4 July 2021

Our Lord Jesus Sings to give us Courage

When I was saying my prayers in the morning, our Lord Jesus appeared. He was dressed in a white robe with a red sash. This is the month of His Precious Blood. He said, “I have to give you courage so that you won’t be sad, especially because you cannot attend the Holy Mass today.”

Suddenly our Lord started to sing in a most beautiful, high pitch voice:

“Oh come, oh come to receive My Body.

It is the real flesh,

And drink My Chalice, which is real blood,

And I will nourish you and give you life.”

Our Lord was so joyful and cheerful when He was singing these beautiful words. It was such a beautiful melody. He continued to sing:

“Oh come to Me, oh come to Me, so freely,

and so precious is My gift to you all,

and all the world is worthless

without My Body and without My Precious Blood.


So, do not be afraid,

It is only Me who can do this, and no one else.

So, be at peace and call Me to come,

And to nourish you spiritually.”

“Have faith in Me.”

Our Lord then smiled.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us courage and do not abandon us.

1 July 2021

Honour My Precious Blood in this Month of July

This morning while I was praying, Lord Jesus came and said, “My child Valentina, I want you to honour My Precious Blood in this month of July. You will console Me, and you will benefit by doing so, and tell all My faithful children to do the same.”

“Ask Me to cover you with My Precious Blood, in these critical times that you are all going through. Even the Coronavirus I can stop if you pray daily. But I tell you, the governments and society place so much fear and pressure on all the people.”

“I want you to offer Me all your suffering that you all go through, especially not attending the Holy Masses due to the locking down of all My churches.”

Our Lord shook His Head and said, “This should not happen! This is all planned by the evil society. I want you to remain faithful to Me and to pray daily so that soon I will change things for the better. You will see!”

“Trust Me,” He said, “I, your Lord, have spoken the true Holy Word.”

I said, “Lord, please help. We love You, but we also have fear.”

He replied, “You should not have fear when you trust in Me.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus.

29 June 2021

Our Lord hears all our Prayers

Today, with the help of my friend Maria, I was answering the many email letters I receive from people reading the messages. Our Lord Jesus appeared. Smiling and, in a teasing manner, He said, “Valentina, you are very popular! You receive many emails from people, and people would love to be able to speak to you. They wish they could come to be near you to ask you for personal help and to answer their questions.”

Our Lord continued, “I Am very happy and pleased that you and Maria are helping many people. You do not know how much it means to them. Always give them hope and consolation, which they need. Also, tell people that I Am with you and Maria when answering all their questions, and I know each person and what they ask. When you offer each of them to Me, that pleases Me very much. Tell them I will answer their requests all in good time. Tell them to be patient and to trust and to pray.”

“I bless you all. Be at peace,” He said.

I said, “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being with us and for helping us.”

As much as we think that God doesn’t know about us and our problems, He is always with us, and He never abandons us; we need to trust Him. Maybe He needs some suffering from each of us that we can offer Him. Only He knows why He needs this from us. So, keep praying and trusting in our Lord, and do not fear.

29 June 2021

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul


This morning while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared looking very happy. He said, “On this Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul, it should be a very joyful day. All of Heaven is celebrating these holy Apostles that I chose on earth. And you know, they all pray for you on earth. They pray for your faith so that you will retain your faith.”


I said, “That is so beautiful that we have support from Heaven! Oh, thank you, St Peter and St Paul, and all the holy Apostles and all Heavenly people for praying for us. We appreciate this.”


I felt really good knowing Heaven is thinking of us and praying for us and that we are not alone.

27 June 2021

Lord Jesus blesses Australia and New Zealand

This morning while I was praying, Lord Jesus appeared, and He said, “My child Valentina, I come to tell you today I bless Australia and New Zealand so that they can help one another and support one another. They have a lot in common. They will become an alliance. I hope people recognise My help and My blessings and thank Me for it.”

Our Lord also mentioned the Coronavirus. He said, “Once again, I want to tell you that you live in very difficult times. So do not believe all you hear about the Coronavirus. They lie to people and put fear in them. There is only some truth, but it is not all true.”

Lord, please be merciful to all of Australia, but especially Sydney.

13 June 2021

Blessed Mother Reminds us of Her Son’s Message

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta


During Holy Mass, our Blessed Mother appeared and said, “Did you see how deeply offended is my Son? You better warn people and do what He asks.”

Blessed Mother was referring to the message from the previous day, where our Lord wants us to place the image of His Sacred Heart everywhere in public places, in shop windows. He also warns that the Chastisement is ever so near.

12 June 2021

Image of the Sacred Heart to be placed everywhere in Public Places

This morning when I said my prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared. He wore a white tunic with a red mantle. His Sacred Heart was exposed on His white tunic. With His right Hand, He pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “I come to reveal to you why I give you so much suffering lately. It is to console My Sacred Heart that is so painfully wounded because humanity offends Me so deeply. There is no remorse for their sin and evil doing. It is getting worse and worse in the world. People live so godlessly; it is paganism all over again.”

“I also come to tell you that the Chastisement is ever so near. I have no other choice but to punish the world, and you better tell the people, if they don’t change, that is upon them.”

I also want to tell you to place the image of My Sacred Heart everywhere in public places, in shop windows. Ask the permission of the owner if you can do so. Tell people that My Sacred Heart is deeply wounded, and I wish them to change and come to Me and to know Me for the salvation of their soul before I send a great Chastisement to all humanity. That is why I urge people to change and to return to God, to know Him and to love Him.”

In a vision, our Lord showed me a man, very tall and unfamiliar to me. I watched the man approach a shop window where the Sacred Heart Image was displayed. He took the Sacred Heart picture of our Lord Jesus in his hand and started ridiculing and laughing at it. I heard him say in an abusive and mocking tone, “But who is He? Why should we honour and praise Him?”

Instantly, the picture changed from the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to that of a desert. The Sacred Heart was no longer visible. Our Lord told me that this man was instantly punished; his soul became like a desert.

Our Lord said, “This is an example of just one person, but there will be many like him.”

I was so shocked and saddened at what I saw, but I could see that the man did not understand the meaning of what just happened.

Our Lord is ever so deeply saddened and offended that I felt so sad for Him. He came to warn us. Our Lord really meant what He said about the Chastisement because the world is just too sinful.

Lord, please have mercy on all humanity.


12 June 2021

Image of the Sacred Heart to be placed everywhere in Public Places

This morning when I said my prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared. He wore a white tunic with a red mantle. His Sacred Heart was exposed on His white tunic. With His right Hand, He pointed to His Sacred Heart and said, “I come to reveal to you why I give you so much suffering lately. It is to console My Sacred Heart that is so painfully wounded because humanity offends Me so deeply. There is no remorse for their sin and evil doing. It is getting worse and worse in the world. People live so godlessly; it is paganism all over again.”

“I also come to tell you that the Chastisement is ever so near. I have no other choice but to punish the world, and you better tell the people, if they don’t change, that is upon them.”

I also want to tell you to place the image of My Sacred Heart everywhere in public places, in shop windows. Ask the permission of the owner if you can do so. Tell people that My Sacred Heart is deeply wounded, and I wish them to change and come to Me and to know Me for the salvation of their soul before I send a great Chastisement to all humanity. That is why I urge people to change and to return to God, to know Him and to love Him.”

In a vision, our Lord showed me a man, very tall and unfamiliar to me. I watched the man approach a shop window where the Sacred Heart Image was displayed. He took the Sacred Heart picture of our Lord Jesus in his hand and started ridiculing and laughing at it. I heard him say in an abusive and mocking tone, “But who is He? Why should we honour and praise Him?”

Instantly, the picture changed from the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to that of a desert. The Sacred Heart was no longer visible. Our Lord told me that this man was instantly punished; his soul became like a desert.

Our Lord said, “This is an example of just one person, but there will be many like him.”

I was so shocked and saddened at what I saw, but I could see that the man did not understand the meaning of what just happened.

Our Lord is ever so deeply saddened and offended that I felt so sad for Him. He came to warn us. Our Lord really meant what He said about the Chastisement because the world is just too sinful.

Lord, please have mercy on all humanity.

10 June 2021

Not Many People ask to receive God’s Graces

When I was praying the Angelus in the morning, I suddenly found myself in Heaven, amongst a large group of angels. They all looked like children, both boys and girls, full of joy, laughter and excitement.

They spoke in unison and said, “Valentina, our Lord permits us to come to you, for you to meet us, and to know us. We are all your guardian angels.”

I said, “All of you? You’re too young to be guardian angels.”

Like children, all excited, they said, “Too young? We have the power our Lord gives us to protect you. We are always with our Lord Jesus.”

“Valentina, we have to tell you, you are a very funny person. Our Lord laughs, and we laugh at you as well,” they said.

I said, “What have I done that you laugh at me?”

They said, “You tell our Lord all kinds of things; you ask Him about things so innocently. He laughs, and because we are with Him, we laugh too.”

I said, “Okay, I am funny, but the Blessed Mother told us that we need to pray. There is no time to be funny.”

They even laughed more, like little children, when I responded to them. They said, “Come and see something beautiful that we will show you.”

We left the building we were in, went down a slight slope, and entered another building nearby. We found ourselves inside a room. There I could see small square images, made of rigid material all aglow, with three little lights on each of them. The lights were in a straight row. There were many of these little images. I picked up one of them and put it back, asking the angels, “What is this?”

They answered, “This is the Grace of God given to people when they merit the grace on earth, but today, not many people ask to receive these graces, so they just remain there waiting for people on earth to ask for them.”

We then moved further on to another room, where I could see a nursery, all in a deep pink colour. It was breathtakingly beautiful. In this room, there were all kinds of baby clothing and other items such as blankets, baby wraps and the like, all neatly folded on shelves, such a beautiful display.

The angels and I then moved to another room, but this one was all blue and white with baby clothing and neatly folded items on shelves, similar to the previous room.

The angels said, “So, you can see by what we show you, everything is in perfection and reality, all created by our Lord.” The angels did not explain to me who these baby clothes are for.

The angels then said, “Valentina, what we want to tell you, is that people love to have you come to their homes and for you to talk to them about the Holy Word of God. They really love you when you come to their homes, so keep doing that.”

I asked them, “How do you know all of that?”

They answered, “Because we are with you all the time.”

After this heavenly experience, I then found myself back in my room.

Lord Jesus, thank you for my guardian angels.

6 June 2021

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Angels Prostate themselves at the Consecration of the Eucharist

During the holy Mass and just before the Consecration, suddenly I could see a group of angels, all in beautiful white gowns, being led by a tall angel towards the Holy Altar. They completely encircled the Altar, and when the Priest, Father Chadi, elevated the Eucharist, they, in unison, all completely prostrated themselves, their faces right down to the ground. Such honour they gave our Lord Jesus. Oh, so beautiful.

After the Consecration of the Eucharist, the angels lifted themselves up and rose higher. I could no longer see them, although they would still be present.

6 June 2021

Feast of Corpus Christi

St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta

Today during the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared. I could see on the Holy Altar, how the Holy Eucharist was expanding so much, and from It, rays of light emanated with such brilliance, shooting beams of colour. It was so beautiful.

I said, “Oh, My Lord, You are truly present!”

Then our Lord smiled, and He said, “Valentina, do you really believe I Am holy?”

I said, “Oh yes, My Lord, you are the most Holy of all Holiness.”

He said, “You see how My Body is reflecting Holiness; because today we celebrate Corpus Christi, special graces are given to people. But I also want to remind you that I receive the most sacrilege and offence during the distribution of Holy Communion, like serving in the hand. People should not touch Me. Then receiving Me without repentance and Confession. Only a very few regularly go to Confession, and they have a true devotion to Me because they know how Holy I Am.”

“Pray for My priests, so that they will teach My people the value of the Holy Eucharist so that people will repent and confess before receiving Me,” said Lord Jesus.

Lord have mercy, and may people convert and repent of their sins.

5 June 2021

First Saturday Prayer Group

Today at our prayer group at Jan’s house, while praying the Holy Rosary, Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy appeared with our Lord Jesus Christ. She smiled and said, “My faithful children, I want to tell you how eagerly I wait for this day when you gather in this group for many years now. You are very devoted and faithful to us.”

“You have no idea how you make my Son happy. My Son Jesus delights in you, my children, and you receive many graces and blessings from Him. As a mother, I want to lament and reveal to you how much in the world today, prayer is needed for the children who are far away from God and are so sinful. The devil is leading my children astray, and he tells them that there is no God. My Son Jesus is so offended. His Sacred Heart is wounded very deeply. My faithful children, please console my Son, and tell Him that you love Him.”

Blessed Mother then looked at Jan, and asked, “Jan, can we count on you, our loving and faithful daughter? Continue to pray and to have these spiritual gatherings in your house. It means so much to us, to me and my Son.”

“Today, you all receive a very special blessing, and you all should be very proud.”

Then at the end, our Blessed Mother blessed us all. I watched as She made the Sign of the Cross with her holy hands and said, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Blessed Mother was wearing a long white tunic and a white veil coming down like our Lady of Fatima.

Thank you, Lord Jesus and Mary Most Holy. Lord Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world.

In this house, when our prayer group meets, we pray all three mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Litany of Loretto, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and many Devotions and beautiful prayers. We read a passage from the Holy Bible and a message from the blue book, the Marian Movement of Priests. Then, we consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and sing a beautiful hymn,. It is truly peaceful in this house, and we are all like a family.

4 June 2021

First Friday

The Harvest is not Complete

In the evening, when I was thanking the Lord for the day and for all the graces I receive from Him, I lamented to Him, saying, “Lord, all the bad news we hear in the world, nothing is good, and all the problems, especially with the Coronavirus and how they are bombarding us with this, and then hearing about the many problems and sickness that people around me are facing, Lord I would really like to find a little corner of the world, somewhere to hide and to be away from all of this and to stay in peace.”

Almost instantly, our Lord appeared in a beautiful white tunic with His Sacred Heart exposed.

He smiled and said, “Valentina, My child, there is no time to hide. You have to continue to preach and to teach people My Holy Word. The times are bad, but the harvest is not complete, so you can’t hide, and you can’t rest. There are many things ahead that will develop in the world. People have to know they will come to Me for the salvation of their souls.”

“Continue to proclaim My Word. I will always protect you.”

He said, “A lot of things you hear on television these days are all lies. They would like to instil fear in people.”

“Just trust in Me and continue to pray.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus.

28 May 2021

Warning given to a Man living a Sinful Life

It was about one-thirty in the morning when I started to have a lot of suffering and pain throughout my body, but most severely in my leg. I tried to pray, hoping it would go away, but it didn’t help. The pain was severe.

Suddenly, the angel came about five o’clock in the morning. I was wide awake because I could not sleep due to the pain.

The angel said, “I am the angel of the Lord. Come, I will reveal to you why you have to suffer, and our Lord wants to reveal and explain to you why you are suffering.”

Whenever the angel takes me to a particular place, I do not feel any physical suffering.

Suddenly the angel and I were standing in front of a house. The door was open, so we entered. A man inside the house approached us and immediately fell to his knees because he was aware of the angel’s presence. The angel brought the light to the man who was in the darkness.

The angel said to the man, “Our Lord will now reveal your life and show you what you have done during your life. You have led a horrible life.”

I watched how everything was thrown in front of the man; a line of briefcases, all opened and full of money.

The angel said, “You know, you have lived a life of luxury, and you know that this money did not come to you in an honest way.”

He was selfish, greedy, a womaniser, involved with drugs; he committed all kinds of sins, everything only for himself. He thought he owned the world and could do whatever he wanted.

The man said, “I left my wife, and I keep playing with other women.”

I was witnessing what the angel was showing him about his life.

I asked the angel, “Is he a soul, or is he still alive?”

The angel replied, “No, no, he is still alive, but he will probably die very soon, and not of old age. That is why I want you to see this so that you can pray for him, to help him and for his soul to be saved.”

The man was still kneeling there and watching all these articles, and other material things appear before him. He was watching all the horrible sins that he committed in his lifetime.

The angel said, “Valentina, you have permission to talk to him. Go near him and talk to him.”

I moved forward, and I stood in front of him and, in a stern voice, said, “See, look what you have done. Shame on you! Most of all, how much you offended our Lord Jesus Christ. You committed so many sins, and you hurt our Lord Jesus.”

I then slapped him across the face a couple of times and then moved back and stood next to the angel. I was a little shocked at what I had just done. I said, “Oh my God, I have never slapped anyone like that before.”

The angel said, “Don’t worry about it. Do not feel guilty. You cannot do anything unless you are given permission from Heaven. So do not feel guilty, because what you have done, he deserved it.”

I said, “But how would he know, to change and to repent?”

The angel replied, “God will especially touch his conscience so he will be aware of it, and he will feel guilty of all the bad things he has done. There are many like him in the world, and they live so dishonestly. This man will be tormented by his guilty conscience so he may repent.”

I understood that it is like a permanent imprint on his conscience, placed there by God.

The angel said, “He lives a life of luxury; he is a playboy, happy in this world and very selfish, a cheater and a liar.”

After I came back to my room, my pain began to diminish slowly.

Today in church, when I came to Holy Mass, our Lord said, “What the angel revealed to you, and the suffering I permit you to have is to console Me and to save the soul of this person who is still alive. He has a chance to repent.”

Our Lord is so kind and merciful. He does not like to punish this person, so He sends a warning. This man still has a chance to turn around and adjust his life.

Lord Jesus said, “You console Me because I Am gravely offended by what I watch and what I see.”

I said, “Lord, I am very sorry that I slapped him. I have never done that before. It’s like I go to Heaven, and I’ll start slapping people!”

Teasing me, He said, “Valentina, when you come to Heaven, no need to slap people because they are all perfect.”

The angel told me that the man we came to warn, if he does not amend his life and leave his sinful ways, he will be condemned forever.

Pray for the conversion and repentance of all the people who live sinful lives and offend God very much.

23 May 2021

Pentecost Sunday

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

During the Holy Mass, celebrated by the Bishop, our Lord Jesus appeared wearing a beautiful red tunic and a white undergarment which had a small round collar around His neck.

Our Lord said to me, “Today, offer Me all the congregation in this church, gathered around My Holy Altar, and all the bad things that have happened in this church, as I will turn them from bad to good. You will see.” Our Lord was smiling when He was telling me this. 

Our Lord said, “Pray for the world. I tell you, they are planning to start another world war. North Korea, China and Iran, are all dangerous. Even in the Middle East, there is no peace. They have stopped fighting, but there is no sure peace.”

“They just stopped, but it is not a secure peace. It can spread from the Middle East to the rest of the world. This is ever so close. Tell people to convert and to repent and to pray,” He said.

Our Lord continued, “See, the suffering that I permit you to have, it is always for the Holy Souls and to console Me. But today is the Feast of Pentecost, and a lot of souls want to go to Heaven.”

I asked our Lord, “When are You going to send the Holy Spirit to the world? Today would be the perfect day; it is the Feast of the Holy Spirit.”

Our Lord answered, “Not today. It is ever so close. I Am working on it. It will happen!”