28th December

I was visiting a friend in hospital. Our Lord Jesus said, “Sprinkle My blessing all over the place. Think of their suffering My child, offer all the sick to Me, some may even die tonight and they do not know Me. Ask Me to have Mercy on each person. That way they can still be saved. You know My Compassionate Heart is full of Love and Mercy.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, I’m so happy that you sent me to the hospital today. I fell very joyful and I fell very strongly Your presence”.

Jesus answered, “My child, nothing is by chance. It is I who makes it possible for you to come here, not by yourself. We are one and this oneness means we are always together. Let us not leave My Mother Mary most Holy out, She is always with us, united.”

I answered, “Thankyou, sweet Jesus, thankyou sweet Mother Mary, most Holy”.

29th November

Lord Jesus said to me today, “My child, Valentina when you go to people to speak my word, you must explain the meaning of the message. For instance, when I give you a prophecy of what is to happen, such as a catastrophic event it is because people offend God too much, and the prophecy is to warn them beforehand.

Then He said, “The prophecy is also conditional, if they listen, repent and pray the chastisement can be stopped or averted through My Mercy. Then you should be grateful and thankful that I was merciful to all sinners, but most of the time, people condemn m prophets and they ridicule and crucify them.

This has been happening right throughout history, and that offends Me very much. Instead of listening to my prophets that I speak through, and to My beloved Mother, who continuously comes to warn you of the dangers that you are living in, they don’t believe. Instead hey stab them in the back. But I see everything, nothing escapes Me. I shall judge severely, those who ridicule my word, they have already brought judgement upon themselves. Nobody can stop God.”

The he looked at me and said, “Valentina, my child, continue to speak My true word that I teach you. Don’t be afraid, we are always with you to protect you.” Then he smiled and said, “I love you, be at peace.”

I replied, “Lord, Jesus, I love you too, have mercy on us all.”

28th November

I was in St. Margaret Mary’s Church, offering all the sufferings of the people and I asked Lord Jesus, “People are suffering my Lord Jesus, please help them.”

Our Lord came and said, “trust in Me My children, Confide in me. Be patient a little longer, for my coming is so near. Sooner than you all think.

Pray a lot, and don’t be discouraged and negative. I know you all go through pain. The evil one tries to destroy all. But he will not, because I will not permit him. Stay close to Me and My beloved Mother, Mary, Most Holy. We see everything, you would not survive if we did not protect you. So much evil around you my children, pray, pray, pray. Prayer is your guard against all evil. I love you all so much, my chosen children. Soon I will liberate you, and you will live peacefully and happily and you will praise me as your Lord and King.”

Jesus always gives us hope. We should never despair, but come and trust in Jesus.

17th November

7am, during morning prayer, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, My Sacred Heart is constantly wounded for everything that I see today in the world. All of you life in fear of threatening terrorists. O My people wake up and see you don’t know where they will place a bomb to kill you. Be aware my people, more alert.

Pray for Our guidance and protection. These terrorists are everywhere, full of evil and hate. They are constantly planning to kill. The devil tells them to reduce the population of the world, especially Catholics and Christians being their targets. My children you are not aware of the threats they are planning to carry out in this evil work. The leaders of this country and all over the world know of these dangerous threats, but they cannot stop it. By the time they find out, they have already striked and killed. Again I warn you children, pray for Our protection and guidance. Be more prudent this coming Christmas because it will not be a happy one but a sad one.

I replied, “Thankyou Lord Jesus for your warning. Have mercy on us and protect us.”

9th November

Lord Jesus said today, “People think that it will soon be the end of the world. No, My children, it is wrongly explained. The world will still go on for many thousands of years, but not the way it is now, full of trouble, corruption and sinfulness.

The end of this evil era and the end of this evil time in which we all live, will come soon. I promise! Soon, My second coming and the era of peace will come and renew the world. There will be peace, tranquillity and happiness among my people. This, they have never experienced before.

You will all love me and appreciate, that I the Lord, have done all this for you. You will be so grateful and thankful for everything that I the Lord have done. You must desire that I come. People must desire that I come. The more you call me to come, the quicker I will change things.”

I said, “Come Lord Jesus, come. Come to Your Kingdom. We love You and praise You.”

1st November

In the Church during Mass, I was asking all the Saints to pray and intercede for us here on earth. Our Lord, Jesus said, “My loving child, it is so good that you ask my Holy Saints to help you and to pray for all of you. You know my Saints in Heaven always intercede for all of you and they plead, so you to, my children will one day join them in Heaven. The goal you must accept is that whatever comes your way, good or bad, is the test that I give you. It is very beneficial for your own soul. You must deny all temptations and obey my commandments. Not all my Saints were perfect on earth. They had their trials and crosses and the hard tests on earth that I gave them. But they lived more humbly in humility, poverty, chastity and obedience. That is what made them Holy in Heaven, that was their reward. Or course, all of the thanks and glory comes to Me and they praise Me constantly, as their Lord, God and King, and they are very happy.”

I answered, “My Lord and my God, you are so Holy. You are worthy of all praise and thanksgiving. May Heaven and earth praise You for Your glory as the King of Majesty for ever and ever. I love you my Lord, Jesus.”

30th October

This morning our Lord Jesus said to me while I was praying, “My child, let us be one in all. How I rejoice when we share everything together. I wish all my children would do the same, which is unity, sharing the same love. United to your Lord and to trust in Him more, in all the trials they go through in their everyday lives. How much easier would be the burden they carry, a heavy load in their hearts and souls especially the sick.

Valentina, My loving child of My Sacred Heart, give people hope. Tell then of My love and mercy. Tell them to come to Me and to know Me more. I will heal them of all their suffering if they confess their sins, and then the burden will ease in their souls. For this you must return to Me, to your God. I will help you, don’t be afraid. I love you very much. Trust Me, trust Me more.”

I answered, “Thankyou my loving and gentle Lord, Jesus. We all love you, have mercy on us.”

20th October

After receiving Holy Communion, I thanked the Lord. Our Lord Jesus then said, “The greatest gift that I have ever given you, is the Eucharist to nourish you with my own body and blood. Appreciate and be grateful and thank me always. Come to receive Me. He then said, “Come to receive me freely, but worthily. Examine your conscience and say: What would my Lord say when I approach Him? Would he be pleased with me or sad? Admit my children that you are all sinners and full of faults and pride. This doesn’t permit you to admit of your nothingness in my eyes.”

I replied, “Lord, help me to recognise my faults an be merciful to us all.”

13th October

Our Lord Jesus came to me as the Good Shepherd in this vision I saw the Lord among thousands of people, holding a little lamb.

He said, “See my child, I am still searching in the world today for the lost sheep. May don’t know me and cannot hear my voice or my call. Help me to find them. Bring them to me, so I can protect them and put them in the garden of My Sacred Heart, and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, so that they can be safe an protected.” Then he added, “Before I judge the world, they must know me as the Lord of all Humanity. I bless you, be at peace.”

I answered, “I love you, Lord Jesus.”

12th October

Our Lord Jesus said today, “Tell people of this country, Australia, that you have already experienced some disasters of fire and wind that has destroyed many homes. That was a warning to you all, but there is still more to come. In the coming months of summer their will be scorching heat, it will be so hot with droughts that you will not be able to cope. People will even die from such high temperatures that will be reached. I your Lord feel sorry for you. See My child how I beg always and warn people to recognise that the times you all live in are full of evil doings everywhere, I beg you to God, who loves you so much, but you all ignore my pleads. Mankind must realise that they must return to me and beg me for mercy.”

I replied, “Have mercy on me Lord Jesus.”

2nd September

I was returning from meeting with people when our Lord was happy and said, “My child, you are my feet and my voice. Continue My work that I entrust with you with.”

I responded, “Thankyou my Lord, my teacher and my God. I love you.”

29th August

The Lord Jesus said, “People wonder why all these weather disasters happen. My child, it is for a very good reason that they are happening. Man must realise that God is in charge of all and that they must return to love God and to return to seek His pardon and mercy before it is too late. Humanity offends God too much. These disasters will continue until mankind wakes up and stops offending Him.”

Jesus continued, “Your homeland Slovenia will also experience these disasters. Pray, repent convert. Come, I am your God and creator of all the universe. I love you all. Come to me, I am the living water that gives you life and I Myself will wash and cleanse you to be pure. Only in Me you will find true life and happiness.”

When we repent our Lord purifies and cleanses us because we confess our sins and He will give us the grace to love Him and to be united with Him. I concluded by saying, “Lord I thankyou for your constant warnings. Please have mercy on us all your children.”

14th August

God the Father said to me today when I prayed, “My daughter, We of Heaven tell you an always warn people of the world in advance the things that will happen. We give people a chance to come to God, to love Him and not to offend Him.

Look My child, haven’t I always begged My children to return to me. But they ignore my call that I speak through simple souls. They ridicule and persecute them. How sad that makes me and all of Heaven is sad (for God the Father). The Mother of My beloved Son is sent constantly to warn of you of dangerous times that you will live in and experience. The threat of horrific wars is upon you. They threaten the human life that is a gift from Me, your loving father. Only I have the right to take it, not the evil one to destroy it.

I have been so humiliated that I cry with sorrow. Where are you all heading? To self-destruction, corruption, so much sin. It is on a open scale no. My children, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT (My Father said as He was looking at me very sadly). My children, recognise that I am the Father of all love and that I love you very much. Recognise the times the times that you live in are full of troubles. The time that you live in has been given an extra time of my mercy to change your way of life and live in My love and not in sin.

I am waiting to embrace you all. The smoke of sin is so thick that it is reaching all the way to Heaven. Listen to My word and obey it. I will pour abundant graces and mercy on all of you. Don’t be afraid to come to me. I love you so much. Pray, repent and return to me. Come to me, I am the living waters so that I can give you life in abundance. I myself will wash you and cleanse you so that you will be pure. Only in Me will you find true life and happiness. So many people wonder why all these disasters are happening everywhere. People have been warned before in previous messages but they don’t take any notice.”

I responded, “Thankyou God the Father for you constant warnings, love and patience. Have mercy on us all your children.”

12th August

Our Lord appeared to me as The Good Shepherd. He then said to me, as he was smiling “Valentina My child, lead all my sheep to Me. I know all My sheep but some don’t hear My voice and some are to stubborn to come to Me. I am so sad when they reject Me. I love the al. Even if one comes back, I am o happy. The whole of Heaven is rejoicing. Of cause, all the glory goes to Me, your Lord and your God.”

I was thinking, my Lord, but they don’t listen. Jesus smiled at me knowing what I was thinking. So I said to Him, “Lord, would it help if I offer the whole world to you in sprit?” He replied, “Yes, my child, do that often and pray for all to return to Me. Many don’t know Me at all because they are not taught.”

Our Lord continued, “Life on earth is very short and passes very quickly before you all. Many die without even knowing Me. How sad it makes Me to see all this. These are the lost sheep that go astray, the ones that don’t know Me. My child speak to people to come to me, to turn before it is too late. Many catastrophic events are happening all over the world and many people will die in them.”

Our Lord was looking at me and said that he does not want to put fear in to us but he wants us to be ready for Him, to know his and to love Him.

He then said, “Be at peace. I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

I responded, “Thankyou Lord, The Good Shepherd. Have mercy on us and watch over us you’re little lambs.

5th August

In Church after Holy Communion:

After leaving a few minutes I sat up our Lord quickly reminded me and said, “Kneel down My child, you are still in My Holy presence and thank Me my child for everyone as so many receive Me unworthily in Holy communion. Some never confess and receive Me in mortal sin.”

As I was kneeling I was looking at the Tabernacle and I saw a vision of a Heavenly garden and two angels kneeling on either side. The angels moved aside and our Lord Himself appeared and kneeled down I was thinking it is truly God who lives in the Tabernacle and is alive. Jesus said to me. “My child, Do you really believe that I live in the Heavenly Tabernacle only because you can see me?” I replied, “Oh, no my Lord, I really truly believe that you were present in the Holy tabernacle.”

Jesus said, “You are truly blessed because you believe in the Holy Tabernacle, How sad I am for those who don’t believe in My true presence any more.”

I concluded by saying, “Have mercy my Lord, have mercy.”