17th April


Message 1:

Holy Thursday celebration of the Last Supper. In the church Our Lord Jesus said, “My loving child, Valentina. Stay with me, this hour of my agony. How I suffer. They beat me and scourged me like an animal and threw me in a cold cellar prison, the man, full of sorrow, agony and blood. I endure all for you, my children. The temptation of the sin of the flesh offends me so much. Even today in the world it is worse than ever before.”

He continued, “Please, my child, console me. Speak of my infinite love and mercy. Tell people to confess their sins and not be afraid to come to me. I am full of mercy and compassion. I will forgive when they come to ask me.”

How much we offend Our God. He is very sensitive and understanding. When we sin and never repent we hurt His Merciful Heart, full of love and pity for all of us. Please confess and stop offending Our Lord.

Message 2:

While waiting to be served in a shopping mall. I watched the people and wondered if they all understood the meaning of Easter. Suddenly I felt someone close beside me and I turned but all I saw was a white sleeve close to my shoulder. Then a feeling of joy flooded over me and I knew that Lord Jesus was present.

Then Our Lord said, “My child, love never ends. It circles around always. Since you offer yourself to me early in the morning, then I am the one who guides you everywhere you go, or that oneness, that intimate relation between us, that trust in the Creator that I want to assure with my poor children, but so few listen.”

He continued, “Valentina, bring me a sinner. I will bless you even more. When we pass a busy crowd, offer me everyone. I am waiting for you to do this. You don’t know the joy you will give me. Be one with Me and love Me, my child, love Me for others.”
I felt so happy and emotional for the Lord who loves us so much. Please come to know Him, He will bless you. I replied, “Thankyou, my Lord Jesus. I love you so much!”

7th April

Our Lord Jesus asked me twice today if I want to come to Heaven. He asked me in the morning and then again in church after receiving Holy Communion.

He said, “Valentina, my child, I want to explain to you why I asked you twice today, If you want to come to Heaven. When I lived on earth and chose my Twelve, I taught them everything. I spoke to them about Heaven. We loved to be together and the time was passing quickly, and drawing nearer for me to leave them. I again said to them, “soon I will leave you.” “Rabbi, teacher, where will you go? Why would you leave us?” They asked Me.

“They thought I would move somewhere else. Their faces were very sad. I told them, “Where I am going, you cannot come, not yet but soon. One day you will follow me. I am going ahead of you to prepare a place for you all. Where my Father is, there are many rooms for you for my Father loves you all.”

“My child, it is the same today in the world. No different to when I lived on earth. Continuously, I speak through my chosen souls and I desire all my children to come to Heaven, but sadly, only a few think of Heaven and the after life. They don’t make any effort to come to meet me in Heaven, for the majority think there is nothing after we die. “Generation with no hope” I call them. Rather they live in sin and pleasure. I, the Redeemer, suffer for all humanity.”
He continued, “What I went through to save you. There is no love or gratitude for me. How sad and broken hearted I am. Please, my child, console me. Speak of Heaven to people and the life after with me in Heaven. Tell people how I want everyone to come to me. My Love burns for all my people.”

I said, “I want to speak and encourage others to come to you but not always do they listen. But, Lord, I will try over and over again. We love you. Sweet Jesus, have mercy on us.”

5TH APRIL, 2003

This morning, while praying, Our Lord Jesus came and spoke, “My loving children of My Sacred Heart, don’t be discouraged and depressed when you see all around you negativity. Tell people My reign of peace will soon come on earth.”

“The prophecy must come to pass.” “Right now, I am preparing a new era.”

“You hear all the bad news and you all live in fear. The war is on everyone’s minds. The leaders of the world think they will soon win this war and everything will be alright, but the peace won’t come as easily as they planned. I want all of you to pray harder, especially the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy.”

“Think of My Passion and Suffering I went through to redeem you, especially now in Lent you all owe Me in return some consolation and love that I give you everyday in your lives.”

“Be at peace, My children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Thankyou, Lord Jesus, Have mercy on us.

31st March

After I had received Holy Communion, I was thanking the Lord for graces received and Our Lord appeared to me very cheerful and happy.

Jesus said, “My child, Valentina, go and announce My coming from the roof tops in a loud voice that My coming is ever so near. Tell My people that the Lord Jesus is coming, to prepare and repent of their sins and to be happy and joyous. Give them hope in these troubled times that you are all going through, I tell you I shall put everything right. I shall restore peace in the world, no more wars and killing people. I shall defeat the enemy, the wicked will not have any more power over the good. My Love shall flourish on this earth. People will praise Me. Their sadness will turn to a beautiful joy and thanksgiving to their God, for He has done all this- to liberate His people from the slavery of evil. Pray, My children, have hope and trust in Me for I know everything.

Be ready to receive Me, pure and holy, repent of all your sins for I will bless even more. Obey Me for I love you all and bless you. Be at Peace and trust in Me, your Jesus.”

I answered, “Have Mercy on us all, I love you, Jesus”.

28th March

Blessed Mary Most Holy said, “Repeat many times today in the church, my children, think of my Son’s Passion. Meditate on His suffering during Lent. Give up some of your pleasures and good life for Him.”

“Sacrifice little. Console Him, for He is very offended by the world and all the pleasures and sinfulness that He sees. Think also of my poor children starving in the world, because mankind becomes very possessive of material things and selfishness.”
“When you help the needy person it’s like a balm to God. How much one day, He will reward you. Pray very much during these end times. Pray to obtain graces for the world so that light will come through the mercy of God.”

I said, “Thankyou, beloved Mother Mary. Pray for us your children.”

7th February

First Friday

Lord Jesus said, “My sweet child, you were called here tonight so I can reveal things to you.”

Our Lord was looking at me with much love and compassion and said, “My child, you endure the hardest test I ever gave you. Please accept with love and console my Sacred Heart that grieves for all humanity in the world and is so offended. Your suffering is not in vain. If you could only see how many souls go to Heaven and how many sinners you save, plus you console my Sacred Heart that grieves and is offended by many blasphemies I receive daily from the world, you would be very happy to console me, my child. You plead to people and try to tell them my word, but your voice is not heard. I tell you, the same voice that comes from me I keep repeating to all humanity and plead for conversion but my words and voice are not heard. They are deaf to my call, their eyes are blind not to see what is going on in the world. The people are ignoring completely.”

“Valentina, can I count on you? Please help me and console me. I love you.” There were tears in Our Lord’s eyes as He spoke.

5th February

Lord Jesus, said in the Church at St. Patrick’s in the City, “My sweet children of my Sacred Heart, My angels. Once more I unite you after a long time in My Holy presence be always truthful to Me for I love you so much and unite to me. Pray very much for the world is very shaky, many troubles all over the world. Leaders are trying to discuss the world behind closed doors, soon there will be a big conflict, it will affect you all. Pray for peace be calm, I love you and I am with all my children, those who trust in Me, and listen to My Holy Word.

My Beloved Mother pleads always for Her children. Thank us always and be appreciative for all the Graces We give you spread My Holy Word for so many denounce God. Remain peaceful I Bless you my children.”

4th February

St Margaret Mary’s Church after Holy Communion.

Lord Jesus said, “Think of My Passion now that you are coming close to Lent. How I suffer for you, my children. My Passion and suffering was unbearable and I still suffer for My Churches which are torn apart. It is NOT one body of Christ, but split in many parts.”

Our Lord lamented, “It hurts me so much. Pray for unity that soon it will be one body in Christ. That will heal all my churches.”

The Lord laments for many religions. He then continued, “You know, my child, all these divisions are because of the pride and disobedience and lack of humility between my churches and the leaders. Each one wants to be better then the other. My true church is unity and one.”

I said, “What can I say, I am sorry. I can only pray for them, and hope one day they will all be united. Then, My Lord, You will be the happiest God.”

Our Lord laughed at this and I said, “Have mercy me Lord Jesus”.

I answered, “Thank you, my sweet Jesus and my Mother for this very special day that you give us.”


While at church after receiving Holy Communion. I received a vision of people in church, all moving around laughing and talking to one another, and not giving any recognition or reverence to the Holy Presence in the Tabernacle.

I asked, “Lord Jesus, is this a vision of things to come in the future?”

Our Lord appeared and said, “My child, I gave you a full glance of what is taking place now in the churches.” He lamented, “It is the pride of people that ruins all. When pride is in everything, then the devil is in the church. I withdraw Myself away, and I suffer to see my children so disobedient and proud.”

I then asked, “What can I do to repair all this?” He said, “Valentina, my child, they should look upon you, instead, they crucify you and ridicule you. How sad that makes Me and My Beloved Mother. People live so much for this world, they think very little of the next and NOT to please Me. All their work and achievements is vanity. This is so important for their goal, nothing to please Me, all for themselves.

Please console Me. Please speak to Priests about this. Maybe, My Word will be heard. It needs a lot of prayers to purify the sins that are in every church. Even in the fashions worn today and come into My Holy Presence offend Me greatly.”

I wept and answered, “My Lord, My Jesus, Please have mercy on us all.”


While at church, during the Consecration.

Our Lord asked me, “Aren’t you going to offer me everyone, especially the forgotten souls. There is no one to help them. Thank me for being in My Holy presence, tell me, you love me. Converse with me, tell me something about yourself.”
I replied, “My Lord, but I am praying.” He said smiling, “But tell me about yourself.”
I answered, “My Lord, Your Holy presence always gives me peace and joy. I love you so much and I thank you for all the graces you give me.”
After Holy Communion Our Lord said, “You remain kneeling while others stay standing. Remember, my child, your are still in my Holy presence.”

25th January

While at church, I thanked the Lord Jesus for the grace He gives me to come to the Mass. I told Him I almost didn’t make it because of other reasons.

Our Lord smiled and responded, “Every minute in my Holy presence is very precious. Be grateful, my child, and be thankful always. I love you so much, my child.”

Here Our Lord explained our procrastination, “Valentina, sometimes you feel you don’t want to come to Me in the Mass. You lack faith to come to me”. He smiled and said, “Just think what you miss. The greatest thing you’ll ever miss is the Mass by saving souls. So much benefit will come to me and to you as well”.

Our Lord encourages us to attend Mass, daily when possible, for it will benefit our souls after we die, more than a thousand Masses said for us after we die.

22nd January

The Blessed Mother, Mary most Holy, during prayer, she told me, “My daughter, once more I come to warn the people that they must pray more. Look what is happening to this country of Australia. Are they blind not to see that through this drought and fires, the land is all parched and dry? They must plead to Almighty God the Father, that this catastrophic event will not come upon you all, and to stop offending God for He is too much offended already by so many sins committed in this country and all over the world. Man must not rebel against God for He created you all.”

“The devil is leading you all where ever he wants and people permit themselves to be lead in the darkness of infernal sin. Tell people if they do not change and pray then the just hand of God shall reach upon you all soon. How I plead with you, my children, to pray. At least my faithful children. Help to save others, through your sacrifices and prays, who are blind and deaf to Our call. Tell my children that I still cry, and to take these Holy words seriously.”

“I love you, my children, please console my Immaculate Heart which constantly bleeds for all of you. My daughter, fear not to tell others. We are with you always to guide you and protect you. I Bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

I answered, “Thankyou my beautiful Mother Mary. Please save us and help us.”

7th January

I had a vision in the early hours this morning. I saw two men with an Angel.

These two persons told me, “God will send us soon on earth. We shall walk on the earthly streets once again and proclaim the Word of God but only for a short time. The evil men will try to kill us but God will be on our side. Another thing we want to tell you, soon your waters will be poisoned. Be alert. Tell people to pray much. People don’t pray enough, so that God will protect you through your faith and prayers. You don’t realise the danger times are coming your way, all over the world”.

30th December

This morning while praying, I offered to the Lord, saying, let it be Your will but not mine.

Lord Jesus answered, “Valentina, peace be with you. Try to be peaceful at all times, and tell people to be peaceful too. I know it is not easy to deal with everyday life because there is so much evil around you and the news is not good, the devil confuses all the nations, he puts fear in everyone’s mind. That is his plan to control you all and to control your mind. This war that will soon start is also a lot of natural disaster that will occur. That is another sign to open the road to Matrea (the false God who will use My name to give false peace and empty promises). My child, I will permit all this to come because humanity rejects GOD. They deny Him, the real GOD, The Father who loves you all so much. They except the false God of the world. How sad I am to see all this. My Sacred Heart grieves and bleeds daily and I am offended in so many ways.

But My child, still I feel sorry for all of you, hopeless and defenceless children. You remain in the darkness of sin but My Sacred Heart and fatherly tender feelings will not abandon you. When everything seems lost, I will strongly intercede for you in the most powerful spirit. I will give you a conscience vision of your life and show you that I exist. I the GOD and Creator of all that is all in Me and from Me. Out of My love I will do all this to give humanity another chance to come back to the real Father of Love, who will never stop loving you.

Pray, My children, have hope in Me. I and My beloved Mother Mary, most Holy will protect you. We love you so much, TRUST, Trust daily in Us.”

Our Lord was in tears when He was speaking these Holy Words. I too, was crying to see our Lord so much offended and rejected by humanity.

Then He continued, “Tell My children I am always with those who obey My word and listen”. He then said, “As for you, My child of My Sacred Heart, console Me and spread My word among all My children. Be at peace and give hope to people. I love you and bless you. Be at peace.”

I replied, “Thank you my Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all”.

29th December

Feast of the Holy Family

Blessed Mary our Mother, asked me to pray the Holy Rosary and to encourage everyone also to pray.

She said, “My children, you don’t realise what is around the corner. The war is about to start and many will die but you, My children, take it easy because you are far away but this war can spread and effect many countries in the world. It is very dangerous. Pray for peace. Only by true prayer can this be stopped”.

I answered, “thankyou, Blessed Mother, for reminding us. Please protect us”.