This morning, Holy Mary appeared while I was praying the Angelus. (She is always so joyful whenever we pray the Angelus.) Holy Mary said, “My children, I come to you as a very joyful Mother to thank you with gratitude for your sacrifices and prayers which you offer to Us. The world needs so much prayer for sins and the sins that will be committed. This offends God so much.”

“I know that many of you are sick and I am very sorry for you, My children. The way of life which you lead, rushing, the food that you eat, so much poison you absorb due to the insecticides sprayed on vegetables. All this is due to the greed of producers attempting to make food grow more quickly to increase their profits. They are led by the terrible evil instilled into them by the devil who tries to infiltrate into the whole population in order to destroy you all. For this, My children, do not lose courage and trust in Me and My Son. Through prayer, we lead you to protect you from all the adversity which is upon you.”

“God is preparing a new era of peace which will come soon.”

I said, “Blessed Mother, people are so depressed that they are losing hope.” Holy Mary answered, “Be courageous, My children, do not lose hope. Jesus is victorious. His victory will be soon.”

While I was writing this message, the phone rang and I let go. Our Lord was very offended and He said, “My child, I did not dismiss you.” I should have ignored it and put Our Lord first. Lord, have mercy on us. Always the devil tries to lead us, and we abandon all to obey the prompting.

18th SEPTEMBER, 2005

Blessed Mother appeared smiling and said, “I thank you for your trust in Us and asking Us to help you. I will tell you a little secret. When we were living on earth in a cobbity house in Nazareth, My Son and I like to be reminded of it. Also, My children, we like you to remember Us as Wt used to live as a Holy Family. Ask in your petitions for whatever you pray, say, ‘Lord, as the little infant Jesus, hear my prayer and answer my petition.'”

Holy Mary smiled and said, “He always hears the prayer and answers it.”
Thankyou, Lord Jesus. Thankyou, Blessed Mother. Thankyou, St. Joseph. In gratitude I like to thank the Holy Family.

17th SEPTEMBER, 2005

Morning. Our Lord said, “I come to remind you, My children, of the danger which is upon you.”

A vision appeared to me. It was a spectacular and very beautiful sight. The sky was like a huge dome, ultramarine blue in colour, full of silver and white stars. I noticed a huge shooting star, very enormous, surrounded by a shower of smaller shooting stars, coming down very fast toward the earth. It was amazing to see. “What a view”, I said to myself, “the astronomers would be very happy to see what I see. It is like a show, but I wonder what it all represents?”

Suddenly, Our Lord was present and He said, “You admire My creation and you are overjoyed at what is in the universe. My child, this is only a small part that you see. One day all that is hidden from human eye will be revealed to you all, but this will not be revealed to you here in this life, but in My holy presence in the next life that is to come as a surprise. My child, what you see is not a shooting star but a great big comet, surrounded by many smaller comets which are all pointed towards earth. I tell you, not in the too distant future they will collide on earth and cause a terrible destruction and will take many lives. The scientists know a little about this comet but they are silent. They don’t want the people to panic.”

Our Lord also said, “My children, I also want to remind you that your glaciers are fast melting. That is another danger of the rising seawater that will cover a large area of habitation. My child, who is to blame for all this? Tell Me.”

He looked at me and said, “Ignorance of mankind and greed that causes the environmental collapse. Man play god on this planet, not real god. Now you will understand better why I, your Lord, am so sad and offended. My heart is broken to be under man’s feet and they trample Me. I tell you, man cannot solve the problems of this earth, they only destroy it. Is it not My love and mercy which keeps you all safe and I continuously come to warn you of all danger which is upon you all. Only My flowing love will heal you. Pray, My children. Pray to obtain mercy for this world.”

Thankyou, sweet Jesus, my Lord. Have mercy on us and protect us.

5th September, 2005

In the morning during prayers, I prayed for the people of America. An Angel appeared. He said, “The Lord has sent me to explain and show things to you and tell you how slow the world’s governments respond to tragedies.” In a moment, the Angel showed me a huge long table set with a very rich variety of food, similar to a smorgasbord, but with all the good delicacies imaginable. There were some people seated here and there, enjoying the feast. I thought, ‘what does all this mean?’

The Angel said, “Wait and see!” looking very serious. Suddenly, President Bush and his family appeared. His wife sat at the table, filled a plate, and began eating very fast, not looking to the left or right. On the other side of the table were standing the President, his daughter and another woman who I didn’t recognise. They were all very well dressed. I said to the Angel, “Isn’t she pretty, the President’s daughter. She looks like her mum.” The President turned away for an instant and then he came back, ran to the table and without seating himself, he started grabbing handfuls of food and pushing it into his mouth with his hands. I spoke to the Angel, “Oh, these people are hungry. They need a lot of prayer.” The Angel turned and said, “Oh! Yes, they need more than prayer. Don’t you understand what all this means and represents? The table full of food, nothing missing, with people who are rich eating and enjoying themselves, thinking only of themselves and not a thought for the poor. See, the President is grabbing only for himself, not considering those who are in so much need. Their action is very slow to respond to the poor. God sees differently. He will expect these people to account for all the wrong they are doing.”

This vision appears to me to be on a parallel with the parable in the Bible of Lazarus waiting at the door of the rich man. Lord, please have mercy and enlighten the wealthy of this world.

24th August, 2005

This morning while praying morning offerings, an Angel appeared. He said, “Pray for America. They are going to experience the biggest Hurricane they have ever experienced. This kind of storm doesn’t come very often. It only happens every 50 or 100 years. It is a deadly storm, many people will lose their lives.”

“Tell people to pray for America. God permits this to happen so people will wake up and repent. These disasters will continually unfold a1l over the world as people persistently offend God.” Lord, have mercy on us.

Blessed Mother told me that these diasters will proceed very often. They will not repair before another will follow. God is offended so much, because of the sins of the world. People must repent, wake up and turn away from their sinful ways.

Valentinas’ note: This is a particularly urgent message, regrettably the reason it took longer then had been hoped to pass on this message is because the lady who types up the messages I receive has been away.

23rd August, 2005

In a mysterious way I was prevented from catching the intended bus (which went straight past me) and I changed direction, as if being led, and caught the next bus in to Parramatta Cathedral in time for Holy Mass.

During Holy Communion, I prayed, “O Lord, this is where You lead me, now I understand.” He replied, “Come, O come to Me. To overcome all these trials you must come to Me, to be fed by Me, to possess the Author of life. Have a great confidence in Me.”

Earlier today, I had reprimanded my grandson for disobedience. Definitely Our Lord was showing me not to be angry but to leave our trials in His hands. He wants us to come to Him to give us strength.

22nd August, 2005


Early this morning, while praying the Creed before starting the Rosary, a beautiful vision came to me of Jesus, Mary and the Angels. Jesus was clothed in a white robe. Mary was seated, dressed in a very pale blue dress and mantle with a white veil. They were both very sad.

Blessed Mother spoke, “We are of royal descent. We could both choose to have been royalty on earth, but we chose to be poor and humble, for the poor people. My children, honour us as Heavenly King and Queen. The world offends My Son very deeply. My children, pray. There is so much prayer needed for the world to be better.”

Mary was silent then, and the Angel came forward and spoke, “I come to warn you that there will be another tsunami soon, bigger than the previous one. It will reach all the way to New Guinea and Australia. I tell you, when this will happen, people will have a different view of their lives and will try to amend them. They will have a different point of view of their lives and they will know that God is offended for He sends this punishment to them.”

In a vision the Angel showed me a lot of very high waves, filled with debris. I was shocked and said, “Oh no, not again, another tsunami! The poor people!” The Angel looked at me very seriously when I spoke this way, He said, “Always say, let it be the will of God. You saw how sad were Our Lord and Queen. This is a warning ahead of time so that people can pray.”

I prayed after the Angel had left me. I prayed, “Lord, I place all in Your Almighty Holy Hands. Still, I would like to be sure that this message is from You.” Instantly, Our Lord appeared, smiling, and He said, “Yes, this is confirmed. Write it down.”

Lord, have mercy on us.
Holy Queen of Heaven, pray for us.

15th August, 2005


Our Lady spoke, “My child, rejoice and be happy for your Mother. She went body and soul into Heaven.”

“When I arrived into Heaven there was much rejoicing amongst the Heavenly beings on My arrival. Every year, on this day when you celebrate this feast on earth, it is repeated in Heaven the same way as on My first arrival.”
“My children, when My Son was crucified on earth, so was I crucified, spiritually, with sorrow and pain in My heart to see My Son suffering in agony.”

“Why I was crucified with My Son was for a very good reason. See, My daughter, I am between Heaven, earth and Purgatory. Continuously I am suffering for you all, My children, and bring you to My Son for your salvation. Many times I save you from tragedies to spare you all. So little gratitude is given to Me and My Son, but you, My children, devotee and consecrated to My Immaculate Heart help Me to save humanity from this evil adversity.”

“Continuously help Me so that My Immaculate Heart will achieve peace and love amongst all humanity. My children, I am the Mother of Hope. My Son will soon be recognised and loved by all hearts. I love you and bless you on this very special feast of the Assumption.”

When Our Blessed Mother was speaking to me, She showed me herself stretched on a cross. This represented that She is crucified and suffering for us.

14 August 2005 (previously unpublished)

14 August 2005 (previously unpublished)

Holy Angels carry beautiful golden Ciborium

This night, like almost any other night, I was in deep physical pain.

I knew that our Lord needed my suffering to save souls. Apart from my physical suffering I was tormented by the devil. These ugly faces kept appearing in front of me and tormenting me.


I kept calling Holy Michael the Archangel to help me. Finally, after at least four hours all the demons left.

I then started to pray, but even my prayer was not good enough because I was still in intense pain, all over my body. I felt like I was going to die.

I said to the Lord, “I cannot even go to church this morning.” It was Sunday morning.


I said, “Please, my Lord, ask the holy Angel to bring me Holy Communion spiritually, if it is Your Holy Will.”


Suddenly, two angels came carrying a beautiful golden ciborium. Inside I could see white Hosts. The angels stood in front of me and I kneeled down. They asked me to say the Act of Contrition. When I finished, the angel placed the Holy Host on my tongue and I started to cry. I was crying tears of gratitude. I was so happy. The love of Jesus filled my soul and I thanked Him very much.


It was so real, the Host on my tongue. Both angels said to me, in a serious tone, “Why are you crying, you should be very grateful to God for His goodness”.


I said, “That is why I am crying. I am overwhelmed. I am thinking, our Lord is so good to me, that is why I am crying. I am nothing and the Lord is so kind to come to me.”

The angels are always very serious about telling us what to do, because they are obedient to God.


While the angels were talking to me our Lord Jesus was standing to my right. He placed His Holy Hand on my right shoulder and He was consoling me. I felt so much love and goodness coming from Him by comforting me, that I cannot explain.


Lord Jesus, in His goodness and kindness, offers consolations. Whatever we are feeling emotionally inside, our Lord can feel that as well. It is beyond our human understanding how He can feel everything we feel.


Today I lamented to the Lord, “Nothing went right, only disappointments. Why am I always last?” I was thinking in my human way.


Our Lord replied immediately, “My child, don’t question, just accept whatever comes to you. You will know one day why. Not here, but in My Holy Presence you will receive the answers and you will be very grateful, for I love you so much and you will praise Me for everything.”


I said, “Thank you Lord for all your graces and blessings, love and mercy.”

24th JULY, 2005

This morning, while praying, I saw a vision of Our Lord crucified. He spoke, “Think of My agony in My crucifixion. How much I Suffer! Do not let a day go by without meditating on My Passion and Crucifixion.”

“My child, I want you to tell people to place a crucifix above the entry doors and within their homes. There are so many dark forces within the world now and you need My protection. When you look at My cross, it will remind you of My agony and suffering and also it will tell you how much I love you and died for all of you.”

“Tell them if they obey My instruction it will protect their families and homes.” I said, “My crucified Lord, I love You.”

He answered, “My child, repeat this word often, it pleases Me very much.

22nd JULY, 2005

Very early in the morning. I was feeling very anxious when I awoke and started praying but could not find peace. I said to myself, “Well, Lord, I hand it all to You because You know everything. Please, help me!”

A few minutes later, a flash of light came over the room. Within the light, I saw an arched wooden door, similar to a Gothic design. Suddenly, the door opened. I could see Our Lord within a small room, seated on a chair all by Himself, clothed in His burgundy robes.

He smiled and said, “I was waiting for you to open this door and to come to Me. This is like you enter into My Sacred Heart. See, My child, so intimate a relationship we have. Just you and Me. Every pulse of your heart and Mine is beating with love. So much grace and intimate love comes from My Heart into yours. Tell all My children I am always waiting for each one to come to Me to accept them into My Sacred Heeart to help them and console them.”

Thankyou, Lord, that You graciously receive us in Your Sacred Heart. Have mercy on us.

10th JULY, 2005

This morning while praying, Our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Peace be with you, My child, Shalom, Shalom,” and smiled, “Pray more for peace. People must pray for peace in this unstable world, full of malice, hate, corruption and killing. How sad it makes Me to see this world that is constantly shedding blood of innocent people. My teaching to you all is peace and love that I want from you people. But of course, so few pray for peace. Everyone is so worldly and greedy in a material welfare, just what they see in front of them, enjoyment, partying and entertainments to have a good time.”

“You know, My child, rich people invite the rich to their parties, they like to show off how good they are. Sometimes they even invite priests and bishops to show how they can see how nice and kind they are, but they never invite poor people, because poor people will stop their enjoyment for they don’t know how to conduct themselves in that type of company. They are afraid they will spoil their enjoyment. What hypocrites they are!”

“They talk amongst themselves and say to one another, ‘We are religious, we go to church’. These people like to be praised and first in everything. They are like the pharisees in the synagogue, well dressed, eating and drinking, thinking only of themselves. I tell you, one day, all this enjoyment and vanity will one day turn to sour and sadness.”

“My teaching is true word and My justice is unchanging unless these people change. I cannot accept falsehood and hypocrisy. Those who are last will be first, and those who are first will be last. My teaching is always the same. Blessed are the poor in spirit, Blessed are the hungry, for they shall have everything. They will have a full banquet in My Kingdom and will sit at My table.”

“Valentina, teach the people My Holy Word that I give you. I Bless everyone who has a true and humble heart and I live in them.”
Our Lord then said, “Every person in the world has the right to live, even the poor, whom nobody likes.”

I looked up at Our Lord and said, “My Lord, I am one of them.”
At that moment, Our Lord smiled and came close to me and embraced me. He whispered, “You are very rich, My child, for we share the same pain. We are one.”

I kissed Our Lord on His cheek and thanked Him for all His goodness and teaching, but most of all I consoled Him. Then He said, “My pain is unbearable. It is like when woman is in constant period pain, which never ends. Console Me, My children. I, your Lord, love you so much.”

I cried to see Him in so much pain. Thankyou, Sweet Lord Jesus, for loving us so much. Our Lord was clothed in His deep burgundy coloured garment, with a short cape of the same colour about His shoulders. So sad is Our Lord for the world. He suffers so much.

22nd JUNE, 2005

This morning while praying to the Divine Mercy an Angel appeared.

He said, “I am the Angel of the Lord. The Lord sent me to take you with me. I will show you some churches, you will see what is going on inside them.”

“There is no more worshipping God but a market place and business to make money. They tell people to bring goods in order to raise money. There is very little spiritual benefit from the priests to the people.”

When we entered into the churches (they were all Catholic) I saw them full of objects, like potted trees and plants, banners and furniture, very messy. I could hardly discern the Holy Tabernacle as it was obscured from my view. People were buying and selling, talking in full voice. I noticed to one side, ladies were counting money and placing it in a bag, laughing while they were doing so. The Angel said to me, “Kneel down and ask in adoration to Our Lord to be merciful to them for all these wrong doings.”

I kneeled down, crying for what I had seen and experienced, then I heard a voice. It was Our Lord Jesus. He said, “My daughter, write down what you see and experience. This is reality what is happening and offends Me terribly in My Holy places which are no longer a house of prayer but a business and market. How to make money and feed greed. The devil really lives in My churches.”

“Valentina, My daughter, you carry My cross and you suffer with Me. Give warning to Bishops and Priests and tell them that I, the Lord, am not happy with what is going on in My Holy places. There will soon, be the time to account for all this wrong doing.”

“The people should be taught more holy words and spirituality which will benefit their souls when they reach eternity. Tell them that My Sacred Heart is grieving deeply. I can no longer watch these sacrilegious places.”

“Valentina, My child, don’t be afraid to speak My true holy word that I tell you. Even if they condemn you they cannot harm you. I am always with you to protect you.

All this that I saw in the churches is figuratively indicating how Our Lord sees it. All spiritual things are obscured by material things, preventing the people approaching Our Lord in prayer and confession. Churches are for spiritual benefit, not for money raising activities.

9th June, 2005

After Holy Communion and before the last blessing, I saw a vision above our priest while he was still standing at the Altar.

The Holy Spirit appeared above him in a pulsating brilliant white light, in the form of a dove. All around Him were beams of brilliant colours, as in the bright colours of an opal, shooting out in all directions.

I was filled with a wonderful feeling of happiness at this sight, and said, “Thankyou, Lord God, I cannot express my gratitude for all Your goodness and kindness You have given us.”

Our Lord answered, “You see, My child, the suffering you had for the past week bore good fruit for many souls and also you have consoled Me greatly.”

“Today you are worthy to receive a special blessing. I have shared My blessing for all My children. It was meant for you to be here today, and I was preparing you to come here today.” (I had intended to go elsewhere today).

9th June, 2005

While praying the Angelus this morning, Holy Lord Jesus spoke, “Valentina, My child, tell the people of this nation that I am willing to lay down My crown for their needs, if they will turn to Me and acknowledge that I am their Father and Creator. If they would only turn to Me and plead and put aside their pride ‘for the time being’. I am willing to listen to My fellow man, but of course they blame the environment and scientific problems as the cause of these disasters of yours, the drought and shortage of water. I wait and wait patiently and permit these punishments to fall on all humanity.”

“My Sacred Heart is deeply wounded by their pride and sinful deeds, which continuously offend Me. I am saying to My people in Heaven, ‘How long will it take them to wake up and see the truth and turn to their Father and beg Him for forgiveness and mercy for their evil doings.’

“The only consolation I receive is from My little remnant of faithful children who love Me very much. Even then when these speak the truth, they are ridiculed by others.”

“Valentina, tell the world that history repeats itself. It is now like the time of Moses, when people committed sinful pleasures collectively and they were scattered everywhere when Almighty God permitted punishment for their sin and made them wander in the desert for forty years, to make them reflect on their evil deeds.”

“So it is today, as in the time of Moses. Speak to them of the truth and defend My Holy Word. Tell My children I am always amongst you, to protect you.” As He said this, He moved His hands in an arc, making a light silvery aura around each of His faithful children as protective armour against evil. He said, “Pray to My Sacred Heart and console Me, for the world constantly grieves Me deeply.”

Thankyou, Sweet Jesus, Have mercy through Your Sacred Heart for all humanity.