25th SEPTEMBER, 2006

Our Lord appeared to me while I was praying. He greeted me, “Peace be with you, Valentina.”

I felt so much love and joy at this, I cannot express the way I felt.

Jesus said, “Tell people I am still knocking on the door of their hearts, hoping they will invite Me in, but so little I achieve. Human hearts are very hard to open and too preoccupied with worldly goods and desires. Some people open their hearts and for a while they stay with Me but something else comes along and they abandon Me again and My Heart breaks.”

He looked at me and said, “Valentina, don’t drift away from Me, you would wound My Heart.”

This is how our Lord feels when we leave Him. We cause Him grief and sadness.
Lord, give us the strength to always love You and to be near You.

24th SEPTEMBER, 2006

Inside church, before Mass. I had a vision of an Altar and Priest who was setting up before Mass. The next minute the Priest had been replaced by Jesus Himself. Our Lord began saying the Mass. Then I saw a crowd of people forming the congregation. They were noisily joining in with the words, which Jesus was saying. The sound of the people became louder and louder, until I could hardly hear Jesus.

He stopped and looked at the people, placing His Holy hands flat on the Altar. Then He started again, proceeding with the prayer of the Mass. The people started repeating the prayers with Him again, even louder than before. He stopped and became very sad, even emotional. It appeared that the people were saying the Mass instead of Him, very proudly instead of humbly.

He said, “This is happening in many churches, My child, people don’t respect My Holy Presence during the celebration of the Mass. There is no more reverence or silence. Everyone wants to be important. They sacrilege My Holy Word, they mock Me and blaspheme Me.”

“I Myself, I am Eternal Priest at the High and Holy Altar. Please tell Priests to tell the people to have Holy reverence for Me during the Mass and not to repeat what the Priest is saying.”

“I am truly present on the Altar and wish to be very highly honoured with silence and reverence. My Sacred Heart bleeds because of these offences. It has never happened like this before in the past. People were very reverent and humble. There is too much noise and talk inside the church. The devil is really confusing everyone. To follow the Mass you must all listen and absorb and be grateful that you are present.”

“Remember, My children, I died for you all on the Cross. Remember, you are all sinners and that I forgive you and wash you of your sin each time with My Precious Blood.”

Lord Jesus, the Eternal Priest, have mercy on us.


Blessed Mother appeared to me today.

She said, “I come to you as Our Lady of Sorrows, not only beneath the Cross of My Son but also the Mother of Sorrows for My poor children today in the world. There is a lot of suffering and My sorrow increases when I see so many of My poor children hungry, being persecuted and dying. There is no justice in the world, only hate and no love.”

“Again I plead with you, My children, to pray for these poor countries so that God will stop all this suffering and send peace to the world.”

She looked at me, and appeared a little more cheerful and said, “My daughter, the world will not come better so quickly, because people do not want to change. It is a very slow progress. For this reason it will take longer, then God will send peace to the world.”

5th SEPTEMBER, 2006

Today, when I received Holy Communion and was praying thanksgiving, our Lord spoke to me.

Our Lord Jesus said, “Offer Me back that which you have received, to Me and console Me, as the world offends Me so much. My agony increases because it is as though wolves attack Me and crucify Me over again, so sinful is the world, for they continuously deny Me as if I don’t exist. Lead them under My cross so I can be merciful to them.”

In a vision I saw Jesus in agony. His face was injured and bleeding, covered in scratches and swollen bruises. How much we offend God daily with our sinfulness.
Please console our Lord.

3rd SEPTEMBER, 2006

I have been attacked by the evil spirit lately, especially at night time. I called to the Blessed Mother and St Michael to protect me.

Holy Mary came to my aid and told me to pray, “Go from one prayer to another. Don’t allow or leave any empty space between so he won’t have a chance to come and torment you.”

So I did what r was told, and it worked beautifully. I thanked the Holy Mother of God so much and felt very peaceful.
She told me, “People give too much space and time to the devil. That is why he controls everyone in the world, and causes lots of unhappiness in the family. People must go back to the old ways and pray the Holy Rosary. This is the most powerful prayer which the devil hates.”

The Blessed Mother smiled, blessed me and departed. I felt good after all the fear had left me.

Thankyou, my beautiful Mother, Mary most Holy.

Evil cannot be overcome by evil. Evil can only be overcome by good and prayer.

3rd SEPTEMBER, 2006

Our Lord Jesus said to me today, “Peace be with you, My child.”

“My children, you are passing through a very dark period now. See many disasters and wars are breaking out in many parts of the world. Terrorists are threatening and preparing to destroy and kill.”

“I tell you, they are breeding in nearly every country. You can never be sure when they strike, but My children, you don’t take much notice of My warnings.”

“Instead, you ridicule My word. My warnings to you are all of conversion and prayer. Many lives are taken unexpectedly from the world. People are not ready to meet Me. People think – ‘it cannot happen to me.”

“My children, go often to confession. Live your lives pure and in a state of grace.”

28th AUGUST, 2006

In the morning during prayers, our Lord spoke to me, “Valentina, trust Me with My work. Don’t be afraid. I am the one who guides you and tells you what to do. I am your teacher, your Lord, Jesus Christ, your God and your life. Don’t listen to anyone. They cannot harm you.”

Our Lord then asked me, “Do you believe in My Resurrection?”

I answered, “Yes, my Lord, I always believed, since my childhood, in Y our Resurrection.”

He then said, “Then you know that I am capable of doing anything I want. Even judging those who contradict My word and ridicule Me.”

Lord Jesus was very firm, speaking these Holy words.

Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus.

15th AUGUST, 2006


St Raphael’s Church, Merrylands.
The Blessed Mother appeared and said, “My children, you all celebrate the very special feast of My Assumption. You think of Me in a very special way as the Celestial Mother when I ascended, body and soul, into Heaven.”

“The whole of Heaven is rejoicing and singing in the most beautiful melodies, praising My Son Jesus for the Mother who He gave for all humanity.”

“I am the Mother to you all who cares very much for Her children on earth and in Purgatory until they reach Heaven. I constantly beg and intercede on your behalf. Have I ever left you or abandoned you as orphans?”

“How I cry when you don’t listen and you choose the wrong path in your life, and you are misled by the devil with too much worldly entertainments and attachments which harm your souls.”

“Pray, My children. Pray especially for young people. How they offend God. Pray for peace in the world. Pray for the Middle East peace, which is very fragile. There, My children, there is so much to pray for, do not waste your precious time.”

Thankyou, Holy Mary, for Your prayers and encouragement.

31st JULY, 2006

During morning prayer, our Lord appeared to me, seated upon His throne. He was clothed in a pale gold robe with a deep red mantle about His holy shoulders.

He said, “Valentina, tell people that I am very sad for all the injustice which is committed in the world, so much they offend Me. I can no longer watch the sinful corrupted and greedy world. Everyone cares for their own interest, even to kill and start wars.”

“Who suffers are the innocent people, especially the children. My Heart aches and it grieves Me to see so much blood shed. The earth is saturated with so much blood being spilt.”

“If it was not for the elect who pray to Me and console Me, I would have already punished the world severely, but tell people I am seated on My judgement seat and have started judging the world.”

“Look to My Sacred Heart and console Me, and pray for My mercy.”

The colour red, which our Lord wears, represents victory including His suffering on the Cross and denoting His Precious Blood.

23rd JULY, 2006

Our Lord said to me today as I prayed, “Walk with Me, My child, let nothing of this world trouble you, of all that you hear and see, for these things are bound to happen while man in his power commands the evil act.”

“It is bound to happen and it is reality. Man wants wars and destruction. He wants to achieve, no matter how much he destroys and kills. In all costs, he wants to be victorious.”

“My children, look to Me. All your thoughts are God inspired and act in them. They are not yours but Mine. Obey all My will, and they will bring you an answer to your prayers. I am your guide. To love and trust Me let your heart be peaceful, then I can act with My spirit power.”

“Pray for this troubled world and all the innocent people who suffer in it. They are scattered everywhere.”

“Console Me, My child. I do suffer to see all the injustice in these wars.”

19TH JULY, 2006

This morning during prayers I recited the Creed, then our Eternal Father appeared to me.

He said, “’My daughter, I come to tell you that I am very sad to see that now there is war between Lebanon and Israel. There is so much hate between them. This war was planned to happen for a long time. It was built on evil and hate.”

I was shown a vision of darkness, of black bat-like creatures hovering and quivering above the war zone.

Our Eternal Father then said, “’I show you this vision, My daughter. When such things come about and happen, people stop praying because they are angry with everything, even towards Me. Why it happened? There is a reason for everything, My children. Even to bring people to their knees for their repentance and to humble themselves.”

“I tell you, it needs a lot of prayers to stop this war and to come to terms for peace. Many people are running low on food, some have just for one more meal. I am very concerned for these poor children.”

“’Pray very much, so we together can beat this evil away so peace can come soon.”

Thankyou, Heavenly Father and our Creator.

15th JULY, 2006

This message was given to me for my very dear friend, from God the Father.

“(J…), My child, you have been given a very great privilege to visit

many spiritual places in Lebanon. This was a very good experience for your soul.”

“Many beautiful things you have experienced and many are still hidden from you. You accomplish a wonderful mission, touch many hearts by telling them My word and prayer.”

“People will remember you, especially now that there is a terrible war there. You must be aware that I got you and your family out before the conflict started.”

“Be grateful to Me, My children, Your Eternal Father. It was all part of My plan to bring you out to a safe place because I love you so much and bless You.”

“Pray, My children, for peace in your native land that you all love and for the people left in a terrible war.”

This is a confirmation when you are right with God, and you live in His Will, surely the Holy Spirit will guide you on the straight path of your life.

15TH JULY, 2006

This morning, while praying, I suffered severe pain in the side of my head and in my throat.

The Angel appeared to me and said, “Our Lord sends you this pain for the war which starts in Lebanon. Our Lord is very sad to see this trouble and conflict between Israel and Lebanon.”

“Many will be killed. Innocent people are crying for help. This can spread into a terrible war and will affect world economy and also the value of money. Lebanon is doomed.”

“I ask you, pray for this sad event which will affect the whole world.”

The Angel said, “How wonderful it is, and pleasant for God’s people to live together in harmony and not in hate. God sends blessing to this country and people. Pray for peace to come soon. Only God can give that Peace.” The Angel then departed.

30th JUNE, 2006

Lord Jesus said this morning while I was praying, “Take care of Me, My child. I take care of you all your life.”

“With My precious love I will never leave you.”

“Spread My blessing wherever you go among My people.”

“Many don’t know Me yet.”

“Love can go round the world and can vitalise and give unseen joy and power.”

“Tell them how I love them. Don’t be shy. How this unseen love can put joy and happiness in everyone’s heart.”

“My Sacred Heart is a fountain of unending love that never ends for all My children.”

“The hate and the wars and all evil can be changed to this wonderful love that I give you.”

“All things are possible with God.”

“Be compassionate to sinners, to the sick, give them courage and hope.”

“Help Me to save souls. Console them and speak of My infinite love.”

“Tell them to come to Me to be nourished and tell them of My love and mercy.”

Help us Lord Jesus, to give us courage and to teach us to love You.

24th June, 2006


This morning, while praying, our Blessed Mother appeared and spoke to me, “May Jesus be praised and adored in His Most Sacred Heart. My daughter, console and love Jesus.”

“Jesus is very much sad and offended in nearly everything that exists in this world. People lose their sense of respect toward God and themselves.”

“God is love, My children, and wishes that you all love and respect His law which He gave to you, but people make their own law to suit them better and to live in pleasure, sin and material goods and greed.”

Our Holy Mother then said, “How I beg you, My children, to change, to pray and to convert, but you don’t listen.”

She then became sad, and said, “I have to tell you very sad news. Russia is infected with terrible disease and incurable sickness with aids and prostate cancer. So much it is spreading very quickly. It is an epidemic, but Russia tries to keep it secret from the rest of the world.”
“See, My daughter, why I cry for My poor and sinful children, because they offend God terribly and deny Him.”

“This is a plague that falls on the nation and is worse than a natural disaster, like earthquake and floods which sweeps thousands of people away. Many will die and be killed from these diseases. Even little children.”

“Every nation receives its own punishment according to the sin they commit that offends God. This can spread throughout Europe and other parts.”

“Pray, pray, My children, console Our Hearts. They are continuously and shamefully offended. I bless you, My child, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.”