and he became more and more materialistic and he slowly detached himself away from God. He started to accumulate more and more material goods and became a slave of himself and lost his spiritual wings and became more greedy. He made his own false idols on Earth.”

“How I suffer to see man so blind and ungrateful. 1 tell you, blessed are those who come to Me freely and love Me. My children, console Me by praying for the blindness of this humanity of no hope.”

“Pray to My Divine Mercy, so I can open their minds and hearts.”

“Pray for the world which lives in a terrible sin and darkness.”

“Pray, My children, to My Divine Mercy for the world so I can be merciful with your little sacrifices and offerings.”

“I bless you, My children, be at peace.”

I replied, “Lord, in your kindness and goodness, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” Valentina.

2nd May

Sunday. Our Lord Jesus appeared holding a large beautiful lamb in His arms. He said, “I am the good Shepherd. Valentina, lead My lost sheep to My safe refuge. Many are lost and astray. They need guidance to come to the Master who loves them.”

He continued, “I wait and hope for them to return, full of love and compassion to embrace them. Tell them they must hurry before it is too late, for the Master will soon close the gate of My Heavenly garden. They will knock and knock but I will not hear them. Now they deny Me and do not want to believe in Me, their God. People would rather live in the sin and pleasure the world offers them but soon I will judge the world and My mercy will be exhausted. I gave them enough opportunity and grace to find Me but they are not interested in that. Speak to them and tell them that My love and patience is enormous and they must listen and obey My words to come to the safe refuge of My Sacred Heart which bums with love for all of you. My children.”

I replied, “Jesus, Good Shepherd, have mercy on us.”

22nd April

The Holy Blessed Mary came to me carrying Baby Jesus. She placed Him in my arms, smiling and said.

“My Divine Son likes to come to you. He is always happy. He knows how much you love Him. Today I come to you to explain something.” (I had attended a group meeting earlier that day and at the end of the meeting they began talking amongst themselves and asking why Heavenly beings appear to me).

Holy Mary said, “Tell people that We choose you because you are sincere in your heart and are humble. All these years that We have appeared to you, you have remained on the same level and that pleases God very much. Others (seers) don’t remain on the same level and become vain. God chooses His apostles before you are created to obey His Holy Will, to teach you and guide you everyday and you must accept all kinds of trials and suffering that He sends you. To console Him and help save other souls.”

Holy Mary said, “We are very sad to see every day in your world there is so much evil and evil doings. It seems that no-one speaks the truth any more. Lie covers lie. Even in the churches, people like to be praised for every little thing that they do and they cover the bad they have done, but God sees the truth.”

Blessed Mother continued, “Nothing is hidden in God’s presence, everything is visible to Him. Oh, My children, you deceive yourselves if you think wrong doing is right. The whole world is living in a lie. My daughter, speak always the truth, the true word of God, and what we teach you. I know people don’t like the truth. Many ask, “why should we listen to her?” Tell My children graces are given to the ones that accept Our Holy word.”

While Blessed Mother was dictating this message to me, the Baby Jesus was pulling at my sleeve and playing with my rosary. I felt such a consolation and joy having Him near. At times I feel so discouraged and unhappy because many won’t accept what I tell them.

I replied, “Thankyou, Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus, have mercy on us”.

7th April

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. After receiving Holy Communion.

Our Lord Jesus lamented, “Valentina, you know I am more compassionate and merciful toward sinners outside the church who don’t know Me than those who are always in My churches. They reprobate My law and make their own laws the way it suits them. They serve Me but they live in a terrible sin. They think that what they do pleases Me. They don’t realise that I’m the One who sees and knows everything. I call these people hypocrites. So much I am sacrileged and offended today in the world. They push Me aside, especially in My churches.”

“Console Me, My children, pray for these churches so I can purify and sanctify them.” He looked at me and said, “All to please men, nothing to please their God.” Our Lord is very unhappy.

6th April

Lord Jesus spoke to me today while attending a prayer group and addressing the people afterwards.

“Valentina, it is obedience which pleases Me the most. When you accept an invitation to go to people’s houses and pass on My Word, that way you fulfil My will, though you try to teach them and tell them My Holy Word, not always they listen and accept it. Some do and others don’t, but whatever you do is for My sake. My love and My strength are always with you. No-one can harm you. Be courageous always and go among people.”

“Lead the lost sheep, there are so many. Bring them back to the Good Shepherd. I cannot rest until they are all in My pasture. My Sacred Heart grieves for the lukewarm and the lost ones. That is the reason why I went through My suffering and Passion and Death to save them all. My mercy and love are great.”

“I am God of compassion and I hold My anger back. I keep sending My prophets to them to warn them of the danger that is upon them. Killing, wars, evil doings, worshipping false idols, material goods, money, sport, fashion and all kinds of sinful deeds, but they don’t want to listen to My Holy Word and warning.”

“Tell humanity NOTHING escapes Me. I see all evil sins they commit. Nothing escapes Me and nothing is hidden from Me. I see all. My punishment comes nearer and nearer. If they don’t convert and repent. My Heavenly gate will close soon, and My anger is coming to cleanse this world. Tell them to take this seriously. This is My Warning.”

I answered, “Jesus, my Lord, have mercy on us sinners”.

28th March

Lord Jesus said today after receiving Holy Communion, “Suffer with Me, My child, and console Me. I suffer for my churches, they are all attacked by the devil. There is no reverence at all in them. People are talking in full voices, laughing, clapping for every little event that happens. They make it like a theatre. They ignore My Holy Presence. In various parts of the churches throughout the world, especially around the tabernacle I am very much abused.”

Our Lord looked at me and said, “You know My altars in the church are like a burning bush, they are so sacred. No-one should walk wearing their shoes near them. When Moses came to the mountain of Sinai, I told him not to come so near and I also told him to remove his shoes for he was standing on Holy and Sacred ground. That law remains still today. I am a living God and My Holy ground in these places should be revered and highly respected, and the Priest should teach people about it. Instead I am abused, ridiculed and pushed aside more and more. Today everything is accepted in the churches. The devil lives in My churches and he controls everyone and people go along with it. I am sad to see all this disrespect. My Angels and Saints are crying for Me in Heaven. They are so sorry for Me. Think of how much I suffered for you all and what do I get in return? You repay Me with your sinful deeds and abuses in My Sacred Presence. I tell you, no-one will escape My punishment.”

“Pray for them and console Me, My children, especially the Priests and Bishops for they are the ones I shall judge the most. Pray to My Divine Mercy.”

I answered, “My Lord and My God, have mercy on Priests and Bishops”.

2nd March

This morning, while praying The Angelas, Blessed Mother Mary appeared. In Her right hand outstretched, there was a Host. On the Host, I saw a tiny figure of Jesus as a baby, gold. She told me that in each Host we receive during Mass and reception of Holy Communion, Jesus is present truly. On each white Host, I saw a totally gold figure of the baby Jesus.

It was so beautiful to see. We do not see this when we receive the
Eucharist, but it is truly the baby Jesus present in each Consecrated Host.

The Blessed Mary smiled and said, “See, my daughter. My Son is so Holy. The gold represents Holy Mass and graces. Tell people that Jesus wishes when you come to receive Him to be worthy and not with a sin. If only they would understand and see what I show you, people would cry and be more remorseful and sorry for receiving unworthily. I wish My priest sons would speak in the churches more about confessing sin.”

“My Son is very offended by sacrilege and abuse by people receiving Communion out of habit. He cannot cleanse you unless you come to Him and ask Him to be merciful. You must realise, my children, that you are all sinners. When you confess and repent all your sins and try hard not to fall back into the same sins, slowly, my children, you become more and more holy. This is very pleasing to My Son Jesus. He loves each one of you so much. So be very careful, my children, how you come to receive Him. Remember each Host you receive, think of Jesus truly present in the Eucharistic Bread. My little Golden Baby, so Holy.”

She said, “After receiving Jesus, go back to your seat, kneel down and close your eyes and thank Him from your heart. He is in you then to nourish you and to give you life here on earth, and you also benefit for the after life for your soul.”

I said, “Thankyou, my loving Mother and my Lord Jesus. I love you and thank you for feeding me in the Holy Eucharist.”

17th February, 2004

While praying this morning, an Angel appeared and said, “I came to tell you that very soon you are going to have a very big earthquake. It will happen in the sea water, (offshore).”

Then he said, “You know what that means. The water will rise and bring a tidal wave. Tell people to pray and repent before it is too late. Mankind must stop offending God. These disasters will continuously be falling until people realise the wrong they are doing. That does not please God but they offend Him gravely with their sinful deeds.”

The Angel repeated again, “Pray and repent. Tell people this is a serious warning.”
I said, “Lord Jesus, have mercy”.

Our Lord gives us plenty of time to prepare through prayer and changing our way of living, and if we all listen to His Holy word, He may change or mitigate the punishment. Valentina.

Date Unknown

This morning while I was praying. Blessed Mary Most Holy came to visit. She told me that we would visit some Souls in Purgatory today. She does this often.

We saw many suffering Souls in a huge place like a park. Each time Our Blessed Mother takes me to places like that, there is always one thing that surprises me. With permission from Our Blessed Mother, I can ask them questions. They are very happy to see us. They touch me and call me by name.

“They all want something from you”, Holy Mother said. “My child, you can pray for them and offer Holy Masses for them. This will ease their suffering”. I asked the Blessed Mother, “My beautiful Mother of Grace how can I offer a mass for all these people? There are thousands. I would have to sell my house and that would probably not be enough”.

Holy Mary smiled and hugged me, saying, “No need to sell your house and pay for their Masses. When you go to church to attend Mass, you yourself offer these people and it will atone for their sins and will help to ease their pain. Continue to do this and they will progress spiritually and slowly they will be purified and will go to Heaven”.

I replied “Thankyou, Holy Mother, for explaining this to me. I love you, my Mother”.

24th January

Lord Jesus gave this prayer for people to recite for healing:

“Lord Jesus, I believe that you can heal me with Your Precious Blood that flow through the heart and vein of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Mother, I believe, I confide and I trust Lord that You will heal me.”

Our Lord Jesus smiled and then said, “You must sincerely ask Me and invite Me when you use this prayer in My Holy Name. When you invite Me I will stand on your right hand side”.

He smiled again and said, “Don’t forget to say thankyou and be always grateful. My children, for all My gifts I give you”.

I replied, “Thankyou, my gentle Jesus”.