
14th January 2008

Our Blessed Mother came and greeted me, saying, “Praised be Jesus for ever.”

“Love My son Jesus for He is so gravely offended to see humanity sinking so deep in the abyss of sin. Nothing has changed in the world. People are becoming greedier and greedier, more than ever. Even My faithful are swept as in a wind into competing with one another, buying and selling and thinking of how many houses they can possess. The rich are getting richer and the lower classes can barely survive. For some people it is impossible to live. They are overcharged by rents and payments and they are forced to live on the street.”

“My Heart aches to see so much suffering and injustice in the world caused by greed.”

“My children, you cannot take with you anything. You will only be judged for being so selfish and greedy. In God’s Eyes greed is a very serious sin and offensive, penetrating your soul as an evil weed that can harm your soul. My Son’s agony increases, seeing the world being drawn into this egoism and selfishness.”

“I think of His Passion and how much He suffered to redeem all of you.”

“Console My Son and spread this message so that the light will shine on this dark and sinful world.”

Our Heavenly Mother’s attitude had changed as She left, looking very sad.

6-7 January 2008

Feast of the Epiphany

Our Blessed Mother appeared with the Baby Jesus saying, “My children, Jesus is your only salvation. There is no other salvation.

She put the child down on a hill with a steep incline on the edge of the opposite side I was very concerned. “O, Blessed Mother, perhaps the Baby Jesus will fall down.” She smiled, and walked away and said, “This is for you, My child, to come to His aid.” I came closer, and kneeled down to protect Him.

Little Infant Jesus spoke and taught me this little prayer.

‘My Little Infant Jesus,

show me the way in my life’.

Then He said, “My child, this is not for Me, it is for you to teach you when you are in danger because I love you. When you fall into sin, don’t be discouraged. Come back to Me with repentant heart and I will forgive you. Pray that I will give you strength not to fall again. Over and over you can come to Me and I will forgive you and embrace you.”

Don’t be discouraged, people, Jesus is so understanding and merciful and He will protect you from falling into sin.

3rd January 2008

In church, an Angel spoke and said, “I have to tell you what God thinks of you people in the world. The people are totally mad, out of control, uncontrollable. He can no longer tolerate this madness.”

The Angel smiled and shook His head and left.

1st January 2008

I was praying, an Angel came and said, “I was sent by the Lord to tell you. Something big will happen very soon. It will be sudden and unexpected and it will pass, but then it will come back a second time and it will also pass as quickly as it arrived. You must pray and urge people to pray.”

29th November 2007

Our Lord Jesus said today, “Be at peace, my children be not too stressful and distracted by worldly goods and materialism. That will only take you away from me.”

“As you approach Advent and Christmas, prepare well for my coming. I come every year to you all when you celebrate the most happy event of Me.” He smiled and said, “Emmanuel, God of joy and peace among His people, how much I love you.”

“My children, nothing is more pleasing to Me than a pure and humble heart to be near Me. Go round My cradle and adore Me like a little baby but King of Kings. Go to confession often. Adjust your way of life and forgive one another. How much I will then Bless you. Don’t be afraid, I am a loving and merciful God. I will help you when you ask Me, I am always waiting and ready to help you. Don’t worry so much about what you will buy to eat or wear and how you will look, wondering what others will think of you.” Rather, think of your soul and nourish it with My spiritual words. Let them penetrate deep into your soul. It will benefit you so much after life when we meet face to face because you don’t know the day or the hour when I will call you. Most people are not prepared and ready. They have nothing to offer Me. They are dry as leaf when it falls from the tree and crumbles.”

“Valentina, My child, speak to people of Me and My Kingdom. Don’t give up easily. Repeat to them over and over again. I Myself never give up. I keep coming back and I beg like a beggar til the person accepts Me, then My grace is given to a thirsty soul to nourish and to give life. We are one. We both work for the same thing, to save souls.”

“You will rest one day and receive My reward at the last Alter in Heaven.” Our Lord moved His arm in an arc, and then said “My child, you will rest in peace and that will be the most happy reunion, for all eternity, but for now, you will still have to do your part that I have designed for you.”

“Go in peace, My child, be not afraid, I am always with you.”

Thank you, sweet Jesus. I love you, have mercy on us.

I felt very emotional when our Lord spoke so tenderly towards me and I could see how much He wants us all with Him in Heaven. How He suffers to see many souls to go astray and even lost.

28th November 2007

Jesus said to me while I was reciting the chaplet of Divine Mercy.

“Fear not, My children for what you hear or read or see which causes confusion. Have hope only in Me.”

“I want to tell you that the next year is a very special year. It will be dedicated to My beloved and Holy Mother, and many graces will be given to the world. Pray, My children, for all this to happen.”

“This is how you ask;”

“Dearest and loving Father, may we pray to You through Your loving Son Jesus and His Holy Mother for all Her children, that many graces will come through Her intercession. We ask You and thank You through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”

17TH OCTOBER, 2007

During prayer this morning, Our Lord Jesus and His Blessed Mother appeared to me.

Lord Jesus spoke, “Peace be with you, My child, fear not, it is I, your Lord.” “I come to reveal and explain why We asked you to announce the message We gave you for the 13th of October, to tell people to pray the Holy Rosary and to spread it. My Word was not accepted but rejected and shamefully ridiculed in public.” (This is referring to a priest in Berrima who instructed the people not to listen to the message and referred to false prophets).

Our Lord then said, “Fear not, My daughter, it was your courage and obedience that pleased Me the most and that counts in My eye and I see everything.”

“My priests and shepherds are very proud. They grow taller and taller and slimmer from being so proud and wicked. Pray for them.”

“Now I will reveal to you and show you why I urge you to pray, My children, the Holy Rosary. It is a weapon against all evil which is above you right now in this world.”

He then said, “Come, and I will show you what will happen in many countries in the near future. There will be revolutions in many countries, not many will be without. They will increase wars and fighting.”

In My spirit I was watching with our Lord Jesus. All was so real. He was taking me from one place to another. We walked. There was nothing but fighting and killing.

I said to the Lord, “This is horrible and depressing, so much misery. Why are You permitting all this to happen?”

Our Lord turned to me and said, “Man wants war. There is so much hate and evil and destruction. They are looking for any little thing to start it.”

I said, “Poor people.” I was so sad.

Our Lord embraced me, “I know, you are very compassionate but there is hope. If people listen and pray this all can be stopped. If not, this will still go ahead and go through war and in the end peace will come and a new beginning that I spoke of to you many times will happen. Have hope that it is coming soon.”

Our Lord Jesus was very sad when He showed me this revelation. “People don’t want to listen and mankind is so hateful one to another.”

For this reason, we must pray the Holy Rosary everyday.

Please grant us perseverance.



This morning, Blessed Mother appeared, holding the baby Jesus in Her arms. She was surrounded by many Angels.

I felt very happy, thinking about the Angels. The love of Jesus is so very tender towards us.

Holy Mary spoke, “My child, I come to urge you with a special request. If you would help Me to announce My request. More than ever before the world needs Holy Rosary prayer. The world is in a terrible state and is getting worse. Many leaders try to assure the people of peace and try and convince people, but, My children, in this hour the world is in much danger. Once again, I come to plead with you to pray.”

“I desire that you will fulfil the duty what I require of you. Will you attend Berrima on the 13th of October? Ask permission from the Priests there to speak for a few minutes of the request to tell My children that I desire very much for them to turn back to the Holy Rosary in daily prayer.”

“If they will listen and accept what I ask, that will obtain mercy and grace from Heaven not only for this country, but for the whole world.”

“I bless you and all the people who will be present here today and everywhere. ”

Thankyou, Blessed Mother. We love You and hope people will take heed of Your word.

18th September, 2007

An Angel came to me and said, “See the trouble you experience in the world today and all the disasters that are happening everywhere.”

“Compared to the environmental problems the governments are attempting to solve, I tell you that the chastisement has already begun. God is now chastising the world.”

“It will only get worse. Also, your economy is starting to fail and it will become worldwide. All this is happening for a reason. God can see the little people are suffering under these powerful rich people. God can hear’ the cry of the poor up in Heaven. There is no justice for them here on earth. The state of sin is grave and irreparable and uncontrollable. Everything is accepted in society and no one seems to care any more.”

“For this reason, you must pray and repent.”

We had better take this message very seriously, We cannot escape the chastisement but we can ease its effect by turning towards God’s mercy rather than placing ourselves under His judgement.

13th September, 2007

Our Blessed Mother appeared to me and said, “My children, I come to plead and remind you not to neglect your prayers, which are so essential in your daily lives. I also want to remind you that you are coming into another great drought, especially approaching summer with so much heat and no rain.”

“I also want to remind you, My children, about the rain you received for which you were praying. Thanks be to God Almighty for His gift. As soon as you received the rain, you relaxed and stopped praying. You must continue with your prayer and give thanks to God for His goodness and kindness.”

“Only through prayer will you receive. That is the condition sent from Heaven.”

15th August, 2007


Blessed Mother said to me, “Today you all celebrate a very special day. The day of My Assumption of body and soul into Heaven.”

“How happy I am for being glorified in the Heavenly home by all the Saints and Angels and all Heavenly beings. Constantly, they sing the most enchanting melodies and they give praise and thanksgiving to My Son Jesus, for Me to be the Mother of all.”

“Today many graces are poured on the souls in Purgatory and are lifted to Heaven. Sadly, many are left behind, sad because they need more prayers and penance from you all til they are totally clean of all stains to meet with God.”

I had also been lamenting to our Heavenly Mother about something bad which had happened to me. She said, “My child, I know you are sad for what has happened to you, and you tell your Mother, but have hope and trust in Me. Offer your suffering to My Son Jesus. This will greatly console Him. Think how much bitterness He tastes from the world every day.”

“He is so offended to see humanity living in such a sin. If you could only see the way We see, you would cry and be sad. A big black cloud covers the world. Even your scientists try to work out how to stop and change this environment problem. I tell you, nothing will change these weather disasters. They will only increase. God is in control. When will they realise it!?”

“Pray, pray, My children. Prayer is the only solution. Have hope. Jesus is the only one. I am the Mother of Hope and Consolation.

Who can help you but Jesus? Jesus is your salvation, no one else.”

Thankyou, Blessed Mother. Please help us and console us.

10th August, 2007

Today, our Lord Jesus said to me, “Think of My Passion and My Holy Cross that redeems you.”

“I reminded My Saints when they were still on earth to honour Me and to embrace their crosses and they were glad to accept it to fulfil My Holy Will.”

“My children, I guide you through your daily lives and hope you will offer Me some consolation for the world rebels against Me and offends Me so much.”

“F or this reason I send you from this country to that country and you are there to pray for others. I scatter My children all over the world so they can pray and together with your prayers and My grace, together we can save the world. Be happy and grateful that I do all this for you, My children. ”

“Be at peace, My children, I bless you.”

Thankyou, Lord Jesus, for revealing this encouragement to us.

20th July, 2007

Today I was invited with my dear friends to one of their homes for prayer and a talk. This family had three beautiful boys aged 12, 16 and 18 years We all prayed and had a religious talk, including the messages. I thanked the Lord in the evening for bringing us together but it was not until the next morning, during prayer, that I had a beautiful vision. It was of the family I had visited the previous night.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “I was sent to you to reveal about the three boys you met last night. I will show you a vision.”

In the vision, I saw in a garden next to the house, three standard roses growing one next to the other. They were green and fresh with large white blooms on the top. Each was covered with a light coloured lamp shade cover. I asked the Angel, “Why are these covers on top of the roses?”

The Angel replied, “They are there to protect the rose blooms. The mother of these three boys has rooted each one deeply into the ground, teaching them of the faith of God. That is why they are so pure and whit, and God is protecting them.”

“Oh!” I said to the Angel, “I had a very beautiful feeling about this family. I know their mother and father, and I am so happy for them.” The Angel was thanking and encouraging the mother for giving such a strong faith to the boys.

Congratulations S You are, in God’s eyes, a true Christian to pass

on the beautiful faith. May God bless you all.

Let this be a good example to all of us, especially young couples. Teach your children from a very young age about their faith and religion to know God and Jesus. Gradually it will stay with them and they won’t forget. I had the feeling that these three boys will grow up to join the Priesthood. I pray for many more in the future. Please teach them to know and love Jesus.

Thankyou Lord, for revealing to us all goodness and graces. We love You, Lord Jesus.

17th July, 2007

This morning, during consecration prayers to the Sacred Heart and the

. Immaculate Heart, thinking of everyone and of every country that came into my mind. I said to my Lord, “I include the whole world to You, my Lord, and may You be blessed, praised and loved by everyone who exists, You are the Lord of lords and Almighty King who 1 adore and love.”

That moment, when I stopped, I felt so very happy. Then in the next instant, mysterious things happened in my room. A horrible freezing wind came. Everything started to fly in the air. I was not able to move, and could only watch what was happening with this monstrous wind.

I could see within the wind, a black shadow, which I understood to be satan. There was a pile of typed messages on my dressing table and I could only watch them being tossed and spinning through the room. These were all our Lord’s words, which anger the evil one very much.,

I called the Blessed Mother over and over, “Blessed Mother, please come,” and I implored Jesus and Holy Archangel Michael to come and help. Nothing seemed to stop the anger and the papers were still flying in the air. I feared for the little statuettes of Jesus, Mary and Joseph that they might be broken, he was furious.

I started pleading Heaven again to help me.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit appeared beside me in the form of a large white dove. He touched me gently on the cheek and stayed with me while the evil one continued raging for a short time longer and gradually peace came into the room.

I was very emotional and thanked our Lord over and over for coming to rescue me. During the storm, I feared that it would go into the rooms of my son and grandson, but our Lord would not permit this to happen.

I went to confession and Mass this day and thanked our Lord again for His protection. It proved beyond doubt that all these messages are genuine and was just another effort by the evil one to destroy them.

Thankyou, Lord Jesus, our Saviour. May Your will be done.

16th July, 2007

Our Blessed Mother appeared with Jesus and St Joseph.

“My child, prepare well from now on until Christmas, The Nativity of Jesus the Saviour.”

“Think what it would be like for all of you, My children, if My Son didn’t come to save you.”

“Ask yourselves and think deeply in your souls how much He loved you, to come to earth and reveal Himself to you.”

“His love never ends just to save you.”

“My children, you must also work hard toward your salvation. Let Me remind you that you are here only for a short time, not forever. The time passes before you so quickly and you are called to go back to God where you belong.”

“Pray, pray. Live simply. That pleases My Son very much.”

“I cannot tell you how much we love you and want to save you from this wicked world.”