15th JULY, 2006

This message was given to me for my very dear friend, from God the Father.

“(J…), My child, you have been given a very great privilege to visit

many spiritual places in Lebanon. This was a very good experience for your soul.”

“Many beautiful things you have experienced and many are still hidden from you. You accomplish a wonderful mission, touch many hearts by telling them My word and prayer.”

“People will remember you, especially now that there is a terrible war there. You must be aware that I got you and your family out before the conflict started.”

“Be grateful to Me, My children, Your Eternal Father. It was all part of My plan to bring you out to a safe place because I love you so much and bless You.”

“Pray, My children, for peace in your native land that you all love and for the people left in a terrible war.”

This is a confirmation when you are right with God, and you live in His Will, surely the Holy Spirit will guide you on the straight path of your life.

15TH JULY, 2006

This morning, while praying, I suffered severe pain in the side of my head and in my throat.

The Angel appeared to me and said, “Our Lord sends you this pain for the war which starts in Lebanon. Our Lord is very sad to see this trouble and conflict between Israel and Lebanon.”

“Many will be killed. Innocent people are crying for help. This can spread into a terrible war and will affect world economy and also the value of money. Lebanon is doomed.”

“I ask you, pray for this sad event which will affect the whole world.”

The Angel said, “How wonderful it is, and pleasant for God’s people to live together in harmony and not in hate. God sends blessing to this country and people. Pray for peace to come soon. Only God can give that Peace.” The Angel then departed.

30th JUNE, 2006

Lord Jesus said this morning while I was praying, “Take care of Me, My child. I take care of you all your life.”

“With My precious love I will never leave you.”

“Spread My blessing wherever you go among My people.”

“Many don’t know Me yet.”

“Love can go round the world and can vitalise and give unseen joy and power.”

“Tell them how I love them. Don’t be shy. How this unseen love can put joy and happiness in everyone’s heart.”

“My Sacred Heart is a fountain of unending love that never ends for all My children.”

“The hate and the wars and all evil can be changed to this wonderful love that I give you.”

“All things are possible with God.”

“Be compassionate to sinners, to the sick, give them courage and hope.”

“Help Me to save souls. Console them and speak of My infinite love.”

“Tell them to come to Me to be nourished and tell them of My love and mercy.”

Help us Lord Jesus, to give us courage and to teach us to love You.

24th June, 2006


This morning, while praying, our Blessed Mother appeared and spoke to me, “May Jesus be praised and adored in His Most Sacred Heart. My daughter, console and love Jesus.”

“Jesus is very much sad and offended in nearly everything that exists in this world. People lose their sense of respect toward God and themselves.”

“God is love, My children, and wishes that you all love and respect His law which He gave to you, but people make their own law to suit them better and to live in pleasure, sin and material goods and greed.”

Our Holy Mother then said, “How I beg you, My children, to change, to pray and to convert, but you don’t listen.”

She then became sad, and said, “I have to tell you very sad news. Russia is infected with terrible disease and incurable sickness with aids and prostate cancer. So much it is spreading very quickly. It is an epidemic, but Russia tries to keep it secret from the rest of the world.”
“See, My daughter, why I cry for My poor and sinful children, because they offend God terribly and deny Him.”

“This is a plague that falls on the nation and is worse than a natural disaster, like earthquake and floods which sweeps thousands of people away. Many will die and be killed from these diseases. Even little children.”

“Every nation receives its own punishment according to the sin they commit that offends God. This can spread throughout Europe and other parts.”

“Pray, pray, My children, console Our Hearts. They are continuously and shamefully offended. I bless you, My child, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.”

20th June, 2006

The Angels came and taught me this prayer for all the children on earth.
This is the way we should praise our Lord every day : –

“We love and adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus everywhere. We thank God for the earth and the nature that He created. We thank God and praise Him for Heaven. Amen.”

As the Angels sang this prayer, they prostrated themselves in thanksgiving right down low.

Quickly they rose up, looking up toward Heaven, and then started singing in a beautiful Heavenly melody again, over and over.

18th JUNE, 2006


In St Margaret Mary’s Church, during the Mass.

I had a vision of an Altar. On it I saw a gold paten and chalice. The celebrant was tall with dark hair. His vestments were so beautiful and white. The chasuble was embroidered with colours in the form of a cross entwined with the vine of the grape and ears of wheat.

When he consecrated the Host, it appeared as white with pink in the centre, which I understood, was the Blood of our Lord. He took the Ciborium and lifted with his hand the Hosts and placed them in the paten.

As he was doing this, particles and some Hosts dropped from his hand and flew onto the corporal beneath. He picked up the Hosts and placed them on the paten.

The Angel who was present and watching the Priest’s actions was very annoyed.

Then our Lord spoke, “See, My child. In the past, the Pastors who served Me were so careful not to drop the Host or to be negligent. They were very careful. With great care they handled Me. They were very careful with My Precious Body and Blood. All that has changed. Not much value or reverence is put into the celebration of Holy Communion.”

“Some Priests still do, others don’t. How they offend Me. Everyone handles Me. Things will grow worse before they will change. Console Me for this great blasphemy and sacrilege that I, Your Lord, see in your churches.”

Lord I do offer everything to You, for I know it is best for me and others who love You.

13th June, 2006

At night, at home, while saying evening prayers, our Blessed Mother came, gently smiling.

She said, “Pray, My child, soon some big event will happen.”

I answered, “My Mother, something nice and good, or perhaps a miracle?”

She smiled, looking at me saying, “Not a miracle.”

“Some sad event will occur in the world very soon. Increase your prayer, My children.”

No date

A vision, like a church, came to me while praying. In this vision, I saw an Angel coming towards me while I was kneeling. He was dressed in white. He said, “Come, I will show you and take you with me so God the Father will explain things to you that you don’t understand as yet.”

In an instant, I was in a beautiful garden. God the Father approached me and then seated Himself. He smiled and said, “Kneel down. My child, you are in My Holy Presence.”

When I kneeled down, He said to me, “I will explain things to you about the Holy Eucharist. Before you come to receive the Holy Eucharist, you must repent and be very sorry and say an act of contrition for your sin. (I understood that this was to be done directly after saying the Lamb of God prayer) I want you to explain all of this to others.”

I noticed a small table standing near the Eternal Father. The Angel standing beside Him went and brought back a little silver paten. When he placed it on the table, it appeared to have a beautiful spoon with a long handle with a cross on it. The cross was decorated with tiny white roses and green leaves.

Our Eternal Father stood and picked up the spoon. Then He said, “Now, My child, I want you to say a long act of contrition before I nourish you with Holy Communion.”

He scooped more than one of the Hosts and placed them on my tongue, repeating this three times.

The Holy Communion doesn’t only mean a spiritual communion with our Lord but also represents sharing the word of God to others, providing energy and strength in order to pass on to others, to nourish them also. It is most important to have repentance for sin before receiving the Holy Eucharist.

I was overwhelmed by this experience, by the perfection and beauty of all I had just seen.

5th June, 2006

Our Lord appeared and said, “Peace be with you. I am still very offended by this movie which is showing around the world, and they try to convince people that all these lies are true. They also encourage the young generation to see all kinds of impure and sinful movies. They offend Me in a very shameful way.”

He looked at me and said, “How can I watch all this that the world is really truly sinking into the darkness of sin? Do you know, My child, that My anger is great? I can command in an instant and swirl round My finger and disintegrate everything down into nothing, but My love and My mercy will not permit Me to do this, and My Beloved Mother, Mary Most Holy restrains Me and begs Me not to do it. My little children, pray to Me and console Me.”

“I give them all kinds of signs to wake up and to change, but everything they twist round and ignore the signs and have things as it suits them.”

“My children, thank My Mother everyday for she prays so earnestly for you all.”

3rd June, 2006

Our Lord keeps telling me during the past week, “For a long time you have had a draught and very little rain. Valentina, very soon I will open Heaven and pour so much water down that your rivers will not be able to swallow it. Then the scientists can see that it is not science that predicts the weather.”

“It is 1, the Lord, who controls all the weather. Only I can command and permit it to be My will, not scientifically made by men.”

“Only the good and humble people will praise Me and understand that it is I, Your good Lord, who has done this, but still they will find an excuse by finding ‘global predictions.’ “

“Many different signs will be given to the world to repent and to open their eyes to see that everything is not all right. That it is not as it used to be. These are signs that I give for the end times. Many things are coming your way, especially weatherwise.”
‘End times,’ means that time will end as we know it. We are being given the chance to repent and amend our lives to be in a state of grace when we come before our God and creator.

Lord have mercy and send the Holy Spirit to change us all.

2nd June, 2006

This morning an Angel appeared to me and said, “The Lord sent me to tell you that the group you associate with and that help you, they are very spiritual and very strong in faith.”

“You need to be strong these days when everything around you is negative. Give courage to people. This pleases our Lord very much.”

I thank everyone, all over the world, whoever participates in this Holy work and encourage others to have faith and be strong.

May the Lord bless you all in many ways.

1st June, 2006

Our Lord appeared to me this morning. He said, “Adore My Sacred Hemi, My child, and console Me, for so many people cause Me grieving and pain and they are so ungrateful. They don’t want to come to Me, to know Me and to love Me. I wait and wait and so few respond. Tell them how much I have to offer them and to love them in return.”

“How can I convince people to turn to Me, to look around and see the trouble that is in the world?”

“The world is in terrible chaos. The devil lights the spark and starts war and hate everywhere. Right now it is very close to this country of Australia. The soldiers sent in various countries from Australia, try to put peace among people but the violence continues. You must all pray for peace in these countries.”

“The majority of the people living there are very poor, and struggle to survive but there is no justice and stability. The leaders only care for the rich to benefit themselves. When the people see the imbalance, then revolutions start.”

“I, the Lord, suffer to see all this injustice in the world. Rich nations should come to the aid of other countries to help them improve.”

28th May, 2006

In St Margaret Mary’s Church, Merrylands. After receiving Holy Communion, I kneeled in thanksgiving to our Lord. I said, “Here is Your little nothing, Your little sinner, Have mercy on me.”

Instantly our Lord Jesus told me, “My child, each time you receive Me in Holy Communion and you swallow Me, you see, we become one body. So intimate we are. This is the most precious moment in your life here on earth until we meet in Heaven and be united forever.”

Tears were running down my cheeks as our Lord told me this, I was so overcome with emotion.

Then He said, “Cherish this precious moment, and be always truthful to Me, for I love you so much.” In such intimacy He spoke to me.

Always try to receive Holy Communion with humility and with a pure heart. Our Lord teaches us how intimate we are with Him, one body. How precious is the moment when He comes to us and heals us, wretched as we are. We should constantly praise Him with love and thanksgiving.

Thankyou, my Lord, my God, my teacher and my all. Have mercy on us.

22nd May, 2006

This morning, during prayers, I had a vision of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
The Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus in Her arms and St. Joseph. Jesus was clothed in a blue nightgown.

Holy Mary placed Jesus in my arms and said, “We come to you as a Holy Family because you honour us every day so beautifully in your prayers.” The little Infant Jesus was so happy, smiling. I kept hugging Him and He put His little arm around my neck. I had such a joyful and happy feeling.

Blessed Mother then spoke, “We come to you to tell you that people are sinking deeper and deeper into an abyss of sin. No one seems to care much to change. This offends us very much. The way the world leads into terrible destruction.”

As She was speaking St Joseph stood near Her, looking very sad and serious.
Holy Mary said, “I try My best. I was sent into the world to tell people to repent and convert and come back to God, but so little I have achieved. No one seems to take notice of this or to understand that I want good for My children to come closer to My Son. After all it is for their own good and salvation to be saved.”

St Joseph spoke to me, “How many centuries and years have passed by since my chaste and pure spouse was sent to all parts of the world to tell people to convert. She taught them to pray, to convert and to find their way back to God. She led them to church to listen to the word of God, but so little She achieved. People don’t want to listen and to change. They like to have a good and comfortable life. Where would that lead you but to self-destruction and a big chastisement which is above you all. “

Most Holy Family of Nazareth, help us to be with you always.
Never lose faith and hope.

18th May, 2006

I had to run and hurry to Mass this day. I had asked our Lord for help, but none was offered to me and I arrived at the church hot and out of breath.

Our Lord spoke to me, “Aren’t you going to thank Me for being here?

I said, “Lord, I do thank You for the grace You have given me for being here.”
He answered, “My child, will you permit Me to use the sacrifice which you have just done? It is to console Me for this movie, ‘Da Vinci code’, which is showing all over the world. Shamefully, they expose Me with these false stories. They crucify Me all over again.”

He was so sad, I saw tears in His eyes, “My child, please console Me and defend Me. You don’t believe these stories do you, which they make up, spreading poison all over the world?”

I said, “Never Lord, I would never believe such a lying story, ridiculing You.”
Our Lord said, “Ask people to pray for the intention of stopping this false story.”
Please console and support our Lord.