15th November, 2004

This morning while praying, an Angel came and said, “Praise God with all your hearts for He is worthy to be loved and praised. From generation to generation. He showers you with His goodness and kindness abundantly every day of your life on earth. His mercy and love are everlasting gifts to you all. You people are so blind to all that God does for you. No appreciation!”

He said, “When your life ends on earth you experience the truth that is God Himself that reveals to you the true word, then you are sorry for not loving Him enough. The souls have to learn in Purgatory how to love God and suffer for the many faults they committed during life.”

The Angel said, “Purgatory is over packed with suffering souls. Tell people to pray for them to release their suffering. You all have a duty towards one another to help to be released from agonising pain, before they are purified to go to eternity.”

“Praise and love God almighty, for all His love and goodness. His goodness He sends you through His merciful love. His blessings and love are everlasting.”

I answered, “We praise You and bless You for all Your love.”

23rd October, 2004

During Mass, after receiving Holy Communion.

Jesus said, “Think, that “ feed you with My Holy Body every day, as evil and wretched as you are, I still come to nourish you and heal you of all your sins and faults. Suffer with Me, for I choose you to bear the wrongs that I see and offend Me, especially in the Holy Communion. Pray for all.”

I replied, “Have mercy. Sweet Jesus, on all sinners.”

22nd October, 2004

In St. Patrick’s Cathedral, while praying the Holy Rosary.

Our Lord Jesus said, “When you prayed the sorrowful mysteries as I look at you. My children, gathered in a small number here to pray, 1 rejoice to see you. Just think of My passion as I carried the cross. I carry each one of you upon it and suffer for you all to save you. How painful it was, but I continued with anguish and pain because I love you constantly. Pray a great deal for the world, for the world is sinking deeper and deeper into darkness of sin.”

“My daughter, fear not. Speak over and over of My mercy and love.
There is not much time before I will severely judge the world. They must return and repent to come to know Me. My warnings are not listened to but ignored and ridiculed by so many people, even churches don’t want to tell people, they keep silent. They don’t want the truth to offend people. So much I am sacrileged in the Eucharist and abused.”

Our Lord was very offended because we don’t attend Confession.

16th October, 2004

At home while praying this morning. Our Lord said, “My child, nothing can separate the need and trust between God and man. With his intelligence, which comes from me, he becomes proud and builds his wealth on this planet Earth. He threw away all my gifts and slowly he started to withdraw, creating a distance between My love and his. The king of evil, the devil, offers money, power and false idols to deceive you. The more you accumulate, the more harmful it is for your souls after you die. How sad I am to watch you so greedy and so proud. This world is denying the real God who loves you so much.”

“I Myself will not judge you, but My Word will judge the world and condemn your sinful deeds and it is not very distant when this will happen. Be prepared, like in Noah’s time or in Sodom and Gomorrah, but this will be worse. The people who listen and praise Me will be glad. The evil doers will perish. The world will flourish with pure life and fresh air to breathe, all pure and clean. People will praise Me and love Me in unity with holiness and tranquillity in their hearts, joining with Me, the King of Kings.”

I said, “Lord, who can go against you? You are all-powerful and mighty. Have mercy on us.”

Then Our Lord said, “Valentina, teach people of My resurrection and explain to them that I died but I rose and I am now alive.”

7th October, 2004

Today, an Angel appeared and said, “Praise the Lord and thank Him for the rain He has sent you. I tell you, this month you will have more rain, but after this, there will be no more rain. You will start to get very hot weather and heatwaves. It will be a scorching summer.”

“Thank God and praise Him. Pray that in His goodness and kindness He will be merciful to you all.”

“In every part of the world. God is offended by so many sins and evil doing, this country and this city is no different. It offends God so very much.”

“God in His kindness and love sends punishment to His people to warn them that they must change their way of life they are leading. Tell people that God sees everything, nothing is hidden from Him.”

“God can see from all directions, above and below and sideways.” He smiled and said, “People think they can cheat God, but they only cheat themselves.”

I answered, “Thankyou Lord, for sending the Angel to us, to warn us, so we can pray to ask God to be merciful to us”.

5th October, 2004

While praying my morning prayers at home. Our Lord appeared to me in a vision and said, “Peace be with you, My child. Be at peace. I know that you are wondering whether you will receive an answer from the Bishop concerning the booklet of messages you gave to him. You keep praying for him that the Holy Spirit will enlighten and touch him. I have come to tell you that he likes the Work, the words that I have spoken to you. He knows they are not from you, that they are definitely from Me. He is very happy.”

Our Lord then showed me in a vision the Bishop holding the booklet in his hand, his face looked very happy and radiant. He was saying, “We have always had prophets, before Jesus since the beginning of time, so we have them now with us too, to prophesies God’s true word. We have one now among us in our Diocese.”

Our Lord said, “Valentina, I know you would like to receive an answer from the Bishop, but don’t be sad if you don’t hear from him.”

“Valentina, half of the Bishop is good, he would like to tell everyone about all these happenings, but the other half won’t let him because of those he has gathered around him would have the opposite attitude and would not accept this. He is worried about what they would say.”

Our Lord then said, “Valentina, you understand now, how the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Don’t let that stop you. Continue to proclaim My word to people. You know how much I love you all and I want to save as many of you as I can.”

I said, “Thankyou, Lord and I praise you for all the graces You give me. I will not worry because You see everything and 1 know You are always with me to give me strength and courage to carry on.”

14th September, 2004


During 11am Mass for Catechists. I thanked the Lord for the Holy sacrifice of the Mass and lamented to Him for not being very peaceful, being distracted by the many faces opposite me. He answered, “Without Me, you are nothing. Repeat to yourself – Jesus is here to give me graces, be always grateful My children and peaceful knowing that I am here in the church.

Then Jesus said, “Lead others to come to My Holy Cross. Without the Cross there is no life. The Cross that I carry and died on was for all of you to be saved. The world must look at My Cross. It is the sign that I am there. Wherever My Cross is, in this country or in a place, I bless. But this world of yours tries to remove Me and deny Me. The more they deny Me, the more trouble their will be in those places and in the world.”

“My Cross is a visible sign for you to repent. It is a sign of My love and what I have done to save you.”

“Since people don’t love Me, they reject My Holy Cross instead of embracing Me.” His manner became more serious. He continued, “I tell you, I will make My Cross appear in the sky for you all to see and realise that I exist.”

“Let them know that I, the Holy Lord, have spoken My true, Holy word.” Valentina answered, “We bless You and praise You, Holy Lord and revere your Holy Cross.”

13th September, 2004

At home this morning while praying the Angelus two Angels appeared in a vision, and they said, “Adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Console Him for others. Adore Him in the most Sacred Sacrament of the Altars of the Church. Adore Him and love Him, praise Him for He is worthy of all praise.”

A moment later, the Angel placed a little watch in my hand. At that moment. God the Father approached. I said, “Glory and praise to You, Almighty Father, for ever and ever. I love Thee, my Father.”

He smiled and said in a very loving manner, “My daughter, the watch is a symbol which My Angel placed in your hand. Constantly, you look at the time in order to wake in the morning, it is a constant reminder that you have to be on time. People move through time, they are constantly guided by time, even to the precise time of arriving to church. Yes, My children, all is time and you are guided by time.”

“Don’t forget. My children, to be grateful, for it is I, your Creator and Father who guides you and permits you all to be in time.”

“I also came to tell you today, that the time is ticking very fast. My children. Awake from your slumber. There are very dangerous threats in the world. Many terrorists are planning to kill you and planning many evil things all over the world. Be alert, convert, repent to Me soon, today if possible not tomorrow. Tomorrow may already be too late.”

“My Son, Jesus’ Sacred Heart is so offended by all the sinful deeds that are committed in the world with no shame or any remorse.” God the Father explained, “My children, I love you so much. You have no idea how much We love you in Heaven. I come to you as God the Father in the Spirit, but My Son Jesus can feel the pain for He is the God – Man. Convert and console My Son for I, God the Father, will come to judge the world very soon for the time is ticking very fast.”

Valentina concluded, “Thanks to You, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. Please take this message to heart and encourage others to convert.

9th September, 2004

Our Lord said, “Valentina, leave all your worries to Me. Your job is to bring Me people and convert them. Speak of Me always and of My infinite love.”

“Go and preach everywhere. Bring Me the unfortunate and sick so that I can heal them. Tell them of repentance. Once they repent and are cleaned of all that is dirty in their souls, I shall embrace them with My special graces. They must confess first.”

“Go, My child to the fields everywhere. Pick all the weeds out, root them out and when you finish in that place and the next, for there are so many weeds to be cleaned, for the good crop is choking. You must weed all out.”

I answered, “Have Mercy, My Lord”.

Our Lord refers to sin and conversion. Please confess properly to a priest if you wish to receive graces from Our Lord, and He will bless you and love you in return.

28th August, 2004

During the wedding of a friend’s son. Our Lord Jesus said to me while I was praying, “My child, remember that it is I who arrange for you everything. I plan ahead of things in time. It pleases Me when you are not certain of your decision. Ask Me if it is My will. I am very happy when you ask Me. Tell everyone to trust Me more in their everyday lives.”

“Like this wedding. You kept putting it off. I was watching you. Then your friend called and with a little more encouragement that came from Me through My beloved daughter (N…) to help you to say yes to attending the wedding because, I, Your Lord, wanted you to be there.”

“Remember, My child, the wedding in Cana, Galilee. They were so happy to have Me at their wedding. They were also very happy to have My Mother, who also was there. Do not forget to invite My Mother everywhere you go. She too is part of your life. At the wedding, she asked Me to change the water to wine. She wants people to recognise Me as their God.”

“All was for your teaching, what I have done on earth in example to remember My life for your life in salvation. I still perform miracles every day. Some people recognise them, others ignore them, but they all come from Me so you can learn more about Me and love Me.”

At the wedding reception Our Lord said, “You ask Me to bless all the people at this wedding, especially the bride and groom, and they receive My special blessing in their new life together and you must pray for them.”

Our Lord lamented, “How many marriages break these days because they don’t ask Me for My blessing in unity to stay together. So much I have to offer. If only they would trust Me more. I suffer to see My love rejected everywhere.”

After the reception Our Lord said, “Valentina, I could not communicate with you as it was too noisy. We could only meet in peaceful moments and be united. Share My love and peace with everyone.”

I replied, “We love you! Lord Jesus, for loving us so much”. Peace is very essential in our lives. Our Lord wants us to pray for peace always.

15th August, 2004


In the church of St Margaret Mary, Merrylands.

Our Blessed Mother appeared to me smiling and said, “My children, today is the very special feast of My Assumption into Heaven. It is very important for you to give Me a great honour of My Assumption. Your Heavenly Mother ascended into paradise. Soul and Body on this feast. The Saints and Angels constantly rejoice and praise Me for who T am, the Mother of My Son Jesus.”

“Constantly, the Saints and Angels, all Heavenly Beings leap for joy, singing and praising Me for they are so happy to be with Us in Heaven. Also, many souls, on this special day, come to Heaven. God gives many graces. They are overwhelmed with joy.” (These are souls lifted up from Purgatory)

“Now, I come to give you good news. My children. I come to announce to you that Jesus will soon reign on earth.”

“He will come in His Glory.”

“He can no longer watch so sinful and corrupt a world. He lowers His hand to purify the nations. Many catastrophic disasters are happening and will persist very frequently one after another. Once they get over one disaster another is happening. Until mankind realises God is letting His anger on His children on earth, these things will continue to happen. They are not obedient to His will.”

“Lose no hope. My children, when you see all these disasters happening. Pray and have faith and trust in Jesus. Jesus will soon reign on earth. Be happy and grateful for He is preparing for you a new era of peace and will establish a Kingdom among His people. He will finally chain the devil and he will no longer be able to deceive you.”

“My children, don’t lose hope. Keep praying, have faith in Us, My children. I bless you all, My children. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

I said, “Thankyou, Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth”. We must pray the Holy Rosary daily for world peace.

5th August, 2004

Our Lord has revealed to me the message spoken about three days ago, on the 2nd of August, 2004.

Our Blessed Mother appeared with Jesus and she said, “Praised be Jesus forever, my daughter. Love my Son very much and tell others to love Him too. His Sacred Heart is pierced by so many offences received daily from ungrateful people of this world.”

“I come to plead with you again, my children, and tell you of this urgent message. They are preparing for the Third World War, which is about to break.”

“The leaders are lying to you to tell you that everything is peaceful and well. Satan is raging throughout the world trying to destroy you all. This war they are preparing is ever so near. I wish and I desire that all my children start to pray the most Holy Rosary starting from the 13th of this month onward and everyday after for world peace.”

Blessed Mother then said, “If the world will obey and respond to this call and plea, maybe God in His mercy and goodness can stop this horrific war that is upon you all.”

“Take this message seriously, my children, and pray, pray, pray right through the world, my children must pray.”

Holy Mary was crying for she knows how dangerous the time is in which we live.

I responded, “Lord in Your mercy and goodness, have mercy on us and on the world. Queen of the most Holy Rosary, Pray for us.” Valentina.

3rd August, 2004

During Mass in St Patrick’s Parramatta.

A strong westerly wind was blowing. In the wind, in the comer of the roof above the huge Crucifix, I heard a terrible howling and crying. I said, “God, grant them peace.”

Our Lord said, “My child, these are the hundreds and thousands of voices who beg for My mercy. Lead them under My cross and offer them during the Mass so that My mercy will quench their suffering.”

He explained, “See, My child, everyday many people are dying and are in a terrible sin. Possibly through a violent and unprepared death, for this reason, pray for forgotten souls roaming everywhere, seeking My mercy.”

I prayed, “Peace be with you and in your souls, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

If we only knew of the suffering of souls, we would constantly pray for them to relieve their pain. Valentina.

2nd August, 2004

Today, while receiving Holy Communion, I was thanking the Lord for
His love and gift nourishing me. Our Lord Jesus came and said, “My child, I shall soon reveal to you My word for your family and for the whole world a very important message.”

20th July, 2004

In St Patrick’s, Parramatta, after Mass.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Peace be with you My child. The most important part of your life is to be peaceful always and only I, the Lord, can give you peace to your soul, not from the world in which you live, there is too much noise and confusion.”

“Valentina, people are talking and wondering why you have such changeable weather all over the world. I tell you now, you are all going through the last pages of the book I spoke to John, the Book of Revelation and the period of changes in the world. History is about to change forever.”

“I, the Lord, Myself,” He said moving His holy hand in a sweeping circle, “am doing this.”

“I keep shifting your courses of history and they are disturbing your weather and the nature is confused. Even science cannot find an answer as to why all this is happening. Drastically, they are moving and disturbing your planet, until mankind realises that it is God in control of everything, but man is blind and will remain blind and they have no knowledge of My creation because they are not spiritual enough to discern right from wrong.”

“These disturbing events will persist and will bring catastrophic disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, droughts, heat waves, icy weather, storms and so on, but still this will not awaken people to pray and to change men’s hearts. Their hearts will remain icy cold but this will not change them because their pride will prevent them from doing so. Until My fire will come from Heaven to cleanse all evil from this sinful world.”

“Only then will My chosen and faithful rejoice in My new creation and love Me and learn to love Me, obeying in all My will and will remain joyful and happy in their God who loves them so much.”

“Fear not, remain faithful to Me, for these things must happen. Feel not alarmed, pray and trust Me. I, the Lord, have spoken true. My faithful and humble servant.” He then departed, very serious and solemn in His manner.

Lord have mercy on all mankind. Our Lord asked me for us to take this message seriously. Read it carefully and if you are not converted please make an effort to understand. Valentina.